I’m About To Tell You About A Life Lesson That Changed Our Perspective On Life.
I’m Not Ashamed To Tell You That Almost One Year Ago, When it Became Obvious to Anne & Myself that We Had No Choice but to End the Life of “Our” Precious Tavor, Our Two-And-A-Half-Year-Old German Shepherd Dog . . . I Cried Like A Baby As I Held His Limp Body In My Hands.
And Today, Almost One Year Later, Even With Our Beautiful “Falconater”, who is our Fifth German Shepherd Dog in 50-Years . . . I Still Feel Heartbreak, When I Think Of Tavor & See His Fabulous Visage (Photo) Hanging On Our Wall.
We Didn’t Know The Difference Between A Working Line German Shepherd Dog & A Show Line German Shepherd Dog. We thought that a Working Line German Shepherd Dog was More Adept to Working, while the Show Line was Just as Described.
When We Decided To Finally Buy Another German Bred German Shepherd Dog . . . After our Fabulous Stryker Died from Old Age, while we were in British Colombia (Near Vancouver) Several Years Ago (During Covid), Our Full Interest Was In Buying Another German Shepherd Dog With 100% German Breeding . . . For A Variety Of Important Reasons.
We Had No Choice . . . Genetically – Tavor Was Born Mentally Damaged, And The Older Tavor Became – the More Dangerous He was to Everyone Around Him. Tavor was Bred as a Working Line German Shepherd Dog, which is a German Shepherd Dog that was Never Bred to be a Pet.
As A Working Line German Shepherd Dog, Tavor Was True To Form.
As A 3-Week-Old Puppy, When We Bought Tavor In British Columbia From An Extremely Reputable Breeder, Tavor Chose Me to be His Master (We Took Tavor Into Our Possession At 8-Weeks) . . . And We Knew Even then, as we Began the Long Cross Continent Drive Home from the Pacific Ocean, Across the Canadian Rockies, Through the Prairies and the Length of Ontario . . . That Tavor Was Not An Ordinary German Shepherd Dog, and that Tavor Would Be More than Just a Challenge.
In A Battle Between Nature Versus Nurture . . . Nature Always Wins!
In Spite Of The Small Fortune We Spent To Buy Tavor – we Also Spent a Great Deal of Money Training Tavor in Obedience, Agility and then Psychologically with Two of the Best Working Line German Shepherd Dog Breeders/Trainers in the United States of America & Canada . . . To No Avail.
The First Working Line German Shepherd Dog Trainer in Florida Made It Clear to Anne & Myself, that Tavor is Not a Pet, He will Never Be a Pet, He will Always be On-Guard to Defend Anne & Myself at all Costs, And He Can Never Be Trusted.
The Second Working Line German Shepherd Dog Trainer (In Ontario) Made it Abundantly Clear to Anne & Myself After Taking just a Few Minutes to Evaluate Tavor, When the Trainer Said to Anne & Myself . . . Think Of Tavor As A Hand Grenade With The Pin Half Pulled. Eventually, The Pin Will Come-Out.
Even After This Dire Assessment . . . Anne & I Convinced the Canadian Trainer to Work with us for Several Months, to do What He & We Could, to Make Tavor as Safe as Possible to His World Outside His Sphere . . . But It Didn’t Get Better.
Eventually . . . We Did What Had To Be Done – Some Things Cannot Be Fixed.
After Making A Deal With The Devil . . . You Will Live The Rest Of Your Life In Hell.
Almost One Year Ago . . . Thousands (Estimated At More Than 6-Thousand) Savage Beasts who Call themselves Gaza Palestinians Invaded the Peaceful Israeli (Jewish) Villages (Kibbutzim) and a Music Festival, Which Geographically Ran Alongside The Gaza Strip.
What these Palestinian Beasts Did to the Helpless (Mostly) Jews Along the Gaza Strip was Indescribable, that Human Beings Could do such Unspeakable things to Other Human Beings, which Cannot be Overstated. And They Are Still Doing It.
I’m Trying To Understand The Angst The Families Are Going Through, Whose Loved-One’s Are Still Hostages Held By The Hamas Palestinian Butchers.
But I Also Understand the Angst Anne & I Went Through to Do Everything we Could to Protect the World from Tavor so We Could Keep Tavor Alive. Some will Say . . . We Can’t Compare A Dog To People . . .
But They Would Be Wrong – Nature Is Nature. And Nurture Is Nurture.
