Some Perspectives Aren’t Worth The Excrement Found On The Streets Of LEFTIST Cities.
Here’s A Perspective From Gavin Newsom, California’s Hypocritical Governor who Wants to Sneak Into the White House by Pretending he’s All-In for Biden, when Actually, he’s Holding the Knife that will Stab Deeply into the Back of Biden . . . Gavin Newsom Just Accused Israel’s Wartime Prime Minister Of “DOUBLING DOWN ON STUPID”.
This Is The Same Gavin Newsom Who Is Bankrupting California, as California’s Middle Class, Millionaires, Billionaires & Very Talented People like Sylvester Stallone, are are Leaving to Get Away from Newsom’s Sick Governance, where Newsom Closed Down California to the Greater (Forcibly) Masked Population During Covid (Chinese Virus) – While Newsom Dined-Out On Haute Cuisine . . . Without A Mask.
In A Live Interview This Monday Morning (February 26, 2024) . . . at Around 7:30 with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was Asked about Newsom’s “Doubling Down On Stupid” Comment by Kilmeade.
Netanyahu’s Response to Kilmeade Was Clear & Concise – Essentially – Prime Minister Netanyahu Said . . . The Israeli People Are Not Stupid.
Please Allow Me To Draw Several Juxtapositions:
Outside Of The Fabled Biden Confrontation With Corn Pop & The Bad Boys Corn Pop Ran With, There is No Record Whatsoever of Biden ever Throwing or Taking a Punch in Anger . . . And He Never Served In The Military.
For Gavin Newsom . . . Newsom Also Never Served In The Military, and the Greatest Brush in which Newsom Came to Danger was Eating a Gourmet Meal Unmasked at the French Laundry Restaurant During Covid, Along with a Group of his Hoity Toity Friends . . . Also Unmasked.
To The Contrary . . . Benjamin Netanyahu Served As An Officer In The Sayeret Matkal, one of the Most Elite Commando Units in the World, where he was a Leader of Men & Wounded in Action.
First Elected On May 29, 1996 . . . As the Youngest Prime Minister ever in Israel, and the Longest Serving Prime Minister in Israel . . . Netanyahu Guided Israel through Multiple Wars as Prime Minister of Israel, as a Member of the IDF (Israel Defense Force) and as a Cabinet Member in Other Leaders’ Governments.
Netanyahu Also Guided Israel From Being A Failed Beggar Socialist Nation . . . To Becoming A World-Class Capitalist Juggernaut.
So – the Next Time Useless Jerks Like Obama, Biden, Newsome & Others Decide to Disparage Someone with the Incredible Gravitas of Benjamin Netanyahu – Ask Yourself Based Upon the Preceding . . . What Credibility Do The Jerks Have In Comparison To The Rock-Solid History & Accomplishments Of Benjamin Netanyahu?
Those Who Do – Don’t Talk . . . Those Who Talk – Never Did.
In Response To My Last Editorial About Having Respect (Sexually-Etc) For Other People . . . One of the Readers of Emailed Me with His Excellent & Astute Observation, which Said . . . Respect For Oneself Is Just As Important As Is Having Respect For Others.
The World Would Be Speaking German & There Would Be Few To No Jews Left Alive If Biden Was President In The Early 1940’s.
Biden Is Not Alone . . . Even Though Biden is Pretending to be Israel’s Best Friend, that’s Not even Close to Being True, since Biden in Conjunction with Obama & Obama’s Globalist Acolytes . . . Biden Through Blinken, who uses his Jewish Heritage as a Shield for his Anti-Israel (Anti-Jewish) Policies, Wants Israel to Surrender Israel’s Historic & Biblical Homeland of Judea & Samaria.
In Addition . . . the Biden Cabal Wants to be the Group to Take Credit for Creating the Mythical Two State Solution, which Would Inevitably Lead to the Destruction of the Jewish State of Israel.
Biden Will Throw Israel Under The Bus . . . To Keep the Votes of American-Moslem Jew-Haters in States like Michigan, Illinois & Minnesota.
