I’m Writing This As A Canadian, Who’s Envied America For Most Of My Life – But Not As Much Anymore.
Take This As It Is Written . . . I Would Still Prefer to Live Full-Time in Virtually Any Red-State in the United States of America, Other than Anywhere in Any American Blue State . . . And Just About NOT Anywhere In Canada, Other Than Perhaps Alberta Or Saskatchewan.
In the 1960’s – A Western Born Canadian . . . Professor Marshall McLuhan, who Finished his Professorial Career at the University of Toronto, where McLuhan Wrote a Book Titled, “The Medium Is The Message”, which at the Time Had Very Little Resonance to Me.
But Now That I’m Older & Smarter (Guaranteed Older & Hopefully Smarter) . . . I Understand What McLuhan Meant About the Medium Being the Message . . . that the Medium is to a Greater Degree More Important than the Message, since Without the Medium to Convey the Message . . . The Message Would Not Have Influence.
It’s Like – If A Tree Falls In The Forest & No One Is There To Hear-It, Did The Tree Make A Sound?
In Fact . . . Not Only Was McLuhan Right & Accurate – McLuhan Was Also Prescient Long Before the Unbelievable Influence of the Internet, Global Ownership of Broadcast Networks (Radio & Television) & Cable, Which At That Time Weren’t Even Considerations.
More Than Half A Century Ago . . . McLuhan Saw & Wrote About What would Become an Extremely Contentious Future in the World of Communication, which Now Controls Almost all the Levers of Power in Literally all Aspects of Society, Which Doesn’t Mean . . . That We The People Can’t Use That Power To Our Benefit, As Long as that Power (Freedom Of Expression) isn’t Ripped-Away from our Constitutional Rights, which to Me is Becoming a Serious Worry, Especially in Canada, where Trudeau is Passing all Manner of Laws Restricting the Free Flow of Opinions & Criticisms, Mostly Contrary To LEFTIST Policies.
If Ever There Is A Time For The People To Take A Stand For Freedom Of Expression, That Time Is Now.
Everyone Loved Ronald Reagan After He Died & Time Passed, but Not So Much on the LEFT while Reagan was still Alive. Churchill is Considered to Have Been one of the Greatest Leaders in Modern British History, But A Vast Majority Of British Citizens Didn’t Think Enough Of Churchill, the Man with the Resolve to Save England from Falling to the Nazis, who (Churchill) Contributed to the Greatest War Victory in History, to Re-Elect Churchill to a Second Term as Prime Minister of England, Right After Victory in Europe.
They Hated Margaret Thatcher (The Iron Lady), even Though Margaret Thatcher Led England Out-Of One of the Worst Economic Situations in British History, who also Traveled Her British Forces Around the World (Argentina) to Enforce British Sovereignty in the British Territory of the Falkland Islands.
They Also Hated Israeli Leaders Like Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir & Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Easy Answer . . . They Were All Real Conservatives Who Bucked The Establishment.
But Also . . . They Wouldn’t Take A Knee. And they were all Incredibly Successful in Carrying-Out their Duties for the Benefit of their Societies . . . Against The Current Of Elitist Socialism.
And They Were Unapologetic Nationalists Who Put Their Countries First.
They Weren’t Part Of The Liberal/Social Establishment Elite.
Churchill was Considered a Drunken Lout. Reagan was a Hollywood Movie Star. Thatcher was from a Working Family whose Dad was a Green Grocer. Israeli Leaders like Begin & Shamir were Physical Freedom Fighters (Warriors). And Netanyahu Served in the Military while Publicly Standing Strong Against Socialism/Communism.
“They” Can Blame Donald Trump All They Want For The Dismal Republican-Showing On November 8, 2022, which is Nothing New for the LEFT, Other than Another Opportunity to Destroy any Chance for Trump . . . To Become The President Again In 2024.
The Republicans Got Their Asses Kicked Mostly Because Of Republican Leadership – End Of Story!
As For the Republicans who are Twisting Themselves into Pretzels Laying Blame for the Massive & Embarrassing Loss at the Feet of Donald Trump, all they’re Doing is Deflecting the Misery of their Own Making onto the ONLY Person who Campaigned Tirelessly on his Own Dime Nationwide, through Countless Rallies for Republican Candidates.
Like Most Freedom-Loving People – I Too Like Ron DeSantis . . . But DeSantis is Being Used as a Foil to Divide Conservatives, to the Point where Conservatives will Themselves Try to Defeat Donald Trump & Divide the Nation, Guaranteeing that the LEFT will Win Future Elections by Hook or Crook, Allowing Them To Conclude Their Nefarious One World Elitist Communist Society.
