Are You Wondering Why Republicans, Especially In The Senate, Are Not Going After The Hard LEFT?
Stop Wondering . . . They Might Say Otherwise – But Most Of Them Are Peas In The Same Pod.
Are you Wondering why Fox News is Employing More LEFTIST Political Liars & Cheats as “Contributors” . . . Which means they are in Fact Paid Employees, who have Dutifully Served the Democrats in the Backrooms, Congress and Media?
Has It Piqued Your Curiosity, why someone like Judge Napolitano Skews Against President Trump in a Very Lawyerly Way . . . Whenever Napolitano gets the Chance?
And Why Was Judge Pirro “Punished” By Fox News For Stating An Honest Fact About Islam?
Paul Ryan . . . The Former “Failed” Republican Speaker Of The House Wrote . . . That He “Scolded The President All The Time “Because Trump Didn’t Know Anything About Government”.
Someone Needs To Remind Paul Ryan About Several Very Important Truths . . .
1 – Ryan Entered the “House” (Congress) as a Young Fresh Conservative Face who was going to Take-On the Establishment (Swamp).
2 – Ryan Ran . . . as a Running Mate for Mitt Romney’s Presidential Bid in 2012, like Romney – Ryan Got his Ass Kicked By The Swamp.
3 – In 2015 Ryan was Easily Voted to Become the Republican Speaker of the House to Replace the Retiring Dufus Boehner, who was as Popular amongst Republicans as a Heart Attack. Boehner left the House to become a King of “Pot”.
4 – In 2016, Donald Trump Won the Presidency of the United States of America, Carrying a Majority in the House and the Senate.
5 – From 2016 Till 2018 . . . Ryan Showed his True Colors, that he was Swallowed-Up by the Swamp, and that Ryan did all he could to Undermine President Trump’s Agenda, which the People Voted For and Got all the Republicans Elected in 2016.
The Fact That There Is No Border Wall On The South Is Courtesy Of Paul Ryan.
6 – In Truth . . . Paul Ryan Became No Less Toxic to Republicans than John Boehner, his Predecessor, which led Ryan to Announce his Resignation at the end of his Term before the 2018 Congressional Election.
7 – By The 2018 Congressional Election, the Republicans Re-Won the Senate, while the Republicans took a Serious Electoral Beating in the House, Mostly Attributable to Paul Ryan’s RINO Leadership.
And Where Does Trump-Hating Paul Ryan Wind-Up? . . . On The Board Of Fox Corp.
Paul Ryan’s Not A Stupid Guy . . . Or Maybe He Is. And I Can’t Imagine Ryan, who Said that he had to “Scold” President Trump “Because Trump Didn’t Know Anything About Government” – can’t understand that . . .
Not Knowing “Anything About Government” . . . IS WHY THE PEOPLE VOTED FOR TRUMP.
The People Didn’t Want Another Government Wonk In Power, who would be all about Government, and Not all about the People & Promises Made.
Conservative Republicans had enough of Paul Ryan, the same as People of Moral Compass and General Informational Knowledge Had Decided they had enough of the LEFT, Lies and the Clintons.
Make No Mistake About It . . . They’re All Dirty – Congress (And Parliament in Canada) is Nothing More than a Privileged Club, where People Head, to Live at the Taxpayer’s Trough, Thinking of Themselves as Elite & Superior to the People who Pay their Wages.
And They Will Do & Say Anything To Protect Their “PRIVILEGED” Position.
THEN THERE’S THE “PUR ET DUR” . . . The True Believers – Hard-Liners, who Believe in their Socialist/Communist Cause, which has FAILED wherever it has been Tried. But Nothing will Deter these Bad Actors from Doing all they Can to Push the Envelope.
A Strange Thing Happened On The Road To (American) Damascus On November 2016 . . . A Wealthy, but Damaged Human-Being, who Campaigned on Plain-Spoken Promises, In-Spite of his Checkered Past – CLOBBERED the Candidate who Thought it was Her Turn To Own The Presidency.
And In 2018 . . . The Clobbered LEFT Received an Incredible Gift from Paul Ryan. The Socialist LEFT were able to Win the House, Because Paul Ryan Didn’t Do the Things the People Expected of Ryan, while he was Speaker of the House During the First Two Years of Donald Trump’s Presidency.
And Because Of Paul Ryan . . . America Is About To Explode. And what has been Paul Ryan’s Just Reward – Paul Ryan Sits On The Board Of Fox Corp.
