I’m Writing This Editorial . . . Because I Don’t Want People to Minimize What the Palestinians Had Done on October 7, 2023 & Continue To Do Today.
If you’re Sickened by the New Year’s-Day-Slaughter of Peaceful Americans Doing Nothing but Celebrating the Coming of the New Year . . . And Want To Send All The Perpetrators To Hell . . . Now You Know How The Israelis Feel.
The Slaughter Of Jews Didn’t Begin On October 7, 2023 & Won’t End Anytime Soon.
I Don’t Care Who You Are & Generally What You Stand-For . . . But if you are a Moral Human Being, you Can’t Possibly Welcome the New Year with Good Conscience, as a Large Number of Israelis (One Is Too Many) are Being Held Against their Will in the Terror Tunnels of the Hamas (Gaza) Palestinians.
I Would Write a List of all the Horrors I Have Read & Heard About . . . What Has Been Committed Against Jews (And Some Others) in Gaza . . . But, Even as Despicable as I Believe it is . . . I Am Quite Certain It Is Most Probably Far Worse Than My Worst Thoughts.
When They Say They Want To Kill You Believe Them . . . If The Following Disturbs You – Good!
There Has Never Been a Palestinian People Nor A Palestinian Nation. But for the Longest Time, Only since President Jimmy Carter Created the Myth of a Palestinian State at the Camp David Peace Talks Between Israel & Egypt, Have There Been Arabs Who Call Themselves Palestinians With No National Palestinian History – Whose Only Consistent History Has Been to Hate Jews as they Live like Paupers on the Goodwill (Charity) of Jew-Hating Organizations like the UN, Liberal Soft-Minded Jews & Too Many Arab Societies (Countries), That Teach Their Children From Birth To Become Jew-Hating Savages.
Jewish Parents Worldwide Teach Their Children To Become Educated Productive Moral Human Beings. Far Too Many Palestinian Arabs Teach their Children How to Hate Jews . . . From That Juxtaposition, Where Does Israel Start Negotiating?
No Civilized Human Being Could Ever Do To Any Living Creature, let Alone to Other Human Beings, What the Palestinians who Call themselves Hamas, Have Done to the People of Israel . . . On October 7, 2023, Which Carries-On Into The New Year Of 2025 & Beyond.
I Believe There Has Not Been A Hostage Deal For Various Reasons . . .
First Of All . . . There Should Never Be A Negotiation Over Human Bondage. Human Beings are Not to be Treated like Chattel. Approximately 150-Years Ago, America Went to War Against Itself for More than Half a Decade, Killing Hundreds of Thousands of Northern & Southern Americans . . . To Free The Slaves.
The IDF Should Find all those Responsible for Kidnapping, Imprisoning, Torturing & Raping the Israelis . . . And End their Lives, Because For People Who Would Do Such A Thing . . . There Is No Redemption.
What Happened To The Death Sentence For Kidnappers? . . . So Much For Consequence.
Second . . . There was a Peace Agreement Between the Gaza Palestinians and the Israelis, Right-Up To The Moment On October 7, 2023 With No Threat From The Israelis In Israel, when the Gaza Palestinians Calling themselves Hamas, Savaged Innocent Men, Women & Children – So What Is The Word Of A Palestinian Worth?
Third . . . How Many Of The More Than 200 Israelis Who Were Kidnapped Are Still Alive?
Maybe None – Or So Few To Evoke Even Greater Anger. Or Maybe Israeli Kidnap Victims are so Damaged Mentally & Physically by this Palestinian Ordeal, That The Palestinian Arabs Don’t Know How To Barter Them?
Fourth . . . We Have a Really Good Idea of What the Palestinian Savages Did to the Israelis they Murdered, Tortured & Raped by the Testimony of those Hostages who were Already Released in Previous Negotiations.
