It Doesn’t Really Matter What Happens To Joe Biden, Since Biden Is Only A Symptom.
The Disease Of Marxism Has Been Infecting Societies For Many Generations, and Now that it Has Presented itself in the Manner of WOKE . . . Through the Useful Idiot Currently Occupying the White House . . . The Reality Of Woke Doesn’t Come Close To The Fantasy Of America’s LEFTIST Con Job Of Shangri-La.
While It Is True That Biden Has Been The President Of The United States Of America In Name & Title Only, the Real Question is . . . Who Is Steering The Ship?
Or Perhaps the More Appropriate Question Might Be . . . How Many Captains Are There Steering The Good Ship USA In The “Biden White-House” Towards The Tsunami?
Here Is A Reality . . . It Doesn’t Matter at this Point who will be the Democrat Nominee if it Isn’t Biden . . . because the Die Has Already Been Cast, and Whomever the Democrats Present as their Candidate for November 5, 2024 will Perish in a Well Deserved Ignoble Political Death.
Who In The White House, or More Likely Outside the White House Has Been Making the Most Critical Decisions since America’s Post Revolution Victory some 250-Years Ago?
Who Decided To Roll-Open America’s Borders To The Unvetted World? Who Made the Decision to Cripple America’s Energy Independence? Who was the Voice that Demanded that America Should be Locked Down for More than Two Years because of Covid?
Who Decided To Force Electric Cars on the Unwilling & Ill Prepared Population, In addition to the Enforcement of Inefficient Cooking Stoves & Other Less Inefficient Gas-Powered Household Appliances?
We Know What Happened with the Surrender of Afghanistan & the Mealymouthed Response to the Russian Invasion & War Against Ukraine. But What We Don’t Know, Is . . . Who Really Gave The Orders?
And As Bad & Maybe Even Worse – As a Result of Biden’s Reaction to Israel’s Legitimately Elected Government, Since Biden’s Meddling in Israeli Politics Could Lead to a Second Holocaust and the Loss of a Great Free Jewish Nation . . .
Who was it in Biden’s Administration who Made the Decision to Act as the Commanding General of the Israeli Defense Force’s Strategy to Defeat Hamas & How To Hold Its Own Against Hezbollah?
How Sick Is It That George Clooney Colludes With Barrack Obama To Usurp The Presidency?
The Last Time I Looked, George Clooney Hasn’t Been Elected To Anything, and Barrack Hussein Obama has Already Served his Two Terms as President of the United States of America – So What The Hell Gives?
Whomever The Democrat Bigwigs Choose To Run Against Donald Trump Is Irrelevant, since the LEFTIST (Democrat) Politicians, Bureaucrats, Judiciary, Media & Propagandists-In-General Have Lost all Credibility Amongst the Majority of the Voting Public in the United States of America.
Even Though It’s Now Obvious To Many Previous Disbelievers, that Biden was Never Really the Commander-In-Chief, which was Long Suspected by People of Reason, it was Never Obvious to People who are Too Stupid to See the Forest for the Trees . . . or are so Brainwashed with Hatred for Trump (Trump Derangement Syndrome) that Even Today – Their Disbelieving Eyes Will Continue To Blind Them.
With That Written – I am Quite Certain there are More than Enough People who Have Been Awakened to this Biden Tragedy from a Deep Slumber to See What is Real & What is Not.
You Can’t Change Horses In Mid-Race . . . But You Can Change Parties In Mid-Political Campaign.
These People Might Not Fully Understand the Complete Consequence of What the LEFT Has Done to their Freedoms and to the “Shining City Atop The Hill”, But Finally – they are Beginning to Understand, as Shakespeare Wrote in Hamlet . . . “Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark”, to the Point that the People Might Not Yet Fully Understand How Much they’ve Been Lied-To & Cheated – But Deep Down Inside – They Probably Now Know They Have Bet For Far Too Many Years On The Wrong Horse.
I’m No Historian . . . But There Are Some Things In History That Tell Their Own Story.
There Were Many Greek City States . . . But Of The Many In Circa 5-BC, Only Two City-States Stood-Apart, Athens . . . the City State of Modernity, Learning, Teaching, Medicine, Art, Literature, Philosophy, Culture & Politics, which by Today’s Standards, I Would Consider To Be A State Leaning To The LEFT.
And Then There Was The City State Of Sparta . . . A More Simple Warrior State, where Commitment to the Love of the Gods & Country Superseded all Else, Including the Love of Family. Where to Die Valiantly in Combat, to be Carried Back from Battle to be Presented on the Warrior’s Shield, Was To Be An Honor Greater Than All Other Honors.
Both City States Perished . . . Athens Died Under Its Own Weight, While Sparta Died In Battle.
To Choose Just One . . . Is To Choose An Empire Guaranteed To Fail.