But America – Through Biden Does Not Stand Alone . . . As Britain Permitted the Palestinian Message of “From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free” to be Streamed Large in Lights on Big Ben, which is the Equivalent to Having this Disgraceful Message of Promoting Jewish Genocide . . . Prominently Displayed In Times Square.
Add Canada To The List . . . Since the Liberal Government Run by Justin Trudeau has Passed a Policy of NEITHER Selling NOR Shipping Military Equipment or Dual-Purpose Equipment to Israel, which is What Members of the United Nations & the American LEFT Want the World Body & Biden to Do.
With That Written . . . Israel Buys so Little Military Equipment from Canada, that Trudeau’s Anti-Israel Position is as Useless . . . As Tits On A Bull. And if You’re Wondering About What Canadian Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s Position is on Israel . . . It Is The Exact Opposite To The Anti-Israel Position Of Justin Trudeau, Trudeau’s Liberal Party & The Anti-Semitic Communist NDP Party & Its Leader Jagmeet Singh.
The Good News For Israel . . . Is that the Vast Majority of Israelis are Seeing through this LEFTIST Outrage and are Finally Beginning to Understand . . . If Israel Doesn’t Stand For Itself . . . It Will Totally Stand Alone.
Even Though The Global LEFT, Specifically with the Help of the American LEFT, are Fomenting as Much Social & Political Division & Upheaval in Israeli Politics & Life as they Can, which Gives the Impression on Television & Social News Media . . . That Israel Is A Hopelessly Divided Country . . . IT IS NOT!
All Elements Are Coming Together For The Global Showdown . . . And We Are On The Right Side.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
HG, you paint the picture exactly how it is. What fools we have leading California and the USA! Here’s a two state solution: Shedd ourselves of California and New York and the USA will be a better place.
Noticed that Biden called Netanyahu an a-hole. Just wish that Biden had a fraction of his leadership qualities including his military experience. One of these days the enemies of Israel will learn not to mess around with them.
We keep “blaming Biden” as a bad President —– that is NOT true! Biden is only serving as puppet for “O’s” third term —– as he “transforms America.” I could go on and on re: “O’s” hatred for America. His Muslim background & training as well as his love of communism, from his Kenyan father, explains why the USA is not supporting Israel. It is all in his book “Dreams From My Father” —— if you find an original copy write. Later copy writes have all been re-written to rem
Good analysis. Bibi needs to ferret out and either expel or eliminate the jackals that barry sotero sent to Israel to foment unrest and to eternally eliminate Bibi from running for office. Same goes for America and Canada. Freedom of speech, yes. Treason and one world government (lusted after by the demorat party of America and the liberals of Canada, NO!
Excellent commentary. Regarding the matter of self-respect, it is my belief that that has never been a goal for Joe Biden, only self-importance, and that he’ll do whatever it takes to have it. Sadly, there are many more, worldwide, just like him. Standing with Israel.
Newsom, like Biden is a product of our Society. Lots of money, lots of political pals/relatives, few morals and an arrogance of his Beautiful Man assumption. When I hear folks like him talk, I think of the thousands of young military folks who gave their lives while connected pieces of garbage like him, Clinton, Biden and Obama never served. Bibi served his country well and is a great leader, he will pull Israel through these trying times, burn Hamas down.
Excellent editorial Howard. There are takers and givers in this world. The Biden’s, Obama’s, Clinton’s, Newsom and many more in the Swamp gov’t of America….TAKE and TAKE an really don’t give a DAMN about ANYONE else except themselves. I pray for their comeuppance soon and it will not be pretty! Israel LIVES keep up the fight…down with Hamas!
Sorry I have come to mistrust just about every politician. So few believe in human values of any kind. They steal our money and get rich, they pass laws that only benefit themselves, they talk the big talk, but do nothing. The minorities have suffered any positive actions in schools because “they” seem to take money that should benefit the school systems and put it in their pockets instead. So, minority schools remain improved.
Patriots everywhere understand what is at stake, and we will ALL stand together against the global reset and all the “isms” that are trying to destroy our countries-the USA and Canada-and Israel. I support Netanyahu and believe he means what he says. He will stop Hamas for ever and for good. No more “from the river to the sea” so that Jews will be able to live in Peace in Israel.
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