It’s Not Enough That Trudeau Has Made An Ass Of Canada While Making An Ass Of Himself . . . Now we Have Premier Doug Ford Playing Mr Tough-Guy with Trump, as Ford is Threatening to Cut-Off all Electric Sales from Ontario to Michigan, New York State & Minnesota if Trump Follows Through on his Threat to Tariff Canada Up To 25% . . . If Canada Doesn’t Do Something Significant With Canada’s Side Of The Canada/US Border.
And If That Doesn’t Work, Ford Said he will Order the Ontario Liquor Control Board to Restrict Selling American Liquor at Ontario’s Retail Liquor Outlets.
And If That Doesn’t Work . . . Ford will Withhold Ontario Rare Mineral Sales to the United States, which are a Vital Component in the Manufacture of Intricate Electronic Components & Lithium Batteries.
To That . . . Trump’s Response to a CNBC Question on Thursday (December 12, 2024) from the NYC Stock Exchange was . . . “That’s OK If He Does That. That’s Fine”.
Ford Figured (I Suppose) That If He Acted The Role Of Canada’s Tough Guy, since Trudeau is Canada’s Brown-Noser-In-Chief, the Other Nine Premiers Would Jump On Board. But To The Contrary.
None Did, and the Most Important Provincial Leaders Said Definitely Not (Alberta, Saskatchewan & Oil Rich Newfoundland). Quebec, which Exports Billions of Dollars of Electricity to the USA is Non-Committal, Which Means Thank You – But No Thank You To Ford’s Folly.
So Here Is Doug Ford, Standing all Alone, as he Threatens the Man who Destroyed ISIS Between Golf Swings, Survived an Assassination Attempt that left Trump Pulled Down by His Security, Bloodied & Triumphant, as He Rose to His Feet with His Clenched Fist Pumping in the Air Yelling . . . Fight! Fight! Fight!
And Now That Trump Won The Biggest Republican Victory Ever, Massacred the Democrats into What Might be Party Affiliated Political Oblivion, As the Whole World is Rushing to Kiss the Ring – Ford Stands Stupid & Alone.
Doug Ford Is The Leader Of The “PROGRESSIVE” Conservative Party Of Ontario.
I Emphasized The Word Progressive, Because Progressive to Me Means LIBERAL. How Can Someone be Conservative & Liberal at the Same Time? It’s Like Telling your Wife How Much you Love her Right After Spending the Night Sleeping with your Mistress.
Anne Suggests That Ford Might Be Angling To Become The Federal Leader Of The Liberal Party, which is a Possibility Once Trudeau’s Sorry Ass is Unceremoniously Kicked to the Curb. I Don’t Think-So . . . But I’ve Been Wrong Before.
The Canada Post Strike Lasted For A Month & Resolved Nothing, Other than Causing Companies, Mostly Small Businesses a Loss of Billions of Dollars During the Christmas Season. The Strike Cancelled Christmas-Giving Canada-Wide, and Somewhat Screwed-Up Blogs like Galganov.com’s Revenue Stream.
The Trudeau Government Could Have Ended The Strike From Day-One, but Decided Not to for Whatever Stupid Reason, which Meant that the Canada Post Workers Won Nothing, the Federal Government Won Nothing . . . The Biggest Losers were the People of Canada and all the People Worldwide, Who Were Deprived From Physically Communicating With Friends, Families & Business Associates In Canada During The Busiest Season In The Year.
The Good News Is . . . Within a Few Weeks, I will be Able to Receive Any Mail Sent to Me & Deposit Any Checks Made out to Galganov.com.
Biden Is Such A Dufus . . . That Whether he Knows or Doesn’t Known How Disliked he is as the Worst President in American History – Is Irrelevant To How He Is Going Out As The Unearned 46th President, by Showing his True Colors as a Man who Should Have Never Been Allowed to Even Visit the Oval Office.
Offering these Insane Commutations & Pardons for People who Created Great Injustices Against the America People, Pondering Blanket Pardons for Political Acolytes for Un-Indicted Crimes, the Giveaway of Hundreds of Millions of Dollars of Border Wall Material, and the Continued Rape of the American Purse for the Benefit of Ukraine, When Peace Between Russia & Ukraine is Around the Corner . . . Are All Horribly Reprehensible Acts Bordering On Treason.
Generally . . . It Takes Several Generations Of Careful Thought – Before the True Legacy of a Leader Can be Determined . . . But Not In The Case Of Joe Biden.
