I Bet There’s No Shortage Of Afghanis Or Chinese Uyghurs Right Now Who Know What It Feels Like To Be A Jew.
LIKE IT OR NOT . . . When it Hits the Fan as it Will, No One with a Varying Opinion Contrary to What the LEFT Demands that we Should all Believe, will NOW Understand What it Feels Like to be a Jew.
If you Think the China Virus’ Forced Use of Face Masks, Social Distancing, Lockdowns, Vaccines & Riots in France & England. . . And the Military Control of People within Australia Can’t Happen Here in North America (Canada & The USA) . . . You’re Dreaming.
The Holocaust Didn’t Start With Kristallnacht In Germany & Austria On November 9th & 10th In 1938.
The Holocaust was the Result of Careful Planning & Long-Term Execution from the Crusades, Inquisitions, Special Restrictions on Jews to the Pogroms, which were Ignored by the Ignorant and the Timid . . . to the Extent, that Once the Cauldron was Properly Mixed and the Brew was Done . . . The Remedy No Longer Existed.
It Wasn’t As If . . . The Jews Weren’t Warned, since Hitler Drew his Roadmap to the Holocaust in his Book Mein Kampf in the Mid 1920’s (1925). And Before Mein Kampf . . . the Jews were Warned of Tragic & Severe Anti-Semitism in the Russian Propaganda Book Used by the Nazis and Others, which is Still Used Globally by Anti-Semites (Jew-Haters) Worldwide, in the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, which Sells the Phony Narrative . . . That For Thousands Of Years Jews Have Conspired To Take-Over The World.
IT’S REMARKABLE . . . How Many People Really Believe that Less Than Two-One Hundredths Of One Percent (13-Million Jews Divided By 7-Billion People On Earth) of the World Population, Can Control . . . 100-Percent Of The World’s Financial & Political Power.
Amazon Won’t Promote Many Conservative Publications . . . But No Problem With The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion.
Communism Didn’t Start With The Defeat Of Czarist Russia . . . Communism was Long Planned, Nurtured & Inculcated in the Minds of the Proletariat (Worker Class) who Believed in the Propaganda of a Utopian Society Through Communism . . . Communism Didn’t Just Happen To Come To North America & Europe.
Nothing Happens In A Vacuum . . . And Let Me Tell You A Sorry Truth You Won’t Want To Read . . .
I Don’t Like Watching 99% Of Television News, Including Fox News & Even Sean Hannity – Because It’s All About Ratings.
When I See & Hear a Phony Piece of Crap Like Lindsey Graham, Who is Often Featured on Sean Hannity’s Show, who (Graham) Huffs & Puffs & Blusters How he (Graham) is Going to Do This & Do That & Hold Everyone’s Feet to the Fire & Have an Inquiry or a Hearing – And On, And On, And-On . . . And Then Nothing Ever Comes Of It – Lindsey Graham is Nothing More than a Loudmouthed Political Pile of Turd, Not Even Good Enough to be Used for Fertilizer. But Graham Is Only One RINO Of Many.
I Had A Long Conversation A Couple Of Days Ago With Texas Friends Who Are A Bit Older Than Me, But No Less Concerned.
These Two Friends of Anne & Myself were Active in the Tea Party Movement that Led to The Shellacking Of Obama’s House-Democrats In 2010 – But Now Wonder What they Can Do, since they’re Considerably Older & No Longer Have the Same Social Life with a Cornucopia of Friends & Contacts . . . To Which I Responded:
To Paraphrase . . . You’re an Army of Two Well Educated, Talented & Experienced Socio/Political Warriors – Just Two of Millions, who just Like You Want to Get Back into the Fight & Make A Difference, which will Satisfy Several Real Needs:
1 – It will Get you Out of the National China Virus Morass.
2 – It Will Give you Significant Purpose to Build or Join & Become Part of an Organized Political Attack Force.
3 – What You Did Once . . . You Can Do Again.
4 – It Takes Time & Some Disappointment to Get the Wheels Turning, But Once They Start Rolling It Becomes Full Steam Ahead.
My Advice is to Seek-Out Like Minded Conservative Streetfighters who are Young Enough to Have the Energy & Old Enough to Have the Experience.
It Appears That Liberal/Socialist Trudeau Is No Longer The Golden Boy & The Conservatives Might Actually Win.
