I Watched & Listened To Some Of The Carter Funeral, Which To Me Was A Disgrace.
I’ve Been To Funerals Out Of Respect For Friends & Relatives, where I Personally Knew that the Deceased were Reprehensible Human Beings, but Nonetheless were Eulogized to the Equivalence of Sainthood.
In My Lifetime, Amongst the Many Funerals I Attended, I was at Two Funerals, One Being at the Father of a Friend, and the Other, a Brother of my Late Dad (Uncle), Where the People Eulogizing the Deceased Spoke Honestly . . . Decrying The Miserable Lives Of Each Of The Deceased, While Praying For A Better Existence In Whatever Awaits Those People In The Afterlife.
In Both Cases . . . I Appreciated the Candor & Closure for the Surviving Relatives & Friends of the Deceased, who Didn’t Have to Live-On with the Phony Memory of an Unworthy Person.
If Carter Was To Be Eulogized For Preaching & Living His Moral Christian Faith, for Encouraging Fellow People to Help Others in Need, and for Carter’s Personal Labor in Building Homes for Less Fortunate People Worldwide . . . That Would Be Reasonable – But That Is Not Why A President Should Be Eulogized.
The Legacy Of A President Must Be Conditional Upon What The President Did While In Office.
What a President Does Before Being Sworn Into Office & After Leaving Office are Simply Bookmarks . . . It is What the President Did Between those Bookmarks for the Benefit or the Drawback of the Nation that is the Only Real Legacy of Each President. The Presidential Eulogy Is Secondary.
Teaching Sunday School in the Community & Building Houses for the Underprivileged in Third World Countries are Wonderful Things to Do, which Merits Gratitude & Appreciation, But Does Not Merit A State Funeral With All The Pomp & Circumstance.
I Coached Minor League Sports Teams. I Raised Money for UNICEF. I Helped at Homeless Shelters, Gathered & Delivered Food for the Underprivileged During the Holidays of Passover & Christmas. I Even Organized a Group that Annually Fed as Many as Six Thousand Hungry School Children Hot Breakfasts in their Respective Schools – Daily.
I’m Proud Of What I Did . . . But Not Proud Enough To Be Eulogized For It.
During President Carter’s Presidency . . . Inflation was Rampant at 13%, Making Life for the Poor & Working Class Difficult to Unlivable. Mortgage Rates During the Carter Years Had Reached 19%, if Borrowers were even Lucky Enough just to Get a Mortgage that Very Often Ran Above 21%.
Factories Were Shuttered, Workers were Laid-Off & Whole Communities were Devasted During the Four Years of President Jimmy Carter. I and my Motorcycle Group (Pledge Riders) Rode through Far Too Many Mid-West Communities (Fly-Over Country) that Resembled Ghost Towns Decades Later.
Under Carter . . . America’s Military was Devastated & Left in Many Cases to Have its Equipment Cannibalized for Spare Parts, to Repair Somewhat Better Working Equipment Because there was No Money Left in the Military Till for New Parts, Equipment or Replacements.
In January 1979 . . . President Jimmy Carter Threw the Legitimate Leader of Iran (Reza Pahlavi) Under the Bus in Favor of the Ayatollahs. Pahlavi (The Shah) Was A Great Friend & Ally To America, Israel & To The Culture Of The West.
In Essence – The Nightmare that Iran Has Been Inflicting Upon its Own People, Israel & Sovereign States Worldwide, since the 1980’s . . . Lies at the Feet of President Jimmy Carter, Which Also Includes The Taking Of 52-American Embassy Workers.
As Iran Held These 52-Americans As Hostages For 444 Days, they were Physically & Mentally Abused, Threatened, Trotted-Out for the Media to See as if they were Beaten Dogs, which Humiliated America Globally . . . As The Bum-Boy For A Rogue Islamist Regime.
To Add Salt on the Embarrassing Wounds, which the Ayatollah Inflicted Upon America . . . Under Carter’s Direction, America Attempted a Disastrously Failed Rescue Plan Called Operation Eagle Claw . . . Where Eight American Warriors Died, and had their Bodies Displayed like Trophies in Tehran, As The Balance Of The American Warriors Fled Home With Their Tails Tucked Between Their Legs.
