While it is True that Biden is the President of the United States of America, Deserved or Not (Not) – It is Equally True that Biden is a Useful Idiot for the LEFT, whose Primary Goal, if Not the Only Goal . . . is to Deconstruct the United States of America from the Inside-Out . . . As The World’s Only Safeguard For Individual Freedoms.
The Fact That Biden Is Not The Real Decision Maker . . . is Secondary to the Truth, that Every New Law Passed, and Every Executive Order Delivered Bears his Signature. History Will Show Joe Biden Will Become The Most Hated Man In American History, Even Though This Buffoon Thinks So Much Of Himself & His Scheming Wife.
Even Though Biden Is Not The Real Decision Maker . . . Someone Else Is, and he, she or they are Destroying the World in this Buffoon’s Name.
America . . . Through Joe Biden – Has Become A Duck Billed Platypus.
Had Biden Not Been the President of the United States of America During the Pandemic, Would America Have Been Shut-Down For Three Years?
Is it an Accident that Many Millions of Global Invaders (Illegal Immigrants) Crossed Into America? Or Was It Part Of A Global Strategy Endorsed By Biden?
More Than 5-Decades Ago, Chicago Anarchist – Saul Alinsky . . . Wrote Rules For Radicals, about How to Overwhelm the System, which Became the Socialist Bible for Radicals Like Hillary Clinton & Barrack Hussein Obama . . . Which Today Seems To Be The Blueprint & Roadmap For Biden’s Strategy To Overwhelm America.
Would the Economy be on the Verge of Total Collapse Causing so much Strife to the Working-Poor & What’s Left of the Middle Class . . . If It Wasn’t Because Of Joe Biden?
Would Energy, Food, Housing & Basic Living Products be so Unaffordable to Families Throughout North America (Canada-Too) . . . If It Wasn’t For Joe Biden?
Would The Russians Have Invaded Ukraine, Creating a Modern-Day Dystopia & Civilian Genocide, Had Biden Not Tucked America’s Tail Between its Legs & Run Disgracefully from Afghanistan?
Would China be so Emboldened as to Threaten America Militarily . . . as China Threatens Taiwan with What Now Seems to be an Imminent Invasion . . . Had It Not Been For Biden’s Fecklessness?
Would the Saudis Have Ever Shunned the United States of America, to More or Less Join with China, Iran, Russia & North Korea . . . Had It Not Been For Biden?
Would You Be Willing To Bet All Your Freedoms & Family’s Safety On The Ineffectual Joe Biden?
Would Israel Be On The Threshold Of A Civil War (Jew Killing Jew), Because the Israelis Want to Take Away Undeserved Powers from an UNELECTED Judiciary . . . if Biden Wasn’t Encouraging Israeli Insurrection to Keep the Israeli Knesset (Legislature) from Being . . . Of The People, By The People & For The People?
Would The Enemies Of Israel Be So Bolstered To Be Causing A 2023 Intifada (Wanton Slaughter Of Israeli Jews), with Threats from the Enemies of Israel, Ready to Strike & Wipe Israel and the Israeli Jews Off The Map when they Perceive the Time to be Right . . . If It Wasn’t For Biden?
This Presidential Creature (Biden) – Promotes Child Abuse Through his Silence, Stands for Attacks Against Real Women’s Rights, Stands for Debauchery, Gender Dysphoria, Racial Hatred & Total Disdain for the 250-Year-Old Bill Of Rights & The American Constitution, with the Unabashed Help of Big Tech, Legacy Media, Social Media, Academia (Teachers Unions) & Globalized Corporations . . . To The Point Where We Are Well Beyond Legitimate Civil Debate In Order To Right This Capsized Ship.
We Just Heard From France’s Prime Minister’s Mouth (Macron) – That America Cannot Depend on France in Either a Diplomatic or Military Conflict with China. So Much For NATO, And Thanks For The Memories Of American Sacrifice For The French Liberation Of WWI & WWII.
If I Was Israeli Or Taiwanese – I Would Be Making Security Plans That Would Not Necessarily Include Biden’s America.
