If You Don’t Have The Gonads – Step Aside


Nowhere Does It Say . . . In Government We Trust – And Certainly Never In Politicians We Trust.

In The United States Of AmericaIt’s . . . “In God We Trust” PLUS “Life, Liberty & The Pursuit Of Happiness”, which are the Hallmarks of American Freedom. In Canada – It Comes Down To “Peace, Order & Good Government” . . . . Which to Me are Empty & Meaningless Words that Sound Good to Assuage a Gullible Population – That Can Be Defined In A Myriad Of Ways For Whatever Socio/Political Purpose.

Canada has Always Been the “Nice” Country to the North of the United States of America . . . That Was America-Like . . . Even though our Canadian Founding Two Cultures were British/French . . .

Canada Was Also Always The Little-Big Country That Could.

We (Canadians) Were Dependable, and When the Chips were Down and the World Needed a Friend with Whom to Walk into a Dark Alley to Join the Street Fight Against Global Bullies – The World Could Always Count On Canada.

And Even Though Canada Never Got The Deserved Recognition For Our Wartime Courage, Sacrifices & Successes . . . Canada was Always Trusted to be . . . The Little Country (Population) That Could . . . But Not So Much Anymore.

At The Beginning Of WWII, Canada had the Biggest Navy, and Lost the Most Amount of Merchant Marines (Civilian Non-Combat Sailors) to German U-Boats, as Canadian Ships Crossed the Atlantic to Deliver Life Sustaining Supplies & Weapons to England.

Canada Was The First Allied Country To Invade Europe At Dieppe. We were Amongst the First Countries to Storm the Beaches of Europe at Sicily Before D-Day, Forcing the Nazis to Open a New Defensive Front in Italy. Canada was Also Amongst the First Countries to Enter Holland, Forcing the Nazis to Retreat. And When It Came To D-Day . . . Canada Hit the Beaches at Normandy on Juno Beach . . . Canada’s Own Foothold During The Historic All-Out Invasion Of Europe.

So What Happened? How Did We Go From Being The Knight In Shining Armor To What We Are Today?

After Canada’s Shining Moment At The End Of WWII . . . Canada’s Post War Liberal Prime Minister (Lester Pearson – 1963-1968) Decided that Canada Had to Pivot from Having a Militarized Army, Airforce & Navy . . . To Become A National Military Of Peacekeepers . . . From There – It All Went Downhill.

Entitlements Are Like Broken Glass – Once Broken . . . It Cannot Be Reversed.

Canada Moved From Warrior Nation . . . To Socialist Nation, where the Government Began Using the People’s Money to Provide Unearned Entitlements to the People . . . on the Grounds of Socialist Humanity, but in all Reality . . . Mostly For The Purpose Of Buying Votes To Gain Or Retain Political Power.

Entitlements Are Akin To A Slippery Slope. Once On The Downslide, There’s No Climbing Back-Up.

I Don’t Know Who First Said This – But To Paraphrase . . . Once the Politicians Learn the Skill of Using the People’s Own Money with Which to Buy their Votes, it Begins the Unraveling of the Nation, which will Cascade-It to Ruination Due to Politically Caused Crippling Debt.


There Was A Time When Canada Followed The American Lead . . . But the Reversal Has Become True as America is Careening to the LEFT . . . Using Socialist Rhetoric that the Rich Must Pay their Fair-Share, so those who Don’t Pay Much or Anything . . . Will Get What They Have Neither Earned Nor Deserve.


The Republicans Have the Majority, Even if it is Only by Just a Few Votes . . . Why Then Are The Democrats Calling The Shots?

I Can’t Imagine the Weight of Pressure on the Shoulders of Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, Coming from Schumer, Leader of the Democrat Controlled Senate and from the Dufus-In-Chief, Or Whomever Is Calling The Shots For Biden.


The Pressure from Johnson’s Own Party from the Republican House Members, to the Party Big Whigs at the RNC, and from the Voice & Opinions of President Donald J Trump all Have to be Debilitating . . . But Like It Or Not – That’s The Job.

If That Pressure Is Over The Top For Johnson – Imagine The Pressure On Trump.

I Was Never A Big Fan Of Kevin McCarthy, the Previous Speaker of the House . . .   and I was More than Just Somewhat Encouraged with the Choice of Mike Johnson as McCarthy’s Replacement, who was Recognized as a True Conservative who would Lead the Republicans Out of the UNIPARTY Jungle . . . But Not So Much Anymore.

Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep . . . And Don’t Accept A Job You Can’t Do.

Without Question . . . It Has to be a Massive High to be the Second Person in Line to the Presidency, if the President Can’t for Whatever Reason Perform His or Her Duties.

And I Can’t Imagine The Feeling Of Power The Speaker Has, Knowing that He or She is in Full Control of the Way the United States of America Spends its Money, and How Bills Have to be Tabled by the Speaker for Approval before they Ever Get to the Desk of the President . . . That’s Real Power.

I Don’t Know If Johnson Did The Right Thing On April 20, 2024 . . . But I Do Know that he Stood Behind his Convictions to Send Money to Israel, Somewhat Tempered the Money & Usage of the Money America will be Sending to Ukraine, Sent a Message to China that Taiwan is Not a State Without Friends by Bolstering Taiwan’s Military Defense with Yankee Dollars – And Finally – A Real Threat, Supposedly With Consequences To China’s TikTok.