As Weeks Turn To Months . . . And Even Before the Months Turn to Years, Biden will Go Down in World History as the Most Vile & Detestable Person to Have Ever Occupied the White House, With His Equally Loathsome Wife (First Lady) Meriting The Same Distinction.
The Pity – Is That Biden, Who Is Absolutely Deserving Of This Derision, is Taking the Hit for the Power Behind the Power . . . Who Has Been Barrack Hussein Obama, Who Through his Third Term, has Fundamentally Changed America as he Had Promised, When He Won His First Term.
Whether Through Divine Providence Of Which I Am Leery, or by Sheer Luck, the Right Man Came to the World through the Presidency of the United States of America at the Right Time.
It Seems To Me . . . That America & The Rest of the World Needed this Wake-Up Call that Biden/Obama Foisted Upon the Globe . . . to Give us the Taste of What A Woke One World Society Would Feel & Look Like.
And Because Of This Shocking-Revelation . . . America Will Repair Itself at Breakneck Speed Dragging Along the Rest of the World In-Tow.
And Just Think How Lucky We All Are – Since We Will All Get To Witness-It From Start To Finish.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Biden’s pardons will keep Trump’s DOJ from issuing deserved/rightful consequences for criminal behavior on part of lots of Dems/bureaucrats in office. As far as I’m concerned, it is an obvious admission of their wrong-doing; why else would a pardon be needed/used for those with no charges filed?
Re: Trump tarrifs and the posturing. All Captain crayon has to do is secure the border and up the military to the agreed amount. Problem solved. As for Ford’s Progressive Conservatives not…. Oppressive, regressive spendthriftsmore like it. Just wait until Ford calls an election and comes a knocking for money. Federal Conservatives yes, Too bad we don’t have a real Conservative party in Ontario. No cheques from this guy.
I think you just did!! I am beyond grateful that my country’s voters returned a great and proven leader to our White House. And I am looking forward to the day that Canadian voters select a strong and good leader for their country, too.
As I feel for those directly affected, the reality is that Canada Post has outlived its need.Lamenting it’s absence is akin to pining for 8-track tape to make a comeback.There are so many more modern and efficient ways to move information and money.Let it be the clarion or Last Call to those who still use it.Time to move forward with the times.Canada Post loses/costs taxpayers over $1B per year mostly for union labor and pensions.If Dr Jill is loathesome what should we then call Michelle Obama?
What a ridiculous statement by Doug Ford. If he cuts off the supply of electricity to the States, What is he going to do with the excess power? Ontario can produce more than we need and the US takes the extra power to which we will lose the income. Ford didn’t think that one through.
Howard, as you know, I”ve always been a big supporter of Donald Trump. I like him and admire him and very glad he won the U.S. election. I’ve never been a fan of Doug Ford. BUT – having said that, I am still a proud Canadian and I though may not agree with Ford’s tactics, I believe in his own way, he is trying to stand up to a bully. Remember the “Canadian Caper” in 1980 when Americans were held hostage in Iran? Canada rescued them. Canada & U.S.A. have a special bond. Let’s not spoil it
How can Jameet Singh continue to support the liberals, looks like with the next election we will rid ourselves of 2 socialist party’s, opening door for Bernier’s advance into the mainstream of Canadians
I know nothing of Ford, but do admire his standing steady for what he believes. Maybe what he threatened was all he felt he had to use. Did he know it wouldn’t work? / Biden is unbelievable. What is he doing other than planning his ridiculous sabotages of Trump’s presidency. He was probably as vindictive as a child – and had no friends. Biden is a nasty moron./ Never has time crept so slowly as it moves toward Jan 20./ May God keep Trump safe. May the US & Canada always be friends.
Thanks HG for reminding us that Barrack Hussein Obama is the Despot behind the Left/Woke Communist agenda. No one in modern history has pulled the wool over the USA as effective. The Democrats, and the LS Media has Aided and Abetted this Tragedy on the American people. I hope and Pray this Malignant Corruption will be be fully exposed, and those responsible will be held Accountable.
I do not know if i would call Trumps win as Devine providence either. But I do feel it was an answer akin to even the dog eat the crumbs that fall from the masters table
Poor Ontario, what a fiscal mess. Ford has grown the size of government, massive debt balloon……its a mess here….massive immigration problems, crime, housing, renting, tax issues……no fiscal conservatives to be found anywhere….poor Canada…..we are in deep, deep trouble….bring on the crashes…
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