Vote Recount Is About As Useful As Tits On a Bull


Let Me First Apologize To Everyone . . . who has Emailed me and Commented on the Comment Page, who I Haven’t Responded to, since my Inbox is Overflowing, and I Don’t want to Respond to Easterners on West Coast Time, which is Three Hours Behind the East Coast.

I’m pretty Certain you Wouldn’t Appreciate Getting Dinged Past Midnight (East Coast Time – 9:00pm My Time) with an Email Alert from me or Anyone Else.

BUT . . . Please Be Assured I Am Reading Everything You Send & I Am Doing My Best To Respond . . . In Addition To Everything Else.


The Only Honest Remedy for this Massive Distrust in the Electoral Integrity of the United States of America, is to Have New Elections in the Contested States & Districts Without Mail-In Ballots.

Will The Supreme Court Order That? . . . I Doubt It Very Much, Since That Would Take Courage & Veracity.


I Know Of What I Write . . . And Because I Personally Lived through all of this, but on an Infinitesimal Scale Compared to what President Trump has Had to Deal with and Survive . . . From Personal Experience I Can Write In A Fashion Very Few If Any Of The Pundits Ever Can . . . Or Could.


I Fought Tooth & Nail As A Champion For Freedom Of Expression, which in Canada is a Privilege – Far More than it is a Right. And in the French Ethnocentric Province of Quebec, The Unrestricted Use Of The English Language Is Against The Law.

As A Result Of My Relentless Activism for Freedom of Expression . . . Anne & I had to Live With Armed Bodyguards for long Periods of Time over the Space of about a Year, at our Own Expense . . . The Thugs Are Everyone – Not Just In The USA.

We Were Never Rich People. We were Somewhat Comfortable, but by No Stretch of the Imagination were we Anywhere Beyond the Middle Class, and like most Everyone Else, We Struggled To Get By . . .  And Still Do.

Yet we Financed Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Fighting for the Legal Rights of People we Didn’t Know and would Never Know.

We Did It Because I KNEW It Was The Right Thing To Do & Anne Knew I Was The Right Person To Do It – So We Sacrificed.

I Suffered All The Slings & Arrows . . . the Insults & Intimidation, the Horrific Dishonest Media & Never Ending Vile Newspaper Caricatures, None of which Ever Slowed me Down or Gave me Pause to Second Guess what I was Doing & Why.

I Too Had The Massive Crowds & Support Of The Working People . . . But Like President Trump, I also had the Elitist Sell-Outs & People who were Ignorant of the Facts, Truth & History . . . And Who Were In-It For Themselves – but Gave the Impression that they were In-It for the People.

And Unlike the Government Enemy which Waged War on the Rights of the People with the People’s Own Money (Taxes), I had to Rely on What I Could Raise and What Anne & I Had to Give . . . Which Turned-Out To Be Just About All Anne & I Had.

But We Didn’t Stop Then – And I Won’t Stop Now! And That’s How I Know The President Won’t Stop Either.


As Dreary As My Life Was Being Don Quixote . . . One Day – A Senior Vice President of One of Canada’s Leading Broadcasters (Radio & Television – Lee Hambleton) Invited me to a Fancy Sandwich Shop Next to His Downtown Montreal Office Building for Lunch.

Lee Hambleton was Known as one of the Finest & Classiest Men in the Broadcast Industry, who I Somewhat Knew from Casual Contact between My Advertising Agency and Lee Hambleton’s Radio Stations . . . But We Were Not Friends.

We Ordered Sandwiches, and While we Waited for the Food to Come to the Table, we Passed a Smattering of Small Talk, when Lee Hambleton All of Sudden Said to Me . . .

“A News Reporter (Journalist Is The Word I Think He Used) . . . Is Someone Who Watches The Battle Rage From The Safety Of The High Ground. And After All The Fighting Is Done, Goes Into The Valley & Slaughters The Survivors”.

Lee Hambleton’s Message To Me Was Clear . . . DON’T LET THEM SLAUGHTER YOU. And Within a Few Minutes of Eating Half a Sandwich, Lee Hambleton Said he Had to Go, and I Had No Taste or Appetite to Finish the Remaining Half of my Sandwich.


I Don’t Have To Tell You What To Expect & What To Do, Since Far Too Many People Love Doing That – But . . .


As Long As You Have The Wherewithal To Continue The Fight . . . DON’T STOP, because there are Tens Upon Tens of Millions Of People Who Will Stand With You.

