This Is Not About The Art Of The Deal – I’m Writing About Destroying A Centuries Old Relationship.
It Takes A Great Deal Of Time To Build Trust & Friendship. Sometimes it Takes Decades, Generations & Even Centuries to Develop Strong Almost Unbreakable Bonds . . . Yet Far Too Often, It Only Takes One Incident Or One Poorly Thought-Of Word To Destroy What Seemingly Took Forever To Establish.
Countries Are No Different Than People . . . How Many People do we all Know who Have Been Friends & Loving Family Members for Years, Until It All Came Crashing To An End Because Of Just One Unfortunate Incident?
Since The War Of 1812 (More Than 200-Years-Ago) . . . When Canada & America Traded Blows . . . Canada and the United States of America Have Been Inseparable Friends, Living Together (Side-By-Side), Fighting for Each Other (Two World Wars, Korea, Afghanistan – Etc), while Bleeding & Dying for Common Causes – As We Have Become So Fully Integrated Culturally & Economically . . . That It’s Hard To Distinguish One Country From The Other . . .
Canada Is The World’s Largest Consumer Of American Goods & Services.
Almost Everything we Manufacture in Canada is Shipped to the United States of America. And our Businesses are so Intertwined, that Even Canada’s Largest Print Media (Post Media) is American Owned.
We Have The Largest Contiguous Unarmed Border On The Planet (5,525 Miles Including Alaska).
Almost 100% of all our Petroleum Products (Crude Oil) are Shipped (By Pipeline) to the United States of America at a Far Discounted Price than is the Global Benchmark . . . So Who’s Ripping-Off Whom?
America’s Vast Manufacturing States (American Northeast) are Powered in Part or in Whole through an Abundance of Reliable & Affordable Canadian Electricity, where Americans Actually Pay Less for Canadian Electricity than do Canadians.
I Drive A Ford F-250 Super Duty Made In Kentucky. Anne and I Have Spent the Last 10-Winters in America, Except for the Two Covid Winters When we Weren’t Welcome in America with our RV.
Even Today, As I’m Writing This Editorial . . . Anne, The Falconator, The Mac Attack and I are in Myrtle Beach Until April 1, 2025, Spending our Hard-Earned Canadian Dollars on American Products & Services.
Unlike Mexico & Asia . . . Canada Has Strict Labor Laws that Prohibit Companies from Ripping-Off Workers . . . Canada Has Generous Minimum Wage Guarantees, Mandated Maximum Work Hours, Mandated National & Civic Paid Leave for Holidays, Guaranteed Company Paid Vacation Days (Weeks), Nationally Corporately Funded Healthcare, Plus Generously Mandated Social Services Like Childcare – Etc.
It’s Not Like Canada Is Using Slave Wages & Child Labor To Flood America With Cheap Products.
Maybe There Is A Large Trade Discrepancy Between Our Two Countries, which could be More Likely because of the Amount of Energy America Buys from Canada than Actual Brick & Mortar Products.
Think About This For A Second . . . Some of the Largest Corporations in Canada are Walmart, Amazon, Costco, Home Depot & Lowes . . . All American Owned. The Biggest Hospitality Chains in Canada (Restaurants & Hotels) Are All Or Mostly American Owned.
I Have To Remind Everyone . . . When Trump Became President In 2017, Trump Railed Against NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement), Claiming it was Unfair to America, Demanding that a New Trade Agreement Must be Established, which Trump Negotiated – Called The USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement) which According to Trump was a Huge American-Made Trade Deal that Favored the United States of America.
So Why Is Trump’s Trade Deal With Canada So Unfair All Of A Sudden?
It Would Be A Tragedy Beyond Description if all of that Went Into the Dustbin of Avarice Because Donald Trump Wanted to Bully Canada into his Art of the Deal.
Make No Mistake About-It . . . Anne, Myself & All Of Our Friends Love America, and Have Been Unequivocal Supporters of Donald Trump since we Recognized that the Only Way our World Can be Saved from the Fascism of the One World Government, is Through the Conservative Greatness of America . . . But We Are Not The Enemy.
Even Amongst My Most Diehard Canadian Pro-Trump Friends, they are Asking Me . . . What The Hell Is Going-On? Why Is Trump So Hellbent On Beating-Up Canada?
