Are You As Stupid & Gullible As The Politicians Think You Are?
Anyone Who Voted For Joe Biden Four Years Ago . . . And then Voted for Kamala a bit More than One Month Ago . . . You Are Indeed As Stupid As The Politicians Think You Are, Unless You Had a Personal (Nefarious) Interest in Electing a Pro-Communist Liar who Redefined Political Dishonesty, Stupidity & Incompetence.
Joe Biden Wasn’t An Unknown Commodity. Biden was Always a Grandstander, a Bullshitter, a Liar, and a Plagiarist . . . He Was (Is) A Man Who Couldn’t Be Trusted, Other Than To Do What Was Best For Him.
Unfortunately, Biden was Amongst the Extreme who Represented the Worst in Politics, who was so Pliable that he was the Most Useful Idiot to Sing from the Song-Sheet that was Placed Before him, Which Gave Biden The Power, Wealth & Prestige He Lived-For.
I Understand Why The Power-Brokers Lauded Biden, Because Biden was the Dufus who Did their Bidding . . . But Why the People Elected him, Even If The 2020 Election Was Dishonest – Is a Terrible Indictment Upon the People who were (Are) so Uninformed and so Utterly Ignorant of Facts & Truth, that they were so Easily Steered in a Direction . . . So Deleterious To The Nation That Gives Them Succor . . . To Destroy The Goose That Lays The Golden Eggs Is Somewhat Beyond Me.
For Those Countries That Insist By Law That All Citizens Vote . . . They’re Wrong.
America’s Genius Is In Its Constitution, which, if it is Not Upheld, will be the Genius that will Destroy the Greatest Citizen-Governed Society the World Has ever Known. And It All Starts With The People Who Elect Those Who Could Make Or Break It.
All Citizens Should Not Vote . . . Unless they Have a Minimal Understanding of the Issues & What & Who they are Voting For, Along With A Basic Knowledge Of Civics.
Just Out Of Curious Interest . . . I’ve Taken The US Citizen Test Several Times. And each Time I Have Taken the Test – My Score was Well Over 90% Without Prepping Myself for any Part of the Test.
It Isn’t A Hard Test To Pass, But I Can Say with Relative Confidence, that a Huge Number of American Citizens, Especially Younger Citizens Couldn’t Pass the Test, which Doesn’t Include any World History, World Politics or Even American History, or the Coles Notes Version of the Differences Between the Two Parties.
So What Qualifies any American who Can’t Pass a Simple Citizenship Test to be Able to Vote for the Men & Women who Want to Run their Lives?
To A Lesser Degree, I Can Say The Same Thing About Canada & Canadians.
We’ve Devolved To Become A “Media” Citizenry, Inculcated to Believe Everything the Media Has Used to Propagandize us, which First Included the Movie Industry (Hollywood) and Television Series, That Morphed Into On-Line Series . . . all of which Became the Force that Motivated Incoherent Beliefs . . . To Finally Become the Culture of Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter – Etc . . . Where Truth Is Only A Perception.
It Has To Change. . . Or We Will Cease Being Nations Of Reason, Morality & Proper Values.
When One Ponders The Laws Abused, the Promises Broken and the Sell-Out Of America (Open Borders) by the Democrats (And RINOS) . . . How Could it be Possible to Believe Anything the Democrats Have to Say About Anyone . . . In This Case, Pete Hegseth, Who Is Being Considered For The Position Of Trump’s Secretary Of Defense.
I Have No Idea If Any Of The Anonymous Allegations Are True . . . About Hegseth’s Private Life, his Failed Marriages, his Supposed Drinking Problem and his Misappropriation of Donor Funds . . . But Neither Do The Pete Hegseth Naysayers.
What I Do Know . . . Is that Hegseth Graduated from Two Impressive Universities (Harvard & Princeton), Served a Tour of Duty at Guantanamo Bay, a Tour of Duty in Iraq and a Tour of Duty in Afghanistan. Hegseth was Also Awarded Two Bronze Stars & Finished-Up in the Military as a Major.
Hegseth Also Commanded Various Military Missions At Home & Abroad, Wrote a Best-Selling Book Based Upon his Personal Military Experiences (The War On Warriors: Behind The Betrayal Of The Men Who Keep Us Free) and then Served Incredibly Well as a Television Host on Fox News (Fox & Friends & Fox Nation).
