It Is Almost Inconceivable . . . How One Man Representing a Horde of Incompetent Insiders (Deep State . . . Democrats & Republicans) Could Have Delivered so Much Pain Globally in Only Four Full Years of Time.
Because Of The People Who Voted For Biden – And You Know Who You Are, and the People who Promoted this Seriously Sick Piece of Work to Get into the White House, America is in More Trouble than Most People Realize, as Europe is Burning because its Borders Have Been Flooded with Islamic Anti-Europeans & Communist Leaders who are Incapable of Managing a Convenience Store, Let Alone National Economies.
Knowing This . . . There Is But One Source Of Global Salvation.
Biden Gave the Green Light for Putin to Invade Ukraine When Biden Said . . . He Could Accept A Small Russian Incursion Into Ukraine, and When Putin Pushed the Envelope, Biden Sabotaged the Ukrainian Response by Slow-Walking Armaments to Ukraine with Preconditions Concerning their Use.
I Don’t Like Their Ideology – I Don’t Trust Them. And Wherever They Go, They Bring Suffering.
I Cannot Say Enough Horrible Things About The Arabs Who Call Themselves Palestinians – Especially Gaza (Hamas) Palestinians. They Have Proven themselves to be Savages who Cheer Murder, Torture, Rape & Carnage . . . And Their Word Is Worth Nothing.
How Deluded Could These Sub-Humans Be?
What Victory? Their Cities Are In Rubble – Tens of Thousands of their People Have Been Killed with Many More Wounded Fighting Israel Because of the Savage Gaza Palestinians. Their Infrastructure – Water, Electricity, Sewage are all but Gone. Their Tunnels (Subterranean Passageways) are Mostly Destroyed. Their People Live in Poverty & Ignorance, while Subsisting on the Charity of the Woeful United Nations – Yet . . . They Claim Victory Because Israel Hasn’t Totally Annihilated Them.
The Saddest Thing Most-Of-All – They & Others Like Them Believe Their Bullshit.
If Need-Be . . . These Savages Would Kill Jews with Sticks, Stones and with their Bare Hands if they Could – while Using their Own Women & Children as Cannon-Fodder. It’s Not As-If This Would Be New To Them.
What Kind of People Place Weapons, Ammunition, Hand Grenades, Mortar Shells, Rockets and a Host of Other War Materials in Schools, Homes, Places of Worship (Mosques), Hospitals, Playgrounds – Etc . . . Using Their Own People As Human Shields, Which In Itself Is A War Crime?
As Of October 7, 2023 . . . Hamas Had A Peace Agreement With Israel . . . What Happened?
What Happened – Was that the Arabs who Call themselves Palestinians Showed the World who they Really Are. They Were True To Form, and Now that they Think Israel Has Surrendered to Hamas, Because Israel is (Seems-To-Be) Prepared to Release as Many (And Possible More Than) 1,000 Blood Thirsty “Palestinian” Prisoners . . . who are Behind Bars in Israel for Conducting Acts of Terrorism & Murder Against Jews, who will be Traded for a Few Badly Beaten, Battered & Physiologically Damaged Israelis . . . Along With Perhaps As Many As 100 Jewish Bodies Slaughtered By The “Palestinians” . . .
To The Palestinians . . . This Is Seen As A Great Victory – What Does That Say About Palestinians?
Before You Question Whether Or Not I Am A Rabid Anti-Arab/Moslem Antagonist, Please Understand the Following . . . While Growing-Up in and Around Montreal, I Had Several Friends who were from Arab Origins, who to this Day, I still Cherish Having Known them.
When I Underwent Serious Cancer Surgery & Required Radical Radiation Therapy at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, the Chief of the Radiology Department was an Arab Radiologist from Egypt. He was Brilliant, Kind and Helped Save my Life. I Will Be Grateful To Him Forever.
When I Needed A Venue to Broadcast an Aggressive Live Political Radio Show Every Saturday Night, I Broadcasted that Show in Front of a Live Dining Audience from the Lebanese/Syrian Club in Montreal, and Ate there as Frequently as I Could Amongst Mostly Arab Diners, Where I Learned To Eat & Savor Kibbeh Nayyeh.
When I Began Broadcasting Live Radio Daily . . . .The Vice President of the Radio Station, who was a Good Friend of Mine was Lebanese (Still Is).
I’ve Been To Arab Weddings, Funerals & Home Parties. Even Recently, when I Needed Both an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy . . . my Doctor who Serves at the Cornwall Community Hospital was from Syria.
As A Family . . . We Celebrated More than Just a Few Jewish Festivals (Feasts) with Arab Friends & Guests . . . So, If You Think I Am Somehow Anti-Arab – Think Again.