If What The Palestinians Did To The Remaining Live Hostages Was So Barbaric & So Unimaginable, that it Has Caused the Bestial Perpetrators to Become so Terrified of the World Finding-Out, That They Cannot Release Their Victims Because Of The Kind Of Retribution They Will Receive Justifiably-So . . .
. . . What Does That Say About The Savage Palestinian Perpetrators?
As I’ve Written Many Times With Pride . . . I Was an Active Member of the Montreal Jewish Defense League (JDL) Going Back to 1968. I was Also an Adherent to the Doctrine of Rabbi Meir Kahane in Terms of Standing-Up to all Threats Against the Jewish People Wherever in the World.
But I Did Not Agree with Kahane’s Idea of Resettling Non-Israeli Arabs Living in Israel, by Buying their Homes & Properties so they Could be Forced to Live Outside of Israel . . . That Was Then – And This Is Now.
There Can Never Be Trust Or Peace With People Capable Of Doing What The Gaza Palestinians Did On October 7, 2023 . . . with the Unbridled Support of the Vast Majority of those who Choose to Call themselves Palestinians, Wherever they Happen to be in the World.
You Can’t Have Peace & Any Form of Security Living with or Beside a Culture that Teaches their Children How to Hate, While Showing them that Celebrating Murderers of Jews is the Epitome of Hero-Worship.
Some 57-Years Ago When I Joined The Jewish Defense League . . . And Only Since October 7, 2023, Have I Come to the Conclusion that Kahane was Right . . . That the Arabs in Israel who Call themselves Palestinians, Especially the Palestinian Arabs who Still Support Savages like Hamas Should Have No Right to Live in the Land of Israel.
About 30-Innocent Americans Were Wounded On January 1, 2025, with Millions of Innocent Americans at the Scene & Throughout America who Have Been Traumatized . . . By What The Islamist(s) Did On January 1, 2025.
Now Juxtapose What Happened To America On January 1, 2025 . . . To the Thousands of Dead Israelis (Victims & Warriors), the Hundreds Taken to the Palestinian Gaza Tunnels to Be Tortured, Raped & Murdered . . . And Then Tell Me How Much Sympathy You Have For The “Poor Palestinians”.
Now Think About The Millions Of Jew-Haters Who Chant Worldwide In Favor Of Savages. How Would You as an American or Canadian Feel if Thousands of your Fellow Citizens in Academia, Congress or Parliament Advocated for the Murderers of Americans in New Orleans – On January 1, 2025?
2025 Can Be A Great Year . . . But January 1, 2025 Is A Reminder Of What Is & What Can-Be.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
We allow all in our country, legal or illegal. There is no barrier to Arabs (savages) who are taught from childhood to “kill all Infidels”- behead dolls, women are for sex.. That is US!!! We do not screen our legal, Visa immigrants. This country was founded as a Judo-Christian Nation. Not a nation of savages. The entire history of the Arabs is to “KILL” everyone else. They don’t want us in their country. I don’t want them in ours. My “bleeding heart” has run out of blood.
Another brilliant editorial. Thank you Howard. Maybe your words will resonate.
Jews are no longer accepting anti-Zionism the way they accepted its predecessor, antiSemitism. The Lion of Judah has awoken and is beginning to roar.
It is a spiritual battle and as strange as it might seem, God has selected the Jews as ‘His special people’ so those who are against the Jews, are fighting against God, and woe to them.
An extremely well written editorial. You continue to tell it like it is. Congratulations, Howard. Best wishes for a year of good health. To you and your wife. Best regards, Gerry. The Honourable Gerry Weiner Canada.
Well, that was difficult to compose, but it had to be written, and it had to be written well! And it has been written clearly and well, and I commend you and thank you for expressing the thoughts so many of us feel but have not found the words to express. Howard, you and I have fought too many wars together for too many years to remember. I am honoured to be your friend and proud to be your colleague in arms. Thank you for bravely fighting the battles that you do, and with such eloquence! AEN
Why was there no demand for a ceasefire with the nazis in ww2 ? How is hamas any different ?
