The Worst Part Of It Was That The Murderer Was A Black Government Police Officer Who Will Never Be Charged.
Imagine the Outcry of the Dumbed-Down Masses, who are Always Ready to Riot at the Drop of a Hat if the Shooting Officer had been White and the Unarmed Ashli Babbitt, who was No Threat to Anyone was a Black Woman?
I’m Not Dredging-Up An Old Story . . . I’m Writing about the Current Horror Story of What has Become of the Democrat Party in the United States of America, which has Fully Adopted the Belief . . . That Whatever It Takes To Usurp The American Dream Is What It Takes – Including State Murder.
How Long Have We Been Hearing That Most Of The Officers Of The FBI Are Really Good – It’s Only Some Of The Leaders?
Were the Nazi Brownshirts Mostly Good People with the Exception of Some of the Officers at the Top? Were the FBI Agents who Stormed the Home of Roger Stone in the Darkness of the Early Morning with Real Military Weapons Drawn, Mostly Good Guys?
As Long As The FBI Is Running Rampant As A Pseudo Police Agency For The LEFT . . . There Are No Good-Guys In The FBI.
As Long as the FBI and the Justice Department are Acting as the Political Police Force for the Democrat Party, and are Not Held to the Same or Even Greater Legal Standards of Culpability as are the Population . . . The FBI is Nothing More than the American Equivalent to the Nazi’s Brown Shirts, Stalin’s KGB & East Germany’s Stasi.
And if Supporters of the FBI are Upset with my Preceding Thoughts . . . Let them Prove that the FBI Isn’t the Way I Just Portrayed them to be, and Explain Why the FBI were (Are) Not being Prosecuted for Lying to Congress, Rigging FISA Warrants, Spying on a Presidential Candidate (Trump) and Inevitably on the President Himself?
Why Hasn’t The Murder Of Ashli Babbitt Been Investigated?
And Why Does A Black Police Officer Who Murdered An Unarmed White Woman Go Free?
Several Of My American Friends Who Are Conservatives Have Written Off Trump For DeSantis . . . Too Bad.
I Personally Believe that Ron DeSantis will One Day Become a Tremendous US President, that is if America Survives the American LEFT (Democrats) . . . Whether In 2024, 2028 Or Beyond. But I Don’t Think it will be in 2024, when I Believe we will See the Resurrection of President Donald J Trump.
But If Trump Decides Not To Run In 2024 . . . It Will Most Probably Be Presidential Candidate DeSantis.
But I Think Donald Trump Is Going To Run In 2024 . . . And Ron DeSantis Is Going to Wait his Turn Until 2028, which would Make a Great Deal of Sense, Given how much National American Corruption there is at All Levels, which has to be Dealt With in Ways that only a President Trump will be Able to Accomplish, Leaving a Cleaner Government . . . For Trump’s 2028 Successor To Manage, Whomever That Might Be.
For Every Democrat & Democrat-Leaning Media . . . There Is No Shortage Of RINOS Who Are Out To Decapitate Trump.
I Don’t Know Who Coined The Term Uni-Government . . . But No Truer Definition Was Ever Uttered.
Donald Trump has Proven Way Beyond any Reasonable Doubt, that Amongst all the Legacy Politicians, Republican & Democrat Alike – are More or Less in Bed with one Another, Colluding as to How they Can Keep their Filthy Political Club Intact, which Gives Democrats & Republicans a Tremendous Incentive to Destroy any Possible Return of Trump, to the Point of Declaring a National Emergency Against all Conservative Trump Supporters.
Because Donald Trump Is Irascible & Won’t Take Prisoners . . . And that Donald Trump – Not In Spite of Donald Trump’s Aggressive Tweets, Confrontational News Conferences & Bellicose Charges . . . But Because Of All The Preceding – Donald Trump is Probably the Only Man Alive who Can Take-On & Take-Down the Deep State and the Communists’ Unrelenting Attempts to Secure their One World Government.
Want To Save “Democracy” . . . Lock-Up Those [Democrats] Who Are Really The Threat.
I Like Ron DeSantis . . . But, When You’re in a Darkened Back Alley Street-Fight, You Want the Toughest & Meanest Son of a Bitch in Your Corner, Willing to Do Whatever Needs to be Done so You Can Walk Away Mostly Unharmed, while the Other Guy(S) Lies in a Bath of his Own Filth.
