No Matter how Much the LEFT will Use Every Nefarious Means to Win the November (2020) Election through Hook & Crook, Fear & Intimidation to Beat the Trump Administration & Trump Supporters – Don’t Be Discouraged . . . That’s What The Goons Want.
If The Dreadful LEFT Want To Focus On Black People . . .
George Floyd Was a Wretched Black Human Being, who was a Non-Repentant Life-Long Criminal with a Rap Sheet & History of Incarceration . . . Including Theft, Violence, Drug Trafficking, use of Illegal Firearms, Extortion – Etc.
And when George Floyd was Murdered by a Bad Cop, Caught on Camera, it was During his Arrest for Allegedly Trying to Pass-Off a Counterfeit US $20 Bill, while it is Reported that Floyd was “Stoned” on Several Illegal Drugs.
And How Was The Black Scum We Know As George Floyd Sent-Off?
George Floyd Had The Equivalence Of A “State” Funeral . . . with the Most Unbelievable Stream of Eulogies from some of the Most Famous Black People & White Entertainers & Politicians in the United States of America, with Nancy Pelosi Leading Democrats in Congress to Take A Knee For George Floyd. And then Floyd’s GOLD COFFIN Pulled by a Team of White Horses in a Procession Designed for an Emperor.
And To Put The Final Exclamation On The Death Of George Floyd – Rioters Are Burning America Down To The Core.
Herman Cain Was Not A Black Man. Herman Cain Was Not An African American . . . Herman Cain Was Just An American.
Finally – The Funeral for Congressional Representative John Lewis has come to an End, Giving all the NEVER Trumpers, Pro-Socialist Democrats, RINO’s & Swamp Creatures on Both Sides of the Aisle, the Opportunity to be Seen Mourning on Camera.
55-Years Ago On March 7, 1965 – John Lewis led 600 Protestors Across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama, where Lewis and others were Viciously Set-Upon & Injured by Alabama State Troopers.
From 1987 Until His Death, John Lewis Lived Off the Public Purse while he was in Congress Representing the 5th Congressional District in Georgia, which gave Lewis THIRTY-THREE YEARS of Life in the Washington Swamp, which is a Pretty Good Deal for a Man Who has Spent Decades Feeding-Off Yesterday.
I Believe With All My Heart . . . Yesterday Has Come & Gone & You’re Only As Good As What You Do Today.
AS FOR THE OBAMA/LEWIS EULOGY . . . All that Needs to be Said, is that Obama Showed his True Self, the Socialist Race-Baiting Ex-President, who Used the White House to Undermine the Constitutional Rule of Law During Obama’s 8-Years in Office & Beyond.
For Obama To Use The Funeral Of John Lewis To Compare Federal Police To Bull Connor, The Racist Brute Of The Pre Civil Rights Movement Was Unconscionable.
Herman Cain Was A True American. An American Icon all People should Want to Emulate. Herman Cain was a True Entrepreneur, who was also a True Conservative who Loved his Country for What the American Constitution Allowed Herman Cain to Do in Life.
Herman Cain Would Never Take A Knee To The Stars & Stripes & Would Always Stand With Hand On Heart For The Anthem.
Herman Cain Will Not Be Laid In State. His Casket will Not be Drawn by a Team of Horses & Herman Cain’s Body will Not be Interred in a Gold Casket . . . But I Would be Extremely Pleased if President Trump would Take it Upon Himself . . . To Give Herman Cain The Kind Of Send-Off Herman Cain Deserves.
Just Think Of This . . . How Can there Possibly be a Fair & Honest Election if there is a Mass Mailing of Ballots to Everyone on the Voting List who has Moved, Died or are Illegally in the United States of America – who are Registered because they have a Simple Driver’s License, or their Death or Move Outside the State Isn’t Properly Recorded . . . How Does That Make For A Fair Election?
Voting Should Only Be A Right To CITIZENS Of The Country Where They Live.
Fair Voting Is The Greatest Guarantee & Cornerstone Of Freedom We Have . . . And Something as Valuable as Voting, like Anything else of Great Value, should Never be Taken for Granted, and should be Made to Have to “Work” to Vote, even if that “Work” is no Greater than Applying for Comprehensive Voter ID & In-Person Voting at the Ballot Box Unless Otherwise Impossible.
Everything Worth Having . . . Is Worth Working For – To Have.
When Anne & I Applied For Our Nexus Cards . . . We Literally had to Jump through Hoops over a Period of Several Months. We Each Paid a Non Refundable Deposit for the Privilege of Being Investigated to Earn a Nexus Card. We were Investigated by Homeland Security (FBI) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
And when all that was Done, Anne & I had to Visit a Specific US Border Crossing for Separate In-Person Interviews with US Border Security (Homeland Security). And until we Received our Nexus Cards in the Mail, we Didn’t Know if we were Accepted or Not.
I’m Not A Proponent Of The Bromide That Everyone Should Vote – To The Contrary.
Stupid People Should Not Vote. People who Have No Idea of What the Issues Are should Not Vote. People who are Too Lazy to Make the Effort to get out to Vote should Not Vote. And All Non-Citizens, Convicts While Serving Time & People Who Were Convicted Of Illegal Voting Should Never Have The Right To Vote.
It is True that Many Republicans Railed at the Trump Suggestion, that if the November 3, 2020 Vote Can’t be Guaranteed to be Honest, it should be Suspended until such Time that the Vote can be Trusted – So Let Me Say Something About The Republicans:
1 – Not all Republicans Want to See the Reelection of Donald Trump.
2 – And When they Say about the China Virus . . . “We’re All In This Together”, that Makes a Great Soundbite. However, it is far more Meaningful when it Applies to the Congress (House & Senate), Where They Truly Are All In The Swamp Together.
