Yesterday . . . Israeli Channel 13-News Asked Blinken Two Straight-Up Questions.
1 – Will the United States of America Compel Israel to Back-Off on Israel’s Aggressive Military Action Against Hamas? . . . The Answer Was Gobbledygook.
2 – Will the United States of America Get Involved in the War if Hezbollah were to Get Into the War Against Israel? . . . Still A Non-Answer Amongst A Plethora Of Verbal Pablum.
Here’s The Bottom Line . . . Israel Better Fight As If They Are Totally On Their Own.
People Of Good Character Have No Need Of Peaceniks (Pacifists).
History is Replete with Anecdotes of Fools who Have Tried to Make Peace with Savages . . . Who Were Ultimately Destroyed By The Savages.
As You All Know, Or I Assume You Know . . . A Bit More Than A Week Ago (Two Weeks Ago Today), Anne & I Made the Heart-Wrenching Decision to End the Life of our Beloved 2 1/2-Year-Old German Shepherd Dog Tavor, because, as Hard as Anne & I Tried to Protect the Outside World from the Fierce Nature of Tavor, Who was Bred for a Specific Purpose, to be an Aggressive Protection-Dog . . . We Spent a Huge Amount of Time, Energy & Money to Make Tavor Safe to the Outside World, Which All Came To Naught.
It Is A Fool’s Errand To Believe The Nature Of A Beast – Human Or Otherwise, Can Be Changed.
For Those Fools Who Believe They Can Change The Heart & Soul Of Nazis Or Nazi Wannabes . . . They are Responsible for the Death & Suffering of all the People who Believed in their Stupidity, and those who Did Not but Got Caught-Up in their Idiocy. Just Refer To The Memory Of The 6-Million.
The Nazis Could Not Have Done What They Did Without The Elitist Peaceniks Throughout Europe.
And Here We Are . . . Worldwide, as the Globalist Pacifists (Peaceniks) – Always of the LEFT – Have Once Again Brought Us To The Edge Of Perdition.
When the Anti-Semitic Mobs in Nations Like America & Canada Take to the Streets Spewing their Verbal Filth & Hate Against Israel (Jews) . . . The Bastard Jewish Pacifists (Democrats/Liberals) Should Know – That Means Them Too.
Trump’s 2016 Campaign Rendition Of The Poem (Song) . . . “The Snake” – Said It All.
Make No Mistake About This . . . The Global Nightmare That Is Currently Plaguing Israel . . . And will Soon be Visited Upon the Rest of the World, was Caused SPECIFICALLY by the Imbeciles who Voted for the Imbecile-In-Chief (Biden) – And In-Spite of this Ongoing Socio/Political Nightmare, Will Vote For Biden Again.
As A Jew, I Cannot Sufficiently Thank America For Its Support Of Israel. But, If the American LEFT Didn’t Elect the Lying Son Of A Bitch (Biden) and his Cadre of Socialists (Communists) . . . We Wouldn’t Have To Be Thanking Anyone.
Moreover . . . America Has A History Of Abandoning Its Friends, Especially when the LEFT is Running things, as they Abandoned the Kurds after Promises were Made that they Wouldn’t, as they Gave the Russians a Green Light “For A Little Incursion Into Ukraine”, which Became an All-Out Invasion of Destruction & Mass Death, as they Abandoned Millions of Afghans when America Said it Wouldn’t . . . And As The American LEFT Imposed Itself Into Israeli Politics To Destroy The Legitimately Elected Conservative Government (Likud) Of Israel.
Now We’re Thanking The Biden Government For Allowing (Causing) The Nightmare To Happen.
Israel Has A Powerful Army/Air-Force/Navy, Great Military Intelligence & Fabulous Special Forces.
Forget The Fact That Israel Was Caught Flat-Footed . . . World History is Replete with Anecdotes of Successful Sneak Attacks, all the Way Back to the Trojan Horse Several Millennia Ago.
The Sneak Attack On Pearl Harbor, D-Day, The Battle Of The Bulge & The Tet Offensive are Just a Few Huge Attacks No-One was Prepared For . . . And Now This From Gaza.
