THE FOLLOWING ISN’T RACIST – IT’S ONLY WHAT THE BLACKS HAVE MADE OF IT: Is A Website Geared In Its Entirety To Conservative Values . . . Especially Freedom Of Expression.
I Can’t State This Clearly Enough – Or Too Clearly . . . All People Are Born Equal In A Free Society Such As Ours (Canada & The USA), unless Born with a Severe Physical or Mental Impediment . . . We Come out of the Womb Equal – Meaning that Everyone of us has the Same Opportunity to Succeed or Fail in Whichever Path we Choose to Follow.
It’s What We As Parents, Teachers & Mentors . . . which Includes Movies, Television, Music & Social Media – Do, which will Determine what Kind of Human Beings our Progeny Will Be.
We Know That Some Children . . . will Grow to be Bigger, Smarter, More Talented, More Athletic, More Intellectual, More Competitive – Etc. But from the Womb, Unless with an Impediment – All Children Burst-Off the Blocks Hearing the Same Starting Pistol.
I’m Writing This . . . Because Some Children Never Get A Chance To Succeed After The Equality Of Birth.
It Is US . . . Who Decide To Have Children – Therefore, it Has to be Us who Must Ultimately be Held Responsible for How our Children Inevitably Turn-Out.
While it is Inexorably Accurate to Point a Finger at Government Run Schools, Government Controlled Media (FCC, CRTC) & Government Controlled Censorship Ratings . . . Who Elects The Governments?
Not all Parents Can Afford to Send their Children to Private Schools, where the Private Schools Generally Offer a More Robust Conservative (Value Orientated) Curriculum, where the Students Graduating Have a Better Opportunity to be Successful . . . Which Means that the Vast Majority of OTHER Students are Condemned to Get Whatever They Get in the Way of Education.
In The Final Analysis . . . Providing the Best Education to the Greatest Number of Young People is the Most Important Function a Society Can Attempt to Achieve.
When President Trump Says . . . “School Choice Is The Civil Right Of Our Time” – President Donald Trump Cannot be More Right & More Prescient.
School Choice Takes The Propagandization Of Young Minds Away From The Socialists – Is Why!
Referring-Back to what I Wrote in the Preceding – “All People Are Born Equal In A Free Society . . .” So Why Are so Many People in the Black American Community so Spectacularly Failed?
Until The 1960’s In Canada And The United States Of America, like so Many Other Places in the World, Jews were the Most Discriminated Group in North America (We Still Are). We (American & Canadian Jews) had Quotas Placed Upon us to Attend Universities (Harvard & McGill For Example). We Needed Higher Grades by 10% just to get into Harvard & McGill than did Christian Students In Spite Of The Quotas.
And When Jews Graduated From Medical Schools, for Example in Montreal, Going Back to the Era of WWII, Jews were not Welcomed to Intern at Most Montreal Hospitals, Nor were Jews all that Welcome as Patients in Montreal Hospitals.
So Many Brilliant Jewish Medical Student Graduates Interned in Some of America’s Great Hospitals where they were Welcomed – Never To Come Back To Montreal.
We Jews Weren’t Allowed to Join Golf Courses, Boating Clubs & the Like. We Couldn’t Stay in Most Hotels & even Enjoy Many Beaches. And many Well-Known Companies of the Day Wouldn’t Hire Jews. Anne (My Wife) was One of the First Jews Hired by a Canadian Bank (Circa 1968) to be just a Teller.
There Were Whole Communities In Montreal . . . Going Back just Several Generations, which Had-It in their Property Deeds that Forbade the Sale of Property to Jews.
And To Add Insult To Injury . . . Even As Jews Were Being Slaughtered – Before, During & After WWII In Europe, Canada’s Official Policy On Jewish Immigration Was – “NONE IS TOO MANY”.
What Did We Jews Do? We Did What We Have Always Done – Education, Education, Education.
We Filled the Jewish Quotas Of Institutions like Harvard & McGill with the Best & Brightest Students we Had . . . who Relentlessly Competed Against Each other to Win one of the Coveted Quota Spots.
