It’s Not About Street-Hockey – It’s All About Respect

Discipline and proper upbringing of kids was considered a common societal effort, and everyone understood the need for it. Today, that situation is so rare, as to be considered unusual and even "extreme".

The editorial which I published on Street-Hockey (January 8, 2002) elicited quite a few responses. Except for one that was wishy-washy, and sort of agreed with my sentiments under certain conditions, all the rest were 100% supportive.

The general feeling from the responses I received, was that parents are setting the wrong example, and are indeed corrupting the moral standards of their children.

It is not about Street-Hockey and a Canadian tradition. It is all about respect.

Here is a slightly edited and shortened version of a letter I received from Ed Sieb, who wrote from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

“I remember the many times I was publicly scolded by my mom, while out shopping or out in public. If I did something wrong, I’d be “corrected” and scolded right then and there”.

“Back in the fifties and sixties, when I was growing up, it was common to see mothers and fathers publicly scolding and disciplining their kids right out in the open. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon to have a stranger publicly scold someone else’s child, and have the mother (or father) of that child join in, and even thank the stranger”!

Discipline and proper upbringing of kids was considered a common societal effort, and everyone understood the need for it. Today, that situation is so rare, as to be considered unusual and even “extreme”.

By Ed Sieb

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One Comment

  1. Alex, must be your computer or glasses, as I can read it just fine.

    As for Obama, what else can we expect, the only thing he promised while campaigning that has held to be true is his promise to fundamentally change the USA. To bad so many people didn’t understand that it was for the worse,

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