Please Read This Carefully, because we are Living in a “Historic Epoch” in as Much as What Happened Yesterday is Happening Again Today. Life Does Not Survive in a Vacuum . . . And Neither Does Freedom.
We Have A Roadmap To Follow. And Not to Follow-It, will Lead us to Our Own Demise, as the Warning Signs are Flashing Everywhere. To Do Nothing Is Not An Option.
The Nazi Party Was A Fringe Political Group In Germany When It Took Power. So What Happened?
What Happened . . . Was That The Nazis Campaigned On A Platform Of Selective National Blame. They Targeted Cultural & Religious Groups, they Sowed Fear, Hate of Jews, Hate of Communism . . . And A Specific Love For People From The Aryan Nation – To The Exclusion Of All Others & A Hate For A Free Independent Press.
And What Did Europe & North America Do? . . . We Watched & Pretended It Didn’t Affect Us.
The Nazis Used Intimidation & Lawfare, to the Point that Men & Women of Strong Moral Character were Simply Eliminated in One Way or Another. For to Stand Against Hitler – Was To Stand Against The “Fatherland” . . . An Act Of National Treason Worthy Of Prison Or Death.
It Was Not Conservatives (Republicans) Who Destroyed A Huge Swath Of America During The 2020 Summer Of Love. It Isn’t Conservatives who are Wearing Masks while Rampaging Through Retail Stores & Destroying Private & Public Properties. And it Isn’t Conservatives who are Spewing Jew-Hatred Across America, Specifically Through Academia.
It Wasn’t & Still Are Not Conservatives Who Are Pushing WOKE Insanity Upon The American Experience, Brainwashing Children to Equate Trans-Genderism with Normalcy, While at the Same Time, Diminishing Exceptionalism in Favor of Equity, Where People of Unequal Talent & Ability are Treated as Equals Based on Skin Color, Gender & Culture, Opposed To Personal Expertise.
And it Isn’t Conservatives Who are Destroying a Capitalist Economy Based Mostly Upon the Cheap Availability & Sufficient Supply of Energy. Nor is it Conservatives who Want to Impose Socialism Upon Society to Tax the Most Productive Class in Society to the Max . . . In Order To Pay The People Who Are The Least Productive The Most.
Nazism Didn’t All Of A Sudden Appear Out Of Nowhere . . . The Roots of Nazism Developed over Centuries. But The Modern Nazi Party Started In 1919 At The End Of WWI, which Promoted Specific Aryan Exceptionalism, and a Defined Hatred for the Jewish German People, where the Nazis Promoted Jews as Communists or Blood-Sucking Capitalists . . . Depending On The Appetite Of Their Audience.
At First It Was Subtle . . . But Long Before the Nazis Came to Power, Anti-Semitism in Germany was Relatively Low-Key, but Nonetheless there, While Allowing German Jews to Move-Up the Social, Political, Intellectual & Commercial Ladders, Until it was Believed that Too Many Jews were Occupying Too Many Places of Prestige & Influence. The Rest Is History.
At the Outset of Extreme “Treatment” of Germany’s Jews by the Nazis, Even Before Kristallnacht and the Holocaust, When Jews were Fully Disenfranchised by the Nuremburg Laws On September 15, 1935 . . . No Single Nation Came forward to Defend the Delegitimization of the German Jewish People.
The Entire World Closed Its Eyes & Turned Its Back . . . It Wasn’t Their Problem.
Not Even When Germany Allowed Passenger Ships to Leave Germany with Jews Onboard, for which to Trade Jews for Products . . . Ships, Like The MS St Louis Were Not Allowed To Dock In Places Like Canada, The United States Of America – Etc.
Which Meant The Jews Were Returned Back To Germany To Face Certain Death.
Try To Imagine This . . . After VE-Day & The Liberation Of The Nazi Death Camps, those Jews who were Fortunate Enough to Have Survived the Nazis, Had Nowhere to Return-To, since their Homes were Either Destroyed by the War or Seized by People who Had No Rights to Take What wasn’t theirs in Formerly Nazi Held Nations. These Jews Were Now Regulated To A Form Of Arrest To Be Held In European Refugee Camps.
They Were Fed, Clothed, Housed, & Received Medical Treatment – But They Were Still Prisoners.
Even England, the Supposed Pure & Civilized Nation Responsible for the Territorial “Palestinian” Mandate, which Wrote the Balfour Declaration On November 2, 1917. And then the Peel Commission Released In July 1937.
Even Though the World Body (League Of Nations) Approved the Parceling of the Palestinian Territory to be Divided between Jews & Arabs, with the Jews Getting the Dregs of the Deal, those Homeless/Stateless Jewish Holocaust Survivors were Physically Blocked from Returning to their Ancestral Homeland by the British Government by Use of British Troops.
History Is Fluid . . . Germany Didn’t Invade Poland & The Rest Of Europe Because Of The Jews.
The Jews & The Holocaust Were A Very Sick Side Show In Hitler’s 3-Ring Circus, where the Real Show was in the Cultural & Ethnic Global Dominion, Which Hitler’s Master-Race Would Command.
What’s Happening Today Worldwide, as Elitist/Communist Globalists are Replacing Nazis Ideology with their Own Brand of Tyranny, is a Mirror Image Of The Roaring 20’s, The Dirty 30’s & The Resultant Horror Of The 1940’s.
Maybe We Can’t Stop-It, but at the Very Least, we Can be Ready for What’s to Come, and Face it Head-On . . . Before We Are Consumed By It.
History Always Repeats Itself As It Is Repeating Itself Today With Global Attacks On The Jews. It Doesn’t Really Change. And it Always Comes Back to Bite us in the Ass When we Least Expect-It . . . Or Are Unprepared.
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Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
You are right, conservatives didn’t do any of the lawless and immoral things you mentioned. And, there were only a handful of conservatives who spoke out against or tried to stop the destruction,
I’ll tell you who it was doing all that. It was antifa, backed by the leftist elites. Now we’re getting more anti-semitism out in the open. Next we’re going to see anti-black, anti-asian, and probably some anti-latino. This country is failing and we could lose it all in November. Don’t be too pushy, but talk about what’s happening and what we can do. We can make sure that our friends, acquaintances, and relatives are aware of what will happen if another democrat is elected in November
I can’t believe that only a hundred or so readers contribute to Galganov,com! Come on folks. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! IF WE DON’T FIGHT FOR IT, IT’L BE GONE!
What you have written is what I have been saying for some time. Only written much better!
In the bullseye for accuracy. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it over and over again.
Our Country is standing on a Abyss, it is deep with seeming no bottom. Hatred of others is at an all time high, if you do not like their skin color, their country of origin, the language they speak, the religion they practice, who they support, how they live, you just hate them. Criminals do what they wish with little or no repercussions. yet non criminals who voice against the current gov’t are prosecuted. The Controlling Party has reached an all time low with their actions, Civil War is emina
During my RCAF Career I spent several years in France and Germany. I had a Band and my Drummer was a German who was forced into uniform at an early age and lost a leg while in Italy. We often spoke of WW11 and Karl willingly told me of the immense pressure he was under during those horrific years. He also told me that only about 25% of the country was NAZI. He also had a close friend shot by the Gestapo for speaking out against Hitler and his schemes. So as you stated, Not all were NAZI.
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