To Choose Both . . . is to Guarantee an Opportunity of Long National Longevity, where the Best of Athens Would be Protected by the Courage & Single Mindedness of the Patriotism & Warrior Instincts of Sparta.
That Used To Describe The United States Of America Before America Went Woke.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Under Biden — I’m sure he thinks he’s at the helm, steering — all appears weak & dismal. So I like what you said, Howard: that, whomever the Dems choose as their candidate, will perish in a well-deserved ignoble political death. We can hope! If you only have 2 candidate choices, go with the stronger & more capable – the one with the working brain – and the one who loves this country. Let’s all say GOODBYE to Obama & his Crew.
The fact that the empty husk of a rotting sock puppet continues to poll around 40% tells me that an alarming number of Americans are effectively brain-dead, victims of an unrelenting assault on the unwitting masses by the Deep State, academia, the legacy and social media and myriad purveyers of “woke” anti-science lunacy. This week an overwhelming majority of House Demorrhoids voted down proposed legislation that would oblige voters to show proof of their American citizenship. Enough said.
It was apparent from the beginning that Biden was unfit for presidency, for those who only looked. Now everyone (including media) is shocked because his senility is on full display. Really? Are you that stupid or blind? And you’re the same people who cast X’s and have political opinions? Lordy lord, the curse is on you. The presentation of Biden as a viable and competent candidate is the biggest sham ever perpetrated on the people by the media. The debate was no surprise for anyone with a brai
If anyone votes for Biden, it would mean they are either: die-hard Dem, Trump hater, didn’t watch the debate, haven’t heard/read the post-debate news, have lots of money so inflation hasn’t affected them, are totally ignorant, can’t speak/understand English, or have been bribed, OR all the preceding reasons. I left out ‘deaf, dumb and blind’, be it figuratively or literally.
Biden was unfit for the presidency ever since he, as a Senator from Delaware, threatened Israeli PM Menachem Begin (1977-83) in 1982 by withholding arms shipments and Israel’s sixth PM responded “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers… We will defend our principals. And die for them again, with or without your aid.
Can’t add a thing to the previous 5 comments – you all expressed my feelings exactly. Couldn’t have said anything better. Thanks to you all.
I concur with what the gentleman from St Lazare, Quebec, Canada wrote. Mr. Jackson is absolutely correct. And so are you, Mr. Galganov!
Those at the helm are the treasonous cabal of Jill biden, Gates, barry sotero, & Soros. All evil & in the employ of satan. May G-d turn their evil back upon them. America’s future demise began just after WWII. It really picked up steam in the 60s & is now on full steam ahead & damn the torpedoes. May G-d have mercy on us in November & at least through 2033.
Obama always said he was going to change the USA. He has nearly succeeded
Chuck ‘Shoomer’ has notified his donors as he feels he will be ‘chosen’ to replace Biden & if he and Nancy take over, we as a nation are done. Gov’t got too big & One World Order is in HERE. And We The People did NOTHING. This option scares me spitless. I hope I am wrong, but the chaos is just a FLAG to keep us STUPID by distraction. Our Nation is in Free Fall. I hope we land on both feet & can defeat this EVIL. MY POV
Easy answer to your question Howard. Who is calling the shots? The anti Semitic Anti Israel ex President, Barak HUSSEIN Obama
You said it before, “There should be a required test to Vote, one must pass before casting a vote”. This country is on it’s way down. There once was a Great Flood that washed away the Sinners of the World, Now there will be a Great Fire (caused by the millions of Nukes Launched) who will survive??? Sadly. mostly Rich Idiots that brought this all on in their shelters. But when they pop their heads out of the ground there will be nothing as those who built it will have perished, they die alone.
All comments are great. Mr. Azevedo, I concur!!
Howard our country has a big problem. You are not the President. I sure wish your letters would be a daily occurrence in every newspaper in America. Of course newspapers are either left or right and sadly too many are left. I hope we have enough voters that think along the lines of one Howard Galganov.
Right, wrong, or indifferent, the Dems have always publicly presented a unified face, so it’s been interesting day to day, and kind of fun, to watch the scrambling and backside-covering that’s now going on among them. Sadly, I think we could display Howard’s wise, truthful words on billboards along major thoroughfares and half the population wouldn’t bat an eye. Truth is an inconvenience. Pray that God hasn’t yet totally abandoned our precious country.
A too successful concentration on capitalism led to a fall in the perceived personal values of morals, ethics, and religion. Thereby our youth were open to proven unsuccessful forms of government like communism or Islamism that promise happiness for everyone without individual effort or interest. This led to the idea that If I am not happy, it is your fault for not providing me with everything that I think I want and deserve. Now, being totally ignorant, we vote for and get the biggest liar
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