Goodbye Emmys . . . Actors Can’t Speak Without Someone Putting Words In Their Mouths.
How Remarkably Insulting Is It To Us . . . that an Army of Mega Millionaires, which Includes Plenty of Billionaires, who Earn their Money Pretending (Acting) they are Someone they are Not, Who Need Teams of Writers to Put Words in their Mouths & Directors to Tell them How to Say those Words . . . That Somehow Believe They Are Smarter Than Us?
Remember That The Next Time An Actor Tells You What To Think & Who To Vote For.
There Is So Much Happening Around The World . . . that when Reported, the Events are Being Told as Untruths, Half Truths & Stories Just Left-Up to our Uninformed Imaginations . . . That I’m Using This Editorial To Set The Record Straight As I See-It.
Ron DeSantis Is Being Pilloried By The LEFT . . . and by Many in the Republican Party who are Either Running Against Ron DeSantis for the Leadership of the Republican Party, or are Beating-Up on DeSantis to Score Cheap Points with Race-Baiters, Because in Florida’s New “Historical” Black Curriculum . . . It Is Mentioned That Black Slaves Benefitted From The Skills They Learned When They Were Still Slaves.
It is the Height of Ignorance, Race Baiting or Virtue Signaling to think for a Second that Black People Didn’t Learn & Prosper from the Skills they Acquired While Being Slaves. It Is True That Slavery Was Hell . . . But It Is Equally True . . .That those Who Came Away After Slavery with Usable Skills, Did-So, because they Learned What they Learned While in Chains.
That Doesn’t Excuse Slavery. It Doesn’t Put A Softer Side On Slavery – It Just Says It As It Is.
Some Jerks Compared Ron DeSantis’ Remarks On The Skill Acquired By Black Slaves, to Justify how Stupid it would be to say that Good things Happened for the Jews Who Survived the Holocaust. That Is A Terribly Insulting & Specious Comparison.
Nothing Good Came Out Of The Holocaust . . . But we Live in a World, whether the LEFT Wants to Believe it or Not – In A World Of Survival Of The Fittest . . . And Nature Always Culls The Herd.
As A Result Of The Holocaust . . . there is No Question that the Survivors were More Robust, More Determined, Less Frightened & More Capable than Ever Before . . . Which Led To Unparalleled Post Holocaust Global Jewish Successes. And Finally To The 2000-Year Return To The Land Of Israel.
If You’re Going To Analyze Something – Do It Completely Or Keep Your Mouth Shut. Neither Slavery Nor the Holocaust Were in Any Way Good – But to Withhold the Whole Truth is to Deny History & Real Understanding.
We Can’t Progress To A Better Tomorrow . . . If We Don’t Know All Of Yesterday.
On Sunday July 30, 2023 . . . Several Drones from Ukraine Slammed into Buildings in Moscow, where Moscow Decried these Attacks Against Non-Military Targets as Acts of Terrorism.
Do I Even Need to Continue Writing My Opinion on this Story to Express my Incredulity of this Farcical Outrage, as Ukraine’s Entire Population has Been Decimated in One Way or Another by the Russian Blitzkrieg on Ukrainian Citizens?
I Can’t Imagine Why Ukraine Hasn’t Taken The War To Russia Thus Far.
England Is Attempting To Lead The Way To Have An All-Digital Currency, where the Government through the Banks will Control all Spending.
Through An Exclusive Digital Currency . . . The Banks and the Government will Always Know where you are through your Spending by Credit & Cash Cards, How Much You Spend, Where you Spend & What you are Spending-On.
If That Doesn’t Scare The Crap Out Of You . . . Nothing Will.
So Here Comes my Favorite British Street-Fighter (Nigel Farage) to Step Into the Back Alley of Political/Orwellism . . . to Duke-It-Out with the Thugs to Save us from Them.
The Republican Primary Kicked-Off At The Iowa Lincoln Dinner (Saturday July 28, 2023), Where all the Republican Leader Wannabes Gathered. Each was Allotted an Opportunity to Speak for 10-Minutes Maximum . . . With The Exception Of Chris Christie – The “Tub Of Lard” . . . Who Deigned Not to be there, because Christie is Only in the Running to Damage Trump.
Christie Has As Much Chance Of Winning The Primary As Biden Has Of Telling The Truth.
DeSantis Had A Marvelous Speech . . . It Was Indeed Very Presidential.
Vivek Ramaswamy Said It As It Is, Paving A Way For An Extremely High-Profile Cabinet Spot.
Larry Elder Showed What He’s Made-Of . . . He Too Could Be Cabinet Material.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez Proved Why He Might Belong In A Future Cabinet.
Nikki Haley Opened Flat, Stayed Flat & Proved Why She Couldn’t Win.
The Rest Were Window Dressing – Some Much Better than Others & Some who Shouldn’t Have been there. I Don’t Know How Asa Hutchinson Ever became the Governor of Arkansas.
President Donald Trump Brought The Roof Down.