Mr President . . . You’ve Earned The Right To Continue The Fight. And Even Though you Owe your Courage to No One . . . You Owe it to the People who Never Left Your Side, who Rallied in the Millions Across America to Cheer You-On and who would Have Walked on Glass to Carry-You over the Finish-Line.

For The People Who Don’t Know . . . During the Mass Evacuation of Dunkirk (1940), and the Ferocious Battle of Britain, which saw England Taking a Ruthless Beating (Bombing) every Night, Encouraged Many British Elitists to Call Upon Sir Winton Churchill to Seek some Accommodation (Surrender) with Adolf Hitler. Churchill Would Have None Of That.

After The Second World War – But Before The War With Japan Ended . . . And After Churchill Saved Britain through Exceptional (Monumental) Leadership – Churchill Lost the Subsequent National Election (1945) to the Labour Party (Socialists), which is Something No Shortage of Writers & Historians Dwell Upon.

But In 1951, the British People Returned to Their Senses & Reelected Sir Winston Churchill to Another Full Term . . . Something the Writers & Historians DON’T Dwell Upon . . . Does This Sound Familiar?


As Upset As You Are . . . I Am Too – But I Don’t See The End . . . Just A New Rocky Beginning.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. Well, now we will have a new Pharoah running the U.S. who is being handled by Pharoah Barak Obama. The world will survive and be stronger.

  2. It’s not going to be Biden who will be POTUS, it will be the lunatic communist Kamala Harris–that’s why we have to keep fighting.

  3. I think that Trump has let them go to extreme measures that are so blatant they will lose Remember Biden is on tape saying “We’ve put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”. Something has to be done. That surely can’t work

  4. Very well put Howard. That’s it I am finished with the news stations 1( well maybe the night time Fox News ). I do believe The 2nd. amendment will come into play within the next month or so. The Right Wing will take back the will of the people. God Bless The U.S.A.

  5. Some say as long as we hold the Senate the damage can be contained. Those folks underestimate the damage that can be done by the bureaucrats in the regulatory state. Should Trump win the legal battles the first two priorities must be to break up big tech and somehow pass election laws eliminating early voting and mass mailings of “absentee” ballots.

  6. We must return to educating our youngsters in history, geography, & civics, so they fully understand our founding fathers’ ideals; how free enterprise, and the systems which made America the country it is – not was, IS. We need to do this now, not when we ‘get around to it’. Take our country back by educating the coming generation. These socialists will disentigrate when the free loaders run out of other peoples’ money.

  7. Republicans should make life as president as difficult for Biden as the Democrats made the presidency difficult for Trump. They should see that a special investigator be assigned to look into Chinese collusion with the Biden campaign to bring COVID-19 to the US to take down the US economy so as to lead to Trump’s defeat in 2020. They should also look into Hunter Biden’s monetary relationship with the Chinese Communist government and any benefit Joe Biden received from it while VP of the US.

  8. Trump won’t quit. Our lives are on the line and so is our country. Trump is NOT a quitter and neither am I. God Bless

  9. I am 78 yrs old, I may never vote again as long as I live. My heart is soooo heavy today, not for myself but for my grandchildren and their future children. They will never experience the America I grew up in and now I will only be an observer as I can do nothing else. Praying did no good, I truly believe now God is leaving us, since we abandoned Him beginning with removing Him from our schools. We are on our own. Mary Bemis

  10. Howard, Hand salute to you for taking on the establishment and never giving in. It is a lonely path by which to travel and I swelled with pride reading your story. I am 77, a Vietnam Veteran, and a former Fighter and Attack Pilot, who will always be a United States Marine. President Trump is the greatest President in my lifetime and I will put him up against any before my time on earth. No other MAN, that I have ever met, could take one week of the onslaught he has endured. He did it for us!

  11. Good column. I would like to see some uniformity when it comes to rules concerning the vote. Each state has its own system which I think is wrong. I would have VOTED Donald Trump 2016 and again in 2020. But enough already, The world is stuck with sleepy Joe.. Let’s work harder in 2024. Ray Moscato, Calary, Ab, Canada

  12. IF they will the democrat states will introduce draconian anti 2A legislation, the federal dems will do anything any everything they can to go around, go over, go under the senate to destroy 2A. Its really what they are after, so many Americans will be classified as criminals because they own firearms…then the fun will begin. It will not take them four years to completely destroy any remnant of a Trump America. The chinese flu was the warning of things to come!

  13. It’s over. The leftist marxists have won. By a very slim margin, but they have won, and now you will see the start of the drift towards full blown socialism in the US. The makers, those on the right, will start having their hard earned $ confiscated, to give to the takers. The Republican voters did not want their country to become like, drum roll, —————- Canada! As a Western Canadian controlled by the dictates of Quebec & Ontario, I feel their pain! Liberty lost!

