I Watched Some Of The Circus


BUT FIRST . . . Thank You To Everyone For Wishing Me A Happy Birthday Today (February 12, 2021 – 71 Years Old).


MMA Superstar Champion Gina Carano . . . Who is also an Acting Super Star, who Amongst other Major Productions was Featured in Disney’s Blockbuster Hit – “The Mandalorian” . . . Was FIRED by Lucas Films (Disney) for Tweeting . . . “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi Soldiers but by their neighbors . . . Even by Children”.


“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”


Gina Carano . . . Is/Was 100% Right & Accurate – in the Way Carano Described the Modus-Operandi of the Nazis of Germany, who Egged-On the People to Destroy, Beat, Rape, Burn, Loot & Murder their Fellow Citizens Because they were Guilty of the “Crime” of Being Jewish.

Now It’s The Crime Of Being White, Male, Heterosexual & Successful.

On Kristallnacht . . . Night of the Broken Glass, from November 9th Through November 10th – 1938, which was the Precursor to the Holocaust, German & Austrian Citizens, Not The German or Austrian Military, Nor the German or Austrian Police, Officially Participated in the Horrific RAPE, Destruction & Murder of the Jewish German/Austrian Community . . . as the German & Austrian Military & Police Stood-By Doing Nothing, as Judaism was Burnt to the Ground in These Two Countries.

Perhaps Some German & Austrian Military & Police Participated in this Orgy of Violent Hatred . . . But it Was the German & Austrian People who Tore-Into their Jewish Neighbors & “Friends” . . .  Just as it was with Many French, Poles, Ukrainians and other Citizens . . . Who Did The Nazis’ Work For Them.

The Holocaust Was Such An Enormous, Complicated & Expensive Undertaking . . . That Murdering 6-Million Jews Was No Easy Task . . . Second Only to the Cost & Logistics Involved in the German War Effort, that Without “Hitler’s Willing Executioners” (European Citizens) as were Described in the Masterful Book Written by Professor Jonah Goldhagen – The Holocaust Could Not Have Happened As It Did.

Therefore . . . Not Only Was Gina Carano Right & Accurate – Disney & Lucas Films Are The Dual Enemies Of Truth In History.


I Was Watching Some Of The “Pornographic” Senate Hearings . . . To Impeach Former President Donald Trump, which was a Sickening Waste of my Time, as the Senate Went Hollywood to CREATE a Non-Existing Scenario to Damage President Trump & Divide the Republican Party.

And As I’ve Been Writing . . . all of this Theater in the Long Run, will come Back & Bite the Democrats (American Neo-Communists), RINOS & Never-Trumpers – In The Ass With A Vengeance.


This Kabuki Theater Of The Neo-Communists Shows Two Things . . .

1 – The American Neo-Communists, Republican Swamp Dwellers, Huge Corporations & One World Globalists are so Terrified of the Return of President Trump, That There Is No Level Too Low For Them To Stoop.

2 – That Creating this Massive Lie About “Trump” & “Trump’s” 100-Million Plus Supporters, the American Neo-Communists are using this FAKE Theater of the Senate to Hide their True Agenda from the People who Voted for them, as they do All they Can as Fast as they Can to Destroy the Foundation of the American Dream.


The American Neo-Communists will Bloody-Up America & Thrust the World into Turmoil. They will Do Whatever they can to Hold-Onto Power by Hook or Crook & Attempt To Cheat Themselves Into More Election Victories.

And the American Neo-Communists will Continue to Use Race-Baiting, Gender Issues and the Personal Success & Wealth of Individuals as Wedge Issues to Divide America, and to Convince Historically Illiterate Americans that Conservatism is Evil, while Socialism (Communism) is Good . . . And The Days Of Bull Connor Are Still With America.


America Has Been Bloodied Before . . . and After every Battle – Socially, Mentally or Physically, America has Come Back Socially, Mentally, Physically & Patriotically Stronger.

When This Terribly Dark Chapter In The Progress Of The American Dream Comes To Its Conclusion . . . the Perpetrators of this Neo-Communist Insurrection will be Vilified in a Way, Which No Other American Movement Has Been Before, Including the Losing Side of the American Civil War.

What This Impeachment Sham Is Doing . . . Is Helping To Finish The Draining Of The Swamp Which Trump Began.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. Indeed a circus and we the People are paying the price. Yes I agree the current events are the precursor to another “Night of the Broken Glass”. It will be the godless communists against those who believe in God, Country and The American People. To Change the subject just a bit – Has anyone noticed that the price of ammo is outrageous? Availability of primers and powder for reloading is at the moment ZERO? Golly gee I wounder why??