The Only Seemingly Bright Spot In The Presidency Of Carter . . . Was his Involvement with the Israel/Egypt Peace Treaty Signed in Washington DC . . . On March 26, 1979 – But That Too Is Not An Accurate Portrayal, Which Makes Carter Look Like The World Leader Who Made The Peace Agreement Happen.
In All Reality . . . After The Yom Kippur War (1973), where Egypt Took a Merciless Beating at the Hands of the IDF, Along with Syria & Other Hostile Arab Players Against Israel . . . Anwar Sadat Realized That After So Many Brutal Wars Against Israel . . . Egypt Had Been Punished Enough, Convincing Sadat to Visit Israel in 1977, which Started the Ball Rolling – That Ended With The 1979 Peace Agreement.
The Only Two Players Responsible For The Peace Agreement Between Egypt & Israel – Were Anwar Sadat of Egypt & Menachem Begin of Israel. Everyone Else, and Wherever the Peace Treaty was Signed . . . Were Virtually Inconsequential – Including Jimmy Carter.
The Only Issue Carter Tried To Drive-Into The Peace Agreement That Sadat & Begin Rejected Outright . . . Was Carter’s Insistence that Both Nations Should Recognize the Arabs who Called themselves Palestinians . . . To Be Recognized By Both Leaders As Palestinians Living In A Territorially Disputed Country Called Palestine.
Even Though Both Leaders (Sadat & Begin) Outwardly Rejected Carter’s Demand for Palestinian Statehood, it Nonetheless Lit the Fire that Until Today is Plaguing Israel and the Whole World as an Excuse for Global Jew-Hatred.
Reagan Freed The 52-American Hostages on the Same Day He Took his Oath of Office at Noon On January 20, 1980. The Nobel Committee Awarded Anwar Sadat & Menachem Begin The 1980 Peace Prize . . . With No Reference To Jimmy Carter.
Carter Oversaw One of the Worst American Economies Since the Great Depression, while Leaving America in Tatters that Desperately Needed Ronald Reagan to Repair . . . Just Like The Totally Incompetent Biden Is Leaving America To Be Restored By Trump.
So You Tell Me – What’s More Important . . . The Legacy Or The Hollow Eulogy?
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Carter turned me into a Republican. I had been raised in the Democrat culture and then as a young mother I found myself in a gas shortage and could not afford to buy a home, I never voted For another Dem.
I thought Canadian Kenneth Taylor organised the escape of hostages from Iran.With respect not President Regan. After his death, The Washington Post described Taylor as the “main hero” of the Iran hostage escape “who orchestrated the entire process”, quoting former president Jimmy Carter in doing so. In 1981, Taylor was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by President Ronald Reagan.
Taylor Helped Get The American Embassy Workers Out Of Iran Who Were Not Already Taken Hostage – HG:
Greetings: Since 1789, with George Washington as 1st President ‘til now, the indisputably WORST 2 PRESIDENTS are Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden! The first required Ronald Reagan & now, Donald Trump to pick America up from the ashes left by each of these fools! Trump has prepared well for this incredibly difficult task. Finally, CEO’s everywhere & even some diehard Democrats have seen the light shone on Trump and are rallying behind him. HE IS AMERICA’S & THE WORLD’S GOD FOR 4 MORE YEARS! Ame
Carter was a naive man who meant well. However, as the first “progressive” president the world reality chewed him up and spit him out. He should have listened better to Golda Meir when she tried to educate him. He also learned nothing useful from his encounters with Menachem Begin and did not learn from the murder of Egyptian president Sadat by the Muslim Brotherhood. Instead, he went on to write books like “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”, and ended up on the wrong side of history. Nudnick.
Yes, Carter did a lot of good AFTER he left office, but he was a failed Christian because of his hate for Israel and all Jews. When he was elected President his church in Plains was finally desegregated, even though this should have been done during LBJ’s time. Not everyone who goes to church is a saint.