Talk Is Cheap & Biden’s Administration Are Amongst The Cheapest Talkers Ever.
I Lay No Blame On Israel For This Abhorrent Attack, Other than to the Biden Administration and the Fools who Voted for this Crooked, Dishonest & Incompetent Man (Biden).
But I Will Lay Unlimited Blame On Israel . . . If the Israelis Do Not Use their VAST Military Resources to Crush the ISLAMIST & LEFTIST Enemies of Judaism & Freedom.
We Can Worry About The Poor Gaza Civilians – Or We Can Worry About Ourselves & Ours.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
As usual he “blinked” as he has done on previous occasions. He should return to his former profession of playing the guitar at that, probably couldn’t play for crap Tom Risk ,Mesa, AZ
Every time I look at tv showing Gaza, I am thinking of your prediction of the parking lot…AND that the defeated never admitted defeat. Hoping that your other prediction will come through and Israel will finish this merry go round once and for all. Andy
Please do NOT forget the Muslim & Communist puppeteer who is currently serving his third term!!! And, who pallets of CASH to Iran!
Just look to Obama for all of the mayhem in the world. We are in his third term of death and destruction. I bet Moochelle is really proud now.
Neville Chamberlain would be proud of our appeaser in chief JoeyB and what he is doing to lead the U.S. into WWIII.
I wouldn’t send one Israeli soldier into the tunnel systems in Gaza. Fill em full of gasoline and start em on fire
He knows his master is going to require a repayment of the “kindness” he has shown to Israel. That repayment will come at the expense of Israel and its’ citizens. They will want a permanent promise not to build in Samaria and Judea. Probably no more settlements in the current nation of Israel as we tell him and his master barry sotero to go to hell and send Mossad.
All this hate for only 16.1 Million Jews worldwide on a planet of over 8 Billion. This hate as far as I learned is because the Jews declared that they are God’s chosen people, so what, it ain’t making me feel inferior, hence why I am now agnostic. Just for that, all Jews deserve to die ???? The world is truly sick and mostly the political left of the world is truly sick. Generations being brainwashed to hate the Jews just for that? UNREAL !!!! All terrorist radical mooselims must be eliminated
Robert – The Jews I Know, Including Rabbi’s I Know Never Claimed To Be God’s Chosen People. But I Hear that Refrain Often by Many Well Meaning Christians – HG:
Another fantastic editorial. The whole American SWAMP should be put before a firing squad for what they have done to the Republic of America and Constitution. They have made a mockery of America as it stands right now Schummer, O’Connell, Obama, Biden, AOC and the list goes on with many behind the scene. Canada is not far behind Singh/Trudeau must go!! We have Kalastani/Hamas,CPC. This is WAR!! Canada hasn’t any money to help Israel, everything we had in artillery went to Ukraine, still does!
I stand by my comments of past weeks: Prepare for Civil War. With the 100’s of thousands of Illegal Migrants that have flooded our Border for the past 30 months or so and only a small percentage Vetted we have the makings of a JIHAD Militia right here at home. Proof is in the Idiots that want us to pay for their college as they support HAMAS in protests. At 71, I have recommitted to the OATH I took at 18, ” I swear to defend this country against all enemies Foreign and Domestic”. Stand Ready.
The Republicans defeated North Vietnam and promised America would return if the North re-invaded. Recognizing the huge treasonous communist-controlled anti-war movements, they successfully reinvaded and the Democrats then in power predictably did nothing. Robert … If you knew history and the Bible you’d know that the Jews ARE the chosen people and for a purpose. Also, if you did, you’d know that the good guys win in the end. Unfortunately, there’ll be a lot of hell between now and then.
Well said. Israel MUST be victorious and rid our world of these enemy extreme terrorists who do not want peace or compromise but state that must have death to ALL JEWS and to the West. The terrorists are supported by Palestinians who vote them in as their leaders and let them hide among their citizens. Death to ALL HATERS OF OTHER CULTURES. It is the only way to restore a safe and free life to citizens of Israel—Jews and Arabs alike.
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