So Who Trashed The Republicans?
1 – A Voting (Electoral) System that Invites Corruption for a Multitude of Reasons.
2 – Academic & Media Created Ignorance Amongst the Voters, but Especially Amongst the Youth.
3 – The Something for Nothing Crowd (Free College Loan Repayments).
4 – An Onslaught (Billions Of Dollars) of Free LEFTIST Media Propaganda.
5 – The Egregious Threat of a Fallen Democracy if the Right Wins.
6 – A National Lie Concerning the Not-Constitutional Right of Abortions.
7 – A Horribly Corrupt & Incompetent Republican Leadership.
As Long as Republicans Have Political Uber-Alles Leaders Like Mitch McConnell & Kevin McCarthy – Republicans Will Be Dead In The Water.
TO BLAME DONALD TRUMP FOR THE REPUBLICAN DISASTER . . . is in all Reality No Different than Blaming the Iceberg for the Sinking of the Titanic . . . Opposed To Blaming The Captain & Pilot Of The Ship Who Steered-It Toward The Iceberg.
After This Debacle – There is No Reason to Doubt the Corruption & Unbelievable Influence (Power) of the Media, and the Incompetence of the Republican Leadership.
Republicans Like Mitch McConnell & Others Keep Blaming Trump for Endorsing Bad Candidates, Which Is Bullshit, when a Walking/Barely-Talking Piece of Human Excrement in the Name of John Fetterman, Beats an Accomplished Dr Oz . . . Or a Secretary of State in Arizona, who REFUSED to Debate an Incredibly Bright & Articulate Kari Lake is Within Striking Distance . . . Says All That Needs To Be Said.
I’ll Say It Again – There Has Never Been A More Important Time For Freedom Of Expression Than Now.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
You nailed it!
Howard, I gained some insight as to what is going on, i always thought other countries were involved in the U. S . 2020 election, Last night that feeling increased 10 fold. Because of the amount of info, I uncovered. But if you will search this name Klaus Schwab founder of the World economic forum and look at the names he is acquainted w/ you will know where the Dems are getting their money from, and why Biden is doing a lot of things Hitler did on his way to power.
The media has succeeded in criminalizing Donald Trump. They have created so many lies and put so much doubt in people’s minds that he has become tainted in mainstream America. Any good that Trump did or might have done for all citizens has been completely erased or vilified by the Left. They do the same in Canada with conservative leaders and will do so with whomever they disagree with in the US. It is their modern m.o. and people will follow mindlessly forever without knowing the difference
Sorry Howard, I loved all the people you mentioned from the USA, UK and I’ll add Stephen Harper of Canada, the best PM in my lifetime. Trump did a very good job as President, but he’s toast amongst real conservatives like I am. He’s a LOSER. He and he alone cost us 3 elections, after squeezing in in 2016 against Hillary, the most hated politician in America. He treated Mike Pence, who was completely loyal to him like crap. He lost me. Every person he endorsed, lost. He’s a LOSER
Yes. As always, right on target. The R’s do NOT want to change the corrupt system they have helped create. While they are giving group hugs and singing Kum-Bya (sp-?) the D’s are full filling the promise / goal during the 3rd term of “O”!!! He said I will “fundamentally transform the USA.” And, he is doing exactly that —- w/ the help on the MSM, $$$$ from Kalus & Soros ——– including several decades of training of Academia. America is in deep trouble.
Dems sent thousands of their people (again) to urge Dems to vote (mail-in or hand-delivered ballots), whichever was easier for them, but to make sure they vote. GOP sat on their butts since they thought (according to polls & media) the Repubs had it in the bag for a Red Wave. So no GOP Get Out the Vote. We shot ourselves in the foot by ASS-U-MIng we would win. My ballot was all local positions w/1 House rep to vote for & he won. GOP Congressional leaders sure didn’t help & need to be ousted.
What Republican leadership? I see no leadership from any of the elected at the present. The votes were as fraudulent as they were 2 years ago and what state but Florida did ANYTHING TO CHANGE IT? What Republican in office did ANYTHING TO CHANGE IT, or even addressed the issue. I think the most we can do now is read what your Jewish ancestors wrote in the bible, Revelations is about to happen IF it hasn’t already started. We better all get our spiritual lives in tune with our Creator.
Great editorial Howard. And then there are the secret societies!!