I’m Waiting For A Detailed Quote From Our Galganov.com Web Guru, to see What it will Cost & How Long it will Take to Build a Secure National (American/Canadian) Contact Network from where People will be Able to Organize to Set-Up Local Groups & Strategize Locally & Nationally.
I Have Been Invited Multiple Times To Go On Zoom Meetings, and Each Time I’ve Politely Refused, HOWEVER . . . in the Last Few Weeks, a Group Of About 300 Conservative Floridians Asked Me to be their Zoom Guest-Speaker in Early October, to Which I Agreed, which Gave me the Thought & Impetus to Set-Up my Own Zoom Network, which I will Use to Wave the Conservative Flag of Freedom & Help Organize a Pro-Freedom Resistance Group . . . Amongst The Many People I Reach Through Galganov.com.
The Only Way We Can’t Win . . . Is If We Don’t Fight.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Make no mistake, all western nations are in a civil war. The enemies are hordes of non-thinking, brainwashed people, weak, cowardly gov’ts who only give a whit for leftist idiocies so they can garner votes from stupid voters, powerful, major institutions and schools that are run by leftist tyrants who desperately try to brainwash and control our children and ourselves and lying, corrupt, propagandizing media which gains by promoting garbage in society and pitting all of us against each other.
The mess is such that fear very bad outcomes. Organizing is critical. The disasters are great to be by chance. Heads up
If anyone thinks talking alone is going to reverse the slide we’re on they might as well go looking for beachfront properties in Arizona.
As of September 1st I will officially be a second class citizen in Quebec thanks to the tyrannical vaccine passport law implemented by Francois Legault
Another great editorial. Lindsey Graham is a (Rhino) turn coat, is giving DemoRats advice on the judicial nominees. Graham should have been voted out long ago. Propaganda does work Biden and Trudeau uses it….Lies!! VOTE OUT THE LIEBRALS IN SEPT. 2021. TRUMP 2022…TRUMP 2022!
Since taking office, President Joe Biden (D) has nominated 33 individuals to federal judgeships to catch up to all the judgeships appointed by Donald Trump . Nine of the nominees have been confirmed. Lindsey Graham has supported every Democratic nominee
Totally agree. Would really like to see Tea Party movement or similar conservative-patriot movement rise again. Just look out for sweet-sounding infiltrators to besmirch as they did before. Evil is devious, under-handed but looks/sounds good at the outset. Just beware.
I never though I’d say this but as bad as our piece of crap, politically correct, pathological lying, moronic Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is, he’s almost but not quite as bad as the worst President in American history, Joe Biden. Justin must have inherited his incompetence from his Marxist father Pierre Eliot trudeau
With all the other Biden sell-outs, why on earth did he not give all the abandonned military equipment and supplies to Israel, instead of arming the Taliban. Talk about impeachment….. how about a Military trial!
I didn’t think America could have a worse president than Barack Obama. I was wrong.
I wonder how many Canadians will vote liberal after Trudeau and his liberal idiots gave all Canadian seniors over 75 yrs of age ,$500.00 . Seniors under 75 yrs got nothing, and do they know the gov has no money,,,it’s is yours and my money, this taxable gift is our own money given to us to convince us to vote liberal, good luck to that
My 97 year old husband, a WWII veteran and a staunch and outspoken conservative just said, ” If veterans my age could serve again, I’d be the first in line.”
Today we experienced the idiot leadership of Washington, because of it 13 American Military men died. Afganistan is a mess and a ticking time bomb, it is far from over. Here we are experiencing the Left drive to a Socialist Country as they push shots that make people ill, Masks that make people ill and lie about the number who have died because of a Flu Virus. We are on the verge of Civil War in this Country because of an Elite Few who are as dumb as a bunch of rocks trying to lead us to dome.
I’m 88 and with you all the way TO WIN. As a group with you leading we can’t lose.
Great quote–“Only liberty is the antidote for the poison of communism, and it’s in far too short a supply even in America these days.” We all realize that the O’Biden administration has been very SUCCESSFUL in trying to DEPRIVE us of our FREEDOM. That’s been their PLAN right along, but MOST people didn’t THINK it would become as SERIOUS as it is! Plus, there’s MORE to come! WHO will make the essential REPARATIONS for this Administration’s MESS? Is World War III upon us? God help us all! AMEN!
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