Giving Unlimited Money & Power To Spend – To The California LEFT . . . Is Akin To Giving The Keys To A Distillery To A Mob Of Alcoholics.
The California Wildfires Surrounding Los Angeles Are Raining Hell Upon The People Through No Fault Of Anyone . . . It’s Called Nature, And Nature Always Takes & Gives Whatever It Wants.
As Heartbreaking As It Is To See & Hear The Nightmare These Fires Are Causing To The People & Wildlife . . . It Is The Wrath Of Nature – and the Sooner we Realize that Nature Trump’s all Else – The Sooner we will Realize that there is Very Little we Can Do to Control the Weather, which Includes – Fire, Water & Devastating Wind Events.
What We Can Control Is How We Deal With Disasters When They Happen.
For all the LEFTIST Jerks who Think we Mere Mortals Can Control the Rising Tides, the Sun Spots Exploding Some 96-Million Miles Away from Earth, the Trade Winds, the Ocean Streams that Give-Us La Nina & El Nino Causing Extreme Weather (Wet Or Dry – Hot Or Frigid) . . . Think Again – And Shove Your Green New Deal Where It Belongs.
How Can One Governor Account For A $170-Billion Dollar Budget Turnaround?
After 2019, When Newsome First Became Governor – Newsome Bragged How California Had More than a $97 Billion Dollar Surplus . . . Today – Through Newsom’s Gross WOKE Mismanagement – California’s DEFICIT Is Well Over $73 Billion Dollars . . . And This Man Wants To Be President Of The United States Of America – God Help America!
Because Newsom Pissed Away Well-More Than One Hundred Billions Dollars On WOKE Nonsense . . . Where is the Extraordinary Amount of Money Supposed to Come from to Pay to Restore California from this Unmitigated Natural Disaster?
Natural Disasters Can’t Be Stopped, Which Doesn’t Mean We Shouldn’t Be Prepared.
Our Power Over The Universe Is Only Viable In LEFTIST Deluded Brains.
Should the Fact that CENTCOM Generals (US Central Command From The Middle East, East Asia & Parts Of South Asia) are Touring Israeli Air Bases While Planning Joint Operations with the IDF Worry the Bad Actors of the Middle East & Asia in their Sphere of Power?
If They Had A Brain They Should Be Worried – Very Worried.
You Don’t Become The Best If All You Can Beat Are Amateurs.
This Is Not Such A Big Secret . . . Israel’s Air-Force (IAF) in Lethality, Equipment, Technology & Excellence – is as Good & Perhaps Better than Any Other Air-Force in the World.
Israeli Pilots Don’t Just Train . . . The IAF Fights.
The IAF’s Experience Doesn’t Come From Flight & Combat Simulators Or Power-Point Lectures From Behind A Podium – Their Experience Comes from Doing the Real Thing Near Home and as Far Away from Home as a Thousand Miles or More.
The IAF Takes-Out The Enemy Under The Ground, Above the Ground & in the Air Regardless of the Enemies Advanced SAM’s (Surface To Air Missiles), which also Don’t Survive the Wrath of the Israeli Air-Force.
Because Of Hamas & Hezbollah . . . Israel’s Ground Troops (IDF) Have Perfected Tank Warfare, House to House Combat, Tunnel Warfare & Precision Death by Drone. And if you Have Any Doubts About Israel’s Mossad or Special Forces, Ask The Thousand Plus Hezbollah Thugs Who Had Exploding Cell Phones & Pagers That Blew Holes In Their Bodies.
When Soon-To-Be Prime Minister Of Canada – Pierre Poilievre – was Recently Asked What He Would Think About Israel Destroying the Government & Military of Iran, While Ending Iran’s Nuclear Ambition . . .
Poilievre’s Response Was – And I Paraphrase . . . The World Will Owe Israel A Debt Of Gratitude.
CENTCOM Isn’t Touring Israeli Military Bases Because They Want To Play War Games . . . Something Game-Changing in the Middle East is Going to be Happening Soon, Either by a Combined Violent Military Operation, or Through Capitulation on Behalf of the Persians & Arab Islamists Driven by a Fear of a Massive US/Israel Military Strike.
Biden Is The Epitome Of The Guy No Decent Person Wants To Be Friends With, which we Can See Why . . . as he is Doing all he can to Screw-Over the Incoming Government Voted-For . . . Of The People, By The People & For The People.
Now That It Is Finally Confirmed . . . Biden is the Worst President in American History, Which I Personally Predicted Four Years Ago When He Stole The Presidency, Biden is Only Re-Confirming What People of Intelligence & Good Character Had Known Before Biden Took his Meaningless Oath of Office.
To Describe Biden Best . . . He Is An Old Vindictive Reprobate (Creep) . . . Who Cheated & Lied his Way Into the White House at the Behest of his Anti-American & Foreign Handlers, with his Equally Dreadful Wife who Would Stop at Nothing to be First Lady.
