A Pox On Fox


FOR THE RECORD . . . “Trump’s” Republican Convention Was Fabulous. It was Dynamic in Every Way. It Touched Everything Americans Should & Must be Concerned with, from Domestic Social Standards (Justice), Race Relations, International Trade, Domestic Taxation, Jobs, Defense, Support for all Police & Freedom of Expression . . . Just To Scratch The Surface.

I Watched President Trump’s Acceptance Speech Yesterday – It Was Fabulous . . . Vintage Trump – And Then Came Fox News.

I Wrote About This Just Recently . . . How the Election “Team” at Fox News Looked Like they Wanted To Puke just Before Analyzing a Fabulous Night of Republican People-Power at the Convention.

Last Night – These Fox News Bastards Outdid Themselves.

What Was A Spectacular Evening Last Night (August 27, 2020) – From Start To Finish . . . Was Met With Nothing Short of Derision & Criticism from the Fox News Pundits, Starting with a Dour-Faced Chris Wallace, whose Only Thoughts were . . . the Trump Speech was Too Long & had No Pizzazz.

Not One Of These Fox News Bastards – Including Karl Rove Said . . . WOW – What A Night, Or Anything Akin To That.

Yet – Just One Week Ago, I saw these Same Fox News Pundits, Including Dana Perino (The Bush Swamp Creature), who is No Friend of Donald Trump, who Portrays Herself to be the Sweet Useful Moderate, Heaping Praise on How Well Done, Unique & Effective the Democrat Convention was, Which in all Truth, Was A Piece Of Crud  in Comparison to What we all Were Treated to this Week by the Republican Party.

I Can’t Swear To This For A Fact . . . because I wasn’t Really Paying Attention, but I Don’t Remember Fox News Pundits Talking when Democrat Speakers were at their Podium. But I Do Remember Explicitly . . . The Fox Pundits Blowing Off Republican Speakers as they Spoke, so all the Fox Viewers could be “Treated” to the “Wisdom” of Martha MacCallum, Bret Baier and their Genius (In-Their-Own-Minds) Guest Pundits.

And Every Time Fox Pundits Blew-Off A Republican Speaker, Anne & I Blew-Off Fox News & Went To YouTube.


I Read, Watch & Listen to a Plethora of On-Line News & Views from all Over the World . . . But for Honest Domestic Political Purposes – For Free . . . I Read & Watch Breitbart News, Epoch News, OAN, New York Post – Etc. For Paid Subscriptions I Read the Washington Times, Wall Street Journal & a Few Private Sites.

YOU DON’T HAVE TO WATCH FOX NEWS . . . They Stopped Being the Voice of Honest Conservatism Long Ago. All they Are – is just Another Example of Mainstream Titillating Media.

It’s Live, Unrehearsed & Free!

Even Better . . . Listen to Conservative Talk Radio, because through the Internet you can Hear all of the Smartest, Most Talented & Greatest Political Pundits in America.

SO HERE’S THE FAVOR . . . If you can Recommend some Free RELIABLE News Outlets on the Internet, let all the Readers of Galganov.com Know where to Find them in the Comment Section . . . BUT DO NOT USE LINKS.

If You Use Links, I will Remove Your Entire Comment & Not Just The Link.


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Yesterday . . . Some 2,000 Well Heeled People Rallied At The White House For President Donald Trump.

These People were Well Dressed, Civil, Intelligent, Respectful, Excited, Forward-Looking & Totally Non-Confrontational . . . But They Committed An Egregious Crime.

They Sat Too Close To Each Other, Didn’t Wear Masks & Were Happy.

None of that was Lost on the Media, Not even on the Fox News Pundits who Couldn’t Say a Nice Word about the Republican Trump Convention, But – Had No Problem Pointing Out This No Mask – Too Close . . . “Travesty”.

If That’s The Best The LEFTIST Hypocrites Got . . . It Ain’t Much!

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. I refuse to wear a mask. I have never worn one. I made my doctor write me a not that I cannot wear one LOL so the Kevins and Karens go out of their way to harass me. The last one asked me “What makes you exempt from wearing a mask?” I told her the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. She didn’t even know what it was. I’m going to live my life mask free because I’ve had enough–and I am a currently undergoing chemo so my oncologist is horrified. I don’t care.

  2. If you want your news really FAIR, BALANCED AND UNAFRAID, go to Canada Free Press, True North Canada, Fee Pressers, GOP USA and Prager U. There are still some reliable stalwarts at Fox such as Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, Stever Hilton, Greg Gutfeld and the incomparable Mark Levin. Fox and Friends weekday mornings is excellent, but the commercials are annoyingly intrusive. Meantime, boycott the advertisers on CNN and MSNBC. The power is in our hands.

  3. I watched the RNC and parts of the DNC. No comparison. The RNC was exciting, well done and made me believe in America and a future. The DNC was a snooze-fest that offered nothing to voters except their usual liberal misery and self-accolades to a bunch of stuck-up Trump haters. The pundits are full of it. The RNC had brilliant speakers that spoke to people and came across as a class A event. The people vote, not the ‘big ego,’ loud-mouth elites in newsrooms.