We Canadians (Conservatives & Now Others) Fully Realize That Canada Is In Serious Trouble. We Know that we Haven’t Lived-Up to Many of our NATO Obligations. And we Have been Supporting the Wrong Socio/Political Ideologies & Cultures for Years, Which Is Why In A Few Months’ Time, Canada will Have our Very Own Conservative Revolution, Throwing Trudeau & His LEFTIST Cadre To The Garbage Bin Where They All Belong.
I am Also Quite Convinced that Most Canadians Would Love to See a Closer Economic, Trade & Travel Agreement Between our Two Countries, Which Doesn’t Need Threats, Derision & Financial Suffering To Accomplish.
Canada Is Not Mexico. And Just Like America, Canada Also Gets Ripped-Off through the USMCA Trade Agreement, that is Used by Mexico & China to Sneak Into our Two Countries Products Made in China . . . But Labeled – Made In Mexico.
It’s Also Not just Americans & American Families who are Being Eviscerated by the Illegal Drug Trade (Fentanyl, Heroin, Cocaine – Etc) . . . I’ve Seen It First Hand on the Streets of Vancouver & Even Within Sight of Canada’s Parliament Buildings in Ottawa.
Canada Did Not Allow Illegal Immigrants & Illegal Drugs To Pour Into America . . . Biden & Other Presidents Allowed Illegal Immigrants & Illegal Drugs to Pour Into America.
Roxham Road – Quebec . . . Many Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Crossed from the United States of America into Canada . . . Whose Fault Was That?
Am I Going to Blame America Because Canada Could Not or Chose Not to Protect & Police our Border with the United States of America?
When Entering The United States Of America From Canada, the Entrant Doesn’t Stop on the Canadian Side of the Border, but Stops for Verification on the America Side, since it is Neither the Duty Nor Obligation of Canada to Police who Crosses the Border into America . . . Just As It Isn’t The Duty Or Responsibility Of America To Police Who Enters Canada.
That Said . . . Both Countries Jointly Cooperate to Enhance Each Other’s Border Under Circumstances within Each Other’s Control.
Let Me Finish With This . . . We Had Made Plans with Several of our Canadian Friends who were Going to RV to Myrtle Beach Late in March, who then Would Convoy with us Back Home to Ontario, With A Few Day Stop At Washington DC, Where Our Friends Had Never Been.
It was Going to be a Tremendous End to our Winter in America . . . and a Wonderful Beginning of Spring in Canada . . . But It Looks Like It Ain’t Going To Happen.
As it is . . . Our Canadian Dollar Is Worth Almost Half the Value of the American Dollar. So for a Canadian to Spend $1 American, it Costs us Almost $1.50 Canadian.
Anne & I Went Shopping Yesterday – A Dozen Jumbo Eggs at Walmart was Over $5, which is the Equivalent to About $7.75 Canadian. A 16-Ounce Container of Philadelphia Cream Cheese was $7, which in Canadian Money is More than $10. And those are Just Two Examples.
Out of all the Nationalities that Visit America & Spend the Most Amount of Money in America . . . Canada Is By Far The Very Largest At 31%. No Other Country Comes Close.
I Am Reading That Canadian Travelers, Specifically Because of Economic Conditions in Both Countries . . . Are Likely To Curtail Their American Visits By 30%, which Would be Devastating to Areas like Florida, Arizona & Areas Routinely Visited by Border Day-Travelers.
That Is Now – Imagine The Damage These Trump Tariffs Will Do Tomorrow.
Anne & I Are Just Able To Afford Our Winter Getaways As Best We Can, by Being Very Selective & Frugal in How we Spend our Money. And Even Though We Are Not FLUSH, We Are Better-Off Than Many & Every Year It Gets Tougher.
America’s Fight Is Our Fight. Our Fight Is America’s Fight . . . Why Aren’t We Doing It Together?
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Well stated Howard. As a Canadian conservative , it feels like an out of the blue , punch in the head , from your best friend.
As an American living in Canada, Trump completely befuddles me about his actions toward Canada. Somehow, I think that this is really about China. Vancouver is literally owned by the Chinese from trade to gambling. Furthermore, there is resentment that Canada freeloads on NATO, specifically the US for defense. Both of these things I believe will be fixed with Poilievre as PM. One minor correction as one who has to follow FX, the loonie is worth about .69 USD.
