Even Before The Amsterdam Pogrom, Mossad & Shin Bet Warned the Dutch Authorities that Violence Against the Jews in Amsterdam was a Great Possibility . . . To What Avail?
Not All The Dutch Who Participated In The First European Pogrom Since WWII Were Dutch Born Citizens. More Likely than Not, Many of the Defilers of Humanity who Attacked the Jews because their Victims were Jewish, were Probably Not Dutch Citizens & Most Likely Islamist Immigrants . . . But No Matter – They Are All Equally Guilty.
That Written . . . Why Aren’t They All In Jail?
What is the Penalty for Smacking Around a Jew with No Cause, Other than the Fact that He or She (The Victim) is Jewish? . . . Obviously Not Much.
You Can Pass All The Lofty Anti-Semitic Legislation You Can Put Into A Plethora Of Fancy (Empty) Words . . . But in the End, all the Rhetoric is Nothing More than a Word Salad of Feelgood Self Aggrandizing Bullshit.
When I Was Eighteen Years Old . . . And Roaming French (Quebecois) Gangs were Beating-Up Jewish High School Students, Mostly in an Immigrant Area of Montreal, which Gave Fodder to Radio Talk Shows that would Daily Decry the Anti-Semitic Violence. It Just Kept-On Keeping-On.
Liberal Jewish Organizations Begged the Authorities (Police) to Stop the Intimidation & Violence Againt Jewish Students (With No Cause), with the Response from the Police . . . We’re Doing The Best We Can – And No One Is Really Getting That Hurt. But they Weren’t Doing the Best they Could & Jewish Students were Getting Hurt.
We Had Enough . . . We Were The Jewish Defense League – A Small Group of Younger People, which Included University Aged Boys, Girls & Young Adults . . . All Of Whom Took A Pledge Of Never Again!
We Didn’t Threaten. We Didn’t Make Speeches. We Didn’t Hold Meetings. We Didn’t Set-Up Committees. We Didn’t Ask For Permission. We Weren’t A Social Club & We Didn’t Ask For Approbation . . .
We Knew Who The Anti-Semites Were. And We Knew Where they Hung-Out. And on One Night, a Group of JDL’ers Went to the Park Where the Jew-Hating Thugs were Hanging-Out, Singled Out their Leader, and Gave Him a Beating just Short of his Life . . . While The Rest Of His Terrified Gang Watched.
Our Philosophy Was Simple – We Didn’t Fight To The Rules Of The Marquis Of Queensbury.
The Rules Of The JDL Weren’t Complicated. If The Thugs Numbered A Dozen, We should Number at Least Twice as Many. If they Came to Fight with their Fists and their Boots, We Showed-Up With Nunchucks & Baseball Bats.
Whatever Fight We Were-In . . . We Never Fought for a Tie . . . The Fight Ended When the Last Thug Was Down & Out, and When they Realized that the Next Time for them Would be Worse. There Was Never A Next Time.
We Didn’t Want To Fight . . . But If We Had To – It Was To Win Under All Circumstances.
On A Subsequent Occasion Just After The First Notable Fight . . . A Group of JDL’ers Confronted a Gang of Anti-Semites Going After a Yeshiva, which Evolved Into an All-Out Street-Fight that Left the Anti-Semites Bloodied & Beaten, and the Leader of the JDL Stabbed in His Back . . . But Our Message Was Clear.
And With Every Planned Jewish Event . . . The JDL Was Front & Center Daring the Anti-Semites to Show their Face. They Never Did.
From The First JDL Punch Thrown, to the Last Street Fight Fought by the JDL in Montreal, it Represented a Brief Span of Time (Perhaps A Month Or So) Before all the Violence Against Jews in Montreal Came to a Screeching Halt, Never to Raise its Ugly Jew-Hating Face Again. Even Until Now, Which Was Some 56-Years Ago.
Even Though We Were 100% Effective Over A Very Short Span Of Time . . . We were Derided by the Media (English & French), by the Political Class & Most Sadly of all by the Jewish Liberal Community, which Called us Jewish Nazis, Fascists, Thugs and an Insult to the Good Name of Montreal Jewry, Even Though The Violence Against Jews Ended.
We Didn’t Need Anyone’s Thank You . . . We Just Needed The Violent Anti-Semitism To Stop.
And 28-Years Later, After the Last JDL Confrontation, As I Ran an English Rights Freedom of Expression Organization (QPAC – Quebec Political Action Committee – Circa 1965-2000), the Screaming Headlines on all the French Papers Read . . . Anglo Juif Galganov, Membre De La Ligue Défense Juif (Anglo Jew Galganov, Member Of The Jewish Defense League) . . . Fights for Canadian Unity & Equal Language Rights in Quebec for English Speakers.
