Those Words . . . Spoken By My Father Still Resonate With Me From My Earliest Recollections, and my Dad Knew from What He Spoke.
My Dad Was Born Israel Galganov In Montreal On August 31, 1918, from Russian Immigrant Parents, and Served in the Canadian Infantry Overseas During WWII for Five Years. He was Known to His Brothers, Sisters, Relatives, Friends & Comrades in Arms as Eddy.
When I Went To Israel During The 2000 (Year) Intifada, I was Asked by Israeli Security Before I was Allowed to Get onto the El Al Plane, to Tell them Amongst Other Things . . . What Was My Hebrew Name, since all Jews are Given a Hebrew Name in Addition to the Name we are Given in the Language of the Country of our Birth.
My Hebrew Name Is Hanach Ben Yisroel . . . Translated – Howard The Son Of Israel. They Almost Didn’t Allow Me on the Plane because they thought I was Pulling a Scam, since During the Violence of the Intifada, Almost No One Was Visiting Israel & Israeli Security was as Tight as the Skin on a Drum.
Eddy Galganov Was A Bona-Fide War Hero, With all the Accommodations, Medals & Honors to Prove-It, Even with an Official (Personal) Letter from Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, who Presented my Dad with the Dutch Bronze Lion . . . For “Extreme” Bravery Above & Beyond The Call Of Duty, which Can Only be Mandated by Royal Decree.
I’m Telling You This So You Will Understand . . . When My Dad Spoke of Violence in the Extreme, He was a Man whose Words were Based on Experience, Meaning & Practical Wisdom . . . And When He Spoke I Listened.
Slightly More Than 70 Years Later . . . The Words of my Father are Resounding Upon my Psyche as I Grapple with a Truth I Never Wanted to Realize.
More Than 40-Years Ago, I Watched Tony Randall (Who Was Jewish), who was Also a Brilliant Semanticist in Addition to Being a Skilled Actor (The Odd Couple), who was on the Johnny Carson Show Talking About the Time when in His Opinion there Would be a Second Holocaust. His Words Still Resonate With Me.
I Don’t Recall Ever Being Denied A Job, a Contract, a Place in a Hospitality Setting (Hotel, Restaurant, Club – Etc) because I was Jewish . . . But I Always Felt an Undercurrent, even Amongst Non-Jewish People who I was Relatively Close with. But I Never Experienced Overt Extreme Anti-Semitism, Mostly Because Being a Jew-Hater Until Recently . . . Was Unacceptable . . . But That Is No Longer The Case.
I’m Not Going To Bore You With The Listing Of Jewish Contributions To All Aspects Of Society, Because they Don’t Matter. Even in Europe, Pre-Holocaust European Jews, Especially German & French Jews in all Walks of Life Bestowed Incredible Gifts of Learning, Technology, Medicine, Business, Finance, the Arts – Etc . . . To What Avail?
How Did those Jewish European Achievements Keep us (Jews) Off the Cattle Cars, Away from the Gas Chambers & Out of the Ovens? . . . They Didn’t.
Fast Forward Some 80-Years Since The End Of The Holocaust – What Has Changed?
In The Jewish World . . . A Home for the Jewish People Has Returned After More than 2,000-Years in Exile from Israel, and the Jews Finally Have our Homeland Back in the Nation that Has been Home to the Jewish People for More than 3,000-Years.
At The Outset Of The Holocaust, Even Before The Nazis Closed The Door To Jewish Emigration . . . There was Literally Nowhere for the Dispossessed Jews to Go. No One Wanted The Jews. Not the United States of America. Not Canada – Almost Not Anyone – So The Jews Stayed In Their European Countries To Be Slaughtered.
Almost 80-Years Have Passed Since The End Of WWII (1945), and Not Even One Day After the Liberation of the Nazi (European) Concentration Camps . . . The World Was Already Beginning To Say That The Holocaust Never Happened.
But It Did Happen . . . And On October 7, 2023 – With The Slaughter & Debauchery Of More Than 1,200 Innocent Israeli Jews & Others It Happened Again . . . And Once Again, the World is Saying that it Didn’t Happen.
More Than 700 Israeli Soldiers Of The IDF (Jews, Druze, Moslems & Christians) . . . Have Thus Far Died Fighting the Butchers Responsible for this Unspeakable Genocide of Jews at the Hands of Palestinians (Hamas) from Gaza and from the West Bank, the Houthis from Yemen & Hezbollah from Lebanon.