I too was shocked over Trump’s attitude & words ref Canada. I too am wondering where it’s coming from. Until or if Trump says what it’s all about, it is indeed a mystery. Hopefully it comes out soon because this is not a good look for him or our nation. As a US citizen to a Canadian, I apologize for what appears to be a rebuff against your country. I hope the reason is known soon, dealt with and done quickly so we can get back to being civil.
To our many Canadian brethren, we all are ‘one’ people !
Greetings: From what I’ve read, seen and heard, I think this whole tariff on Canadian goods is all about Trudeau. My gut tells me that he is UNABLE to discuss ANYTHING with President Trump. I think he is condescending towards Trump and REFUSES to accept ANY RESPONSIBILITY for the inequities vis a vis MILITARY SPENDING, NATO & UN CONTRIBUTIONS as well as Trudeau’s hell-bent view of the Paris Accords, Climate Change and things of that socialist nature. My opinion? Trudeau leaves… IT ALL GOES
It doesn’t make sense to me either. Hopefully, as has been suggested, once Trudeau is out-it all goes.
The way I see it is: Trump got too “In-To” being disparaged by the little feller that “thinks” he runs Canada! Things WILL change, either the “Changing of the Guards”, so to speak. I’ve been to Canada, West side, many yers ago. Did Not like the people, nor what they represented (vowed to never go back!). But the Canadien Tourist I’ve met here in the States, I can’t remember just ONE of them, that I didn’t like! All pleasant, cordial, and most well versed in the American
I Too Am Not A Fan Of Places On The West In Vancouver, Coastal Washington State, Coastal Oregon or Coastal California.
And You’re Right About Canadians – In Large . . . We Are Good People – HG:
As usual, Howard, you are 100% on target. Everything is negotiable and Trump, of all people, is well aware of this. I agree with Gordon Steinberg, above, ——- when “Trud-dough” is gone Trump will, hopefully, start singing a different song. Our relationship is too long & deep and too important to lose now.
“Maybe There Is A Large Trade Discrepancy Between Our Two Countries, which could be More Likely because of the Amount of Energy America Buys from Canada than Actual Brick & Mortar Products.” Maybe also because we are 10 times less people in Canada than there is in the USA? So it would make sense that they buy more from us than we buy from them.
I agree with Gordon Steinberg. Both Trudeau &Freeland have belittled Trump. Trudeau’s statement “too bad Harris wasn’t voted in as President “ was pretty assinime. And I suspect Trump had absolutely no use for Globalist, WEF, Global Warming Cult Leader, Mark Carney! So until the Conservatives are voted in, soon we hope, I think Trump will not be nice to Canada. Too bad & unnecessary.
A big mistake on Trump’s part! I find it hard to believe he would do this to Canadians. We know he detests PM Justin Trudeau, most Canadians do as well, however, just because Trump hates the little weasel in Ottawa that is no reason to hurt all Canadians. Something has gone unexpectedly and terribly wrong. POTUS has regretably just made millions of non-believers out his former Canadian supporters which plays perfectly into Trudeau’s hands.
To P. Robinson: When Israel tried to give back Gaza & the Sinai to Egypt after the 1967 war in exchange for peace Egypt refused to take back Gaza. They did not want to deal any more with its terrorist Palestinian population. President Sadat was then murdered after signing a peace deal with Israel. King Abdullah of Jordan also refuses to take in more Palestinians. They murdered his grandfather. Shia Iran will not take in (Sunni) Palestinians and now regrets the day it started funding(Hamas)them.
So disappointed in Trump. Have always supported him, but with these tariffs I don’t think blaming the Liberals for the situation is going to solve anything. Canada as a nation should kick Trump right where it hurts. Close the border 100%. No travel, no shipments and tell Trump he can raise the tariffs to 100% if he likes. It’s going to be a tough go for Canada, but this is nothing but outright financial war.
I say the goal of the American adminstration is to set of discussions on economic and monetary union on this continent
I love President Trump but I really feel ashamed of his rhetoric aimed at Canada. I have a cottage in Tobermory and hope to God I am not treated like crap when I go North to to open up this Spring. God bless the USA and God bless Canada.
