In Spite Of What RINOS & Many Democrats Think . . . Trump Does Not Waste Words.
In The 1854 July/August Edition Of The United States Magazine, the Term Manifest Destiny First Appeared to Describe the American Policy of Absorbing (Annexing) Canada to Form a One Continent Nation.
In Spite Of This Unofficial Policy That Has Not Been Publicly Discussed Much, it Has Never Gone Away, and Perhaps the Time Has Finally Arrived When the Idea Might Come to Reality. Not Necessarily as Canada Becoming America’s 51st State, but More-So, as a Union Between Two Sovereign Nations, Much Like How Europe Incorporated itself as a Continental Super Government, Sharing Those Metrics That Benefit All The Member Countries.
In The Case Of Canada & The United States Of America, Unlike Europe, we Effectively Share the Same Language (English) with the Minimal Use of Spanish & French. We Share the Same Culinary Choices, the Same Entertainment, the Same Oceans, the Same Land Mass, Similar Laws, Similar Values and are so Interlocked with One Another in the World of Business . . . That It’s Almost Impossible To Tell Us Apart.
I Like Being A Canadian As You Will Read In My New Year’s Message – But I Like This Even Better.
The Pope Represents About 1.5 Billion Catholics – Who Am I To Decry The Pope’s Edicts?
I Don’t Share Many Of This Pope’s Views On The Environment, Politics, Transgenders and a Host of Other things . . . But I Hold My Tongue – Because It is Not up to Me to be Critical of the Leader of Almost 1.5 Billion Religious Adherents . . . However – When the Pope, with his Enormous Power of the Papal Bully Pulpit Accuses Israel (Jews) of Apartheid & Genocide . . . It Becomes My Business.
The Pope Is Just A Man, Chosen by Other Men to Lead the Catholic Church. And as Best as I Believe, he is Not the Pope Because of Divine Intervention, and his Opinions are No More Worthy than Yours or Mine. But His Opinions Carry Enormous Weight & Consequence.
So – When the Pope Accuses an Entire People – The Jewish People, who are Suffering the Pangs of Global Racial Hatred Founded Upon a Litany of Lies . . . He Is Pointing His Accusations At Me.
LET ME REMIND THE POPE & AN ARMY OF JEW HATERS . . . The Only Nation in the Middle East where it is Safe to be a Practicing Christian, Secular Moslem, Kurd, Yazidi, Druze, Bahai, Equal Women, Gay, Lesbian or Transgender is Israel.
The Only Nation In The Middle East where Your Gender, Religion, Color & Politics Don’t Matter to your Political or Social Status is Israel, Where Moslems Sit as Judges, As Well As They Do On Israel’s Supreme Court.
Where Christians, Moslems and all Others Get to go to School, all the Way to University, No Differently Than Jewish Students. Where Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants & Business Owners Belong to the Full Strata of Religions, Genders & Races.
And Only In Israel . . . Will You Have Jewish Garbage Men Picking-Up the Garbage of Moslems, Christians and all Others.
And After Being Literally Savaged By Palestinians On October 7, 2023 – Raped, Tortured, Pillaged, Murdered & Kidnapped, Israel Still Warned its Enemies When & Where the IDF was Going to Strike, In Order To Avoid As Many Palestinian Civilian Casualties As Possible.
Let The Pope Say Whatever He Wants About Israel – But Let Him Say-It By Telling The Truth.
Dozens Of Liberal Members Of Parliament Are Openly Calling For Trudeau’s Resignation.
I Don’t Want Trudeau To Resign. I Want Trudeau to be Thrown-Out of Office by Either a Non-Confidence Vote, or at the National Election – Which Must Be Held Before The End Of October 2025.
Biden Allowed His Useless Self To Be Used By His Handlers, just so he Could Become the President of the United States of America, which in the Process Caused such Great Harm to America and the Rest of the World . . . That There Isn’t Enough Consternation To Describe The Wretchedness Of Biden & His Presidency.
It’s Not Quite The Same With Trudeau Who Called His Own Shots, Other than the Damage Trudeau Did to Canada which Might Never be Repairable.
I Don’t Know If Trudeau Will Care What The People Of Canada Think About Him . . . Because that is How Arrogant Trudeau is – But I Care. I Want the People of Canada to Realize How Important their Knowledge should be of the Electoral Process Before they Vote, And How Critical Their Votes Are To The Well-Being Of Our Country.
I Want Trudeau To Go Down In Canadian History As The Worst Leader Canada Ever Had – To Set an Example for all Canadians to Follow Before they Vote One Way or the Other.
