We In North America Don’t Pay Enough Attention To What’s Happening In Europe, Which Our Media Want Us To Emulate.
Find Or Build A Jail Big Enough . . . And Put All The Climate Change Freaks Behind Bars Away From Decent Civilization.
We Don’t Need The Fictional Villains Of Marvel Or DC Comics To Challenge Our Imaginations – We’re Living With Them. Unfortunately – The Villains are Elitist Men & Women of Wealth, Privilege & “Distinction” . . . In the Likes of Forever Politicians, Bureaucrats, John Kerry, Bill & Belinda Gates & Too Many Hollywooders to Mention, all of Whom Think their Privileged Status & Self-Importance Enables them to Supersede the Will of the People and the FACTS of Nature.
It’s Incredible How The Biggest Schmucks In The Room . . . Always Think They’re Also The Smartest.
What The Climate Freaks Are Doing To Humanity . . . is Hoping that by the Time the World Population Figures Them-Out, It Will Be Too Late, and the Dastardly Deed for them to Create Their One World Elitist Government will Have Already Become Irreversible, Which Is Why Stopping Trump Has Become Their Be-All & End-All.
America Is Truly The Last Man (Country) Standing.
Millions Died Under The Nazis . . . Billions Will Die Under The WEF.
Germany – In The Space Of About 80-Years . . . Went from the Fascist Nazis to the Fascist WEF (World Economic Forum), from Where the New Socialist Billionaire Elitist (Schwab) Hails – Both The Nazis & The WEF Are Socialist Fascists . . . Both with the Sick Idea of World Domination.
There Is Going To Be A Civil War . . . Not Necessarily In The United States Of America. But A Civil War There Will Be.
There is Still Time for the American/Canadian Governments to Save the Day Before We Head Over the Cliff, But In Canada, I Fear with Trudeau at the Helm, That Time Has Passed, because Trudeau has Already Committed Canada to the WEF.
We Better Start Paying Serious Attention To What is Already Happening Throughout Western & Central Europe, as Major Nations like England, France & Germany are Girding for Major Civil Upheavals (Riots & Internecine War) as a Massive Percentage of their Populations will Freeze & Go Hungry this Coming Winter, Because of this Bullshit NET ZERO (Climate Change) Insanity Caused by this Ridiculous Harmful Policy, which they Forced Upon the People by Political Hackery . . . Sucks The Energy Lifeblood From Their Societies.
The Internal Combustion Engine Freed Society To Bigger & Better Things. And Now The Freaks Want To Take It Away.
I Know that we Have ZERO Control Over the Gravitational Pull of the Moon, which Dictates the Ebb & Flow of the Tides. I Also Know that there is El Nino & La Nina, Both of Which Control Planetary Heat & Cold as Well as Drought & Flooding.
And then there are Solar Flares (Sunspots), which Play a Dramatic Long-Term Role in the Overall Weather of the Planet. But Not to Forget other Real Major Players – which are the Many Ocean Currents, with the Granddaddy of them All – The Gulf Stream, Which Dictates the Temperature of the Waters Throughout the Oceans of Earth, which is the Cause of Virtually all Dramatic Weather Like Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Droughts & Rainfall.
If You Combine all the Preceding Natural Events Together . . . What Kind of Ignoramus thinks Mankind can Control the Climate of the Earth, Other than Nut Jobs Like the Angry Evil-Eyed High School Drop-Out Nazi-Like Greta Thunberg – Who Infamously Said In Her Screed To You & Me . . . “HOW DARE YOU” . . . Live Your Normal Lives While I Say The World Is Dying? . . .
And The Media & The LEFT Loved The Little Nazi Thunberg As If She Really Was Anything But A Mentally Disturbed Child Idiot.
We Mere Mortals Have No Control Over El Nino, La Nina, Solar Flares Or The Gulf Stream . . .
It’s Not About Controlling The Weather . . . It’s All About Controlling Us – You & Me.
IF THIS CLIMATE INSANITY IS NOT STOPPED NOW . . . The United States of America & Canada will Find Ourselves in the Same Predicament the Europeans are Being Faced with, which is Virtually Weather Retribution of their Own Making . . . For Buying Into The Greatest Scam In World History.
For Us . . . It’s Not Too Late. If Europe Wants To Commit Continental Suicide – We Don’t Have To Follow.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
One of your best. Despite as an xpat I live in looney tunes EU.
Another well written article! Keep up the good/great work!
Our climate was changing before MAN became civilized. Ice Age hem, meteor impacts, and good old Earth Rotation changes that we can not effect. Rich Elites know they have enough money to buy what ever they want, even in a famine, drought, and Depression, happened before will happen again. They want to reduce the earth’s population, abortion is easy way. War is another where the poor man’s kids are drafted and die, rich man’s kids hide in Canada or College. The Rich can build safe havens, we c
Rounded off, C02 is 0% of atmospheric gases (0.036%) and 2/3 of it is oxygen!
