On March 23, 1775 – Patrick Henry Said at the Second Virginia Convention . . . “Give Me Freedom Or Give Me Death”, Words Israel Should Live-By.
The Essence Of History Never Changes . . . Not Geographically & Not By Time. We think it Does, but it Does Not. The Names of the Bad Actors Change, their Locations Change, the Rhetoric & Symbols Change . . . But What Is New Today Was Also New Yesterday & The Days Before That.
There Always Was A Madman We Could Have Called Hitler, but Under a Different Name, and Maybe Even Under a Different Cause, but he was always there, Always Waiting for his Opportunity to Rise, and Always Leaving his Evil Mark on History.
There Have Always Been Victims . . . And Most Regrettably There Always Will Be More.
We Have Choices . . . We Can Choose to Ignore History & Hope it Won’t Happen Again . . . Or we Can Face What Has Happened Believing that if we Do Nothing, History Will Change & The Evil Will Go Away . . . It Won’t!
How Many Times Do the Jewish People Have to be Slaughtered Before “We” will Understand that any Respite We Have will Only be Temporary Until the Next Time?
How Many Times Do We Jews Have To Capitulate Before We Realize . . . that Taking a Knee is the Precursor to Total Surrender & Even Greater Pain in the Long Run.
Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis – Etc Started It . . . Israel Has To Finish-It!
When – If – The Living Israeli Hostages Are Released . . . I will Weep Openly with Tears of Bitter-Sweet Sorrow and Joy for the Few who Survived this Nightmare . . . And For The Millions Of Jews Worldwide, Who Are Once Again Victims Of Surrender.
Any Negotiation With Vicious Savages Who Murder, Torture, Rape, Plunder, Kidnap & Hold Their Victims For Ransom (Hostages) Is Surrender . . . Hamas Needs to be Utterly Destroyed with all who were Responsible for October 7, 2023 – To Be Summarily Executed On The Battlefield Or At The Gallows . . . Anything Else Is Surrender.
I Watched The Despicable Outgoing Liar-In-Chief (Biden) . . . who was Flanked on Either Side by Kamala Harris to his Right & Antony Blinken to his Left, while Biden Took Credit for the Presumed Hostage Release . . . I Cannot Express How Happy I Will Be To Never Again See This Image Of Political Incompetence . . . Such As The Three Of Them Project.
As I’ve Written Countless Times . . . I Love America, I Love Israel, And Canada Is My Country.
Only America, And Thus Far, Only Under The Presidency Of Donald J Trump . . . Can & Will Canada & Israel Succeed with Prosperity, Security & Freedom in Spite of the Ravages of the WOKE Globalist World . . . Enemies From Within & Without.
No-One Of Whom I Know, Has been a Greater Cheerleader for Donald Trump Once He was Recognized as the Leader of the Republican Party in 2016 . . . And No-One I Know has More Aggressively Defended Trump Against the Lawfare . . . That Was Used To Destroy The Man Financially, Socially & Politically.
But I Draw The Line When Trump Threatens Canada, Even When a Case Can be Made Against Canada for Failing to Live-Up to our Signed Agreement – To Contribute 2% Or More Of Our GDP To Our Share In NATO.
Not That It Makes It Any Better . . . But Bigger NATO Countries like Germany were Just as Delinquent to their NATO Pledge than Has been Canada, Especially When Germany is So Close to Being in the Belly of the Beast.
But To Claim That Canada Is Ripping-Off America, is Not Only Disingenuous, it is Insulting, Especially when One Considers that America Receives More Canadian Crude from us at Severely Discounted Prices than America Imports from any other Country.
Canada is Also an Electric Energy Provider to America that Feeds & Powers Much of the American North East. We Also Provide America with No Shortage of Minerals, Lumber & Manufactured Goods such as Automobiles that are Vital to the Well-Being of the United States of America.
And No Other Country Than Canada Is a Bigger Consumer Of American Goods, Services & Culture.
If Trump is Worried About Canada’s Southern Border with the United States, That’s On America & America’s Border Protection – That Is Not On Canada . . . any More than are the Tens or Perhaps Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants who Fled American Deportation, which Flooded into Quebec & Ontario . . . Is Somehow On America – It Is Not.
The Fact That Trump Wants To Punish Canada For Canada’s Exports To America Is Remarkable, when One Considers that Many of these Extremely Profitable Canadian Corporations are Either Owned Directly or Controlled by American Businesses, which Also Includes Canada’s Largest & Most Influential National Media Chain . . . National Post Newspapers.
I Would Love To See A Stronger Union Between Canada & The United States Of America . . . But Not by Coercion, which is the Way Trump Likes to Negotiate, Which Is Fine When Beating-Up On An Opponent Who Deserves-It . . . Which Is Not Canada.
I Would Like To See Open Borders Between Canada & The United States Of America. I would Like to See the Free Flow of Canadian/American Labor Between our Two Countries. I Might Even Like to See some Form of a Common Currency Between Canada & the United States . . . And I Would Be In Favor Of Americans & Canadians Being Able To Choose In Which Country They Would Like To Live Full Time, Without Surrendering Their Respective Citizenship.
Nonetheless . . . I Am Glued to the Television, Watching the Senate (Trump/Cabinet) Confirmation Hearings. I am in Full Anticipation of What I Believe will be the Greatest Changeover of Power in the History of Presidential Transitions.