As I Previously Wrote . . . “Make No Mistake About It” – The Enemies of Real Truth, Justice & Honest Government are Everywhere . . . And Their Enemy Is President Donald J Trump.
And Just For All Of Us To Realize . . . Israeli Security, Brexit, The Defeat of Chinese Dominance, the Curtailment of Russian Hegemony and the Roll-Back of Global Socialism, Rests 100% Upon the Shoulders of America’s Donald J Trump, and the Army of Freedom Fighters the President has Surrounded Himself With.
As Hard As The Global LEFT Fights . . . We Must Fight Harder!
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
You do know that ” the water in the swamp is always thickest just before it is finally drained” There is still a lot of heavy lifting for us to keep our countries free.
Whenever I see Donna Brazile on FNC, I’m reminded of when she was accused of sending Hillary the debate questions the panel members were going to ask. She defended herself by stating, “I’m a Christian woman and would never do such a horrible thing”. She later had to admit she actually did it and apologized. CNN fired her after that. So, why the hell did FNC hire this admitted liar and spinner???
This one is so good that it calls for another contribution…will make it today! I fear we will find some more Rhinos if the vote gets to the senate. Dick Black. Kansas
HOLY HARRY BELAFONTE !!! And here I thought it was only our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau being called “black” !!! (hahaha) After all, he knows nothing about running Canada…..but….Justin’s pretty good at singing Calypso songs !!! Who knew when Leonard Cohen wrote “You Want It Darker”….Montreal’s legendary beloved poet & songwriter was writing about Justin Trudeau’s face ??? !!! :>) (hahaha) ~ Brucester
Great Editorial title and quite apropos! Since Roger Ailes death, FOX has slowly DECLINED and has definitely become MORE LIBERAL.Ryan’s being on their Board certainly doesn’t help.FOX is still one of the few Conservative news sources.OAN seems to be more unbiased than FOX.More Conservative news sources need to be CREATED! People elected Trump because they were FED UP with the Democrats; this feeling has WORSENED, so it should ASSURE another TRUMP VICTORY. HILLARIOUS will have another “FIT”! AMEN
Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney not only were globalist, but, sore losers because they lost the election 2012. These are the elitist snobs who think they know everything, when they really pathetically stupid people when it comes caring for the citizenry.
A delusion: belief that has no evidence in fact; or in psychology : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. This is where it seems a large part of USA citizenry exist. This is where it seems all Congressional Democrats & RINOs exist. To be honest, I feel in the USA it is God-sent, abortion then last straw being SCOTUS legalizing homosexual marriage.
Sadly, the only mainstream voice of conservative reason is Fox. That it has been infiltrated is a very bad omen for the survival of the USA envisaged by their founding fathers. When the USA is taken over by the postmodern globalists, God help Canada. We are already a postmodern state.
Perhaps Ryan should be scolded for knowing nothing about business.
Ryan and Romni are nothing more than Democrats in Republican clothing. Oh wait, did I say Democrat’s? I meant Impeachacrats. Nancy Pelosi, as much as I despise her, never turned her back on her party or stabbed Obama in the back like Ryan did to President Trump.
You are the “hammer”, the Left are the “nails”. A Pox on their square heads. Arnold Charitan, Los Angeles
I believe that once the ELECTED officials arrive–they NO LONGER work for the American People, they work for themselves. Whether Demo, Repub, Independent or OTHER. And it would seem UNINFORMED VOTERS are keeping them in office. I will vote for Donald J. Trump in 20/20…!!
Great editorial Howard. Ryan and Romney are destructive personalities and will do whatever they think they have to do to destroy Trump. Maybe Ryan and Romney should take a look at LA and San Francisco, San Diego shit hole city’s this is what America will look like if they DON’T close the border to illegals. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN VOTE FOR TRUMP 2020!! VOTE TRUMP 2020!! DRAIN THE SWAMP PRESIDENT TRUMP!!
In July 2016, after the resignation of Roger Ailes due to accusations of sexual harassment, Rupert Murdoch was acting CEO of Fox News. Lachlan Murdoch, now the chair of the Fox Corporation, is a libertarian conservative who “doesn’t like Trump,” There is the answer to the change in Fox.
We are in such troubled times. I can only hope and pray that the swamp will truly be drained and we will get our country back… Our two genders… and all our rights!
Not only are the Enemies of Real Truth (NOT RELATIVE Truth), Justice and Honest Government Everywhere IF There is Such a Thing Today, Against President Trump, His enemies are the Enemies of ALL that Support Him! TRUMP 2020. God, Family, Country! Semper-Fi
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