Unfortunately There Won’t Be A Zoom Meet & Greet Tonight. Stay Tuned For The Next.
What Just Happened In This Session Of Congress (Infrastructure Bill) Is Nothing New.
As A Matter Of Fact – It’s Old Hat. What’s New, is Because of President Donald Trump . . . Political Sleazebags in Leadership Positions like John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Even Jeff Sessions Have Been Singled-Out for Being the Liars & Cheats they are to the People in Whom their Voters had Placed their Trust.
The ONLY Reason We Can See-It Now . . . for What it’s Worth, is Because Donald Trump Shone a Bright Light on the Treachery of a Vast Number of Politicians, whose Loyalties are Far Greater to their Lobbyists than they are to the People who Voted for them as the People’s Representatives.
This Will Probably Never Happen . . . But It Should – IT MUST!
IF YOU REALLY WANT TO STOP THE TREASON – End Lobbying, End Dark Money, Really End Earmarks (Not Just Pretend To End Them), Make All Donations Of The People, By The People & For The People . . . Exclusive To The People – In Other Words . . . No Corporate or Union Financial Influences . . . And Make Every Penny Paid To A Party Or To A Candidate 100% Accountable.
And Jail For Political Malfeasance. If The Rule Of Law Applies To Us – Why Not To Them As Well?
Tragically . . . There Is No Reason For The People To Trust Any Measure Of The American Political Process.
It Must Also Become Law . . . A Serious Law . . . Not just a Simple Misdemeanor for Political Parties, the Media & Individuals who Contrive & Promote Lies, Disinformation & Defamation Against Political Opponents.
No Wonder The LEFT Despises The 10-Commandments & Want Them Removed From Public Places!
Because Lying Has Become Politically Fashionable . . . What Does That Say About Who We Are As A Society?
The “Joke” About Knowing When a Politician is Lying . . . Is When he or she is Moving his or her Lips. But It’s Not A Joke. Maybe at one Point in our History it was a Joke. But If It Was A Joke Then? . . . It Is No Longer A Joke Today.
Where the News Media Have become all About Ratings, Revenue, Short Skirts, Tight Blouses & Long Legs . . . The Political Process Has Become All About Theater & Pretense.
The Good News Is That Help Is Not On The Way – BECAUSE HELP IS ALREADY HERE . . . in The Form of Private Media. Much of it are BLOGS, Podcasts, Videos, Independent Social Media & Independent National & International Disseminators of Information, which are Neither Beholden to Corporations Nor to Political Parties.
I Am Inundated Everyday, Seemingly 24/7 with all Manner of Information, Most of it Accurate, Some of it Useful & Some of it Garbage Conspiracy Theories & Gross Misinformation.
I Just Received an Email with a Quote Attributed to Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, with a Grainy Photo of Kissinger, the Place where Kissinger was Purportedly Speaking (WHO) when he Made the Purported Comment and the Date . . . When Kissinger Allegedly Promoted the Use of Forced Vaccines as a Means for Wealthy People to Become Wealthier while Thinning the Herd of Humanity.
I Have Never Been a Fan of Henry Kissinger. To The Contrary, I Found Kissinger to be Far Too Machiavellian for the Benefit of a Free Society. But That’s Not The Point.
How Many People Did this Person who Sent me this Bullshit . . . Send it to Other Internet Contacts, who Might Have also Forwarded this to People on their Lists as well?
To Be Totally Factual – This Wasn’t The First Kissinger “Hoax” Email I Received.
It Took me a Fraction of the Amount of Time to Verify the Baloney (Lie) I was Emailed through a Multitude of Easily Accessible Sources . . . Than It Took-Me To Write The Previous Few Paragraphs.
If you Foreword Lies & Disinformation . . . Does that Make you as Culpable as the Liars?
Think About The Answer & Then Read The Following Link.
Will you Apologize to all the People you’ve Misinformed?
How Can the Purveyor of this Misinformation Ever Reach the Number of People he Sent this Lie to, to Apologize, since he Has No Idea How Many People who he Sent this Lie to Forwarded his Lie to Others?
In The Internet World . . . You Could Be Talking About Dozens, Hundreds, Thousands Or Even Millions.
We Have A Great Thing Developing Here With Our Expansion Into Mass Media, But, if What we Send & What we Read Can’t be Trusted . . . Where Does That Make Us Any Better Than The LEFT?
In Summary . . . Don’t Believe Everything you Read because it “Looks” Good and is Something you Want to Believe, which was Sent to you by Someone you “Might” Trust.
The Internet is a Fabulous Tool that Allows Everyone the Opportunity to Verify Everything . . . And Think About This – If You Forward A Lie . . . How Does That Make You Any Different From The Original Liar?