Carter drove me away from the Dem party. I remember Carter’s presidency. It was painful./ Carter was the #1 worst president ever – until Biden. Can Biden even be considered a president? However, as awful as Carter was, his destruction wasn’t from hate for the country, imo. Biden, otoh, wants to inflict ruination. It’s deliberate. His handlers & he are trying to destroy the country. If only they can get rid of the US Constitution —Obama’s “fundamental change” target. (Yes, I’m
And Carter Also gave the Panama Canal to Panama, which now China has its hands on it. We need a repeat of Reagan for Trump to take back the canal from Panama/China.
If my memory serves me well, Carter started the Department of Education and the Department of Energy, two absolutely useless money pits.
isn’t it amazing that the 2 worst Presidents were/are Dems. They seem not to have common sense or a strong moral standard. My folks were Southern Democrats, I fought with Mom over the Obama years, she and a couple of my brothers thought he was great, before she died, during the Trump years she admitted to me that Obama was such a bad person. She had a picture of Trump in her home when she passed. The Liberals of CA have caused the destruction of the fires now consuming LA.
President Carter was a peculiarly fit person to embark on assured failures. Likely not out of malice as Obama but out of lack of vision. After Biden Carter has his place in history.
Thanks to Carter and the high interest rates, my husband and I couldn’t buy a house until 1987. We were well into our thirties by then. Thank heaven for Ronald Regan’s economic policies.
Carter was / is the epitome of the Peter Principle. He was not an intentionally bad President —– as opposed to a couple of recent Presidents who want America to look like California!!! Carter just did NOT KNOW any better. He was a complete “milk toast.”
Very well stated, Howard. To this day I still don’t understand how a peanut farmer was elected to the Presidency. Yes, he did lots of “Christian-like” things after the presidency, but while in office, he was totally incompetent.
I cannot say anything I liked about Carter’s presidency so will move on. The only Dem president I liked & respected was JFK. Didn’t respect his philandering, but he was a patriot & wanted to do what was right & good for the USA & her people. His plans were evidently not pleasing to establishment Dems & I believe that’s what got him killed. Same for Bobby when he decided to run to complete his brother’s work. Heart & soul patriots make the best presidents, not politicians.
JC was an ultimate failure as CIC. He sent the worst equipment on the rescue. None of the helos had adequate sand screens on the motor air intakes which was in the top 10 reasons the mission failed. He learned zero from his navy officer training. He is/was an enemy of Israel. His actions speak louder than his words. He despised the PMs of Israel bcs they would not listen to his tripe. Everything in your column is fact and truth.
A fair and, actually, quite a charitable assessment. ‘Nuf said.
I cannot disagree with a couple of the comments above that Carter and Biden were two worst Presidents but I must name B. Hussein Obama as the worst of a bad bunch. In addition to his pro Iran and anti Israel policies that he shared with Carter and Biden, Obama is EVIL, WHILE Carter was just oblivious to both foreign and domestic issues and Biden is just stupid and out to lunch. Ethel last good Democrat President was Harry Truman.
I was lambasted for a post I wrote saying, “I will not watch the funeral of Carter because I believe his presidential legacy does not deserve my respect, and I’d be a hypocrite if I gave any attention to his funeral. Yes, he did good deeds after his presidency, but many others have also done good deeds after a working life that was not good at all.” Thanks for listing the reasons for why Carter did not deserve my respect.
DT certainly isn’t a Sunday school teacher but he seems to surround himself with people who are outspoken about their faith.I remember some commentators wondering where are all Jimmy Carter’s Christian friends?
I’m a big fan of Peter Paul & Mary. I’ve got all their albums and have seen them perform at Place Des Arts (Montreal) several times. Trouble is, back in 1970, Peter Yarrow (1938-2025) took “immoral & improper” liberties with a 14 year old girl and her sister, who was 17. The Judge sentenced Peter to 1-3 years imprisonment. Peter Yarrow said he was sorry but claimed he was going throgh some personal problems at the time. Guess who ended up pardoning “Pedophile Pete”? Jimmy Carter, that’s w
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