Nobody Told The Allies To Stop Beating-On Germany When Germany Was Obviously Down & Out Near the End of WWII. There was No Strategic Reason for Bomber Harris to Literally Wipe-Out Dresden When he Ordered the RAF to Destroy the City. Japan was Done Like Burnt Toast Before the United States of America Decided to Drop Two Nuclear Bombs on the Japanese Mainland (Hiroshima & Nagasaki).
And After Two Years Of Bombarding Ukraine . . . The United Nations Isn’t Stopping Russia.
I Keep Reading that Israel Has a Clock Ticking on How Far Israel Can Go to Eliminate Hamas, Before the World Body (United Nations) Forces Israel to Quit.
Funny . . . How the World Body Hasn’t Put a Clock on Russia, which has been Pounding Ukraine Relentlessly for More than Two Years with No Stopping in Sight. Why Do You Think That Is?
Do You Remember When Chechnian Terrorists Savaged Russia & What Russia Did To Chechnya As A Result?
It Was Just About The Year 2000, when Putin Came to Power, and Decided to Brutalize Chechnya for Two Years, Basically Murdering Tens if Not Hundreds of Thousands of Chechnian Civilians, as Russia Destroyed all Manner of Chechen Infrastructure – Turning Chechnya Into Wasteland.
After 9/11 In The United States Of America . . . No One Said Boo About America’s All-Out Assault on Iraq & Afghanistan . . . So Why Now For Israel?
Is Putting A Clock On Israel’s Gaza War Because The World Is A Kinder & More Gentle Place?
It’s All About The Uppity Jews Of Israel . . . Who Have Had Enough of Being a Punching Bag for Savage Arabs who Call themselves Palestinians, who are Backed-Up by the World Body (United Nations) Covertly & Now Overtly.
Jews Are Model Citizens Of North America . . . So Why All The Jew-Hatred In America/Canada?
Anne & I Both Took The Texas Carry-Course For A Texas Carry Permit, even though as Canadians we Can’t Carry, But we Took the Course and Test Anyways – Acing Them Both. One of the Most Telling Instructions we were Taught about Using a Firearm Against a Threat, was their Answer to the Question of . . . When Do You Stop Shooting? . . . Their Answer Was . . . When The Threat Is Totally Neutralized.
So Let Me Apply That To Israel & Hamas.
Israel Should Stop “Shooting” when Hamas is Totally Neutralized. And Only Israel Should be the Judge . . . Of When Hamas Can & Will No Longer Be A Threat.
David Weiss Is A Tool Of The LEFT & A Disgrace To America’s Justice System . . . Who Was Chosen for the Task of Burying all Charges Against President Biden’s Scum-Ridden Son Hunter, who with No Exaggeration can Best be Described as the Excrement on the Street . . . That One Makes Every Effort Not To Step-On.
The Insiders Don’t Want The Liar-In-Chief To Run Again In 2024 . . . They Know He’ll Get Creamed.
Biden Has Served His Purpose . . . He’s No Longer the Useful Idiot Obama Needed for this Third Term. And if Biden Won’t Go on his Own Volition . . . The LEFTIST Judicial Juggernaut will Put Biden in a Position to Make a Deal . . . Publicly Resign From Running In 2024 & Weiss Will Continue To Slow-Walk The Prosecution Of Hunter Biden – Or Go Down In Disgrace.
This Deal, If This Is What The Democrat Power-Players Are Planning . . . Will Allow Biden to Leave the White House Surreptitiously on his Own Terms, which will Also Allow Joe Biden to Pardon Everyone of his Decrepit Family Members who were Part of Biden’s Crime Syndicate . . . Before Biden Exits The White House.
All The Crap We Hear From Biden’s Talking Heads, that Biden will Not Pardon his Despicable Son if (When) Hunter Biden is Found Guilty of all the Crimes he is Accused-Of is Baloney, since the Words Out of the Mouth of the Man (Biden) who Made a Political Lifetime & Fortune by Cheating & Lying Should be Taken for What they are Worth.
It Doesn’t Matter Who Will Run For The Democrats In 2024 . . . He/She Won’t Win!
I Have To Assume that the Democrat Replacement for Biden will be Gavin Newsom & Whichever Black Woman, Maybe Gay or a Transgender-Man the Democrat Party Chooses for him to be his Running-Mate.
It Doesn’t Matter Who Will Run For The Democrats, since President Donald J Trump will Eat him, her or it for Breakfast. I Also Think In-Spite of the Bull-Shit Polls, the Republicans will Keep the House & Win the Senate, Especially If Mitch McConnell Takes A Long Overdue Hike.
What The LEFT Is Doing Now Is To Hyper-Overwhelm America . . . with Massive Un-Repayable Debt, Enormous Immigration that Won’t be Easy (Possible) to Deport, Promotion of Child Sexual Dysphoria, Cross-Gender Insanity, Faux National Racism, Academia that has so Severally Mis-Educated America’s Youth – Etc . . . That It Will Take Years For This Generation To Recover – If Ever.
But That Written . . . America Has Come-Back From Worse.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
I think you are correct on most of your comment, however, what concerns me is: Joseph Stalin early in his career allegedly said ” what is extraordinarily important is this, who will count the votes and how”. We have seen this in the USA a great deal in recent elections and it will continue. Win the WH and Senate I am not so sure, JMHO.
Amen!!! If the dems can steal this election, we deserve what we get. I am counting on the grace of God, the white hats, and everyone of us on our feet fighting for our rights and freedoms. The whole world is being tested to choose right from wrong. I suggest we choose quickly and then ACT. Local, Local, Local. The black hats are toast, more truth is coming out every day. Mr. G spreads that truth with every word he writes. God bless you, Anne, Raven, and a hug to Tavor having FUN!
if your interest is in QUALITY democracy then you must participate in our obligation to vote and question the leaders, do they really represent the people, ourselves????
I cannot foretell but I doubt Blinken can emulate the late Henry Kissinger. He is just not the same caliber or his backing is that relevant either. And… Is seems that for a multitude of reasons, Israel’s “elites…” are determined to erase the Gaza pestilence. To start with… Islam when down to Jihad level is incapable to live in common with other religions. And the result is clear. No secrets on that. Islam from the Koran down to Bin Laden are explicit. Weaponry reliance.???? i
You are on point on all counts!
UN is acting like the school yard teacher trying to stop a fight of the 2 school bullies, she just isn’t strong enough. Washington is corrupt to the core, both sides have bad apples that have been getting Biden Money from Lobby, and no one wants to upset the apple cart. Why can these Politicos defy Suppena while us poor folk cannot. DOJ and FBI Leadership should be shut down, fired at minimum for their lies and convicted for their contempt for us. Blood shed is going to happen on our soil, soon
A fantastic editorial Howard! EXACTLY!! It is now up to the people of the Republican Party to make sure all voting is done legally along with the counting. All Republicans need to be every where getting involved with early & mail in voting systems, just like the DemoRats will be! This is the fight for your Rights and Freedoms. If Americans don’t it will be the end of life as a FREE person…Communism knocking at the door! TRUMP 2024…Trudeau VOTED out next election. Vote Poilievre 2024!
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