I didn’t like Clarkson when she reported for CBC television. I didn’t like it when she was appointed to represent Canada as a good-will ambassador to France. And I really was not pleased with her appointment to the office of Canada’s Governor General.
In my opinion, Adrienne Clarkson is far too full of herself for her own good, and for the good of our nation which she represents as our “Head of State”. Civil wars and revolutions have been fought to rid nations of her elitist attitude.
I also don’t like her husband John Ralston Saul. He, like his wife is also far too full of himself. And together, they reside in their “Ivory Tower” paid for at the Canadian tax payer’s expense, while they pass their unrequested “pearls of wisdom” onto their kingdom. Whether we like it or not.
At best. I believe that Canada should not have an appointed Governor General representing the British Crown as our Head of State. Even if it is mostly ceremonial. And at worst. We shouldn’t have the likes of Adrienne Clarkson and her consort John Ralston Saul occupying this position. There just isn’t enough space at Rideau Hall, the mansion of Canada’s Governor General to accommodate two such enormous egos.
Let’s save a few bucks and a lot of embarrassment by giving them the heave-ho, and turning Rideau Hall into a museum, exhibiting things of the past, like the antiquated government position we now tolerate, called the Governor General.
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Your page is very hard to read now that you fixed it,it is not fixed but worse.
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