Guessing most Canadians have no idea that Trudeau is a puppet member, & Freeland is a chairperson on WEF. Moreover, no idea of the consequences for Canada of Trudeau signing up for the WHO Treaty on epidimic and/or pandemic controls. (lockdowns, masks & mRNA). Finally evidence is becoming overwhelming of the deaths & debilitations that have been wreeked upon us with mandates & mRNA jabs. It’s beyond time for the world to wake up. The kingpin Fauci is about to be indicted, hopefully go to prison
Great editorial Howard, I just can’t believe how many people believe this climate change stuff, you really spelled it out so anyone can understand it. I wish the clowns in this administration would wake up.
In 2005, 4 years before I retired from teaching, I had had enough from the media. I created a unit entitled “How to think and determine reality” Common sense and intelligence has to be learned and nowhere in our school systems does this exist. My proof of this not being taught are the issues you write about daily on your incredible website. If I was still teaching, your website and your comments would be daily viewed and discussed and shown how it is a bit of sanity in an insane world.
Chem Trails! Ever heard of them? Governments around the World have been Spraying the atmosphere for over 50 years. Attempting to control the climate. What are they spraying? No one will say but you can bet it is harmful to our health. I see Chem Trails 2 or 3 times per week in my area and if you look skyward you will see them also. Governments try to pass them off as vapor Trails but Vapor Trails don’t go from horizon to horizon.
Another fantastic editorial.Canada needs the American Republicans to take the House and the Senate in Nov. 2022.By then Pierre Poilievre will be the Cons. new leader and will be holding Trudeau’s feet to the fire in the House of Commons.We as Canadians need to make sure that C-11 does NOT PASS through the Senate or we will be strangled for content other than what the Gov’t wants you to hear, watch and read!We don’t Need any ONLINE STREAMING ACT to control what we read and watch.Vote Out Trude
BRAVO !!!!!! as usual you hit the important issues right on their head. Canada and USA both have morons at the head, the sooner they are gone the better. And that teen dunce should be hidden away. As of right now I’m unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel……………….maybe soon.
Climate Nazis do not remember mankind’s history. The Romans migrated to the UK to, among other things, grow grapes for wine. Had any fine English vintage lately? A few centuries later the Vikings took over Greenland for great farming and, you guessed it, to grow grapes for wine! Ah the cycles of the World’s climate. Maybe our offspring will relive the great global warming of1500 to 2500 years ago. Climate change IS history and we can’t change it!
This is what you get when you put a child in charge of the country. He turned it into his own playroom and got the biggest piggy bank in the world. Now the child is tired so he turns it over to the Chinese, WHO, NATO and now the WEF. If Canada had back a small percentage that the child gave away and wasted on trips, we wouldn’t have such a deficit and the sorry state Canada is in now.
Thanks for another excellent article, Howard. Well said.
Outstanding as always. Being sent to everyone I know. Patricia McCoy Carpin Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
A super article , but you forgot the biggest and the worst of the bunch, an American hater and that is George Soros. A little known fact–Chelsa Clinton is married to Soros’s nephew, a good connection to Dem. corrupt politics.
Mr. Costello, (comment above), you are right about George Soros being an America-hater. However, Chelsea Clinton is not married to Soros’s nephew. And in response to Mr. Ross above, yes, CHEM TRAILS are a real problem all over the world. It’s part of the weather manipulation agenda and who knows what chemtrails are doing to our bodies. I sometimes wonder if ‘they’ (governments) are trying to slowly kill us.
The LUNATICS who want to control the WEATHER are the same O’BIDEN LUNATICS who are TRYING to RUIN AMERICA. Their GOAL, as you wrote, is to CONTROL US! Let’s hope that the SANE PEOPLE [Republicans] will WIN both the Congress & the Senate in mid-November; otherwise, our Country will/would be DOOMED. GO TRUMP GO! AMEN!
Cold winter day off the coast near Jacksonville Florida. To my east is a solid wall of heat generated clouds for as I can see N and S to maybe 2000feet. (Gulf Stream) To the West are all the papermills and such in Jville. All of the heat plumes to the West didn’t cover 2% of the sky to maybe 500feet. Forest fires in the West this year caused breathing problems for people in 6 Western states. When the fires are out I don’t see any auto or truck pollution Hmmm, That’s weird.
Excellent editorial! As a lifelong pilot I long ago recognixed thr”climste” change emergency” as totally bogus. Keep them com I g!
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