I Was Playing In The Back Alley Behind Hutchinson Street Where We Lived In Montreal, When a Boy About my Same Age & Size Showed-Up, and for No Reason Whatsoever, he Picked a Fight with me. And After Punching Me in the Face a Few Times, he Decided he Had Enough & Left.
When My Dad Came Home From Work That Day, Without Me Saying a Word About What Happened, He saw in my Face that there was a Problem. And When I Told Him that a Boy Had Beaten Me Up . . . His Question To Me Was This . . . Did You Get-In A Few Good Licks?
No I Said . . . Why Not He Asked? Because Mommy Told Me Never To Hit.
With That, My Father Took Me to the YMHA (The Jewish Equivalent To The YMCA), Where I Started to Learn How to Fight (Box), which Ended with me Competing in Karate Tournaments & Practicing the Skills of Krav Maga (Israeli – IDF – Street Combat).
And Amongst The Advice My Father Gave Me . . . Nothing Was As Pertinent As The Following.
Don’t Start A Fight . . . But When You Suspect A Fight Is Imminent – Hit First & Don’t Stop Until the Threat is Neutralized, which is the Exact Same Instructions One Receives in Firearm Training.
My Father Also Told Me . . . If Someone Threatens You – Take Them At Their Word.
Jewish LEFTIST Sellouts Are No Less The Enemy From Within As They Have Always Been.
Liberal Jews (Reformers) Have Forsaken The True Meaning Of The Torah . . . No Less than LEFTIST Christians and Other LEFTISTS who Have Abandoned the True Meaning of the American Bill of Rights Guaranteed by the US Constitution.
For Jews, What Happened A Year Ago Today, is Sadly Nothing More than the Repetition of History. But Unlike Yesterday, the Jewish Diaspora Has Something & Someplace to Fight-For, with an Enormous Number of Mostly Conservative Christians who Will Fight on Our Side . . . Because They (Christians) Recognize Two Things – Our Fight Is Their Fight & Our Values Are Their Values.
Thank You To All Our Christian (Non-Jewish) Brothers & Sisters For Standing With Us.
Thank You For Lowering Your Flags To Half Mast To Honor Our Jewish Dead. Thank You for the Flowers You Laid in Remembrance of our Fallen, Wounded and Our Savaged Jewish Family. And Thank You for the Candles You Lit to Burn in Honor of those who Paid the Ultimate Sacrifice just Because they were Jews.
I Will Reiterate the Advice I Received From My Dad that Seems as if it was Eons Ago, but Now Feels as though He is Speaking to Me from His Side of the Grave . . .
Believe Them When They Chant From The River To The Sea & Death To Israel.
Don’t Stop Until The Threat Is Neutralized All The Way.
Finish Hamas, Finish The West Bank Islamists, Finish The Houthis & Finish Hezbollah.
Take-Out Iran’s Nukes, Take-Out Iran’s Oil & Then Take-Out The Mullahs.
Never Again Will Only Mean Never Again . . . When The Punishment Surpasses The Crime!
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Very, very, good. Take the fight to the source and liquidate the source.
No matter how much a Jew tries to not be a Jew an anti-semite will still consider you a Jew. Today we see this worldwide, German Jews said they were German first: it didn’t help. During the Hasmoniam (Hanukkah story) hellnized jews tried to cover their circumcision didn’t help then. Am Yisrael Chai.
When Eisenhower saw the camps he ordered that everything be filmed, photographed, and validated for in the future there would be people who said that this never happened. Today there are Holocaust deniers and even though the acts of October 7, 2023, are still fresh in our minds, there are deniers. The Torah teaches us that human behavior does not change and to expect evil in every generation.
Finish Hamas, Finish The West Bank Islamists, Finish The Houthis & Finish Hezbollah. Take-Out Iran’s Nukes, Take-Out Iran’s Oil & Then Take-Out The Mullahs🎯💯 🎯💯
Christians and the Jewish people read from the same Bible. We are one. The disrespect Biden/Harris have displayed towards Israel is appalling. Sincerely hope and pray that the U.S. voters realize this because our country is at stake not to mention WWIII.