And For Jew-Unfriendly Hospitals . . . We Built the Montreal Jewish General Hospital, Where I Was Born In 1950, Open to all Races, Languages & Religions, which Today is Known Internationally as one of the Great Hospitals of the World.
We Jews Built our Own Golf Courses & Yacht Clubs, which were Bigger & Better than the Clubs that Kept us Out. We Built our Own Vacation Resorts, such as the Famed & Fabled Resorts in the Catskill Mountains.
And Where Non-Jews Wouldn’t Allow the Sale of Homes to Jews, we Bought Rough Undeveloped Property & Built our Own Lavish Communities.
And For Industries That Wouldn’t Hire Jews . . . We Built Competitive Industries.
We Jews Never Asked Society For A Hand-Out Or A Hand-Up. We Expected Nothing from the Non-Jewish Community, Other than the Right to Compete.
Slavery Was Bad – Really Bad . . . But So Is (Current) Aggressive Anti-Semitism Worldwide. And the Holocaust that Wantonly Slaughtered 6-Million Jewish Men, Women & Children Was Also Bad – Really Bad, which Ended just 75-Years Ago.
So Please Explain To Me . . . Why are America’s Jewish Communities So Successful, while America’s Black Community is Competing with Itself to be as Disgraceful as Possible?
REMEMBER WHAT I WROTE . . . “All People Are Born Equal In A Free Society . . .”
I’m Not Suggesting Jews Are Perfect – Far From It. But we as Parents Instilled Values & Education into our Children’s Mindset, where we have Hammered Away as Much Education as was Possible.
We Jews Didn’t Have a Civil Rights Act (1964) Written for Us. And we Didn’t Have Affirmative Action, which was Reverse Discrimination (Still Is) Against White Americans.
Because Of What Is Tantamount – To A Criminal Lack Of Education . . . And Because of Affirmative Action & Reprehensible Leaders Pandering for Votes and Ill-Begotten Race-Baiting Wealth . . . The Black Community of the United States of America is What it Is. And It Ain’t My Fault.
Last Winter Near Ocala Florida . . . Anne & I were Driving to a Destination, when we Came-Upon a Dollar Store, which Anne Wanted to Stop at. So we did. It Turned out to be in a Black Community, which at First Blush Didn’t Faze Either one of us.
There Were No Threats . . . No Confrontations – But It Really Didn’t Feel Good.
Once Inside the Store, we Felt Very Much out of Place. And Looking Out into the Parking Lot, I Noticed some very Unsavory Characters Near my Truck (Brand New F-250), with Stryker Inside, with the Windows Half Opened.
I Felt Very Uncomfortable For Stryker Being By Himself.
I Asked Anne if she Felt “Comfortable” Enough to be in the Store Herself, and I Went out to the Truck to Sit with Stryker. Anne Came Back to the Truck with her Purchases after a Few Moments, and Said she was Glad to be Out of There – As Did I.
So . . . We’re Planning Our Trip Back To North Central Florida, where we Already Paid Substantially for our RV Spot in a Beautiful Park. But now, after all this Black Lives Matter Crap, the Demonstrations, Riots & Personal Violence Against White People Caused by Black Americans . . . We’re Wondering How Many Black Communities Will We Have To Drive Through From Canada To Our Florida Destination?
I’m Driving A Relatively New $70-Thousand Dollar Truck Pulling A $100-Thousand Dollar 5th Wheel RV. How Safe Will We Be When I Have To Pull Over For Gas?
And When We Get To North Central Florida, Just Days Before the November 3rd Election, which I Feel Confident Trump will Win . . . How Safe Will White People Be In Florida?
If Black Americans Want To Know What They’ve Done To Themselves . . . Anne & I are Giving Serious Consideration to Forfeiting our Money Already Paid to the Florida RV Park, while Looking at the Area around Penticton – British Columbia (Canada).
Penticton Will Cost Us More Money.
