At A Campaign Stop In Toronto On October 14, 1904 . . . Canadian Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier Stated that the Twentieth Century Will Belong To Canada. It Never Happened.
. . . “The 19th Century Has Been The Century Of United States’ Development . . . Let Me Tell You, My Fellow Countrymen, That All The Signs Point This Way, That The 20th Century Shall Be The Century Of Canada And Of Canadian Development. For The Next 70 Years, Nay For The Next 100 Years, Canada Shall Be The Star Towards Which All Men Who Love Progress And Freedom Shall Come”.
The Truth Of The Message . . . is that Canada Never Reached our Potential. We Came Close at the End of World War Two, Until Such Time When Our Leadership Decided . . . To Become Closer With Europe Than With The United States Of America.
The First Trudeau (Pierre Elliott) in Power Began his Leadership as Prime Minister of Canada in 1968, When Trudeau Fundamentally Changed Canada from the American Model, to a Hybrid Between Capitalism & Communism . . . It Has Been A Disaster.
The Climax to the Beginning of Canada’s Journey Down Hill was When the Father (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) of Canada’s Current Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau) . . . Did to Canada Very Much What Obama Did to America, To Fundamentally Change Canada From A Capitalist Meritocracy To A Nation On Route Towards Socialism.
The Major Political/Judicial Difference Between Canada & America . . . Is That Canada Does Not Have a Constitution like the United States of America, Which Is A Back-Stop To Protect America’s Political Process & Individual Rights & Freedoms From Tyranny.
The Democrats Came Close to Defeating the Freedoms that Have Made America as Great a Nation as America Has Been for Almost 250-Years . . . But Close Only Counts in Horseshoes.
America Came Close To Being Canada. But Not Close Enough.
It Is Not A Secret That Either Of The Two Trudeaus Surreptitiously Crapped On America. And in the Case Of Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Members in Parliament, they Have Never Been a Friend to American Exceptionalism. But It Gets Worse.
In The Past Two Editorials . . . I Wrote About Healthcare in Canada Opposed to Healthcare in the United States of America . . . But this Editorial Has Nothing to Do With the Merits of Either Country’s Bent on Healthcare . . . It Is About National Affordability.
Canada Cannot Afford Socialized Healthcare In Spite Of What The Politicians Say. Yet, we Still Have Socialized Medicine, even with our Massive Canadian Debt.
How Can We In Canada Make That Happen?
It’s Kind Of Easy . . . We Don’t Pay Our Debts. We are Woefully Behind in our NATO Commitments, Our Military is an International Joke that Has Become a Woke Tool of Peacekeepers Instead of Warriors, and We Depend Almost Entirely on the Success & Largesse of the United States of America to Keep us Afloat.
We Canadians Like To Strut Our Stuff Throughout The World, Especially In Europe, where the Europeans Purchase Almost Nothing from Canada, while Canada Depends Upon American Purchases of our Products, Which Amounts To Almost 80% Of Our International Trade Surplus.
Yet . . . We Canadians Have The Chutzpah To Lecture America . . . On How they Should Conduct their Social & Political Values. And How America Should Operate its Immigration Policies & Deal Positively with the WOKE World.
Just The Other Day . . . Trudeau Accused America Of Being A Politically Sexist Country.
If Not . . . Here They Are In Brief – The Province of Ontario Sells About Half A Trillion Dollars of Product & Services Into the United States of America, Making the United States of America the Single Largest Financial Asset Ontario Has for our Existence.
Premier Doug Ford Of Ontario Has Just Recently Threatened Trump, that if Trump was to Impose a Tariff on all Canadian Goods, Ford would Cut-Off all Ontario Energy to the United States of America, Where Ontario’s Energy Contributes Substantially To Many American Border States.
Isn’t That Exactly Why So Many Tens Of Millions Of Americans Voted For Trump, so America Would Not be Beholden to Energy from Foreign Sources? And Make No Mistake About-It, we Canadians Feel a Familial Closeness to America, but However we Feel, the Truth is, Canada & America Are Two Independent Sovereign Nations Responsible For Our Own Autonomies.
On One Hand . . . Ontario, which is the Province where Anne, the Falconator, the Mac-Attack & I Live, is Kissing American-Ass on American Cable & Network Television Promoting our Love for America, while the Premier of Ontario (Doug Ford) is Acting Like the Mouse Threatening the Lion.
I Don’t Think Trump Is As Concerned With The Canadian Border As He Is Letting-On.
I Think Trump Doesn’t Want to Have a Communist Neighbor on America’s Border in a World that is Quickly Moving to the RIGHT.
When Trump “Joked” About Making Canada America’s 51st State & Trudeau Would Become America’s First Canadian Governor . . . A Lot Of Truth Has Been Said In Jest.
I Don’t Suspect That There Is Some Kind Of Secret Plan For America To Absorb Canada Into The American Union, but I Do Suspect that Trump Has Plans for Canada to Move Closer to the United States of America & Further Away from Europe, Asia & South America.
