What Doesn’t Kill Me . . .


Rocky Balboa Refused To Take A Knee Under The Withering Beating Of Apollo Creed.

Rocky Wouldn’t Take A Knee, No Matter How Many Blows were Thrown at Him from Apollo Creed, who was Not Just the Odds-On Favorite . . . Of The Cocky Fight Aficionados.

Even Though Rocky Didn’t Win The First Fight – Rocky Went-On to Become the Undisputed World Champion Not Only with the Heavyweight Title, but Also in the Hearts & Minds of the People Who Lived their Lives Vicariously Through Rocky the Underdog, Not Of The Insiders, But More-So . . . Of The Masses . . .  who Felt Every Blow that Landed on their Champion . . . Which By Extension Landed On Them – Because Rocky’s Life Was Their Life.


With Every Blow Hammered At Trump By American LEFTIST Government Thugs Dressed In Business Suits . . . It is the Equivalence of Inserting Ramrods of Steel into the Spines of the Masses . . . Who After this Stage in National (American) & Global Politics has Transformed Trump. . . From A Mortal Man Running For Office Into An Icon Who Cannot Be Defeated In Life Or Death.

The Left Know This . . . But How Do They Stop A Towering Icon Bigger Than Life?


The Slaughter . . . That Slaughtered The Slaughterers . . . Will Bring The UN To Heel.

From The First Moment Hamas Gaza Palestinians Began Their Slaughter Of Innocent Jews, who were Just Awakening in their Homes in the Early Morning at their Kibbutzim and at a Musical Festival Beside the Gaza Border . . . The Script Commenced & The Suicide Of A Two State Solution Was All But Settled.

The Slaughter Of Innocent Jews . . . Began The End Of The Palestinian Myth & Two State Solution.


Before October 7, 2023 . . . Israel Was A Divided Nation Teetering Close To Civil War.

The Israeli LEFT, Aided & Abetted Surreptitiously & Even Not that Surreptitiously by Powerful American & Global LEFTISTS, Rendered Israel to Become Close to a Permanent Socio/Political Division Between the Makers (Conservatives) and the Takers (Liberals) of Israeli Society, Where Democracy Would Have Been Crashed Upon The Rocks Of Elitist Rule Through Appointed Courts.

October 7, 2023 . . . Changed Everything.

What The Palestinians & Other Jew-Haters Worldwide . . . thought Would be a Stunning Blitzkrieg-Type Victory Over Israel (Jews) on October 7, 2023, is Quickly Becoming an Epoch Legend of Personal & National Human (Israeli) Courage . . . National Retribution Against the Enemies of Decency . . . and the Final Vindication of Israeli National Sovereignty, which is Also Going to be a Driving-Force to the Demise of the Corrupt United Nations and all Subsequent UN Agencies.

The World Knew Israel Would Deliver Powerful Retribution To The Palestinian Murderers, But Not to the Extent & Resolve Israel has Produced, Beyond what was Expected of Israel by the World Body Based Upon all the Other Outrages Caused Against the Tiny Jewish State, which is Surrounded by an Ocean of Hostile Countries, Where Israel was Always Required & Expected to Quit Fighting, When the World . . . Predominantly America – Deemed That Israel Won-Enough.

But This Time Is Different . . . Israel Has a Hard Conservative Government which Won’t Bend a Knee to Terror, even if Not Succumbing to the Americans (Obama Through Biden) Would Mean Tension Between Israel & America . . . And the Global & Targeted Anti-Semitism at the Whim of Other Nations, Who For Whatever Reason Seems To Believe That Israel Is Their Subordinate Nation.


The Same Pro-Communist Sickness Pervading Most-Of – If Not All Western Societies . . . Is a Cancer that Has Been Metastasizing in Israel – Literally From The Day Of Israel’s Formal Re-Entry As A Sovereign Nation On May 14, 1948.