The Only Good Thing I Can Say About Biden, Just as I Can Say About Canada’s Justin Trudeau and the LEFTIST Jerks Throughout Europe & Israel, is that Strong-Minded Conservative Leaders Have Shone a Spotlight on the Terrifying Reality the LEFT Represents to our Freedoms.
Don’t Believe-It . . . Elon Musk Took-On The Deep State When Doing-So Put Him & His Empire In Jeopardy – Mark Zuckerberg Didn’t Have his Conversion (Epiphany) on the Road to Damascus . . . As Much As He Sought His Absolution On The Road To Mar-A-Lago.
No Matter What Zuckerberg Or Zuckerberg’s Talking Heads Have To Say . . . Zuckerberg Didn’t Have to Blackball Trump & Trump’s Supporters on Facebook (Meta). He Didn’t Have to Censor all Freedom of Speech that Contradicted Democrat Talking-Points. He Didn’t Have to Donate Nearly a Half a Billion Dollars ($400-Million) to Support Biden’s Election . . . And He Didn’t Have To Promote Or Censor The Truth About The FBI Lie Concerning Hunter’s Laptop.
In Short – Zuckerberg Is A Wealthy Prick Who Is Changing Flags In The Middle Of The Battle.
All Of That Written . . . Whatever the Reason for Zuckerberg’s Conversion, just Like all the Other Billionaire Social Media Titans . . . Later Is Better Than Never, which Doesn’t Excuse the Massive Damage these Social Media Oligarchs Have Done to the People Worldwide in their Cowardly Quest to Sell-Out Freedom for Personal Wealth & Power.
Biden Is Showing His True Colors – The Media Is In Disgrace & Trump Is Giving The World Hope.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
All true! My daily prayer? G-d save the USA and G-d save Canada!
Howard, Newsom does whatever every lefty Liberal does, the fault is with the Californians who keep on voting for this AH, they are the ones to blame!! As to his wish the become President, lucky for us there are (still) more conservative minded people who are financially responsible in this country that recognize Newsom for what he is, so in my book, his chances are as good as Kamal’s were.
There was a huge fire near NAPA a few years ago. When the cause was found, it was an electrical cable that broke and fell, igniting the underbrush which had never been cleared. The service report showed that the last time those cables had been inspected was in 1921. This is the representatives we are voting into office. Calif. had Pat Brown put them in the hole. Reagan got them out. They elected Jerry Brown after that. They deserve what they are getting.
Thanks Howard another Great article. God willing, the Sheeple will wake up and take action against the Woke Communist Left. The democrat party is controlled by Pure Evil Intent IE: biden, obama, clinton, schumer, pelosi, newsome, soros, etc.
Let’s hope they have the good sense to close down our Al Udeid base in Qatar and replace it with a new base constructed over the ruins of North Gaza. Now that’s what I would call a “Buffer Zone” which would benefit Israel. And while you are at it lets establish a Kurdish buffer zone to the north of Israel in southern Syria; God knows they deserve it, having proven their loyalty to the USA and Israel over and over again. This will protect Israel from Turkey and its islamist sultan Erdogan.
In keeping with your comments concerning Biden and a spotlight on the Left, I’ve said for years that Obama did one good thing during his “reign”: He stirred the Conservative Right from their stupor. Biden and his ilk continued that wake up and prompted enough people on both sides to give us a conservative White House as well as Congress. Will we be able to sustain this? Time will tell.
Dear HG, here in Canada, the carbon tax is having an effect…no global warming here this winter! What a joke, this tax is…just like the JT and his team.
Yes, the fires in California are the fault of specific people, led by the absolute idiot, Gavin New-scum. Reservoirs weren’t full; water from the north was denied; forests and brush weren’t cleared of debris — and it was no accident. These people are that evil. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that the number of fires breaking out simultaneously are an act of terrorism, also a deliberate blind spot to the Leftists.
You amaze me Howard! You are obviously very rooted in scripture. I think well beyond the average believer (Christian is what I am) but you still do not consider yourself to be a religious man!
To repeat your final comment: “Trump is giving the world hope.” I am 100% in full agreement.
proper maintence is usually the first cuts
Excellent!! Assessment without compare.
Instead of sending California money send them chainsaws and bulldozers. Much of the wildfire they have experienced over the years could have been mitigated with proper forest management.
A lot of CAs problems started when the enviromintalist started dictating forest management. First they restricted cattle from National Forrest, which ate the underbrush. Then they stopped the Spray programs for the Japanese Bark Beetle, then they stopped control burns. All of this created a perfect Fire Tender for disaster, some cases Mother Nature provided the ignition, lightning. Other times Man made mistakes. We are a Nation of Failed Policy and neglect.
Sincerely hope in two years that California will have a Republican Governor. Also will cherish the day this country will elect/employ people based on their experience and qualifications. DEI will be a thing of the past.
Amazing. The dumbest come to the top, like cream on a quart of milk. I always thought Cream was good. Sure fooled me.
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