When Did It All Change?


To My Great Understanding – In North America, One Is Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

Why The Sudden Mob Mentality For Bob Menendez To Quit The Senate? I Have Two Problems with the Democrats Howling Like Junkyard Dogs for them to Eat the Flesh off the Bones of Senator Menendez.

It’s Not As If I Like Bob Menendez, since I Can’t Think of Too Many Politicians who I do Like, Menendez Included. And it’s Not as if I Think Menendez should be Treated with a Certain Amount of Reverence because of his Age & Length of Years in the Senate.

There Should Be Term-Limits For All of Them.

But I Do Believe that Bob Menendez Deserves the Full Decorum of Being Assumed Innocent Until Proven Guilty, which is the Bedrock of the Constitutional Judicial System of the United States of America.

Is Menendez Guilty Of What He Is Being Charged? . . . I Don’t Know.

If He Is Guilty . . . Would That Make Him Any Different Than Most Of The Members Of Congress . . . Who are Always Making Deals with Lobbyists & Such for their Personal Benefits, which they Define as Political Donations?

It’s Not The First Time Menendez Has Been Indicted For Having His Hand In The Cookie Jar.

So What’s Different Now?


Once The Judiciary Determines Guilt First Before The Assumption Of Innocence – What’s Next?


Does Anyone Really Believe That It Starts & Ends With Donald J Trump?

If You Believe That Trump Is Guilty . . . as the Media, the Government Controlled Judiciary, the Democrats, the Never Trumpers and the Intentionally-Made to be Ignorant Dumbed-Down Population choose to Believe? . . . Then Stop Believing In The Phony Precept Of What The LEFT Deems To Be “Democracy”.

“Democracy” Is A Shill For Whatever The Mob Wants You To Believe.

For The Umpteenth Time . . . Hitler Became President & Chancellor of Germany Under the “Democratic” Process. Global Governments Including our American & Canadian Governments Literally STOLE our Freedoms During the Contrived COVID Lockdowns, as they FORCED all of us to Stay at Home, Social Distance, Wear Masks, Get Vaccinated with an Untested & Unproven Drug . . . ALL IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY!

Let Me Go Back To Menendez For A Moment.

Menendez was “Caught” with Bars of Gold on his Premises & Bundles of Cash Stuffed in his Closeted Jackets. Since When is it Against the Law in the United States of America to Have as Much Money as you Want in your Home or Anywhere Else?

You Can’t Watch TV for an Hour Without Seeing a Recognizable Person Hawking Gold & Silver as a Cash Alternative for the American Currency that they are Downplaying as a Risk. I’ve Never Once Heard Them Say Buy Gold & Silver & Make Sure To Put It In The Bank.

I’ve Also Never Heard Any Of Them Say . . . Buy Gold & Silver & Make Certain to Declare it to the IRS. But I Always Hear them Declare that Gold & Silver are Great Hedges to Inflation and a Potential Collapse of the Banking System.

I Watched & Heard Menendez Say that he Wanted to Have Gold & Cash On-Hand Because of the Experiences of his Cuban Parents Under Strongman Leader Batista.

I Had A Wonderful Elderly Friend By The Name Of John Who Was Of Wealth . . . And was Generously Engaged in Conservative Canadian Politics, who Made his Wealth as Far as I Knew the Honest Way, Through Hard Work, Risk-Taking & Perseverance, who Always Cajoled Me to Buy Gold & Hide-It on Property, Along with a Good Measure of Cash . . . Two Commodities Of Which I Had Neither.

Two Years Ago In Canada . . . An Extraordinarily Brave Group of Men & Women Rallied Across the Nation by Truck, Tractor, Car & Foot . . . To Fight For Our Rights, as the Trudeau Government – Followed by Equally Detestable Provincial Leaders, Stripped the People of Canada from our Supposed Constitutional Rights & Freedoms because of the (I’ll Write It Again) Contrived China Virus.

How Did The Government Of Canada Punish The Brave Patriots & Donors To Their Cause Like Me?

