Where The Elitists Thought They Were Riding High Throughout The World, the Reality of Unintended Consequences are Striking-Back with a Vengeance Against their Smug Attitudes & Fake Certainty of their Prowess.
Here’s A Prediction . . . Trump Will Win A Huge Election Victory In 2024. Conservative Republicans will Take the House and the Senate. And in 2025, there will be a Real Insurrection Against the President of the United States of America & Against the Elected Conservative Congress . . . In The Name Of Saving Democracy.
It’s Curious How The LEFT Is Always Willing To Destroy Democracy To “Save” Democracy.
The Insurrection Will Be Bloody . . . It Will Cause Substantial Social & Material Damage, where People in the Blue States will Feel-It the Worst. In the End . . . It will be Akin to a Second Short Lived Civil War, Where The Swamp Will Finally Be Drained Of Socialist (Communist) Democrats, RINOS & Provocateurs Of Violence Against A Conservative Society Based Upon Good Moral Values, Law & Order.
Do You Really Believe That A Two State Solution Will End The Mantra “From The River To The Sea”?
If That’s What You Believe . . . Do You Also Think the Pro-Hamas (Murderers) & Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations Against Israel (Jews) throughout the World, but Especially in the United States of America . . . Will Come To An End Once Israel Stops Fighting?
Do You Believe The Jew Hatred In Legacy Ivy-League Universities . . . Will all of a Sudden Go Away as if it Never Happened Once Israel Declares a Ceasefire? And Even if Israel were to Leave Gaza Entirely, As Israel Had Already Done In The Year 2005 – Do You Think It Will Make A Difference?
I’ve Written Many Times Of Crossing The Rubicon . . . Where Once Across – There’s No Coming Back.
The Global LEFTIST Jew-Haters Have Crossed The Rubicon . . . And in Many Ways, Israel & Diaspora Jews (Jews Living Outside Of Israel) Have Also Crossed The Rubicon, Many of Whom are finally Realizing the Propaganda & Lies which the Israeli & Jewish Diaspora has Been Spoon-Fed for Decades is Bogus . . . that Anti-Semitism has Been Eradicated, and Once Israel Makes Enough Concessions to the Arabs . . . Peace Will Explode Throughout The Middle East.
Not Only Is None Of That True . . . None Of That Has Ever Been True!
There Is No Making Peace With An Entire People, whose Greatest Intention is to see Another People Dead. Remarkably, the Greatest Victims of the October 7, 2023 Palestinian Genocidal (Maniacal) Butchery of Unarmed Innocent Jews, was Perpetrated Mostly Upon LEFTIST Israeli Jews (Peaceniks) who Thought they Could Tame the Cobra.
They Don’t Get-It . . . And For More Than 3000-Years They Never Got-It.
Even Though More Than 1200 Innocent Jews On October 7, 2023 . . . were Brutally Massacred, Raped, Tortured & Kidnapped to be Held as Hostages by Savage Arabs who call themselves Palestinians . . . I Promise You . . . There Are Still No Shortage Of Jews Worldwide & In Israel Who Still Don’t Believe.
But It Doesn’t Matter . . . Because the Unintended Consequence of the Palestinian Butchery Unleashed the Wrath of the IDF (Israel Defense Force) Both Upon the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, with Much More to Come Against Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Houthis, Syria, Lebanon & Iran.
Essentially . . . The Massacre Of October 7, 2023 Has Unleashed A Whirlwind.
There Will Be No Two State Solution . . . Not Now – Not Ever . . . Certainly Not the Way Obama/Biden and the LEFT Pictured-It. As a Matter of Fact, What the Palestinians Managed to Accomplish on October 7, 2023 is to Have the Israelis Separate themselves Completely from the Palestinians, to the Point that Israel will Immigrant More People from Other Parts of the World (Africa, Southeast Asia – Etc) to Provide the Services the Palestinians will No Longer Be Welcome to Perform.
If I Was An Israeli . . . How Badly Would I Want To Include Palestinians In My Life?
Take This Seriously . . . How America & Israel Will Go In 2024, Is How The World Will Go In 2025.
We In The West Are Not Without Allies . . . What We Need is Real Leadership, Strong, Brave & Sufficiently Resilient to Carry the Weight of the World Upon His Shoulders. Does Any Name Come To Mind?
As Dark & Depressing As It Is Today . . . Tomorrow Will Be A Much Better Day.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Obama’s intent of angering the >200M legal firearm owners in the US to defending themselves from his encouraged acolytes (Antifa, et al.) to declare Martial Law, remove the Constitution and replace it with military justice may finally come to fruition under his primary acolyte illegally occupying the WH. He, through Biden, will release his thugs from hell, imprisoning only those who defend themselves. Our only ‘right’ will be what’s attached to our body’s right side.