You Can Trust What I Write . . . Because Before I Publish Anything, I Verify It Every Way Come Sunday.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Desperate and deadly dangerous. The setting is classic when certain cadres facing electoral demise opt to violent means to remain in power.
American elections are perhaps the worst and most corrupt in the free world of which America is now officially not a member. Information coming out now would indicate that the New Jersey election was likely stolen so the rot continues. There should be a penalty of 20 years hard labour for anyone involved. If this was the case in 2020, Trump would now be in the White House. If it doesn’t happen the corrupt, senile unaccomplished Biden could win a second term in which case good bye America.
Howard: I agree with you on everything in this current blog. There is one statement that I am questioning: “IF YOU REALLY WANT TO STOP THE TREASON – End Lobbying, . . . No Corporate or Union Financial Influences . . .” Restricting unions and corporation from speaking out and addressing their Congressional representatives is tantamount to stifling of Free Speech. Although, I do not think that politicians should be held accountable for their lies, but, that may be a bridge too far.
Charles – I Never Wrote Nor Intimated anywhere in this Editorial, that Unions & Corporations should Not Speak-Out. Nor Should they not be Heard.
Their Money Should Not Be Used To Buy Or Influence An Election Of The People, By The People & For The People – HG:
So TRUE- “No Wonder The LEFT Despises The 10-Commandments & Want Them Removed From Public Places!” Our Society would definitely change for the better if the 10-Commandments were in place. Also, “The Political Process Has Become All About Theater & Pretense.”Doing the RIGHT is very RARE these days!WHOEVER made the statement of ‘the Use of Forced Vaccines is a Means for Wealthy People to Become Wealthier while Thinning the Herd of Humanity’ was correct. There IS still HOPE, however [2022]. AMEN!
Blue DAFF hats for democrats to counter MAGA hats – Destroy America’s Freedoms Forever
It’s pretty darn obvious that Americans today are not made of the same stuff their founding forefathers were. How else can you explain all the malfeasance that’s been permitted to go on day after day and year after year? The Tree of Liberty cries out for an overdue watering. The people of No other country in the world have a 2nd Amendment to back them up but in the USA today it’s just a quaint artifact frequently argued about. In other words not worth the paper its printed upon.
Howard, I’ve always thought, “the candidate that has the most money, wins”. I guess the more money they have the more lies that they can get out there. How very sad for humanity.
Actually – More Money Doesn’t Always Win. More Money is very Handy, but Having the Right Message and the Means to Get that Message-Out is far More Valuable than just Money. Trump Beat Crooked Hillary who had, and spent much more money than did Trump. And Even Now. Youngkin spent far less Money than did McCauliffe – HG.
The people who are running our Country today were the hippies of the sixties and the seventies. Back then the hippies did as they pleased regardless of the law. Does this sound like the people running America now mainly the Democrats? Back in the day parents taught their kids to have respect. The kids that are in most schools now are taught that they are no longer under the control of their parents and the should do as they please and it will only get worst as time goes by.
Add to your list of things to Stop Treason, make term limits for House Reps & Senators LAW. How? Get it on the next ballot. Congress will NEVER do it to themselves; they want the power/wealth it provides.
Great editorial.Dr. Frank Shallenberger MD. Covid 19 mRNA shots are legally Not Vaccines rather are Gene Therapies.No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before.In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from these vaccines.Physicians that speak out about the Covid-19 vaccines some have lost their job, when this happens we know there is a true story about these so called Covid 19 vaccines.Are we then the Guinea Pigs?My big concern is the PEGylated lipid nanoparticals.
Right on! I have tried, more than once, to get folks to be cautious about what they share. As you say, wishing something to be true, or agreeing with it in theory, does not guarantee the truth of it. Sadly, asking someone to exercise caution, or pointing out an untruth, often simply creates animosities. So, I have learned to self-police only, and share just those things or opinions I am prepared to defend. Thanks for being a trustworthy source.
Asking for Term limits is to ask Politicians to be Honest Good Citizens instead of the Line My Pocket Lawyers that most of them are. Do you have to be rich to be in office, NO, a truck driver just won while spending less than $300 on his campaign (number varies in the media), he had an open and honest message. I would love to run for office but as my wife tells me “You would get massacred by the media, all the skeletons in your closet”. Even a Good Life has Skeletons in someone else eyes.
Unfortunatly Howard, when you kill the bad , you also kill the good, such as the NRA and other lobbyist for healthh and other necessary organizations. The biggest problem is the labor Unions, this of course is the Commiecrats favorite source of income, unfortunately we need labor unions but, not under one or two flags, but independent labor unions. The 2 major ones in this country should be broken up and totaly dismantled. An honest covert investigation by the FBI into their finances is a
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