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOWARD. I hope you found a great steak restaurant, probably take-out, but nevertheless the best you can get today to celebrate.

  3. I kind of enjoyed the video that the defense showed of all those hypocritical Demonrats saying “We’re going to fight like hell”, which turned out to be one of their main accusations of when Trump used those exact same words. I sometimes wonder if the Dems are just outright stupid, or do the just have short memories. Then of course the video of them all claiming that the 2016 Elections were fraudulent when they lost and Killery Clinton saying the election was stolen from her. Just classic!!!

  4. Happiest of Birthdays!! and Many More!! I hope you are enjoying your day! Great Editorial, as usual.

  5. Happy Birthday, Howard!!! Another excellent, insightful column…with hope and steadfast purpose!

  6. Happy Birthday ‘young’ man ….and many, many more. Your column is the daily gift I give myself who is slightly ‘older’ than you. The Dems look foolish. Trump exposed them for who they truly are – Emperor has NO clothes!!!

  7. Do you follow Candice Owens? She put out a information that is just the tip of what is to come with the communist in charge in Washington. I have the video in a email. All your followers should watch it. It was on Facebook but most likely has been censored.

  8. 71 years young wishing you a very Happy Birthday wherever you are now. Hope it was a thrill for you to be that young. The very best to you and many more to come. God’s blessings to you. Thank you as always for your great Editorial. It is an honor to read them from such a truthful honest human being. Until we meet again. Either another Editorial or Podcast can’t wait to hear from you. We are all blessed to have you and Anne:))

  9. Again from me to you, Happy 17th Birthday young man !!!! I hope a lot of followers of your editorial did what Ken Davies said in an earlier editorial and that was to give you as a Birthday Gift, $5.00 to Galganov.com. I did my part. Are they really going to get 66% of the senate to impeach Donald Trump like it is required? Have the real republicans started their own cross-examination of the demon rat witnesses and bringing forth their own witnesses for this trial to be equal and fair, LOL ??!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Howard and many more. Thank you for all you do in helping us understand.

  11. Happy Healthy Birthday Don’t let up Drain the Swamp I’m doing what I can Next are the Canadian Liberals who are in Bed with Soros Obama Biden Clinton etc

  12. Hope you’ve had a great 71st Birthday!!! My 79th is in a couple weeks. Biden is adding lots of swamp critters, so don’t ‘see’ your last statement. It’s not just the heads of administrative depts, it’s also those a tad lower. Look at all the folks in Trump’s administration who worked against him, even in the WH itself – admin people, a lot of whom were put in place during Obama’s stint & earlier. It won’t be fixed until we get rid of abominable behavior & plead for Almighty God’s forgiveness.

  13. Hey man you didn’t know ‘Bull’ Connor. He was just a really tough Sheriff in really tough times. Be careful who you put down. I was there and saw it all. When there is blame, there is usually plenty to pass around!

  14. Happy Belated Birthday, Howard! I agree with your social/political analysis 99.9% of the time! However, I believe that Mike Huckabee is correct when he stated that calling Washington D.C. a “swamp” is derogatory to “swamps”. Swamps were created by God and serve a useful environmental purpose to filter water and provide a habitat for an amazing amount of “Flora & Fauna”. He said that “Sewer” or “Cesspool” would be a better description of Washington D.C.!

  15. Hope your birthday was easy to slide into. May each added year bring you an additional year of happiness!

  16. Hope your birthday was easy to slide into. May each added year bring you an additional year of happiness!

  17. “What This Impeachment Sham Is Doing . . . Is Helping To Finish The Draining Of The Swamp Which Trump Began.” Love it Howard, you are spot on!

  18. I don’t celebrate birthdays – they remind me that I’m getting older. But then, I’m also getting wiser, and getting older is infinitely better than getting old. That being said, I sincerely wish you many more years of good health and happiness as you share your boundless wisdom with others.

  19. Greetings HG: I’ve been under the weather so I was unable to read your Friday editorial. HAVE A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND! YOU’RE THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO!

  20. Happy belated birthday! I have not watched a single minute of the impeachment farce – my nerves can’t handle it. I appreciate the tidbits in your column about the fiasco! Love your columns.

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