The Government Seized Our Wealth Through Our Bank Accounts & Funding Services. It was Easy for the Government to Do.

So, What Happened To The People Who Didn’t Have Cash-On-Hand, Or Gold Or Silver? How were these People who were Guilty Only of Participating in the “Democratically” Recognized Demonstration for Freedom of Expression & Association . . . Supposed To Stay Alive, Pay Their Expenses, Keep A Roof Overhead, Food In The Refrigerator – Etc, Etc, Etc?

And What Money Were They Supposed To Use For Their Defense?

I am Not Suggesting that Menendez is Innocent or Guilty as Charged, because that has Nothing to Do with His Rights to be Presumed Innocent Until Proven to be Otherwise.

But What The LEFT Is Doing In The Name Of “Democracy” . . . To Trump, Menendez & Others – is Turning the Entire Fundamentals of the Judicial System Upside-Down & Inside-Out . . . To The Point . . . Where It Has All Of A Sudden Become Acceptable For The Government In Power To Destroy The Opposition By The Use Of Lawfare.


It’s More Important To Know How We Got To Where-We’re-At . . . Than Where We Actually Are.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. The bottom line is we have about 95 slobs in the senate and 1 who dresses like a slob.

  2. We now have a “pick and choose” kind of law enforcement. Like sexual harassment – it depends on whether she likes the guy or not. These gold bars, as I understand it, were marked from Egypt That leaves litle to the imagination that they were not ordered here.

  3. I believe Menendez to be a crook, as I think of much of Washington. I know a now retired Congressman personally, his sister was my sister in law. I listened to many things that he was involved in that seemed to go away when money became available. Was he a crook, yes and no, he was only doing what others in Washington were doing. The Lobby is a crooked tool used by corporations and businesses to get their way. How do these poorly paid (sic) politicians get so rich? Insider trading, handouts?

  4. ‘Poor’ Bob Menendez. Obviously he’s just not high enough up in the Democratic Food Chain to receive a Hall Pass from the crooked judiciary, the bought and paid for media, and his Congessional colleagues. Truly bad luck that he’s not a Biden, Clinton, Obama, Fetterman, Omar, etc for whom breaking the law is always a Seargeant Schultz “I see nothing” non-issue.

  5. Gold & silver. My paternal grandfather was able to get his family reasonably well through world war 2 because he had a large glass jar full with silver rijksdaalders (dollars) money (cash) was worth nothing. But with the silver he was able to purchase from farmers etc. I never met my grandfather as he died in his late 40’s but heard the story from my dad several times. Food at the end of the war was scarce and starvation’s happened especially in the cities. Could food get scarce again???

  6. These days very little works as it was designed to work. Sadly, the justice system has become as corrupted as the rest of government. Guilty or not, Bob Menendez is merely the current point of deflection from other matters – Hunter’s woes, more $$ to Ukraine (did I read that Canada, too, just sent a few billion?), a potential government shutdown, and evil, evil everywhere! My prayer is that enough of us are finally recognizing the depth of the problem and joining the fight for changes!

  7. Focus is critical. Obama was, is and will remain the source and handler of every section of the planned destruction of the US. Biden is a front, a putrid plant fitting the needs of said chef less Obama. Menendez is the fall guy at the moment. The crude onslaught against President Trump reminds me exactly of the violent actions against political foes by Peron and Juntas,. “Desaparecidos” will follow if not dealt with by the people.

  8. Yeah Howard! What about “the Bdiens”. How’s come we are not hearing anything about all the diamonds they are/were receiving? Where are they hiding them? Not a word from the liberal media.

  9. Nancy Pelosi will once again prove herself to be the guardian of American values by telling Menendez that he should thank his lucky stars because like Trump, he will have a chance to prove his innocence. Innocent until proven guilty is just a silly concept anyway. I guess discovering cocaine in Justin Trudeau’s jet will be determined to be a medical necessity for him because he is smarter stoned than straight.

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