I Can’t Wait For The Pomp & Circumstance. And I’ll Probably Shed a Tear when Trump Raises His Right Hand & Takes His Oath of Office – The World Needs Trump Right Now – More Than Ever.
As I Ask On The Fifteenth Of Every Month, if you are in a Position to Help Fund for Me to Continue Doing, Writing & Saying all that I Do, I Would Be Extremely Appreciative . . . But Only If You Can Afford-It.
It Never Gets Easy, And It Never Stops . . . We are Constantly Bombarded with Propagandized Media. Media that is So Slanted that we Can Never Learn What the Other Side is Saying or Not Saying. Media that Outright Lies or Withholds the Truth . . . Or Withholds The Story Completely.
How Can We Know The Whole Story . . . When the History of an Event is the Reason for the Issue, and the Past is Never Brought to Bear?
So As Usual . . . If You Appreciate What I Write, Say & Do and are in a Position to Support . . . Please Click Here & You Will Be Directed To Where & How You Can Give Your Support.
If You Are An American, Anne & I Will be at Myrtle Beach Until April 1, 2025, which Means that your Support Can be Sent by Mail to Our American Address . . . Until March 15, 2025.
To Mail Information And/Or Support To . . .
980 Cipriana Dr
Unit A1 . . . Suite 134
Myrtle Beach SC
In Advance – And Always . . . I Thank You For Your Support.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
You are right. Trump needs to back off Canada. It’s our best friend!
Correct, we need closer ties between the US & Canada. Open borders would be helpful to both the US & Canada.
I heard Biden today, seemingly taking credit for any peace agreement / pause betw Israel & Hamas.. Of course. I will listen to his 8:00pm speech tonight, where who knows what wonders he will take credit for…. / Business is business – and Trump is a businessman. He wants other countries to pay what they agreed to (2%?). I don’t believe anything personal is attached. Americans love Canada & Canadians. We are watching.. / I hope Trump stays safe.
this is how I see it happening in Isreal, let us play the moslem card, accept, accept accept, wait for hostage release, be pleasant and show patients. Then start payback again and finish them off.
It’s in the mail. Cheers, TedR
Cut Trump some slack. His DNA is transactional and although there are some downsides (such as his recent talk re Canada…hey, it did help dispose of Trudeau!) this side of him is what the world is in dire need of. The pendulum is swinging back, be it DEI defunding, etc just in anticipation of him reoccupying the WH. Let’s just hope that this less than desirable hostage deal is not what he referred to as “Hell to Pay”, as he has verbally set the bar high for himself and this is disappointing.
I remembered yesterday it was the middle of the month, so did the transaction then. You’ve probably had cold weather in Myrtle Beach too. It’s may still be pretty cold when you return home. Hopefully not for both of us.
Great edt./blog I’ll back Trump as he knows how to deal with rouge states. On its way better late than never as we were stuck in Ottawa for most of the day.
I remember when crossing the border was so easy. In the 1950s, crossing from NF, NY to Canada was a no-brainer. My father would show his driver’s license, and the border agent would look into the car and ask if we were all born in the USA and why we were coming to Canada. He would then wave us on our merry way. It remained this way until at least the mid-90s when I last crossed at NF. 9/11 screwed everything up. The two great countries should be economically united.
T is the master of misdirection w/ regards to Canada. However C has some scum owg politicians dedicated to the death of Israel and USA. Israel is making a very bad deal. It’s wash,rinse,dry,repeat. My friends &: their kids lives who live in the Eschol region r just as valuable as the hostages of today, dead & alive. Am Yisroel Chai!
Thanks for informing me of how much the USA depends on Canada. No one completely understands Trump we all know he is very bombastic. He obviously wants the relationship between the USA and Canada to change. I think there is a -100% chance of it becoming a state but I do think Canada has started a change also. I that that will lead to a great alliance between us.
Howard, like you, I am a proud Canadian. Yes, I love the United States and I consider Americans family. But I am very happy with the status quo of USA & Canada being great neighbours and best of friends. As our National Anthem says: “Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee.” / CANADA IS NOT FOR SALE
Thank you Howard. I don’t think I have to remind anyone that On October 7th 2023, Israel was attacked by Hamas, in an unprovoked Malicious, Barbaric ATTACK. Israel Has/Had every right to Defend its self. I’m 72 years old, I always have looked upon Canada as Friendly Neighbor, an ally. It is my Strong Opinion “IF” Trump was President then, That Would Have Never Occurred! Looking forward to seeing America once again be as it was when he last was President GOD, Family, Country SEMPER-FI
Fantastic editorial Howard. I do believe Trump will work with Poilievre an make both countries Great Again. Voting for Carney you get Butts, Telford and not sure what other rag a muffins…this is not Canada…we do not want anything to do with the WEF, China, Russia or Global Elites across the world! Trudeau allows Palestinian/Blk Lives Matter protests, riots & destruction of property. Canadian Freedom Convoy..NO destruction or riots, no guns…gets jail! Trudeau is OUT…make Canada Great A!
Seems like no one has mentioned the trade deficit. Is Canada on America welfare by 100 billion, yes or no?
NO! This $100-Billion Trade Deficit Is Neither Charity Nor Theft. Canada Just Sold More To The USA Than The USA Sold To Canada, Especially In Petroleum Products.
We Are 41-Million People. You are 350-Million People Which Is A Much Bigger Market – HG:
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