One of the best articles you have written. Your Dad is a great man and has raised a great son. I have always said if you have to go to war or protect your family or brothers don’t let up until the threat is totally eradicated. America should have learned that lesson years ago. Only thing in America’s way is the spineless so called leaders in Washington. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from what the spineless Washington did to us in Vietnam. Will never forgive or forget.
Great essay, Howard! From the times I remember, I had to prove my right to exist as a Jew in Ukraine. It looks like I now have to do it in the USA. Democrat party is destroying the USA. Biden just gave Lebanon $174 million, yet, FEMA has no money for North Carolina relief efforts. And private citizens, who want to help with their own time and money are threatened with arrest. Yet, tens of millions of idiots plan to vote Democrats back into power.
Don’t stop till it is over!
To Israel: Finish it. Finish it. Howard: Remind us from time to time what your father said about things.. We all need to hear & follow his counsel. Prayers for my brother, sister-in-law, dog. They moved to FL west coast last week, just after Helene.. Now in mandatory evacuation zone & aren’t leaving. Milton to strike Tampa Bay on Wed. They say 145 miles from them. Might not be enuf, but it’s something! 🙏🏻
With respect to comment above I add that the latest example is PA Governor Joshua Shapiro. The only reason he was not chosen as KH’s VP running mate was because he was Jewish, despite the fact that he was the most qualified candidate and certainly would have performed better than Walz against JD Vance during the VP debate. Choosing him was just not “going to work”, despite the fact that he may have delivered PA to the Dems. So what does he do? He bows to Haman and attempts to self “deJewify
Howard. Our Fathers were very similar in their values and how they taught their Sons and Daughters. God bless our Fathers and Mothers, and God bless you. Dave Gallo Ancaster Ontario Canada.
You Educate us beautifully. Thank You. I have the Documentary “The Killing Roads” uncut & graphic of the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas. Everyone should view it & they will SEE & HEAR the savagery & ruthlessness of Hamas. Israel, during this war, have had many miracles. The results would not have been the same without them. Israel will attack Iran’s Oil & Nukes, Neutralize the Hezzies and secure their home…ISRAEL. God’s Chosen WILL win. Amen.
Very very well said Howard. Your Dad taught you well. Am Yisroel Chai
Howard you are so right! We stand with you aal the way! The leaf doesn’t fall to far from the tree!
The only good thing to come out of Oct 7 was that it ripped the masks off everyone to see who they are and where they stand. All friends, foes, back-stabbing hypocrites. The weak, strong, upright and cowards. The ignorant, intelligent, the pro-Semites, anti-Semites, the truth-tellers and b.s.’ers. No one can any more hide. Everything, everyone and all characters and intentions, great and small, are on display for everyone to see.
Hanach Ben Yisroel, I am proud to be one of your many supporters, and I will continue to support your efforts to tell the truth about the issues that have a profound effect on our freedoms. I would encourage everyone who reads your articles to reach into their pockets and donate what they can to also support you and to support the victims of hurricane Helene by sending as much money as they can afford to churches and synagogues in the Tennessee-North Carolina-Georgia area. Am Yisroel Chai
If not now, WHEN? We must do all we can to support Israel in their righteous right to exist! And you, Howard, using wise words from your father, have outlined exactly HOW. Am Yisrael Chai
T quote Ben Stein, “Europe has never been the same since the Holocaust”. They killed all those brains, talent. Did we know? YES! FDR turned back a shipload of Jews coming from Germany. He would not allow them to land. Why? We now have open borders to terrorists. FDR started Socialism. We are now looking Marxist/Facism in the face. Will we take the challenge? Or, will we cease to be a free Representative Republic with freedoms for all CITIZENS
God blesses His nation & its people as long as they don’t turn away from Him. He did the same with the USA as long as we were a genuine Judeo-Christian nation. We’ve turned away from Him & advocated abominable behavior. Can we really believe He will still bless us? NO. How else can we interpret 4 years of O’Biden since God places people in power? That’s why we who as true believers need to be in daily prayer for forgiveness for ourselves, our nation & its leaders. Else we are forever doomed.
God did not put Biden in power, people did with their cheating ways. The Evil one and his followers put Obama and Biden in the WH. They will cheat again in 24 to put the Idiot Harris in there and there will be Civil Unrest no matter who wins. Our Country is being run by Evil People who believe killing an innocent child yet born is OK. A pregnacy caused by a crime, incest, or other vile attack must be stopped as the Embryo is evil and will be one of the Evil One’s followers. Harris is Evil.
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