But That Wasn’t What The Republican Party Necessarily Wanted. So Who Does Johnson Represent?

I Don’t Know What The Machinations Were . . . Behind Johnson’s Decision to Support the $95-Billion Dollar Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, Aid Bill . . . DEVOID Of Any Money For US Border Security.

The Fashioning Of Bills In The House & The Senate . . . and then Melding them Together into a Law that the President Can Sign . . . is a Great Part of the Problem, Because, as the Saying Goes . . . You Never Want To See How A Sausage Is Made, Which Works For Sausage Making.


Sausage Eating Is A Choice . . . Living By The “Choices” Of Government Is Not A Choice, and Whatever the Government Deems to Pledge on Behalf of the People, whether the People Want their Choice(s) or Not . . . Has Huge Ramifications For Every Citizen Of His Or Her Nation . . . Good Or Bad.

The Republicans Suffer From A Huge Dilemma. Is the Speaker of the House Hakeem Jeffries, because it Sure Seems Like-It? Or is the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson as Long as he has the Approbation of Chuck Schumer?

Does Speaker Johnson Not Understand That Bipartisan Doesn’t Mean . . . It’s Not Just The Democrat Way Or The Doorway?


Not Only Is The Swamp Everywhere . . . It Affects Everyone & Everything.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. Howard, Today the leadership of the Dem. Party in America is following the same footsteps as did Adolph Hitler did in his rise to power-see if this doesn’t sound familiar. Jailing your political opponents–brainwashing your school children—Tearing apart your History—-destroying books; The democrat party is doing all of that and more. We see anti Semitisim in the schools and colleges and on the streets go un checked by a Democrat administration, under the direction of a demented president.

  2. Besides a bankrupting mega budget deficit, the huge elephant is our OPEN border(s). We’re being invaded to destroy our sovereignty aided by UN & our own State Dept. The illegals include Chinese & other Communist nations. AND the leftist Dems are all IN on it. As for Johnson, I am SO DISAPPOINTED. Anyone who allows Dems to intimidate them & not stand for our nation definitely has no gonads, including GOP signers w/o $$ for border security. Obama’s happy w/his 3rd term results.

  3. Mike Johnson, for me, has lost my Trust, Lost My Faith in Him! 95 BILLION DOLLARS. WHILE OUR BORDERS REMAIN WIDE OPEN!!! He went on record saying eluding to, he done the right thing, let the chips fall where they may. Marjorie Taylor nailed it in her comment regarding that RINO! The Heritage that was left to us by ALL who sacrificed blood and life, seems to have been in VAIN! What heritage will there be for our Children, Grand-Children & Great Grand-Children? Could it be a Socialist State?

  4. Howard, I sure hope @ pray that Mike Johnson, most members of the US House & Senate, Donald J. Trump, and the “anchors” on FoxNews & NewsMax (plus a lot other “important” news people) receive your emails.

  5. Speaker Johnson is a “Mensch” (from the correct moral universe), trying to negotiate/ survive the swamp. He did the right thing. Israel needs replenishment for Rafah and after last weekend before Hezbollah in the north figures out that there would be a shortage of defensive rockets to protect Israel should they get the order from Tehran to go all out. Also, our hesitancy has erased so much of what Ukraine has accomplished at such high expense against the “other barbarian” in Moscow.

  6. Once upon a time, there was a Bolshevik revolution by the masses leading to socialism in the USSR. Today we may experience a “bullshit” revolution by the masses which may lead to who knows what. Power does corrupt. There are so few non-self-serving leaders in North America. The almighty dollar is the prize. We all need to be in prayer. Only God can help us.

  7. Israel would like very much to remain closely associated with the American people. That has not changed. Regrettably at this time the US government tilt is inimical. The core is the Obama regime. In.israel there is a significant defense research and production structure. Over most of it there is a strict veil.

  8. What happen to Canada you say? Klaus Schwab’s puppets Trudeau and Freeland and the guy with the towel wrapped around his head! That is what happen! Time us Canadians get some Backbone! and rid ourselves from these Cancer individual people!

  9. The last time I went to Canada (back in the 80s), I was shocked when we came back on the ferry from Victoria, and the US required an ID from me! We lived on the border in Montana briefly back in the 60s so I never really thought of Canada as being a different country. We went to Canada for groceries, watched Canadian TV, and used Canadian money there AND in Montana. They obviously let me back in to the USA but I still remember the shock of it. Canada was nearly as much “home” as Montana was!

  10. At this time, we are on the hard edge of Civil War. When Paid Protestors are allowed to destroy, injure, and abuse our Police, they are winning. Arrest and release is not the thing to do, arrest and detain in as crowded jail as we can find for at least a month will change some minds. No punishment is why our kids run wild disrespect their elders, destroy, steal and commit other crimes. Spare the Rod, ruin the child. Now the US, Walks Softly and threatens to Bitch Slap those who do do not listen.

  11. I agree with you. However, I am holding out on “voting” Speaker Johnson out of his job. Why? Because he did meet recently with Trump, I believe at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, and I don’t think we know all that took place at this meeting. Also, Trump has shown, in my opinion, a great leadership quality lately about the abortion issue—-the dems “winning issue” according to them. Trump is talking compromise, and that’s how conservatives can win this next election.

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