We All Know The Promises Made By President Elect Donald Trump, and Now that Trump is No Longer the President Elect, but Rather, The President In Law . . . We all Have Every Expectation that Trump will Follow-Through on His Promises, which is Partly Why Trump Won the Electoral College, the Popular Vote and the Dreams of a People Who Couldn’t Take the Status Quo Anywhere.
And As Much As I Would Love Nothing More than to Write About all the Inauguration Pomp, Circumstance & Hoopla . . . That’s Not What I Do, Especially Given that Every Media, Legacy & Social Media . . . Will Be Covering The Inauguration Razzle-Dazzle From A To Z.
Day One Was Jam Packed With Something For Everyone . . . But I’m Only Interested In What Happens After Day-One, When the Plethora of Executive Orders are Read & Put-Into the Force of Law.
Whatever They Did That Was Injurious To America . . . Trump Will Undo At The Speed Of Light.
On His Way-Out . . . Biden Further Cemented His Legacy As Being A Piece Of Human Excrement.
I Am All But Certain That Trump Will Fix All That Biden Broke . . . But As I’ve Written Several Times, Biden’s Incompetence, Dishonesty & Total Disregard for the Rule of Law and the Meaning of the Constitution of the United States of America Has Finally Resonated with Enough People, Even Amongst Many of the Liberal Doubters, for them to Understand that LEFTIST Government is Nothing More than a National Tragedy on the Road to Perdition.
If Anyone on the LEFT, with the Exception of Die-Hard Communists, Really Stupid People, And People On-The-Take, who Benefited from the Hideous Policies Put-Forth by Joe Biden, Couldn’t See The Forest For The Trees – After Biden Left the White House for the Last Time, Giving all the Pre-Pardons to Family, Friends & Cohorts for Crimes they Have Not Been Charged For . . . Can Now See The Forest For The Trees.
Trump Is A Juggernaut Who Has Surrounded Himself With Cabinet Warriors . . . from whom He Expects to Take No Prisoners & Show No Mercy to the LEFTIST Mob, which for Generations Has Inflicted so Much Damage & Pain Upon the American People, That The American People Couldn’t Take It Any More.
Biden Solidified His Legacy As The Worst Possible Presidency In The History Of All Presidents.
Biden Also Allowed Trump To Peel Back The Bandage To Show The Festering Scab . . . Caused by the Entire LEFT that Has Been Responsible for the Generational Decay of America, Literally Caused By All Subsequent Presidents After Ronald Reagan.
No One Has Earned The Right To Tell Trump What To Do . . . But, if I was to Strongly Suggest One Thing for Trump to Do Right Now, Along with so Many Other Crucial things that He is Already Doing, It Has To Be To Permanently Remove Pre-Emptive Presidential Pardons.
A Pre-Emptive Pardon . . . is a Total Slap in the Face to all the People of the United States of America who Believe . . . Or Should Believe In The Fair Rule Of Law, and Represents a Disgrace of Everything the US Constitution Stands For.
Pam Bondi Needs To Have The Supreme Court Revoke This Biden Insult – And then Use all the Power of the Judiciary, which she will Head to Fully Expose all the Abuses of Lawfare & Punish those Responsible to the Fullest Extent of the Law.
Retired General Mark Milley . . . Needs to be Held Responsible for his Traitorous Act of Warning the Chinese Not to Worry About What Trump Will or Will Not Do to China on Trump’s Way out of the Presidency. Not Only Was That Insubordination . . . It Was An Act Of Treason.
Liz Cheney Needs To Be Held Accountable For Participating & Leading An Act Of A Massive Lie . . . to Rig an Election & Contribute to the Imprisonment of a Political Opponent Based on Dishonesty . . . Above & Beyond The Imagination, and then Being Responsible for the Mass Destruction of Evidence.
Milley, Cheney & Others Weren’t Just A Few Really Bad Apples – They All Must Be Held Accountable.
Let’s See How Tough These Bureaucrats & Politicians Are . . . When they Have to Fight with their Own Money and their Own Lawyers, Knowing What the Legal (Criminal) Consequences will be for them . . . If (When) They Are Found Guilty?
It was Easy for them to Beat-Up on People who Didn’t Deserve their Phony Wrath, when the Bureaucrats Fought with the People’s Money . . . Let’s See How They Do When The Shoe Is On The Other Foot?
In All – I Can’t Remember The First Inauguration I’ve Ever Seen, But I Do Remember the Inauguration of Ronald Reagan Somewhat . . . And I Remember Seeing all the Inaugurations thereafter, Not that I Remember Anything About Them . . . But For This Second Trump Inauguration . . . I Will Never Forget.