  4. I like these sites (in addition to yours, of course): Townhall The Federalist Red State I’m sure there are a lot more sites, but this list is a start. I found another site (Scragged) because I like to read the comments after articles. They can be most enlightening. For other commentary (political, socioeconomic, etcetera), search for Scragged. Enjoy your articles. Thank you for doing what you do.

  5. I too can’t stand listening to those that were speaking over the presenters. I quickly switched to cspan for an uninterrupted coverage of the convention. I enjoyed Fox News until they brought on Donna Brazille, Jaun Williams , and Chris Wallace. Even Bob Becker (sp) was fun. OAN is my source now.

  6. I now use Whatfinger.com as my home page; it is chock full of news and thankfully, not slanted left. It has replaced Drudge as the news site to visit first in the morning. I also read Lucianne.com & American Thinker as well as already mentioned OAN and Breitbart. Newsmax is good, too, and is on Directv. No need to even consider watching Fox anymore; Juan Williams and that horrid Donna Brazile are a disgrace to anyone considering themselves a journalist. Galganov is still one of the best !

  7. I also refuse to wear a mask. I my opinion all they are doing with the masks which I believe have been proven to not work is to try and keep the fear factor as high as they can to keep people from going back to work and finding out that things arn’t as bad as they have been led to believe. For great christian listening and honest news about everything we listen to bott radio network every day. Try this and I’m sure you will enjoy it and find out the true facts as to what is going on.

  8. Howard, I didn’t watch ANY of the RNC Convention coverage on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and definitely not on CNN or MSNBC. I did try a little on NBC the first night but after a short dose from the commentators that was it. After checking around I found the best and only way to watch it in full and without any BS was on C-SPAN. I stopped watching FOX a few years ago because of their constant move to the Left. I do stream Tucker Carlson a few times a week though because he usually tells it like it is.

  9. Excellent article, Howard! I have become so disgusted by how far left FoxNews has gone, that now when I want news on TV, I usually go to both OAN (One America News) and / or Newsmax TV. Between those 2, plus conservative talk radio (in our new home of Nampa, Idaho, it’s KBOI (670) AM. Last night and every night of the RNC OAN had the presentations on as they happened without interrupting them with commentary. BRAVO, OAN!!! I never even wasted my time turning on FoxNews! Didn’t miss a thing.

  10. Hi Howard – You hit the nail on the head about FNC coverage of the RNC – I happened to jump to PBS as cannot find C-Span – must say PBS was straight thru coverage while the speakers were on stage, so stuck with them the whole foConvention BonginoReport.com, CitizenFreePress.com and Just the News are good sites for news articles – Conservative Treehouse and Meaning in History are two great sites that go into deeper analysis of the news – have had particularily good info on all the ‘investigatio

  11. I watched the RNC Convention on Right Side Broascasting, excellent full coverage without interruptions.

  12. I thought President Trump’s speech was outstanding. I watched FOX News afterward and had to ask myself if we had watched the same speech. While I admit Trump is not as eloquent and slick as Obama or Clinton, his speech hit a home run for every blue-collar worker in the USA. Great job and thank you Mr. President.

  13. Try One America News network OANN (the rest of this non-link you can figure out I’m sure)

  14. I’ve stopped Fox except for Tucker. He is a brave man who tells the factual truth. All the others are scum, and sadly I’ve also dumped Hannity as he is just ridiculous and repetitive.

  15. I would be happy to put Chris Wallace Donna Brazille and Juan Williams on a slow boat to China………………………

  16. I watch Blaze, America’s Voice, OAN, and The First. You can watch them for free on an internet television service.

  17. I have been trying to follow Rebel News. It is more on the Canadian scene and the left has been blocking them from access to direct coverage of some political events so maybe they are doing something that bothers the left!?

  18. I subscribe to Americn Thinker and Townhall Daily. Both are online sources for articles written by various conservative authors. I also subscribe to Mike Huckabee’s daily op-eds online. There’s a LOT of wisdom in those three sites!

  19. Several web sites which I check each day for facts, real news: Whatfinger News; World Net Daily; The Federalist Daily Briefing. Also, if you want astute, excellent commentary, check out Mario Murillo Ministries – go to his Blog on the site. I watch NO television news; multiple internet sources can be found where the truth is told.

  20. If you disliked Fox News’ coverage, you should have seen the other networks – 10 times worse. In fairness, I watch Fox and Friends every morning,; it leans heavily conservative, and puts things on the screen that the lamestream news won’t touch – for example, Rand Paul’s encounter with the screaming meemies when he left the White House celebration…

  21. Howard….I see that you made comments about people checking their trash and junk mail Yesterday I tol you about finding your blog in my Trash file. I check and this was not there today but has now appeared in my Junk file today. I normally don’t check my junk file and just delete all. Today I did check as nothing was in the trash….wow…there it was. Do you know if they can control things like that….?

