Amongst a host of reasons why people don't vote; here are two. First: They don't believe their vote will mean anything. So, why bother? Second: Not voting becomes a habit. Again. Why bother?
The way the system is converging and maturing, pretty soon you won't be able to recognize a Republican from a Democrat or a moderate Liberal from a moderate Conservative.
There's nothing like a US election. And this one! It's like the Super Bowl, the World Series, the Stanley Cup and the NBA Championship all rolled into one. The only thing that can make it better is if there was a Presidential campaign happening as well.
Being proud to be a Canadian is becoming more and more difficult every time the Canadian government makes a decision. And every time the USELESS media stands silent, or is politically correct.
This is the sorry legacy of successive Canadian governments, from the time of Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the late 1960's, which has created a society much like Animal Farm; where all the animals are equal, but some animals are a little MORE equal.
Perhaps, what bothers Bill Graham, and the stupid government he represents, is that the USA is applying this condition, even to CANADIANS. After-all, are we not the American's best friend? And, is that anyway one treats a best friend?
As usual, the Security Council's reluctance to do what was right, was based solely upon political considerations. But; had Kofi Annan INSISTED, the right decisions would have been taken, and a great many lives would have been saved.
Why else would people who blow up other people in places like Russia, Bali, Indonesia and the Philippines be called TERRORISTS, yet; when Jews are blown up by Islamists, the murderers are referred to as MILITANTS?