The Israeli Left Can Hate Netanyahu & Likud All They Want . . . But it was Neither Netanyahu Nor Likud that Slaughtered More than 1200 Peaceful People In Israel, While Kidnapping About Two Hundred More.
It Wasn’t Netanyahu Or Likud Who Brutally Savaged & Raped Women In Front Of Their Loved-One’s. It Wasn’t Netanyahu or Likud who Hid the Kidnapped Israelis in Black Tunnels Under Gaza. And it Wasn’t Netanyahu or Likud who just Shot Innocent Israelis in the Head to Make a Sick Point.
Do these Israeli Demonstrators Want Netanyahu to Surrender & Declare Victory for the Extreme Forces of Evil Worldwide?
Who’s Paying For The Mass Demonstrations Against Netanyahu . . . And Who’s Organizing Them? Could it be the Same Very Bad Actors who are Organizing & Paying for the Anti-Semitic Demonstrators in America and all Around the World? . . . I Imagine-So.
And If I’m Right, Which I Believe I Am . . . What Does that Say About the Israeli Opposition in Government, who are Walking Arm-In-Arm with the People Demanding the Surrender of Israel to the Evil of Islamism?
What About The More Than 700 Israeli Soldiers Who Have Thus-Far Died Fighting The Islamists Since October 7, 2023? And What About the Israeli Civilians in Israel who are Wounded or Murdered Almost Daily by Hezbollah, by the Remnants of Hamas and by West Bank Palestinians? Do Their Lives Not Matter?
And as the World Cries for the “Poor” Gaza Palestinians who are Left Homeless because of the War they Started . . . What About The 100,000 Israeli Jews & Druze Who Have Been Forced-Out Of Their Northern Israeli Homes By Hezbollah Rockets?
Don’t Forget Who Savaged & Attacked Who . . . And Who Promised To Do It Again.
I Will Finish With This Succinct Point.
Most of the Israelis Murdered, Raped, Tortured & Kidnapped on October 7, 2023 were Peaceniks – who Bent Over Backwards to Kiss Palestinian Ass . . . And They’re Still Doing-It.
Remember The Poem Trump Recites From Time To Time About The Snake.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ON!!! Most people NEVER learn! Have a good Labor Day!
Netanyahu also didn’t vote for Hamas… Palestinians did. Palestinians should be protesting against Hamas in Gaza , for the right of Jews to exist , in this world , unless , they agree with the butchers. Unfortunately the latter seems to be the case.
I am a dog lover, Howard, and was involved in Rescue. I have had many many (large) dogs. I understand what you’ve said. I have had a Tavor type. It is devastating. THANK YOU to you & Anne for loving Tavor & for trying to help him. ♥️ To israel, I hope it does not stand down. Would these 6 recently killed want a surrender from Israel? What did they die for, if so? Trump’s snake story is fitting. The hatred is generational, centuries old.. Taught. Absorbed.
The evil that is in Hamas, Fatah, and their fellow Palestinians may not be inbred, but is there for centuries as Palestinians are taught the violence and hatred by their parents, their schools, their mosques, and their leaders. It is not going away anytime soon so it must be treated, unfortunately, as you treated Tavor. Otherwise it will rise again to damage the Jewish people in Israel or elsewhere. There is no kind, liberal solution to a permanent death threat.
You can NEVER stand down from evil. All the arab jihadists have to be faced with total destruction by eternal vigilance. Israel, sadly, is at the moment all that is standing against those barbarians.
I can relate to your sense of sorrow when you view the picture of Tavor, and I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my beloved dog down a couple of weeks ago and am grieving over her very much. It is truly a loss of a family member, since she was my constant companion for over ten-years. I will keep you and Anne in my prayers, as I also do for God’s chosen people, Israel. AM YISROEL CHAI . . . ISRAEL LIVES – BY THE GRACE OF GOD
My heart goes out to reader Mr. Halevi and all Israelis as Israel buries the 6 murdered young hostages, including American Hersh Goldberg-Polin. This beautiful American/Israeli son would still be alive if Trump had been in power as Oct 7th would never have happened. If elected Trump must shut down our Qatar base, move it to North Gaza, and name it after S. Carolinian Taylor Force who, after surviving tours in Iraq & Afghanistan, was killed in Tel Aviv (2016) by a Hamas affiliated Palestinian.
TAVOR: Many of us cried with you.