The horrific event in New Orleans only encourages the supporters of the Hamas vermin to protest more often and more vigourusly on the streets of American and Canadian cities. Meanwhile our spineless and weak kneed politicians standby, watching and thinking how wonderful they are for allowing these half crazed people the right to protest, seemingly unaware that the these same people are sowing the seeds for future violent acts against our innocent families and friends and countrymen.
From “South Pacific:”. You have to be carefully taught. That song started my thinking, all those years ago. The words are truth. / Trump has said repeatedly if all hostages are not released by Jan 20, there will be all hell to pay. He said the other day that time is running short. I hope he follows through on his words.
The problem is, most people don’t properly understand the Mid East situation. Their opinions are fed to them by Leftist puppet masters, corrupt media and Islamo-Fascist bullies. And they all paint the same picture to undermine Israel & Jews, that Israel is the devil, has no rights to exist and must be destroyed. On 9/11 America felt the same pain as Israel, by the same enemy. And this enemy does not relent or go away. One would think America and the world would learn from this.
And so it starts.the world Biden and his cronies is in the works with all terrorists in every state. Mr. Trump would be making a good choice, IMHO, in bring our men and women troops home to engage and deport the vermin. Starting with Mexican cartel gang members. Also rehire police patriates to clean up so called sanctuary cities. Happy new year to all.
Here is an important question that ALL human beings need to answer: WHY haven’t the “peace loving Islamists” stood up against the “extremist, murdering Islamists” ? The answer can be found in the ideology of Islam—ALL practitioners are taught that they must kill ALL Jews and everyone else who is not an Islamist. Islam is not a religion—it is a tribal invention made up by evil people a few centuries ago, and its brainwashing techniques are now practiced all over the globe. It is dea
Bullseye!!! The so-called palestinians teach their kids how to kill started at the tender age of 3 or 4. I have seen videos where the children decapitate stuffed animals representing Jews with the kids saying death to the Jews, death to the pigs. I have seen the videos where kids as young as five learn how to fire rocket propelled grenades & then learn how to fire AK-47s. Animals like this do not deserve to live.
Agree about negotiating with savages. How can Israel negotiate with HAMAS/Hezbollah/PLO when their founding documents call for the elimination of Israel? In the long run, it may be best to move the HAMAS supporting Arabs out of Gaza. Egypt can deal with them, and Sinai is a big place where they can settle and set up an Arab paradise. Annex the West Bank (river to the sea!) and allow the Arabs that want to stay peacefully to remain while the rest can emigrate to Syria to live with fellow Arabs.
The problem is not that the people don’t understand the muslim mind, but that our governor’s, congress, and most of our government either doesn’t understand them, or are anti-semitic themselves. What did we do after 911? We went to war, but didn’t finish it. What did we do after December 7? We went to war, and finished it. We the people should agree that we have had enough. It’s time for US to go to war, but don’t stop short of finishing it.
We are on the verge of a second Civil War. There exist Media that promotes all kinds of lies that make Americans angry at each other. The first thing needs to be to eliminate these Media sources by removing them from the air and holding to account those who make up lies to enhance the News. Second, we must have Tern Limits for all Politicians the same as the President. Two 6 year terms with the ability to recall anyone that is not doing the job for their constituants.
17 more days and the ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!
If Arabs knew their history which they don’t, they’d know that their Allah is really Hubal a pagan god imported from Syria who became their chief god, also the god of Mohammad’s tribe, in the Kabah. Hubal was named Baal in Syria and beyond including ancient Israel. One of his titles was Lord of the demons and Lord of the Flys which is also the title of Satan so Islam is actually Satan worship. No wonder Justin Trudeau can’t bring enough in fast enough.
The truth can be hard to take until it starts hitting at home. That’s likely where most Americans thinking (or lack of) exists. And I figure the assaults in the US are just beginning unless/until Homan rounds them up & ship them back home or put them in jail. Seems he’s gonna start in Chicago… Go Tom Homan!!!
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