Problem started with the liberal govt of Trudeaus, F&S. They are destroying your freedoms and secretly doing everything they can to destroy America AND Israel. T is not going after the common man in Can. He is going after the libtard communist gvmt. I hope Kanucks have the brains and backbone to vote in the conservate. I hugely regret the collateral damage. Try Aldis for eggs if one is close by. Also if you have a membership, Sams Club. We shop both instead of Wmt. Agree w/Gordon Steinberg.
I guess we reached the point where: If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem… – We haven’t met our NATO commitment in forever – Out of control immigration – Out of control speeding
Once Canadians get rid of the terrible “politicians” who are now in charge and making very bad decisions for Canada, then vote to install real leadership, I think things will change regarding our two countries’ relationship. Hang in there. I have never wavered in my support for Trump. His decisions are done for reasons we sometimes don’t understand at the time, but eventually we are made aware of his true purpose.
Don’t take this so personally. Trump has as many Canadian friends as we all do. The ONLY way US and CA are going to clean up mess both our gov’ts created for us is through Trump & he is kicking ass. We have NO idea all that goes on but I know there a plan now. Egg cost = killing chickens flu hoax. Most prices manipulated by evil focused destruction. Exchange rate has been in CA favor more years than US. Give it a rest and revisit in 6 months. It will all be so much better. Picture it.
Trump is not a “Sgt. Schultz”. He sees, hears, speaks, acts on all issues that are important to us conservatives. If you dislike his latest action on increasing tariffs, this is 2025. Find out how to contact him or people close to him including conservative TV anchors via e-mail, text, land mail, etc. and let him/them know exactly how you feel. It might help IF you include a copy of this editorial by Howard. It just might help IF Howard would put them all on his mailing list.
I strongly believe that the DEEP STATE is responsible for the outbreaks and high cost of living!Rothchilds, BlackRock, etc! Avarice !! Power!! Money!!! Just look at all the Chemtrails!!!
I really believe that Trudeau is at the heart of all of this derision. He is a fool and has disparaged and disgraced Canada around the World. Trump can not stand fools!
Maybe Trump is not a Sgt. Schultz: “I see nut-ting. I know nut-ting. NUT-TING…” but Trump is acting like KLINK who kept on yelling to Hogan: “DISS-MISS” !!! I can’t believe Donald Trump is targetting America’s best friends, best neighbours and closest allies ~> CANADA !!! What a damn shame. Yet, CANADA will continue to send Hydo Workers and Rescue Teams to California (or wherever) to help AMERICANS. That’s what good friends do. I am grossly disappointed in President Trump.
Quoteing: Entering United States From Canada, the Entrant Doesn’t Stop on the Canadian Side of the Border, but Stops for Verification America Side, since it is Neither the Duty Nor Obligation of Canada to Police who Crosses the Border into America . . . Just As It Isn’t The Duty Or Responsibility Of America To Police Who Enters Canada. end quote. SO WHAT DOES TRUMP WANT CANADA TO DO WHEN IT’S HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO POLICE HIS SIDE OF THE BORDER, NOT OURS.
Hold your horses ❗ This isn’t correcting anything it is encouraging strife ❗ A few of the commenters seem to have sense enough to know to trust Trump, he knows more about this than the general public.
Think Trump overly aggressive here but rather interesting that both Canada and Mexico have started to aggressively manage cross border illegal immigrations for one! That is the issue BTW
Howard, I understand the comments you made and although they reflect our long standing relationship with our US neighbors, The jist of what Trump is negotiating was not mentioned and that is many western countries were led by disciples of the WEF for the past few years with a mandate to systematically run the economies into the ground and instill fear into the people. Arden in NZ Marcon in France Obama/Biden in the USA and Freeland, Carney and poster boy Trudeau in Canada.
Carol Ann – You’re Right. But Canada Has Already Had Enough Of Trudeau Who Was On His Way Out Before The Tariffs. Canada Is Not Mexico Or China – HG:
i think Trump has some dasterly deeds to do to right things. At least in his eyes. I hope in a month it begins to make sense to people that cannot comprehend today.
This news most certainly brought OUT the Liberal party leader that had stepped down an prorogued parliament. This is Trudeau at his finest he will stop at nothing to destroy Canada…he an Carney are one of the same person. Do what Trump has asked the Leader of Canada to do protect our Borders of all illegals whether it is drugs or people…pay into NATO. The trade barrier with Quebec not the other provinces! Auto industry both in Canada & USA…LETS MAKE A DEAL…ART OF DEAL IS TRUMP!!
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