You Can’t Beat The Enemy . . . If You’re Getting Stabbed Simultaneously In The Back By Your Own Members.
Quisling Was A Norwegian Army Officer . . . who Supported the Nazi Takeover of Norway while Quisling Led Norway, Much Like (Martial) Phillippe Petain, who Led the Pro-Nazi Vichy Government of France, While France Fought The Nazis – Also During WWII.
You Can’t Claim To Be For Conservative Values When You Vote For Liberal Slush Funds & Against MAGA Policies.
BUT FIRST – IN CANADA . . . Almost Since the End of WWII, We Have Had a Canadian Conservative Party In-Name-Only. So How Does One Fix What’s Been Broken by the People Who Broke-It?
His Name Is Pierre Poilievre Who Is Not A Quisling.
There Are Several Republicans Who Care About The Country . . . But Far Too Many Who Care Only About Themselves.
How Many Republicans in Congress are Pulling their Hair-Out & Screaming Bloody Murder Over the Open Border Policies of Biden’s Democrats?
How Many Republicans in Congress Voted with Democrats to Indebt Future Americans by Voting for the Greatest Spending Orgies in Human History?
How Many Republicans in Congress are Really Fighting Tooth & Nail to Guarantee Fair & Honest Elections?
How Many Republicans are Getting Rich in Congress, While the People they Purport to Support Wallow in Growing Debt & Poverty?
They Hate Republicans Like Marjorie Taylor Greene & Lauren Boebert . . . Because these Two Aggressive Women are Amongst Many More Serious Conservatives who are Committed to America’s Constitutional Freedoms, who are Shaking the Tree . . . And Overturning The Tables Of America’s Modern-Day Money Changers In The “Temple” Of Congress.
Mitch McConnell, Karl Rove, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney . . . And a Host of Other Republicans, Who Are Not Conservatives, are Far More Appropriately Called RINOS – Republicans In Name Only . . . Are Quislings.
People Like Mitch McConnell & Liz Cheney Are Quislings . . . Who Fight Against Conservative Republican Values, who at the Same Time Espouse to be Supporters of a Better America, because “Make America Great Again Americans” . . . are Antipathy to their Vision of a One World Government, Where They & People Like Them Will Be In-Charge.
It Wouldn’t Be The First Time The Good Guys Have Been Infiltrated By The Enemy.
Why Would McConnell Not Openly Support The Candidates Of The People’s Primary Choices . . . Even if the Primary Winners were the Choice of President Donald Trump?
And Why Would McConnel PUBLICLY Write-Off Conservative Republican Primary Choice Candidates, On LEFTIST Media of all Places, which Gives the Democrat Opposition and the LEFT’S Media Cohorts the Unearned & Dishonest Ammunition it Needs to Propagandize Against Conservative Republicans?
Could It Be That McConnell Wants To Win The US Senate With The Barest Margin, by Helping Democrats Beat Conservative Republicans, to Keep them (Conservative Republicans) . . . From Voting McConnell-Out As The Republican Leader Of The Senate?
The Real Question Might Be . . . Who Fears & Hates MAGA Americans More? Is It Democrats Or RINOS?
Make No Mistake About This . . . The RINOS Have as Much to Lose as Do the Democrats with the Loss of the House and the Senate to Real Conservative Republicans.
Imagine if Someone Like Donald Trump Had a Free Hand in Restoring American Constitutional Values, which Would Mandate . . . Balanced Budgets, Term Limits For House & Senate Members, Real Earmark Restrictions & Even A Line By Line Presidential Veto Power Over Congressional Laws.
While All Recent Past Presidents Used Executive Orders – No One Used-Them Nearly As Much Or As Often As Lyin’-Biden.
First You Drain The Swamp . . . Then You Clean House.
IF IT IS PRESIDENT TRUMP. . . And A Real Conservative House & Senate In the 2025 Presidential Term, there will be Every Possibility that Real Election Reform Could Come to Pass . . . As Nancy Pelosi Tried Scurrilously To Shove Through Congress – In Her Case To Destroy Free & Fair Elections.
Trump Could (Would) Nationalize In-Person Voting With Certified Citizenship Id’s, No Drop Boxes, No Unreasonable Unrequested Mail-In Ballots, No Ballot Harvesting, Complete Multi-Party Poll Observers For Vote Counting Integrity . . . With All States Counting Their Paper Votes & Announcing Election Results By The End Of Election Day.
In Essence . . . If I Was A RINO, I Too Would Do All I Could To Keep Trump From Restoring America.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Great piece. Great message. Thank you.
I lived on the Texas border for 22 yrs. I personally know of blatant election fraud. I had a ranch in Duval County, Tex. when LBJ was corruptly elected. It could have easily been proven right then, not 7 yrs later. I have written and even talked to some in Wash DC about this. Not one has ever contacted me, or answered me. DO THEY ALL LIKE BUSINESS AS USUAL???
Thank You Howard. I’m 70 yrs.old.I protested in the 60’s NOT & NEVER Our Soldiers BUT the Politicians/Prostitutes as I’ve come to call them. Statesmen, are different! Then the Civil Rights, Got Called White F’in Honky, &/or N-Lover. Took the heat/threats STAYED The Course! Then 74, the BS Oil Embargo,Wrote Congress, Senators, Format Reply’s ALL Of Them.I left the Demo party in 73,I denounced the Rep. Party when Paul Ryan became Speaker.Now an Independent Conservative! God, Family Country!
The problem with both our countries is MONEY. If you are rich you can spend large donations for Politicians to vote the way you want them too via Lobby. If we want our countries back we must limit all folks to a set amount of Donation to Political Parties. Like no more than 10K per person or business in a year. Stop the money flow and will get folks running for office for the better of the country virus lining their pockets. Right now it is who gives us the most we will help plus themselves.
RINOS are Hypocrites & Liars, so they Fit very well with the LEFT! Trump should have Cleaned House when first elected, but that’s hindsight! McConnell is only out for himself & is a Disgrace to the Conservatives. The New Congress & Senate will, somehow, begin to Clean House in November & Trump will complete this TASK when he becomes President! There’s a very good reason why so many Democrats are retiring! They FEAR Trump’s return! America will become Great again! Go Trump Go! Amen!
Those in Congress who espouse OWO figuring they will hold positions of power are sadly mistaken. All are puppets of big corps. Even Obama was financed & belongs to Soros &/or another of wealthiest on earth. It’s those wealthiest who will decide their reps for each region (Gates, Schwab, Soros, etc.). “Big shots” in Congress are no more than puppets. But none of it will last for long because our Creator will shorten their time in a mighty way.
Thank You, Mr. G. We have enough elected officials and appointees who are QUISLINGS to sink America and they need to be voted out, expelled from their JOBS so we can get back to The Rule of Law, The Constitution and the Golden Rule. Next up: Term Limits. The House/Senate won’t have much time to line their pockets with limits in place and that should be Fed, State, County & City governments too. WE The People come FIRST. It is OUR money paying their paychecks. And Build the WALL. Amen.
Again Howard, you are 100% on target. Thank you. I wish every person in Canada and the US could read and understand this!!!
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