And The Guy You Want In Your Corner Isn’t The Guy Who Fights By The Rules Of The Marquess Of Queensbury.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Trump & DeSantis would be unbeatable (if the Dems don’t rig the vote).
Howard: I agree with you. I like both Trump and DeSantis. DeSantis will not be available until 2028 if he wins the governorship. Trump is not only a lighting rod for the Left, but, really exposes who these evil people are. In addition, Trump has the cajones to fight back. I feel that he has learned from his experience and will clean house if he is re-elected. I am not for Trump because he is a nice guy, I am voting for him because he walks the talk and is all action.
If Americans had not voted in the loss of the House for Trump he’d have done amazing things. He also thot he was being a ‘good guy’ by leaving some Dem supporters in their current government jobs, and they simply stabbed him in the back. He certainly wud NOT do that again. What he accomplished thru the adversities dumped upon him was absolutely phenomenal. Looking @ their current President, it emphasizes what a wonder Trump was!!
I just read a commentary that said that the reason God gave us his Bible was that mankind is not born good. We have to obey hundreds of laws, rules, and regulations in order to help us to be good. We constantly have the tug-of-war between good and evil. When people throw out the Bible, they are saying that they don’t want the yoke of morality in their lives. The left and progressives, like the Nazis, don’t want God/morality in any of our lives. FBI has been corrupt since J. Edgar Hoover.
The FBI has become the Democrats Political Police for sure. Since when does a missing diary become a major FBI matter that violates the Constitution’s Free Press guarantee. The corruption in the current FBI runs so deep and ingrained civil servants (Deep State) that I don’t believe it can be salvaged. It is worse now than it was under J Edgar Hoover. The FBI will ruin your life if you don’t follow the crazy Democrat’s leftist agenda. The current Justice Department is also corrupt.
We are reaping decades (7 at least) of brain-washed graduates of academia; of prayer & God removed from schools & “public” square; the legalizing of abortion, and in 2015 the legalizing of same-sex marriage. Most have heard of Sodom & Gomorrah & what happened to them at God’s hand. If we in the USA think we’ll be given a pass, think again. God will only take so much before His judgment comes, either by His hand or allowing our takeover by a foreign power, just like Israel was multiple times.
Looks like Hillary is setting up for another run. In that case I would prefer to see DeSantis run instead of Trump. I like them both , but Hillary and Bill are pretty slick and sometimes Trumps ego / abrasiveness gets the better of him. Maybe even enough for Hillary to sneak in.
It is amazing that HC would even consider running with all that has been proven about her. I hope we get to 2022 elections before things blow up. But I believe the Dems are planning to cause a rioting at a new level, allowing the Idiot to declare Martial Law and shut down elections. How many folks have been locked up by the FBI, with false evidence. They are putting dangerous folks on the streets after the commit serious crime, we are being baited to start Vigilantism, so to start their riots.
Monopoly; Who Owns The World. Will answer the majority of these questions.
Trump is a patriot and not beholden politically per se but he is obviously owned by his financiers, Deutsche Bank et al who are as crooked as hell, and this became obvious once he jumped on the vaccine bandwagon and failed to take action against Fauci. He also has trouble being unable to consistently choose loyal lieutenants. Pence for one and Kelly Anne Conway whose husband was a vowed Trump hater. Trump’s trust of his gut was an obvious weakness when he chose the tragically flawed Amarosa.
Great editorial.Sorry to hear about your incident with the other dog and hope both your pride and wrist are getting better.The FBI and CIA all need to be Fired and I’d some other dept’s as well.This would be a huge job but it has to be done or American’s will never be safe in their own country.I believe it is the LEFT that are bad mouthing DeSantis and Trump because these 2 represent a threat to DemoRats.You know you are on the right track when the DemoRats start publishing LIES about Rebubli
Howard, I think if you get out of Washington, you will find good, hard-working FBI agents that are conscientious. I had the pleasure of working w/ the FBI a few years ago, Unfortunately, even then they were under the control of the Justice Dept, who at the time was under the Clinton Administration ” The Bloody Bitch of Waco”, Janet Reno, Just about the time we were making real progress in bringing about the fall of A very corrupt Dem. run Union. Reno stepped in and killed the investigation.
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