And We will be Staying Right Next to the US/Canada Border on the Canadian Side, where it Gets Pretty Cold in the Rockies at that time of the Year with the Occasional Dusting of Snow. It’s also a Much Further Drive than North Central Florida. And Besides Enjoying the Beauty of the Rocky Mountains, there Isn’t a Smattering of things we will Enjoy in Penticton Compared to the Region Between Ocala & Gainesville Florida.
That’s A Horrible Thing To Say . . . But Whose Fault Is That?
Black Lives Matter . . . ?
Well . . . The Lives & Safety Of Anne & I Matter Too. And Don’t Give Me this Propagandized Crap . . . That It’s Only a Few Bad Black Apples, because it’s Not just a Few Bad Black Apples.
Every-Time we see a National Emergency . . . Flood, Hurricane, Tornado in the USA – Who’s Carrying-Out the Loot? The Antifa Terrorists Start the Fires – Break the Windows & Smash-Open the Doors . . . and Then it’s the Black People who Have a Field-Day Stealing all they Can Carry. Whose Fault Is That?
I Remember Seeing Live Video Of Black Looters Up To Their Waist In Flood Waters During Katrina – Carrying Giant Screen TVs.
I’m Seething Over What’s Happening Today In America . . . But It’s Not Just in the USA. Here in Canada, Black Canadians are Taking to the Streets too – WHY? . . . Who The F-Knows? It seems that Most of the Armed Gang-Violence in Toronto is Black-Gang On Black-Gang.
Just Very Recently . . . A somewhat Elderly Jewish Woman was Attacked in Toronto in Broad Daylight by Two Youngish Black Women, Only Because the Victim was an Elderly “White” Jew.
I Don’t Know What We’re Going To Do Yet About Traveling This Winter – But I Do Know It Won’t Be Near Any Black Communities.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Your comments are on many of our minds. One of the main black problems is that around 70 percent of their households have no father figure – 30 + in the 1990’s. Nothing gets done except more baby mommas and checks. Found a quote by George Soros from a German 2014. “I am going to bring down the U.S. by funding BLM hate groups. We will make the blame on white people. The black community is easy to manipulate”.
We feel the same way. Our one son and family live in Allegan Michigan. I want so bad to go see them and my great grandkids. Could not go in the spring because of China flu. Now fear the riots. Makes my blood boil. Also did not know Jewish problems are still so prevalent. Why? What are they afraid of? Education is key. I am furious for you. God Bless and safe journey. We would like to head for Florida in January. The hell with this garbage. Any day is good day to die if we die free! Be safe GH.
The problem for the Black community in the US started with LBJ in the 1960’s. Prior to then Blacks had nuclear families and had a good chance in life. Welfare was based on revenue which allowed the family to stick together. When LBJ took office the welfare laws were changed so that only a single mother and her children could qualify for welfare, no men in the household. The father figure was eliminated from the household. The destruction of the Black family was the downfall of the community
The blacks have done nothing but hurt themselves. There are more and more whites who are now distancing from these folks, including hiring of same. Who needs the agro?
I agree with everything you said to a point. I grew up in a large family, poor by all standards. My father had health issues and was lazy. My mother was the rock in our family, strong discipline and work ethic. All of us kids had chores and duties every day. Money was pooled in most cases, but each of us was allowed to earn and keep some. We all played sports no trophy for showing up you earned it. Giving everyone the same praise for just being there was the beginning of the way of life we see
Donald – You don’t agree with me to a Point, because what you just wrote is exactly what I’ve been Writing for the Longest Time – Either we live in a Meritocracy or we live in Dystopia – HG.
Agreed Agreed Unfortunately BLM has resulted in exactly the situation you describe Normally people who had no bias against Blacks are rethinking their possible exposure Fear is the wrong word Avoidance is more accurate BLM has resulted in Skin Color being Important in decisions we make What a Success
LBJ had affirmative action going for the libs as well as welfare. I came home from Vietnam to a totally changed America in which there were no jobs to be had for white male H.S. graduates with any major company or government agency–I know, I tried for almost a year–every day! Thank God for the GI Bill–I went to Nursing School and had a 33 year career! Education is the way up!