Mr. Biltis has the facts straight. I will add some conjecture: Herschel Walker’s only possibility of winning the GA runoff rests with Governor Kemp – who Trump tried valiantly to destroy – supporting him. If Trump injects himself into that campaign, Walker is is toast. Like multi-time LOSER Trump is now toast. His endorsement is now toxic. We conservative Republicans who want to win elections have had enough Trump-caused losses. ENOUGH!
If only our citzens had the guts to hit the streets in the thousands/tens of thousands just like the brave Brazilians. I took part in the trucker protests but there were never enough of ‘us’ and so we let those brave truckers down. While they dug in for the long haul on our behalf we went home for dinner and to sleep in our comfy beds. Freedom isn’t free. Everyone I know talks the talk but expects others to risk life and limb. It’s not just the non-voters that get the government they deserve
Fantastic editorial.DemoRats and Rino’s are working ON Fracturing the Republican Party, so it will NEVER be Elected again.Trump did NOTHING WRONG if you are TRUE AMERICANS, start helping TRUMP take AMERICA back or lose your Republic Constitutional Freedom.The GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR THE PEOPLE this is NOT happening THIS DEMoRat GOVERNMENT will DESTROY YOUR CONSTITUTION!!AMERICANS where is your HATE for BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMMER, SCHIFF, FBI, OBAMA!! TRUMP loves America Rino/Dems want to destroy it!
Howard – I read your blog for years regretting not having the means to support your voice as we wind our way through the morass of U.S. politics. I believe in boiling a mass of intermingled excrement into a single truth for myself and what I choose to tell others. The Liberal World Order versus the people of the United States is where the battle lies. Introduced by Woodrow Wilson in 1913 the deep state he created has taken control of the federal government. Voting is our only hope..
Never Apologize for not Being Able to Afford – Your Moral Support Is Worth Plenty . . . HG.
In God’s time, the entire truth will be told for all to see. At the moment, what we are watching is like Kabuki theater, making most of our assumptions incorrect. The war is truth vs evil. I wish I knew the date this happens but happen it will. Stand back and take a bigger perspective with a higher thought. Each soul will have a decision to make, with free will based on the absolute truth, not what we have been told. God and freedom or greed and tyranny. Excellent work, Howard!!!!
Thank you again for supporting Trump! Howard, I have to wonder if it has occurred to DeSantis supporters that in addition to the great job he did as Governor, one possible reason he won by such a huge margin was because he had eliminated election corruption in Florida. Unfortunately, we’ll never know the true vote counts in other key states. As good as DeSantis is, I doubt he could withstand the kind of non-stop attacks Trump experienced. I doubt anyone could.
I stand by my comments which I’ve made to many people, that there was huge election fraud AGAIN in this election, just as in 2020. I believe the democrats were so fearful of a red wave, that they have gone to extremes to find ways of blocking Republicans from winning. Trump is still popular; he had rallies all over the U.S., attended by thousands. If Florida can clean up its election corruption, so can all the other states. Some of the democrat winner outcomes make NO sense whatsoever.
The BIG MONEY wins again. Just look at how much is spent on elections. A normal person of means cannot afford to send 100s of thousands to candidates. Until there is a limit across the board of say 5K that any one person or business can contribute Elections will be bought. Biden lied so many times as does most Politicians with no accountability. There is no leadership in Washington only a group of hogs at the money trough. This election was fraud as has been in the past. GO TRUMP in 2024.
If Trump stepped aside for DeSantis , there WOULD be a red wave. But it won’t happen. All about ego and alot less about leadership. Rejecting Trump does not make everyone a rino or leftist. One thing is for sure , Trumps already proven he can’t unite the party. Give Ron a shot . Besides, Ronald is a good conservative name !
Great Editorial!! It breaks my heart seeing so many ‘conservatives’ jump the Trump ship. Truthfully, IF, there is a 2024 election & Red State Governors have changed the Election LAwS & Voter ID is required and getting rid of voting machines that are easily corrupted, Ballot Vote Counters & their overseers are not ‘corruptible’ we MAY have a FAIR & ACCURATE election which would be a FIRST in a long time and I believe TRUMP s/b POTUS. DeSantis is TOO GREEN.
Howard, once again you said it all…. hard to expand what you have said. Like so many Americans all I can do is to vote, stand aside, and watch the crap results. As a resident of the Sunshine state it was sooooo nice to see Rons landslide and results qiuckly unlike some other states. God help us…..
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