America Is Upside-Down . . . And It’s Up To Conservatives To Make America Right-Side Up Again.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
From a commentator on your last editorial and this happens often. Why mix God into this? Why would God if it exists, I am agnostic, would be more on the Republican side than the demon rat side or the Conservatives more than the fiberals here in Canada or if it’s a war why would he be more for one side than the other? Leave God out of this please, everything we make on this earth is mankind made and only mankind can sort itself out of its messes it causes. That’s my free speech opinion.
Howard, your best yet, and that’s saying something! Barry Soetoro, aka B. Hussein Ovomit, committed an appalling sacrilege by disguising an election campaign speech as a eulogy at s Christian funeral. He will be remembered as the worst president in American history and as the country’s first three-bagger: sleazebag, douchebag and scumbag.
Thankyou Howard for a great Blog again… you always hit the nail right on the head!! Oh, we neve hear waht John Lewis stood for in Congress, he was an extreem Leftist and was totally PRO-ABORTION. if anyone checks his voting record while he was in Congress for all those years, he always fought for Abortion and expecially “End-Stage” Abortion.. killing Gods Human Beings while from the moment they were Conceived up until they are delivered with the END STAGE.. Yet, Lewis, was put on a Pedastill!
We will never see a good man like Herman Cain given the funeral service that they deserve for what positive things they did for our country. We will always see pieces of garbage given services that they did not deserve or earn. You are so right about our world being back wards. Take from the hard working and give to the lazy freeloaders of the world. Pay retirement to elected officials who could not hold a normal job and serve just one term. Airheads in politics get great press for their BS
I’m not holding my breath that the likes of Rev. Al, will ever make any remarks about Herman Cane, good or bad. When I heard of his passing, it really saddened me. For some reason I always looked forward to what and how he said things that were on his mind. My heart still hurts even 3 days after hearing the bad news.I always considered him a role model and I;’m an old white guy, go figure. VIA CON DIOS—Herman you will be missed!!!!
Thank you for your memorial words about Herman Cain. He was a great American, who was a great example of mankind. I never met him or knew him, but through his many appearances, speeches, and talk show, I felt he was a friend of mine. And looked up to him as a person, as a businessman, as a conservative leader/thinker and most importantly as someone who we should all strive to be like. His voice will be truly missed. Rest in peace Mr. Cain.
THANKS Howard another Great article. Mr. Herman Cain had more Integrity in a (bm) than all of these other so called Black leaders combined, 99% whom are nothing but Race Baiters. The Soros Brown Puppet Barry is the Cream of the Crap heap.
All the Democrats want to forget that Lewis hated whites so it comes as no surprise that he was elevated to sainthood as all Democrat politicians are when they go to meet their maker or his opposite which I suspect most Democrats will
Spot on Howard. Sleepy Joe is doomed. Rule of Law puts republicans in the Driver seat. Dems have opened the floodgates for Americas safety.
just a quick comment–first I look forward to reading your blog, and second-also went through the Nexus ‘challenge’ and glad I did. To bad voting can’t get that kind of security.
I posted your comments from the other day about what is required to vote here in Canada on my Facebook page. All too many Americans, especially from the left/Democrats, keep looking to liberal Canada as an example of semi-socialism in the medical insurance area. Let them take an example of how strictly Canada looks at voter ID and emulate that as well. They should look to Canada for some of the better things that she does.
Guaranteed there will be no marches as he was a conservative and a patriot. But those of us of like beliefs and practices admired him and are saddened at his passing. RIP Mr. Cain.
Not sure how much more I can stand of this lunacy! The left MUST be removed from every position and no more elected in. Their EVIL plan straight from the pits of hell MUST be defeated. We have to stand up and fight back. How any normal person can believe the lies of the left is beyond my comprehension.
The only reason I’ve seen for the news here to acknowledge Herman Cain’s death was because it was from chinavirus and he had been to a Trump rally (among other places) prior to testing positive. But, LloydMarcus, The Unhyphenated American a Conservative columnist and activist passed away at the age of 71 from a sudden heart attack last week, and he didn’t even make the news because he was another who was called an “uncle Tom”.
You say above, “stupid people should not be allowed to vote “. Agree. That would mean no one would vote Democrat in the US, or Liberal, NDP, Bloc, in Canada. After all, you have to be really STUPID to vote for any of these Marxist morons!
Great editorial.Mail in voting is a loss, it is like Pres Trump said it could take months years to find whom won.The DemoRats can’t wait add the dead, moved etc. millions of mail-ins.President Trump needs to get a handle on WHAT is to be done during the ELECTION, set the GUIDELINES for ALL Americans.Trump needs to pay attention to whom is guarding G. Maxwell DemRats won’t want her around to long.I understand from CANADA there is a BIG SURPRISE coming in OCTOBER for Trump Biden pick Michelle Obam
as a senior of 83 yrs I am now eliminating all of my support for the art assn’s. and extended learning art classes which now will be “virtual” with no human contact. what is being done to our schools and social livelihood is beyond reprehensible. our societies are being gutted of all true value. therefore all I can do in this fight is divert those funds to support Galganov so that the word can reach others. Royce Hinson
THANK YOU! – I will Not Disappoint you or Others – HG
I lived on the Mex border 22 yrs. Tables were in stores to register anyone with a Tex Driver’s License for a Voter’s Registration Card. – no proof of citizenship. I had friends, i.e. Shelby & Mildred Longoria, both Mex Nat’ls living in Matamoros,Mex. who bragged about voting in our elections. LBJ was voted in on an illegal ballot #13. It took 7 yrs to prove there were more ballots than people and tombstones in Duval County,Tex. He was too powerful to take out. by then
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