  22. Oh my goodness… it is so refreshing to see you and others have quit watching FOX…. it is not a conservative network. We watch OAN and Newsmax. They both are truly conservative and say to he** with having a liberal on… the liberals have everyone else in their back pocket… we need straight conservatives thank you very much.. Go Trump! The event was outstanding last night!!

  23. A couple of other sites I have on my home page that are not mentioned so far are Stream dot org and Conservative News Today, Daily Surge among others. I too have OAN (one of my 1st ones) that is honest journalism.

  24. The First tv… conservative views…and Bill O’Reilly is back weeknights at 8pm (I watch on my cellphone).

  25. I have no idea about the other stations you have mentioned will have to ask my daughter about them. As for For NEws I still watch Hannity, Tucker Carlson & Lou Dobbs I still think they are good if they are not I am being brain washed I hope not. I think our Presient was marvelous last night. As for Nancy P saying she believes Joe B. should not go against Trump then they should never have picked him in the first place. Happy week end to You and Anne oh yes Kitty as well.

  26. I too have found I dislike fox more and more. I can’t stand Juan Williams and several of the others on there. Ill be looking elsewhere for my news.

  27. I watched the RNC on CPAC our Canadian Parliament Channel. It was perfect as there were no commentators at all. Just the direct feed from the convention, no one to tell me what I heard or how I should interpret what was being said. I watched it all and enjoyed it. The convention was great. A word I heard a lot last night.

  28. But, Howard, were they not equally critical of the attendees at John Lewis’s funeral???!!! ah-hmmm

  29. I share your frustration with Fox, Howard. They seem to be changing to a less conservative Newssource than I’m comfortable with. Not that I expect reinforcement of my every opinion, but if I wanted flip, anti-Trump slant I know where ELSE to find it. But, I was not aware of the other conservative news options you mention in this post, so I”ll check them out. Thanks, hope you’re feeling better by now.

  30. Howard, I’ve been a follower for many years and you are always spot on! I agree with your latest analysis of FOX News. I recommend OAN for more a more factual representation of real news like FOX use to be!

  31. I gave up on the local newspaper. I was opposed to every opinion piece they included and stop printing any of my letters. No way I was going to continue to support them. I receive the National Post and The Epoch Times but spend most of my time on the internet. I have “Tune-In Radio” App on my Ipad and can listen on my Ipad or Alexa device to American talk radio live. My favorites are Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager.

  32. My choices for reliable news reporting are OAN and The Patriot Post, which offers a panel of reliable columnists.

  33. Love to see the Conservative Newscasters quit Fox in a bunch saying “this is becoming a marxist propganda network and we refuse to work fot this any longer” and walk out and go to conservative networks. I too have seen the change happen and I no longer watch Fox its as bad as CNN.

  34. There are still a few Conservatives left on FOX News and I hope they are not removed so that FOX News becomes totally liberal. The ones I’m talking about and pretty sure that you Howard still listen to are Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham. Hope they shine forever on FOX News because like you said slowly but surely FOX News is becoming more and more liberal by the year. Founded by Rupert Murdoch, ever since Roger Ailes(CEO) was removed and replaced by liberal Suzanne Scot.

  35. HG, Thanks to all of your subscribers for the cornucopia of conservative news sites. I feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony!!!

  36. I agree Howard, 1 minute into Chris Wallice’ rant, I shut the tv off and went to sleep. I stopped listening to his tripe long ago. I would add Greg Gutfeld to our list of favorites. Well done. Thank you.

  37. Gateway Pundit is another excellent, free site…sign up and you get emails regularly with stuff Brazile, Williams, Wallace, Elethee and all the other Fox freaks won’t tell you. Hang tough Tucker and keep smiling, Howard…!

  38. It is a well managed system at Fox News. Systematically they shade, tint, find ways to harm the Administration and or cancel, block, delete the most coherent comments. I agree with you fully.

  39. My wife and I are long-time watchers of Fox News. We look forward to Saturday evenings when Judge Jeanine Pirro gives her opening statement. BTW, Laura Ingraham, who followed the lack-luster Fox panel, was VERY enthusiastic about Pres. Trump’s speech. Generally speaking, can you even imagine Mr. Biden’s being capable of speaking for 70 minutes at the end of a busy day? –Albert Mason, Shippensburg, PA.

  40. Could not possibly agree with your statements more! So maddening to listen to bias instead of objectivity, and when it gets to be too much, we depart. Thankful for safe harbors like OAN and look forward to exploring more.

  41. When that Fox crew came on – I immediately turned off the tv – every time!

  42. Fox should dump these despicable people: Chris Wallace Donna Brazille and Juan Williams. The RNC convention was superb and Trumps final speech magnificent. It’s beyond belief how any open minded person can deny the good Trump has done to make America Great again, only marred temporarily by the virus. Obama divided America, Trump is the saviour.

  43. I watched the convention without opinion on C-Span. I just tuned in to the convention only then shut it off. Like you I’m sickened by many on FOX and I find myself watching fewer shows. Even the shows I do enjoy if these left nut jobs come on I shut it off. As for news I came across American Thinker on FB and I like them as well. Trump will win in 2020 and hopefully no holds barred he will finish what he started!

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