Yesterday, I wrote about the incredible spins and slants the media were putting on the progress of the war in Iraq. Here is a letter to me from an American reader of Galganov Dot Com.
Dear Howard:
As ever, you are right on the money. I have watched with disgust the normally good CNN journalists (all types) compete with each other to provide the most sensationalist reports.
They describe the fedayeem “determined” irregulars in major battles. Major battles? Six lightly armed fanatics in an SUV who are quickly dispatched by coalition forces.
My two favorites in the past 24 hours:
A description of “determined fedayeem” who got lost, ended up surrendering to coalition forces, their SUV chock full of US currency and messages. Judy Woodruff, a principal CNN anchor, immediately after the on site report, referred to these “determined fedayeem” as “infiltrating the coalition’s lines.”
Exactly NOT what the imbedded journalist reported.
Also: a suggestion that the horrendous dust storms would somehow give the Iraqis an advantage because they could sneak up on unaware coalition soldiers since they were more familiar with the conditions.
Shortly before this suggestion, another journalist described US technology as being able to “see” much farther in such poor visibility than the human eye.
Well, I’m not sure Iraqi eyes are any less human than anyone else’s but the silly report gave the Iraqis an element of super-hero qualities. In any case it was good for a laugh.
I agree with you that this war will last days, not weeks. Any delays are not because of Iraqi resistance, but the methodical amassing of troops to deliver a decisive blow.
The only way Saddam can have any effect is to continue the irritating but manageable irregular tactics currently being employed. Once the regime falls, surrenders will be more ubiquitous than Iraqis in berets.
But I disagree with you about the imbedded journalists.
They use adjectives and adverbs that inflate Iraqi resistance, because, I believe, they know little of the strategy and tactics of battle.
Firefights or skirmishes are “major” battles. Five casualties are “many” casualties, thugs and murderers are “fedayeem” or “irregulars.” And the beat goes on.
All the best.
Steven Paul Mar
Your Big Apple Fan
Steven: When all of this over, and the coalition forces are the unquestionable NEW SHERIFF in town, all of the media will still find a way to demean the successes and highlight the failures of the coalition forces. Specifically the Americans.
But; the bottom line will be clear. Modernity will be the last man standing in spite of what anyone has to say or how they spin it.
One Comment
Sure wish you’d run here in the U.S. My father was in the military for 30 years, fought in WWII, won the Bronze Medal, was with the Army that freed the prisoners at Dachau, etc. He fought hard all of his 30 years for peace and a government so unlike what we have today. He is buried at Quantico National Cemetery and so is my mother. He and my mother started out with nothing as did my husband and I. We need less government!!! Go for it! Best wishes for success!
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