Totally opposite to what all the Do Nothing Do Gooders are saying, the Iraqi people will be on the streets to welcome the American, British and Australian troops as LIBERATORS opposed to invaders.
64 years after the beginning of the Second World War, the planet faces yet another Adolf Hitler. This time, his name is Saddam Hussein, and his world to conquer is the Middle East.
The fact that so many of the Peaceniks and Do Nothing Do Gooders are Jewish only serves to remind us that the Jewish psyche is driven by activism. However, that is not to say that the activism is always well targeted.
Hollywood and the Liberal driven television industry are engaged in a war of disinformation played out at the highest levels. Unfortunately for the viewers, the line between make-believe and truth are far too often blurred.
I don't assume that Alberta is going to secede from Canada, not that that's an impossibility. But I do believe, that unless things change, Alberta is going to create the conditions that are going to change Canada.
The SKY'S FALLING for the world's despots and their supporters. The SKY'S FALLING for the numbskulls who lurk throughout the corridors of the United Nations.