Personally, With All The Information Available . . . If NDP Leader (Elitist – Communist) Jagmeet Singh is True to his Word, he will Trigger a Non-Confidence Vote by the End of January 2025, When Canada’s Parliament Resumes.
If That Is The Case – Canada Will Have A Spring Election . . . A Great Way To Start The New Year.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
BEST YET. don’t ever stop Howard we love you in Encino calif. formerly calgary can and still proudly wears a Canadian passport
Kudos on your editorials. You deserve a wider audience so I often forward these. Thank you.
Howard you nailed it again. It is so refreshing to read the words of someone who seeks reality and shares it with your readers. Keep up the good work and I will continue to share your comments with my friends. You would probably never be able to attain a news program for viewing or listening as you speak reality while most all news programs have some bias to them.
I want to see Trudeau humiliated to the maximum degree of humiliation imaginable.He has destroyed the nation I once adored and felt so lucky to have been born in almost 73 years ago.My only hope is that the damage he’s done is reversible. I do not want to see that odious little twirp resign in the hopes of him saving even a scintilla of his pretty much non-existent legacy.To the dustbin of history.Nothing short of witnessing him crash and burn in flames will serve as a balm for my injured soul.
Although I am a catholic, I think the church/pope have become a little too woke!
I think it’s time this Woke Pope was reminded of the role of the papacy in sheltering Nazis after WWII. Let us remind him of the words “Let ye who cast the first stone….”
As a PINO (Pope in name only), I grant you the freedom to criticize. As you mentioned, the Pope is just a man, elected by other men. They are all flawed men who, unfortunately, appear to get one sided news from biased sources.
I agree Joel. A little add on to your post, I would love to see him VOTED out, no pension and having to pay back ALL the money he spent on his own pleasure, and never hear or see him again in my life time. By the way, I really don’t think he can be humiliated.
Not Catholic & also won’t criticize, from respect for the Papal position.There have been statements I have not agreed with. / I see some here feel about Trudeau as I feel about Biden & crew. Biden is too far deteriorated to understand much.. Humiliation may not be possible, neither prosecution. But Constitutionally, he’s gone in a few weeks – and has already experienced Party backstabbing. / I hear other countries are calling for Trudeau’s removal. He’s soon gone, as is Biden.
You are absolutely correct on all points. We freedom loving patriots got our wish and Canadians will get their wish. The weenie known as Trudeau will be history because the majority of voters in Canada will vote him out. I was a little worried when I read today’s heading. But then you proceeded to tell the truth about the pope’s attitude toward us Jews. I respect the position of the pope and presidents, but do not have much use for those who abuse their positions.
How Great it would be to fully integrate with the US, would solve so many Canadian problems brought on to our Country by the liberals over many years culminating in this inept baby prime minister
Great read. I once was a practicing Catholic, but a priest I knew well confronted me for not being married in his church. He basically called my 3 year old a bastard and said my wife and I were not married in the eyes of the church. Yes, the Church supported Hitler, helped him financially and turned a blind eye to what was being done to the Jews. Now they support a whole list of things that are against the Bible. Money and Greed is what they support. Your Idiot PM is just that, Canada welcome .
Mixed reaction to Trump’s take on Canada. He’s right to force our government to improve border security. It should have been done years ago. I hope that’s were it ends. Otherwise he will be the owner of creating a lose / lose instead of a win / win between our countries. Yes , Canada can’t win a trade war but Americans’ cost of living isn’t going to go down either. We have been giving away our electricity forever. We have rare earth and a huge supply of fresh water. Let’s work to
The RCC claims the pope is given the keys to the gates of hell. Why would G-d give those keys to a human? satan could destroy him by a look. The rcc supports muslim terrorism. The rcc was in bed with hitler during his reign of terror. They changed sides when they saw the tide turn. If Canada became the 51st state, maybe the French only crowd would flee back to France. Canada improved. Outstanding post. May I remind ALL of the Word of G-d in Gen. 12:1-3. The pope is an enemy of Israel & G-d
Another great blog! Joel & Lillian covered my thoughts regarding Canada’s worst P.M. especially no pension & to personally have to pay back the cost of wasted joy trips as the Prime Minister. Now if Trump can successfully clean up the “swamp” & the “creatures” lurking there that would be a bonus south of the 49th. I am not a Catholic but a Protestant who believes that one needs to personally believe and accept Jesus Christ. Plus, Am Yisroel Chai!
I don’t want to waste my emotional enemy vilifying Trudeau or Biden. I just want to put my energies into being a better country.
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