It take years to sink in. The Jews will never see peace until they annihilate the enemy completely. Do it now and get it over with. They will have a chance at peace. Ray Moscato, Calgary, Alberta
I pray your early remarks re: Trump and the USA in 2024 will come true. The pendulum seems to be swinging back to the right —— not only locally but world-wide as well. There can NEVER be peaceful 2 states because that is NOT in the Muslim DNA. The in-breeding will keep all 57 Muslim nations / states in the low end of the pool of knowledge and they don’t realize it. Happy New Year to all.
“Tomorrow Will Be A Much Better Day.” I hope and pray that encouragement turns out to be true, both for Israel, Canada & the USA. I will continue to work & pay to assure a Trump victory. May the population occupying ‘from the river to the sea’ always be those who embrace political freedom and respect for all humanity regardless of birth, politics or religion. May earth be cleansed of those who Hate! Happy New Year, Howard to you and yours, always.
With mail-in ballots with no proof of identity, drop boxes, and machines that can be accessed via the internet to change votes, the demon rats are on their way to again cheat and steal an election if nothing is done about the way sheeples vote. There should be only one way to vote, in-person voting paper ballots with the only mail-in ballots allowed would be from senior citizens and sheeples with disabilities with signed proof of voter I.D. inserted in the envelopes.
Absolutely correct Howard. The blues will suffer more. Only we in the red states will have to ferret out the blue traitors who have moved to our states. What will be better for Israel in 2025 is that the slow walk of munitions and military aid will end. As far as I am concerned, give Israel a carte blanche and for those refuseniks, a gallows. They are not worthy of the name G-d gave the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. AM Yisroel Chai! Ode Avinu Chai!!
You are absolutely correct. I believe everything you are predicting will come true. We have to stay strong and be ready for the left’s assaults on our countries. There is no making a deal with the devil. Terrorist groups are just that—armies of, for, and by the devil. I will never give up on the hope that my country and its Constitution will be restored to its former glory and be used by generations to come.
I truly hope and pray your predictions for the US in 2024 come to fruition. Wishing a Happy New Year celebration to you three and all your readers! 2 Chronicles 7:14 says: “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” I pray that happens in the hearts & minds of the majority. We need nothing less.
2 things must occur in 2024. Israel must annihilate Saudi Arabia’s biggest threat on their doorstep; the Houthis, before it undergoes further growth and becomes like Hezbollah. A Houthi defeat will result in Saudi Arabia signing onto the Abraham accords, as they will then truly understand who they can rely on to take apart Iran piece by piece. Israel must also ramp up its endogenous weapon production, marry it to AI technology, and stop being forced to acquire predominantly defensive USA wares.
I agree with all the previous comments! Let’s Go Brandon and FJB! Getter done!
I moved to a Blue State, Idaho, over 10 years ago. We moved from Wyoming which used to be a Blue State but is now closer to a Red State. It is coming to past that Idaho, with the influx of Libs moving to and taking over Politics in Eagle Idaho is moving towards Red. Long time locals and true conservatives, like myself, see the problems that the Libs bring. I wear a Veteran for Trump hat most of the time, I get mixed comments regularly. I don’t debate, I just ask how do you like our country now.
All the blues that get chased out of the states can then come over to Canada and join all the reds. Our so called charter of rights is tailor made for socialists to tell the rest of our citizenry what to do. Hopeless , and I don’t think Pollievre is going to change much to help us get back our freedoms. I pray the majority of Americans will continue to realize what they have. God bless.
I listened this morning to a voice from across the pond, who’s predicting much the same as you. Also, I have heard some info out of Israel that I hadn’t previously heard. There is SO much being withheld from us, on all fronts. Prayers not only for Israel, but for the US, Canada, and the return of what is good, and decency and common sense. Agreed that 2024 will be difficult and probably ugly, but believe there’s better days coming. Happy New year!
The employment shift is already in place. Reaction to Islamic violence has also taken the Gaza post October 7th format. I cannot ascertain who will came out unscathed from the inevitable investigation that will follow Hamas Jihad Iran Gaza termination. Internally Israel is heading into an elected Executive Investigative Commission process. And echelons shake down. It is suicidal to keep them generals or their cumpas. Netanyahu cannot count on support. US ISRAEL RELATIONS????
Hamas, the Great Reset, Climate Change hoax and manufactured starvation (rampant inflation) must all be eradictated if the world is to survive. Best Wishes, Happy New Year to Howard and Anne and all dedicated bloggers and supporters.
Hoping you’re right about Trump but I have no confidence in the electorate nor the system. The immigrants will be voting democrat. We shall see. I believe that most support Israel and feel they need to anyolite Hamas. 2024 should be very interesting. Happy New Year to you Howard and Anne.
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