Israel Has Been Plagued By A Serious Push From The LEFT. . . Even Before the Israeli Declaration of Independence, and through the Subsequent Years, Israel Has Been Pushed & Pulled Between a Country Run by Elitists Responsible to No-One . . . Or A Country Of Elected Representatives Totally Responsible To The People.

The Palestinians Who Cheered-On Their Terrorist Thugs, Rapists & Murders, Did for Israeli Governance & Hegemony What Israel Could Not Do For Itself.

As A Direct Result Of October 7, 2023 . . .

Israel Will No Longer (For The Foreseeable Future) Take their Security for Granted.

Israel will No Longer Trust its Munition & Weapons Supply just to the Factories of Foreign Nations . . . Not Even The United States Of America.

Israel will No Longer Take the Position that a Two State Solution is Worthy, because it will be Viable & Righteous for the Palestinian People . . . Therefore A Two State Solution Should Also Be Good For Israel . . . That Train Has Left The Station.

Israel will No Longer be Bullied by Friends & Foes into Managing Itself as a Satellite Pseudo/Nation Beholden to the Socio/Political Whims of Others.

And Perhaps Most Importantly, Israel Will Not Succumb to Domestic Political Pressure through Outside Influences (LEFTIST) . . . as Support for Conservative (Netanyahu) Governance & Values – Is Now Cementing Itself Into The Psyche Of The Majority Of The Israeli People.

The World Is Inextricably Moving In The Right Direction – And It Ain’t To The LEFT.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. Nobody explains things as well as you do. You are correct. The two state “solution” got on the train and left the station. Protesters siding with Hamas voting Palestinians don’t get it. They should look—in depth-at the Palestinian educational system that brainwashes their youth and tells them “all Jews must be killed.” The people SUPPORT Hamas-a known deadly terrorist group and continue to elect them as their leaders.

  2. Gaza was self ruled. We’ve already tried the two state experiment. It failed.

  3. If hamas and the palestinians didn’t want the retribution, they shouldn’t have started what they can’t finish, but what Israel will. There are no innocents in gaza. They rejoiced at Oct 7, and now they must pay the price. Whatever happens, it won’t be enough.

  4. I pray your last statement is TRUE & we see a new & strong dedication to returning the USA to it’s Constitutional Republic. That will require a 60% downsizing of the federal government as well as serious out-in-the open comeuppance for wealthy elitists. We should also go back to paying workers based on merit & nothing else. Sounds like “the good ole days” idea.

  5. Israel came into being as a Nation-State on May 14/48. Almost immediately it was attacked by surrounding arab countries. Israel’s rag-tag airforce & army defeated the terrorists & were prepared to advance into neighbouring arab countries until the U.S. & Britain forced it to return to the old borders. I just finished a great book–“Angels In The Sky” by Robert Gandt. How a band of volunteer Airmen saved the new state of Israel. I borrowed it from the library our United Church. I

  6. On target as usual. Definitely hope Yisroel will keep on the current path and will kick the scum barry sotero sent to Yisroel to take Bibi out.

  7. Israel is crushing Gaza’s Iranian Islamic Jihad cesspools, Hamas. Billions invested by the Yatholas created the gruesome filth pool. Obama also sent loads of cash for the purpose. BOTTOM LINE. Nearly 18000 of the Hamas murderers have been culled. Just as many wounded and thousands taken prisoner. The Iranian, UN and others built or financed infrastructure nearly destroyed. Remarkably many of the supply tunnels connect to Egypt…Hostages. Must be returned. Through victory…

  8. Yet all our national media ( cbc , ctv etc ) and “progressive “ politicians mention about Israel is “ ceasefire “ or “ occupation “. WTF ?? It’s all about good vs evil. Nobody ever called for a ceasefire with the nazi’s. Many people need to get their heads out of their phones and wake up.

  9. I would forgive and bless President Trump if he would promise two actions He would have the United States defund and get out of rhe corrupt anti Semitic United Nations and he would kick the UN out of the United States.

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