AS ALWAYS . . . After the Middle of the Month, When I Ask People to Contribute to to Help Lighten My Load, I am Very Grateful for Your Support, for which Personalized Emails of My Gratitude will be Forthcoming Shortly to Each of You . . . Thank You!
JUST IN PASSING . . . In Case you Might be Wondering Why I Won’t be Writing about Biden’s Disastrous Trip to Israel and the Gulf Arab States – Including & Perhaps most Importantly to the Saudi Kingdom . . . Neither the Israelis Nor the Gulf Arabs Take the Dufus American President Seriously . . . So Why Should I?
George Bernard Shaw Said It Brilliantly.
But What Happens When Those Who Can’t-Do . . . Who Teach – Grasp Onto The Levers Of Power?
In No Particular Order . . .
It Is Insane That People Who Never Built Anything, or Hired Anyone to Work on their Own Dime, Got their Hands Dirty, Stayed Awake at Night Worrying About Making the Payroll for His or Her Employees, Had to Deliver as Promised, Successfully Compete or Go out of Business, Mortgaged a Home to Finance a Corporate Dream, Went Without Income while Paying their Staff, Rent, Light, Heat, Electricity, Corporate Taxes . . . ETC-ETC-ETC – Are Running An Economy They Know Nothing About.
I Would Sooner Shake Hands With A Plumber Coming Off A Toilet Job Than I Would With The Manicured Hand Of A Lawyer.
If You Never Stood in the Heat Under a Burning Sun, Paving a Road with Rake & Shovel in Hand to Keep up with the Asphalt-Spreader & Roller . . . How The Hell Would You Know What It’s Like To Pave A Road?
Even The Guy Or Gal Standing On His Or Her Feet All Day . . . With the Go Slow on One Side & Stop on the Other Side of the Sign, Knows More about an Honest Day’s Work than the Self-Important Bureaucrats & Politicians who Approved the Work Needed to Have Use of the Signs.
If You’ve Never Swung A Hammer, Carried Bundles of Shingles up the Side of a Building to an Unfinished Roof, or Ended the Day Covered in Sawdust from Cutting Lumber to Fit the Job . . . Where’s Your Expertise On Building A House?
Have The Takers Ever Washed Other People’s Dirty Linens & Laundry, Cleaned Someone Else’s Windows, Cleared Dirty Dishes from Restaurant Tables or Came Home at the End of the Day Too Tired to Eat Supper? . . . Not Likely.
So How Do Bureaucrats, Academics & Most Of The Media Get To Sit In Judgment Of The Makers In Our Societies?
Why Do We Get Double Digit Inflation, Bullshit Employment Statistics, Massive Homelessness, Runaway Crime, a Broken Supply-Line, an Invasion of Illegal Aliens, a Flood of Deadly Drugs, an Unwilling Workforce, Uneducated & Propagandized Children, a Failed & Failing Socialized (Communist – Canadian) Medical Care System, a Pussified Military (USA), a Hollowed-Out Military Devoid of Soldiers, Airforce, Sailors & Equipment (Canada), Restrictions on the Freedoms of Expression, Assembly & Association (Canada), a Bought & Paid-For Media . . . And A Two-Tier Justice System Favoring Those Who Can’t – Over Those Who Can – Plus, Plus, Plus?
The LEFT Loves To Quote “Follow The Science” . . . That’s What The Science Says.
We are in the Tank Because we Elect & Appoint People Whose Only Experiences Have Been University Theories – Who Are The Takers, Who Screw-Over the Makers, Who are Lifelong Bureaucrats with No Real-Life Experience & Politicians whose Expertise is Being Elected & Staying Elected, Who Like Most of the People in Government Never did Anything of Physical Consequence in the Private World, Where Failure has Real Consequence . . . With Competence & Excellence Being Mandatory.
I Wouldn’t Trust The People Running Our Schools Or Managing Our Nations To Clean Our Horses’ Stalls.
First We Have To Understand . . . that we are Not Living in a Majority LEFTIST North American Society, since the Real LEFT are Comprised of a Minority of Academic, Media & Bureaucratic Elitists.
Unfortunately Though, we are Living in a North American Context, Where the Average Voter has been Dumbed-Down Sufficiently by Academia, Legacy Media, Social-Media & Sold-Out Politicians, to Have Become Dramatically Ill-informed of the Truth, Facts & Consequences . . . That We Are – Where We’re At – Through Massive Ignorance.
To Paraphrase A Very Old Idiom . . . Be Careful What You Wish For, Because It’s Going To Come Back & Bite You In The Ass.