Following The Iowa Lincoln Dinner . . . Trump Moved-On to Erie Pennsylvania the Next Day (July 29, 2023), where Trump Rocked a Jam-Packed Stadium of Supporters with Trump’s Classic . . . Make America Great Again!
In My Next Editorial . . . I’ll Tell You How Many Of My Less Conservative Friends Have Become Trumpers.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Mr. G. If I remember right, the word terrorism was first used against the war on Ukrane was hin the Russian supply bridge to the front was bombed. Russia claimed terrorism by the opposing army. Putin is as bad as our democrats, sore loser. As for the actors, I have said they live in Lala land. Educated to be pretenders, not an ounce of common sense in the bunch. Great article as usual, thanks.
Vivek Ramaswamy is a straight talker, solid ideas and has shown to be presidential material from the start. Apparently he has overtaken DeSantis and is in second place. To the best of my knowledge he hasn’t tried to put Trump down and if so, would be a good Vice President. The latest most disgaceful statement by UN Antonio Guterrez, “The era of Global Warming is over and now it’s Global Boiling” and Trudeau shakes his hand. 1984 is no longer a novel about a disstopian world; we are living it
I will NEVER allow myself to have a digital id, and I will never conform to a digital currency. I will fight it all the way! We in the so called free world simply cannot allow this to happen!
The writers are exquisitely trained to use just as exquisitely trained word meister crews to drive us at will. Obama is one of the best combining both mastering word throwing and fabrications. Drove the US to the edge. And allies to despair as he planned all along.
Are there any statical studies on what percentage of today’s African Americans would not be alive today if their ancestors were not sold into slavery and they had remained in Africa with all it’s vicious tribal massacres, wars and diseases? Maybe the horrors of slavery allowed them and their decedents to be alive today. A hard road to travel but just maybe there is some truth to the above.
I have today changed my “sometimes” monthly contribution to an automatic. It is not large but at least it will now come every month! I shall support you as long as we both can continue. Dick Black. Potwin, Ks.
“Tub of Lard” ha ha ha! Only us boomers knows what that is. I was going to comment on this from yesterday’s post because it gave me a chuckle. Then you called fatso that again today. My mom would use that phrase but would say, “tub o’ lard”. I am a late boomer – 1960 but my dad was a Pearl Harbor vet. He was 17 when first assigned to the USS Nevada in Jan 1941. By December 7th, 1941 he was a young 18 year old living through the horror of a devastating surprise attack on a sleepy naval base
Howard your column should appear in every newspaper in America kind of like how 95% of the media spreads horse manure instead of data and ideas like you create. When are we going to have Americans representing us in congress rather than democrats and republicans. There are many Americans serving as republicans and maybe one or two democrats. I just wish the public would recognize this and not just the readers of your column in order to finally have Americans as our representatives.
Excellent Howard!
For decades I’ve always said how ridiculous it is for actors and their fart catchers to deify themselves based solely on their ability to pretend they’re someone else. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any Hollywood actor that would be qualified to do anything beyond flipping burgers and even doing that they’d think they should get paid zillions of dollars. We have a local theatre in Gananoque Ontario whose actors are just as good if not better than Hollywood’s so-called legends.
Howard, your words are precious and I never miss your wisdom. I also treasure your reader’s comments. I support you bi-monthly. Keep up this essential work. Conservatives forever! Trump 2024, ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most actors/actresses have never had to think let alone speak for themselves. They have lived a pretend life. The genuine actors/actresses aren’t looking for the limelight constantly, and they understand what their job is and what it isn’t. Glad to learn that Nigel Farage is back and fighting the digitalization of currency in England. We are behind and support this fight. You nailed slavery and Holocaust perfectly. And Trump is our BEST choice for 2024 as he is a proven leader.
My tax $$$$ R paying for LGBTQ ‘colors’ all over the CBC logo on TV. It used to be red, now it’s the Trans/Pride colors. Is CBC being boycotted like other businesses for promoting this?
There is not much truly good that comes out of Hollywood. They’ve spent decades pushing anti-moral living as normal – and look, that’s where we are today. They are part of destroying all that is good, especially Christianity. I’m in process of reading a transcript from Myron Fagan from the 1960s about the agenda toward a one-world government. It’s been in the works since at least mid-1700s. First writings I’ve seen on Illuminati & Bilderbergs/Rothschilds/Rockefellers for quite some time.
I think I learn something new with every one of your editorials. I’m not sure whether Nigel Farage’s fight commenced before or after his bank, where he apparently had done business for years, summarily closed his accounts. However, it’s fortunate he’s in a position to fight. John Q. Public wouldn’t have sufficient clout, and I’d guess that fact’s part of what “they” are counting on. Another fighter, and the voice I heard first in this regard, is Neil Oliver. He doesn’t mince
I have heard about Digital Currency several years ago, eliminating cash as a way to control the black market. BS, this is a way to control the common folk and provide a Gun Control Measure. Actors are just that, look how many die of Alcohol, Drug and Social Disease. They are a poor example for our children to look up to. There are some good people in there but dance to the puppet masters. If DJT does not get back into the WH we are a doomed country, he could possibly bring us back from an obese.
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