America’s “Palestinians”
As usual, I agree with your feelings and comments. You continually state what is obvious, but is ignored, or not understood, by the vast majority of people in both countries. Protesters continually say they want things fixed via new/more laws. They, and the politicians continue to miss an important point; i.e. your can’t legislate attitude, and attitude is what drives all behavior. Also missed by the same groups of people, attitude is about the only thing we, as humans, can control. Texas?
Thanks again Howard for telling “IT” the way “IT” IS. Around the mid to late 70’s I thought we had turned the corner on Race, I knew many Blacks that felt the same. Then along came Soros’s Brown Puppet with a Mandate to Divide this country, that He Resented. The “BP” set Civil Rights, and the Black community Back 50 years. Blacks have Embraced Victim Hood, and a sense of Entitlement that Will Not serve them well for any kind of Respectful future they say they want. BLM is a Plantation.
In the sixties the great Democrat senator Daniel Patrick Monahan wrote and spoke about the fatherless kids, the mothers who were children themselves, the poor education. He was crucified by the media for his views.
You don’t have to fear going to Fl. Pick where you stop.. I have many friends in Central Fl. and there is no problem. I agree education is the problem . Stars have made baby momma etc popular with young people. I heard Lady Bird say on radio what she thought Lyndon would say about welfare…she said he would be appalled , it was suppose to be a hand up not a way of life.
Obama revived the negative race relations with the reverse: blacks against white rather than whites against blacks of the 60s & before. Progress was still occurring until Obama began making inciteful statements using any/all occurrences to paint them as racist & instilling ideas in blacks that they’re still treated as 2nd class citizens–no mention of all the help poured into black educ & communities in efforts to help them rise out of past circumstances. He’s succeeded in a war & still at it.
Many people do not make the choice to have children, they just happen because the parents did not make a decision to not have children. People used to instill values in their kids but now, sadly, TV is allowed to instill lack of values. I witnessed the discrimination against the Jews that you mentioned. It seems to me that the black community, as a whole, does not want to do anything to improve their lot in life except to demand everything from others, just my opinion
So your thinking of going to Osoyoos this winter? About schools, here is an easy solution. Full control goes back to each individual school. The money assigned to each student follows the student. Don’t care if a local school as some French students and some English students in the same building. The principal and school administration hire the teachers to teach both language students. Schools would compete against each other to attract the most students. Bad schools would fail and close.
Bill Chandler, what is your source of such a profound statement? “Found a quote by George Soros from a German 2014. “I am going to bring down the U.S. by funding BLM hate groups. We will make the blame on white people. The black community is easy to manipulate”.”
We have travelled via RV throughout Canada, US, and Mexico. You have to be vigilant and smart wherever you travel. There are “bad” areas in all 3 countries. FYI, Osoyoos is not warm in the winter time. Look up average temps, and wind blows off lake all winter. Just be safe and keep going South! As for education, you are absolutely correct. We need more competition in education, charter/private etc. And a voucher system where money follows student. And ABOLISH TEACHER UNIONS!
Come to easttexas here in Houston County, there s a good motor park in Crocket. You want have any problems here. I then I could meet you and Ann; you would love this part of Texas. Mickey
Just read in The Manatee , that our PM is not going to allow Canadians over 85 in the next federal election. He nor his old man have ever served this country in the military. How is that for being equal???
Great Editorial, Howard!!! Once again you have expressed my own thoughts exactly. I have a unique issue, one of my daughters is married to a black man, has mixed kids, mixed grandkids and for me mixed great-grandkids. If this issue ever comes to a complete explosion, it will be an all-out racial war. My family is doomed. Both sides will hate them & kill them as quickly as they can. Hatred, anger & stupidity will reign supreme, without true thinking & real solutions.
I had NO idea there are people who dislike the Jewish people. What in the world for? Hilter was a mad man he killed off millions of people who were & could have been the one who found the cures for cancer or some other disease.No matter where you decided to travel please be careful and be safe in your journey you Ann and furr babies. What Daniel Pllaadini said about Soros is very true sounding such an evil person he is. God speed . Have a fun time !!
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