BRAVO. You have told it as it is. THANK YOU. The LEFT has a mindset of the DEVIL. EVIL personified. When will THEY wake up? When THEY realize, should the present administration win by FRAUD, that THEY have lost everything. It will be too late to reform & repent. Israel MUST win. The WORLD is dependent upon it for survival. The SNAKE must be beheaded. May ALL of God’s power enhance Israel on ALL of our behalf for FREEDOM & may Trump WIN in November. God Bless, Israel & Trump.
Bibi must not stop until the threat is gone. I sympathize with the hostage families and their desire to get their loved ones back. Making any deal now might bring the hostages home. But this is selfishness that ensures future generations will die. Some yet unborn. How long before we hear cries the Israelis are only permitting the polio vaccinations in Gaza because the Jews have put something in the vaccine to render the children sterile? It’s coming, that’s the way of the anti-semitic world.
Let’s see, the middle east has been at war with each other for 5000+ years, in the name of ? Why do folks insist on traveling to these countries and expect others to put their lives in danger to rescue them. I for one will never travel to certain foreign countries and expect to be rescued for that is a personal choice and one not made by others. I served my country to defend FREEDOM not to die protecting some fool who wishes to push their way of thinking on folks that do not want them their.
So Biden gov’t gives $Billions to Ukraine to defend itself & go on offense, but wants Israel to make a ‘peace’ treaty with Hamas (which Hamas will never keep). Such an Israeli treaty will serve to give Hamas time to regrow number of fighters & re-equip them, then wait for Israel to ‘relax’ & once again become vulnerable. Hamas, Hezbolah & all Iran-sponsored groups want Israel destroyed & will never stop their attempts to do exactly that.
Excellent Howard!
The basis of evil n Israel r the minions of barry sotero obama, bill gates, & george soros. bso sent traitors to get Bibi removed from office. They failed then they 1. The puppets in Israel r being manipulated again by the evil 1s above. There r only 3 people standing between the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. G-d, Bibi and Trump. The Jews had better turn back to reading & obeying the Scriptures & not the conflicting stories of the oral tales. His wrath is coming & so is He!
Howard, we know that there will only be an end to the heartbreak & destruction in this world when the Son of Creator God returns. We must be in prayer for those who do not or will not believe that those things will “come to pass”.
Islamists hate all other religions
My tears flow with you for Tavor. Lost my dog a few months ago. There is no grief like the loss of your dear animal. The USA should not tell Israel how to run its war with Hamas. Bug out Biden ( if you believe he even knows what Planet he is on!!!)
When I was 6 years old I was on the receiving end of a 3 year old German Shepherd. It was our family dog that we could all play with. But evidently it loved my brother more than me. When we got into a brotherly fight the dog tore into me. I am now 78 years old. My wrinkles’ now disguise my scares. I was lucky to survive. The German Shepherd did not. I understand why you put Trevor down.
I still miss the most beautiful Great Dane in the world and the love of my life that I had to put down because of cancer 35 years ago when he was 12 which is a very long life for a Dane. He played the bad guy in an episode of The Littlest Hobo when he was two which I watch every year to see him and hear his voice which was over-dubbed on the soundtrack. The end of life for a pet is so horrendous for some people that they never replace it. We know exactly how you feel Howard.
In 1960, My dog from childhood, (age 6-16) was being tormented daily by a child of 6 that lived next door to us. He was a (35lb), chow/setter mix that I swear could understand human speech. After enduring unending pursuit by this little hellion–he had enough! One day, he “attacked” his tormenter right in front of his mother who scooped up the terrified child and went to the ER, convinced her child was dying! Not a mark, not a scratch, not a bruise-but he never bothered my dog again!
Thinking of you and family over the loss of Tavor. You did all in your power to save him, but like you said—nature always wins over nurture. Israelis who are blaming Netanyahu and want him to end the war Palestinian terrorists started are blind to the real truths. Brainwashed American antisemites haven’t a clue about true history. It’s left to us to make sure we don’t let the evil beasts win. There will always be collateral damages in war. It’s the awful price we pay to save the masses
Excellent editorial Howard. Tavor may he rest in peace. Israel has the right to live! If there is a treaty Hamas/Hezbolla & Iran wouldn’t be peaceful these are tribes of pure evil, they want all others dead so they can survive an take over teaching the Quran. These are not humans they are worst of the worst evil tribes. Do Not Trust Them!!
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