I Am Anti-Jew-Haters . . . Anti-Murderers – Anti-Rapists – Anti-Defilers of Human Decency – Anti-Kidnappers – Anti-Hostage Slavers . . . And Anti-Anyone who Would Do the Horribly Brutish things these Palestinians Cheer-About, That They Did & Want To Continue Doing To The Jewish People.
After Almost 100-Years Of Promoting Hate & Violence Against The Jewish People – These Arabs who Call themselves Palestinians, Have Finally Crossed the Line of No Return.
They Will Be Totally Shunned In Israel, where Non-Israeli Arabs (Palestinians) Leave their Communities Daily to Earn their Livings from the Jews of Israel, with Little Support Coming from the Rest of the Civilized Arab World.
I Suspect, That After This Notorious “Deal” Is Done With The Palestinians Who Call Themselves Hamas . . . All the Palestinians will Have Sealed their Own Fate in and Around Israel, in as Much, As They Will Truly For The First Time Understand What Real Apartheid Is All About.
As For The Head Of The Snake – Iranian Mullahs – They Best Sleep With One Eye Opened.
There Is No Question That These Are Hard Times. I can See it through the Reduced Level of Financial Support I Just Received, which Makes Me Appreciate Even More, the Support has Received from the People with the Ability to Still Help-Out . . . My Personal Emails Of Gratitude Will Be Sent-Out In The Next Few Days.
In The Meantime – Life Goes-On . . . Biden and his Decrepit Cadre of Handlers & Followers are Already in the Dust-Bin of Politics, as America is Poised to Begin Unraveling the Mess he and his Acolytes Have Cursed Upon America and the Rest of the World.
Watching The Senate Confirmation Hearings Restores Confidence In All Of Our Futures.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Your r correct. Wash, dry, rinse, repeat. Bibi said victory but chose compromise. He loses as well as Israel & those who live in the Eshcol region. No person from gaza should be hired for anything. Islamic nations should be the ones to pay for the damages. Specifically, iran. We can only hope that Trump has enough intel to root out those who will try to impede his efforts. May their evil turn back upon them!! Send them to Russia or Iran to live.
The “deal” represents the most horrific defeat. A diabolic betrayal. Nearly 900 soldiers died. 3500 wounded. 1190 civilians tortured, raped, burnt alive, murdered. Observe the end.
Jesus ascended a mountain, whereupon he immersed himself in prayer. After some time he was accosted by Satan, who told Him, “Look around. All that you see will be yours if you bow down to me.” Of course, the King of Kings refused. Bipartisanship in Congress is similar. When the GOP agrees to “deal” with the fascist DumRats they foresake principle and embrace corruption. As a believer I choose to be partisan and pure. A good person does not extend an olive branch to the Devil.
Don’t underestimate Netanyahu. What we, the public, are shown may not be what is ultimately planned. There is always a time and place —and reason — for compromise.
So, feeble Joe Biden claims a victory on his way out. Meanwhile, Hamas is starting to back out of the deal, new demands, and firing rockets into Israel. Biden also expects Israel to promise to rebuild Gaza at Israel’s expense. What does this cease fire mean? Six years down the road Hamas will do it all over, just as after every war the world demanded Israel to stop.. But seriously, since when does one side warn, send aid, food, and medicine to the other side during war other than Israel?
Israel needs to end utilities for Gaza. No doubt Hamas will strike again. As for Biden, he may go down in history for the largest number of pardons of any prez. I was surprised there were 6 murderers he didn’t pardon. A lifetime politician who lied as a normal part of conversation has to spend his last days in office setting records so he’ll stand out. I doubt he has any thought of the negativity of his actions as such became ingrained long ago. He hasn’t lost that even with dementia.
The inside story of this terrible hostage deal involves the Park Lane Hotel on Central Park South (next to The Plaza) with Steve Witkoff having had his butt bailed out by the Qatari Investment Fund to the tune of $623 million, after his fraudulent Malaysian partner fled the USA to China one step ahead of the Feds. Then Witkoff flies to Israel with his orders from Doha (& with DJTs blessing) to bully Netanyahu into signing while on his sickbed (recent surgery for newly diagnosed prostate CA).
As you said, this is not over. Hamas will take some time to recuperate and welcome their 1000 plus fighters home. They will raise their ugly heads again in about 4 years when DJT is out of office. Not sure who will replace him but they hade better have a Warrior Attitude. You and I both know about having a vicious animal, we both put down one to protect others, they would attack when you least expect it to happen. The Middle East is full of Jew Haters that will strike again, Iran will help them.
You ask all the right questions and give the correct answers. There is no such celebration in our Jewish home. The invader Arabs who call themselves “palestinians” will not stop their one mission; to kill all Jews and everyone else who gets in their way of establishing their terrorist rule. Past president jimmy carter ousted the shah of Iran and sided with the ayatollah. He gave these terrorists a foothold. We don’t hate them. But we must rid the world of them; beginning with hamas.
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