  14. This has been an “interesting” week! Thanks for your steadfast Trump support. When the Israelites came out of Egypt it did not take them long to forget life under oppression and begin to complain. God was still with them. Food and water were provided but they still complained and had to go through a generational “cleansing” before getting into the”promised land”. We in North America are on the edge of some “hard lessons” that need to be learned. Keep the faith and let us be on our knees!

  15. Howard you are a breath of fresh air in the polluted air over the USA now. Unless a turnaround in the courts (don’t think will happen) comes quickly our capitalist Democratic Republic will surely be heading towards socialism. Thank you for your stand and wisdom shown through your blogs. Bob Manges, Mansfield, Ohio

  16. Thank you for your writings,, I’m glad I dont have cable TV. I used to watch Dobbs, carson, Hannity. ha ,I dont miss them. I will never watch Biden or that women. Get news from you and facebook.

  17. Your absolutely correct Howard here in Detroit we had a whistle blower poll worker swear an affidavit that he was told to alter ballots. Here in Michigan we have paper ballots.What good would a recount do on altered paper ballots. There’s no way to tell if they were altered or how many. The only fix would be a new election. It won’t happen

  18. I sincerely hope and trust that President Donald Trump is not a quitter. Devious people have skewed this election and I sincerely hope that justice will be done. If the USA goes, so goes Canada.

  19. I have never seen anything as confused and disorganized and openly illegal as the ballot counting. The free world is definitely going to suffer with formerly democratic Canada and America both co-opted by China and Israel just lost her best friend. Sad.

  20. I am with you Trump is not a man who quits. So, Mr Trump fight give them a fight they never ever expeded to ever get. We the people are with you. It is hard for me to not watch Hannity and Carlson but won’t for sometime/ Just my local nred if that even.Who do we trust anymore? Take care you and Anne my best to you both. God be with you both.

  21. Saying retreat now and try again in 2024 is a fools errand uttered by secret lefitsts. There can be no surrender. Four years of Harris would utterly destroy America under DNC Management by Fraud – deliberately designed to destroy America and give voting privelages to the flood of illegals as the walls are torn down and all of Obama’s crippling polices returned. Imagine Federal legislation being passed intended to make every state a mirror of Californian mendacity. Just to Bankrupt America.

  22. For such a technically advanced cty as the US, the voting system is a travesty. Not much better than a 3rd world country. As for Joe? He is cannon fodder. He will be in a dementia home within 6 mo. and the real choice, Harris, will take the reins and run the cty to socialism.

  23. NEVER SURRENDER! You may beat me down to my hands & knees, BUT in My Heart and Mind I’M STILL STANDING! SEMPER-FI. Howard You and Ann are True Patriots, Thank You! We’ve LOST Two generations of Our Children to PC Education! An Agenda done with great Stealth & Determination!; WHILE Many Americans Abdicated Their Responsibilities! Who Knows, Maybe under Kamala Rule My Country Will Have ANOTHER GREAT AWAKENING! OR President Trump Will Indeed Win & The AWAKENING WILL STILL OCCUR! GOD, Have Mercy!

  24. OK–so now we plan how to continue the fight!—-Never give up!-Never-Never-Never-Never-Never!

  25. This election was about one thing, and one thing only. Get Trump out at any cost so we can sweep all the corruption under the rug. Goodbye Dunham report, goodbye Hunter Biden scandal. Save the swamp!!! This is going to be the third term of Barack Obama and the deep state, as well as China continuing to own Wall street!! President Trump is the only one who can save The USA, so he can’t stop fighting, no matter what anybody says in his own party and in the media, Fox News included!!

  26. Remember, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. She hasn’t sung yet!

  27. The FAT LADY has sung with all the SWAMP adding harmony. All the lies, corruption and ways of controlling us will be hidden away as we are not smart enough to comprehend that the working persons of this country are about to get another Obama led screwing. When the BLUE Helmet armies start showing up on our shores look out, the will be here to correct WHITE Priviledge and create income equality while the LIBs keep their mansions and tell you that you have too much, boom boom, bang bang all day

  28. CIA ….The fix was orchestrated by the computer program known as “Hammer Scorecard” which was used by Obama in I believe 2012 Florida, put away and now brought back. It changes 3 % of the vote . Check out Retired USAF General McInerney u tube videos with Bannon on 11/2 which outlined what they were about to do. Trump and team are aware, and it’s game on😎

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