For years, as the LEFT has been Hammering Decent People with their Woke, Woke, Woke Agenda, they Never Gave Thought to the Possibility that they Might Actually AWAKEN a Sleeping Giant they would do Far-Off Better Not Disturbing.
But Too Late . . . That Train Has Already Left The Station.
From Nowhere & Everywhere . . . People of Good Conscience, from all Walks of Life, Both Genders, all Age Groups and all Races, Have Been Collectively & Individually Awoken from a Deep Sleep of Ill-Placed Trust in our Elected & Appointed Bureaucrats & Judiciary, to the Point that Purveyors of Liberal (Communist) Ideologies are Much Sooner Rather than Later Going to be Discarded to the Historical Trash Bin of Badly Failed Ideas.
I Think Even More So . . . If Things Happen the Way I am all but Certain they will on November 8, 2022, with the House and the Senate Going to Conservative Republicans, those on the LEFT, who did so Much to Destroy a Great Deal of the Shining City on the Hill, Might Find Themselves Being Destroyed.
I Stand By My Previous Prognostication . . . Republicans Will Win As Many As 70-Seats In The House & Take-Back The Senate.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
I sure hope you are right because anything else is unthinkable.
And may it be so
And after this election we need to start clearing out republicans who are only in the job for themselves. There are still too many of them to really clean house even after this next election.
Love your optimism, Howard! However, I’m still very concerned about the new methods of cheating being devised and implemented.
I agree w/ Vickie, above —– 100%! And I pray that we can defeat or overcome/ overwhelm the crooked Dominion Systems as well as the “mail-in” ballots.
JT & Freeland: everything they’ve done must go, including them. Biden reversed pretty much everything good that Trump did for America; Trudeau has done the same in Canada. Refering to earlier blog, recall JT said” The pandemic: A great opportunity for The Great Reset.” Then he tried a coup for ultimate power without parliamentary debate. His attempt failed but he followed up with banning of a lot of guns, Emergency Measures & still in force draconian mandates with penalties. Wake up Canada
WOW !!! Howard this must be the best that you have ever written….and I love it. Always enjoyed GBS and his take on doing nothing, except have to disagree with him my daughter is a teacher here in FL THANK YOU Gov. and in addition to teaching she does plenty…………..’nuff said.
To add to the quote Those that can do: those that can’t, teach: those that can’t teach, teach teachers.
Actually that quote isn’t quite right. It should be: those that can, do: those that can’t, teach; those that can’t teach, administrate. In governement, those that can’t, rule the rest. We need to vote them all out, the sooner the better.
It seems that the politicians of old are no longer, example Abraham Lincoln who went bankrupt more then once so obviously an entrepreneur of some sorts taking risks. Now we have the majority being lawyers in our legislatures and what do they do, legislate new laws. How biased can they be!!!!!!
We that can’t phrase the true situation of our nations so brilliantly, truly appreciate you that can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best ever Howard, but somebody has to be a pain in the ass, and they fit in that slot perfectly
I have experienced life of work, for myself, for others and for a large corporation. I have met so many engineers & people with degrees who could not do the simple tasks of home repair, change a tire or anything mechanical, who for some reason are given high paying jobs designing equipment. They have no clue on how to run it, fix it or make accessible for repair. At 70 I still do my own yard work, home repairs and most vehicle repairs. And these are the folks who demand higher wages for no skill
Great editorial.The first statement above by Obama…this should have been a BIG red light to ALL Americans.He was talking about himself!Those who can’t do…he was broke then grasped onto the Levers of Power…he has been Bought and Paid for by the Oligarch Elites of the world!Now the American Republicans have to make sure America doesn’t become a Communist Nation or O’bama will have succeeded…my thoughts.Just like PM Trudeau said Canadians have NO core identity..where is the Red Ensign Fl
Sorry but I think that the Dems will try or will cheat and steal this election. Trust not 1 Commie Dem (U.S.) or 1 Commie Liberal (CDN).
Watch the Covid numbers start to increase. They will again use this for mail-in ballots in the Fall. They will try anything!
Sheeples in this Country called Canada are dumb as a rock. 80% of sheeples should be forbidden to vote period !!!! You know how much the socialist-communist, fiberal, leftist, demon rat, fake news lamestream media is always anti-Conservative and every day in the news it’s Conservative bashing which = Conservatives bad, fiberals gods good. It’s like this every day on most radio and TV stations and it happens the same way in Britain. The other side of the news, well you have to go online.
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