I Believe That The Threat Of Tariffs Is Just The Tease.
I Suspect that Trump would Love Nothing Better About Canada than to See Trudeau Disappear into the History Books as a Failed Prime Minister, whose Example of Leadership Led Inadvertently to the Destruction of the Global One World Government . . . Of Which Trudeau Is A Key Proponent.
There are Many Canadians Who are Upset with the Bullying Tactics of the Incoming Trump Presidency Against Canada . . . But You Can’t Applaud The Win Of Trump, And Then Suggest Trump Should Turn A Blind Eye To Canada’s Direction Towards Socialism.
I Supported Trump Unabashedly Since 2016, and I did all that I Could to Help Promote Trump and all the Conservative (American) Politicians Within the Scope of the Law In 2024. And Now that they Won, The Last Thing I Want To Do Is To Start Criticizing.
Just Like I Wanted Trump To Make America Great Again . . . I Want Trump’s Victorious Spin-Off to Make Canada Great Again . . . Or At Least As Great As Canada Can Become.
I Don’t See Canada Owning The 21st Century – But I Do See Canada Becoming Relevant Again.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Ontario 29% , Quebec 22%, of parliament , run the show in Canada. That is why Canada has a tool for prime minister , plus debt beyond all reason. Alberta 12%, has little say for its huge contribution to balance of payments. It’s not just Alberta truckers that hate Trudeau.
I am a proud Canadian and always will be…but a little less in the last 8-9 years…JT and his father did terrible damage to our country and hopefully we can undo some of it in the next few generation. God willing, let our younger generations be be wiser and not elect “trudeau and his ilk”. MCGA!
We can only hope that in the next Canadian election, we can vote in a person with much of the love for Canada that Trump has for the USA. “Canada first” sounds like a great plan that a new leader will work on so Canada can be the place it used to be before the TRUDEAU’S made us the laughing stock of the world. Twice elected, I can only wonder “WHY”
Jan 20, Trump Inauguration Day, can’t come soon enough. I do wonder what Dems have planned to thwart that. / The US had Obama to ruin the country & start Socialism/Communism.We will never be free of him. I didn’t realize the Trudeau Duo is so closely related. I feel your pain. / Biden presidency is already being termed a miserable failure. Maybe Trudeau will join that column.
Canada and USA have been and should be best friends. It’s what we all deserve. Even best friends with any sense elbow each other on occasion or prompt for a misdeed. “Can’t we all just get along?”
P.E.T. the father did not like the U.S.A. nor G.B. that is why he gave us the metric system so we could be just like Europe, which really screwed us Canadians up. Both father and son J.T. are supporters of China and their system of government (Communist).
Close also counts in hand grenades!
Canada stood tall in WW II. The country has been sliding to socialism faster than the U.S. Time for both places to wake up and re-introduce free market capitalism to everyone’s benefit! Interesting about the Ontario commercials I have been seeing primarily on FOX. I had the impression that Ontario is an opposite of Quebec. Am I wrong for thinking that Alberta to Ontario are the sane parts of Canada?
Very good.
I left Canada almost 30 years ago when I saw the writing on the wall. I did not think the US would come close to buying into the same socialism. Thankfully the founding fathers saved us, barely. I hope Trump has surrounded himself with supporters this time and he can accomplish much and do a thorough cleaning of house. I know too many Canadians willing to vote for Trudeau again, and lost numerous Canadian friends because of my “disturbing” political views. Fingers crossed for you.
I would love to see US and Canada join forces, become a total Powerhouse. The rest of the world continues to battle over many issues, there will always be war in the middle east over something. Religion has caused more death and destruction than any other factor. I was raised as a Catholic but having seen the internal conflict over so many issues drove me away. Mega rich will always want to control every thing and the poor carry the burden of WARS. Civil War is coming.
If there’s one country that needs a doge its Canada. Over 60% of the average citizens income goes to a variety of government taxes every year. You can’t afford a home or rent ?? Duh … i wonder why ? Can’t save any money ?? How come ? Government cuts ?? What’s that ? Rather the government still needs more taxes to give more money away, more often than not , to a bunch of entitled brats. The stupidity in this country runs thick.
Praying for a great leader for Canada this year. It would be of great benefit if North America was United—Canada and the USA would be a force to reckon with and would be recognized as a union that can’t be beat. Trudeau has to go. And like the USA, Canada has lots of whiners, too. Too bad—so sad. We voted Trump back in because he’s a proven leader and a real “Cyrus.” Canada will oust the ridiculous little boy and vote for a real leader.
Sir Wilfred Laurier, Canada’s second Prime Minister after Sir John A. MacDonald was correct right up to the arrival of the Marxist Pierre Trudeau and his mental midget son Justin and it’s been rapidly downhill ever since. Actually, my great aunt who died 30 years ago at 106 saw Laurier make a speech. The Western world is swinging right. Pierre Poilievre is swinging Canada faster to the right than Trump. Canada is now more Conservative than the U.S. which the next election will prove.
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