Don’t Surrender An Iota . . . Support all Real Conservatives Financially, Publicly & Politically. Expose the RINOS for the Enemies from Within that they are. And Don’t Throw Our Heroes Like President Trump To The LEFTIST Wolves.
Start Doing Everything The LEFT Does . . . But Do It Better & More Aggressively!
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
You are correct. Unfortunately, Israel allowed barry sotero’s agents of destruction to remain in Israel after the election before he lost. The Word of G-d says “all” nations will come against Yisrael. That includes America. Wake up Yisrael! The American diaspora and the demorat party are not your friends but dedicated to your destruction.
As usual, Howard, you are 100% correct. I do not know if we can save our freedom. For example, the USA has been very deliberately morphed into something close to a Democracy —— from the Constitutional Republic as we were founded. And, as history teaches, ALL Democracies, without exception, end in the same manner. It is not pretty —– as you know.
Lee Norman is right on and “ Canadian democracy “ , ( with no constitution or individual bill of rights ) , is a prime example of democratic decay. There are way too many politically ignorant people in the world too know anything about a constitutional republic. Canadians think they have rights when in fact they’re just government granted privileges. Whoop de doo !!
Howard, thank you. Thank you, thank you. I can always rely on you for a spot-on analysis. Keep writing to us.
Well said. …do it better and more aggressively.”
Howard you are the MAN. Like you, it didn’t take Biden being in office for very long for us to see what the real picture looked like. For me the first day I viewed Biden signing 17 XO’s ending everything that Trump had created I got an accurate picture as to what was going to happen in the next 4 years. I hope, one day, a book will be written about the real group behind the figurehead, Biden, who are running this country. I hope that America still exists in 2 years.
Just some random thoughts… – Conservatives could learn a thing or two from Saul Alinsky. – Isn’t it odd how there’s an urgency to dump billion$ in Ukraine… but all the other wars/genocides are barely registering in the news?
I always thought that the platypus was God’s way of poking fun at mankind’s science of “phylum, order, species. It is a mammal but lays eggs rather than giving live birth to its young, Nouishes its young by sweating milk into skin grooves instead of nipples. It has no teeth but a bill like that of a duck and has webbed feet. Has fur similar to a beaver but the fur glows. Marsupials carry their young in a pouch, as does the platypus. It is not a reptile but has venom spurs. Interesting beas
If mankind needs further proof of the approaching end times, they’ve not been paying attention. The US has NEVER before been in such a mess & vulnerable position. Biden was put there just for this purpose. Wonder why the USA isn’t mentioned or even really alluded to in the Bible? We just may be seeing why – we aren’t gonna be around as ‘that’ nation in the End. Happened to every great power in the past; what made us think we would truly be different? Arrogance, same as always.
It always looks to me he’s saying to himself, “I’m the President; I am a great man,” as he marches around. Funny/not funny.
Isn’t if interesting that the sudden rise in Mass Shootings is by folks who are Mentally Il, problem folks that have been fired/released by Libs for prior crimes. they chant Gun Control when they mean Gun Removal so the Modern Day Brown Shirts can destroy you without worry of a fight. Japan did not attack the main land in WWII because there was a gun behind every Tree. There is a fight coming, another Civil War caused by Biden and those who promote his Woke Agenda, we must fight back.
Fantastic editorial Howard. Take away the Guns, the Religion, the Family our way of life until we are No More. Our gov’ts don’t give a rats a$$ about we the People Canadians and Americans. The WEF or China wants to Rule the people or murder them either one is death for us. VOTE THE LIBERALS OUT NEXT ELECTION…VOTE OUT THE DEMOCRATS NEXT ELECTION…Take Back Our Countries. Make Canada Great Again….Make America Great Again!!!!
Sorry, but Canada was never “great.” Nor was the United States. Greatness is measured in the arms of a mother caring for her baby. It is measured in a dedicated father providing for his family. It is measured in the resolve and bravery of citizens standing up to tyranny. Measuring the “greatness” of nations pits them against each other, resulting in warring alliances. The most important minority in the world is the individual. I worship God, not government, and I invite you to do the same.
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