Every Day From Here-On-In . . . Is A Day Worth Getting Out Of Bed-For.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
When are you going to do a long overdue expose and job on all the destructive acts of Canada’s ultra-left government? Immigration disaster? Traitorous abandonment of our military? Massive spending?
You know that little euphoric dance in the air with head extended high that Snoopy did when he was happy? Well that was me all day and all evening yesterday from 9 am until 1am today. I hung on every word and every swoop of Trump’s bold Sharpie pen. The weight of the Clinton-Obama- Biden shroud has finally been lifted…forever…and all I can see is bright soul-cl0eansing sunshine. Thank you America for electing Donald Trump…for the third time!
It’s definitely an exciting time for the American people. Retribution for the Biden crime family and the demoncrates needs to be addressed quickly.
Now let us fix Canada. Go Pierre Go!!
My email address unknown & not recognized, once again. I think I must mistype!
Amen Howard!
Trump is a true leader and the next 4 years are going to be fun & exciting as we watch common-sense return to the White House. Europe is leaning more Right. Canada is moving Right. China is in deep trouble, And, if Trump will cut the many different worthless, non-sense foreign aid programs America will be a world-wide leader again.
Biden cemented his family as crooks, liars and thieves. Also,, the others he Preempted Pardons for are all being looked at by honest folks as criminals. Their are many who say there is nothin DJT can do to these folks but I would not hold your breath as we know how the boss works. If there is any way for our President to make these Pardons go away he will, and send these crooks to their place in history. I was absolutely so proud of the man we voted in.
Agree 💯%❗ Howard, If You receive an unsubscribe for me IGNORE it. I am forwarding this to MANY, 3 of which one had to unsubscribe me once before. APPRECIATE YOU.
Now what we need is to totally discredit the the liberal leadership canditate’s as they basically run for cover and state there un-involvement in trudeau’s policies
Howard, I watched Donald Trump’s inauguration on TV yesterday (Jan 20th) and I was very impressed with his speech and I wish only the best for America’s 47th President and Americans. Kamala Harris looked completely lost while Biden kept falling asleep. As a Canadian, I don’t look forward to any “trade wars” with our best friends and neighbours, the United States. Let us continue to enjoy our special bond between Canada and the U.S.A. / Two Beautiful Nations in Peace and Love
EXACTLY Howard! Now Canadians along with Pierre & the Conservative team need to do their JOB take Back CANADA!! MAKE CANADA GREAT AGAIN. God Bless Trump & America! God Bless Israel! God Bless Pierre & Canada!
Howard, You have some very bright and loyal readers. I agree with them.
I am so honored that God allowed me to live to 86 to watch Donald Trump get sworn into office & watch Biden-Harris squirm through it all. Trump’s following through on his promises to retract Biden’s disastrous Executive orders & his replacement orders was exactly what I wanted to see happen as I continue to fly my Trump MAGA flag & display another flag with Trump’s ear bleeding in PA. What a country! Your essays continue to be SPOT ON!
You are a proud Canadian and I totally respect your opinion as it related to the US and our politics. You are spot on and your commentary is appreciated. Now, lets see if Canada can fix the same problems that infected the USA. As an American with roots in Canada, lets hope that Canada will return to the country I knew as a military officer and my ancestors called home. Thanks again for you work.
Right Howard!!! This is WAR OF THE PLANETS. If the marxist planet wins, we are gone forever. All they need is “for good men to do nothing”. Keep up your great work and info.
I don’t hold with many so called Christians who are CINO’s. It’s obvious that our FATHER has taught us a lesson these last 8 years by him sending DJT through hell on earth from day one as our leader in exposing and uncovering the corruption in our government. He (DJT) is undoubtedly the GOD truly knew to be the hero wtp needed. Now it’s up to wtp to pay attention and keep the left out of office. Thank you for keeping us on track.
I’d still like to see investigations into the actions of those Biden pardoned at the last minute. Then put the results out there for the public to see. It may not be court proceedings, but exposing the truth might have people look at them for who they truly are. Who knows, it may have a negative effect on them afterall. BUT, if nothing bad/negative is found, put that truth out there as well – be honest about it either way.
Great editorial! I agree with Ms. Robinson that it would be satisfying to see all of the Biden laundry hung out for public review and opinion. That said, maybe we should simply leave judgment up to the Good Lord and move on. We have a lot that needs immediate attention, and diverting time and resources to further investigations of the Bidens and their ilk seems somehow wasteful. Those who have chosen not to believe the evil that has been done aren’t going to change their minds anyway.
With the way ‘it appears’ but that may not be the case if biden is really acting…that perhaps kama might prevent crazy old joe from enjoying the fruits of his criminality in the long term!
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