So . . . Other than all the Dirty Little Secrets Pete Hegseth will Uncover & Expose in the US Military, from Financial Corruption, Massive Waste, Incompetent Leadership, Unprepared Military Readiness and a Theme of Politization of the World’s Primary Fighting Force . . . Why Else Would The Insiders Want To Destroy Pete Hegseth’s Political Appointment?
The Same Can Be True (Most Probably Is True) . . . For Other Contentious Trump Nominees who will Get the Hegseth Treatment, Not Just from Democrats, but also from RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) who Have Huge Commitments to their Lobbyist Donors.
Because They Are Terrified Of These Appointments – Is Reason Enough To Appoint Them.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Thanks, Howard. I had forgotten about the plagiarism.
So now the leftist commies are trying to attack us (yes, you and me) by messing around with the nominees. I say tell them where they can go, stand strong against these vermin, and unless there is a serious problem, ignore the lying SOBs who have lied to us about almost everything for years. I hope Trump’s new DOJ doesn’t overlook the scum that worked to destroy Trump and the country.
To broadcast the corruption of Dems in Congress & Biden’s administration, Breitbart had an article this morning about Biden considering pre-emptive blanket pardons of anyone who has angered or spoken against Trump as well as J-6 committee, Fauci, Pelosi, etc., to keep Trump from accomplishing his promise of swamp cleaning. So don’t be surprised if it happens. Can Congress impeach Biden before he has a chance to do so or have some way of nulifying such a move? This is corruption at highest leve
Thanks, Howard You Hit the Nail on the Head – Great article.
Joe Biden’s kid reminds me of a Kingston Trio song (1st verse): “The Hunter he did cross the plain, and then he ventured home again, the merry merry feast will soon begin, among the leaves so green-o.” Of course “sleeping Joe” gives Hunter Biden a pardon !!! / Meanwhile, Howard, you gave us another top-notch Editorial. As (above poster) Paul Williams says: “You Hit the Nail on the Head”. Reminds me of another Kingston Trio song >>> If I Had A Hammer <<<
First, Joe Biden was NOT elected by the American public. With the machinery in place to steal the election, Joe Biden was ‘elected’ by Obama and the DNC so not only would Trump be kicked to the curb but Obama would attain his coveted 3rd term with a dupe like Biden as his mask. Second, few people are lily-white. It makes no sense to exclude highly competent people simply because they hit some potholes in their personal lives. If so, then start interviewing your airline pilots and your surgeons
“Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone!” Yes, Pete had some controversy in his life. And Yes, Pete rose from it to be an admirable example of responsible citizenry. With his track record, an ideal pick for Secretary. Who could not support such an honorable pick? Those who have unrepentant sin, that’s who! Look in the mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Hegseth must have a lot of knowledge about the workings of the military and what needs to be done to fix the current incompetent complacence. To try to Kavanaugh a candidate is a mark of fear. Unknown accusers/accusations vs actual military experience is a sign of desperation.
Yes, biden voters are that gullable or stupid, or had nefarious reasons…same for lib voters in Canada!
Outstanding!! You are right. Trump’s picks are scaring the heck out of the deep swamp. They know when the investigations start they are in deep crap.
EXACTLY!! The Rino’s & DemoRats want ALL good people out of Trump’s office to stop the annihilation of the Swamp! When Joe pardon’s his son for any crimes his son may have committed between 2014 to 2024? Who is going to pardon Joe Biden for his involvement with Burisma Ukrainian Gas? It would be interesting to know how much both Joe Biden & his son have made over the years…from dirty deals Joe Biden made? Makes you wonder about ALL Swamp members!!
Politics is a Dirty Game. I agree with the saying, “He who has never done anything wrong throw the first stone”. Hegseth has been in a world that most of us only have a minor role. Put any normal person in the life positions this man was thrown and you too would have minor falls (not saying any of it is true). 90% or more of People in Politics drink, use drugs, sleep around, or trade promises for money. The Criminals with Big Money have always bought the Vote that supported their interest.
Anyone else remember the old schoolyard retort, “Takes one to know one”? Another great editorial, Mr. G.!
Any brainwashed voter who can agree with putting a woman on the Supreme Court who can’t even define “woman”, should not be allowed to vote. I would love to see an honest background check of all the members of Congress and past Presidents, etc. What a Porn novel that would make. We are all sinners. Stop playing “Holier Than Thou”. Pete is well qualified to get our military back in force. The “naysayers” don’t wasn’t that. They make millions off those military contracts
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