And Even Though all the Equal Rights Organizations in Montreal (Quebec) were Always Targeted by Quebec Separatist Thugs for Violent Assaults . . . No One Messed With QPAC Events, Since The Anglo Juif Galganov . . . Was Once A Member Of The JDL, Which Still Carried Gravitas.
I Understand Israel’s Unyielding Fight To Crush The Middle Eastern Jew-Haters.
I Also Understand The World’s Reluctance To Risk The Ire Of America’s Military Under Trump, Since Trump is Not Biden, and Trump’s Military Won’t Be Commanded by Woke Shmucks who are More Worried About Insulting America’s Enemies, Than They Will-Be Of Kicking Ass If Need-Be Throughout The Seven Seas.
Remember The Fonz Of “Happy Days” . . . He Only Had To Hit Someone-Once.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
“If there’s two things I can’t tolerate, it’s people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.” – Austen Powers.
As with all such disgusting events, we make a “play” that we are serious. Police, arrests, condemnations press etc etc. Mostly bullshit! Serious? All involved arabs plus associated family should be evicted from the country. I’m in Belgium. Can so easily happen here as well. We need action not platitudes!
I support Israel and the Jewish people !
Went to the synagogue yesterday. I heard a lot of anti-Trump sentiment including an anti-Trump rant by the rabbi. The synagogue is pro-Israel except for Trump – which to me means except where it counts. Our rabbis are leading us in the wrong direction. That should be a front line for Jewish diaspora cultural change to your idea of “strong” Jews.
Good one Howard. In kebec, they do not care…they are born with hate against anything not metis. And they are not french….they are a metis, a mixed race, a mongrel, a mutt….just a fact. Bills 22, 178, 101, 96….says it all. They run kebec, the entire country for decades now $$$. Its all connected to the charter and quebec, the metis – french taking control of the country. Until this is all repealed, the problems will only get worse. $$$
Our temple has a liberal, Trump/Netanyahu hating rabbi born and raised in Israel. I am diametrically opted to his political views and have called him out when he speaks about those views from the Bima. I reminded him he told the congregation that political views shouldn’t come from the Bima; he’s using subtly couched terms now from the Bima. I laugh when he asked the congregation to share something good that happened last week; he addressed “Debby” saying, “It’s going to be better, r
At a Reform Temple in Knoxville, TN, the Rabbi, offered a prayer for those who can’t stand Trump. As far as resistance to anti-Semites, the only reason to go to war is to win it. Period!
I have nothing to add. You’ve said it all. Except I had to look up the meaning of Yeshiva.
The sooner the woke schmucks are out, the better. Trump will fix the problems quickly. The “Reformed” rabbis noted in the comments are not Jews but leftists. Love your work, Howard- keep it up.
HG, you are the Viagra for my thinking!
Excellent editorial Howard. When I was nine I had to prove I had rights in Canada! I came from England an was not excepted by the girls same age in my neighbourhood. They called me names & would punch me until I had enough. I was to fight the leader, which I did to their amazement, I beat her so bad they had to pull me off of her. She was leader of a gang & I was there by myself but I won. They never bothered me again. I never ever told my parents or siblings no one till now. ISRAEL LIVES!!
Howard I’m ashamed that the Dutch people just stood by without intervening and protecting the Jewish people that were affected by this. This should have never happened and the authorities Amsterdam City and Dutch Gov.) should have been on top of this considering past history in Holland. These islamist radicals should be imprisoned and then deported setting a strong example that this will not be tollerated. My hope is that Geert Wilders will use this to put stronger measures in place ASAP.
The Dutch collaborated with IBM USA during WWII and made punch cards of Jewish citizens, and subsequently gave up 90% of that population. Now, even though armed with intelligence, they stood by and did almost nothing. I will not weep when Holland and Belgium become part of the Califate, probably in the next decade.
God Bless Israel. Our Only Friend and Partner for Freedom!!
The Jewish Defense League (JDL) was founded (in NYC) by Rabbi Meir Kahane (1932-1990) in the year 1968. Its purpose was to protect Jews from local manifestations of anti-Semitism. Kahane’s famous slogan was: “For Every Jew A 22” (referring to a .22 revolver) / Bob Dylan admired Rabbi Kahane and after meeting with him several times, Dylan told “Time” magazine Kahane was a really sincere guy who put it all together. He knew that Jews needed protection and he set out to do just that.” – Bob
Howard, it’s like we ran twin lives. I lived in Outremont in my early teens and after a few Jewish kids got beaten up by a bunch of Thugs, we rounded up a gang and met the Thugs in a park near Ducharm and beat the daylights out of them. This repeated the next couple of Friday nights. That was basically the end of it. Your column brought back old old memories. Thanks for reminding me.
It has been true since time began, Bullies always attacked the weak until someone stood up too them. I high school, I was singled out, I am not Jewish but I would not fight out of respect for my mother’s wishes. One day, having had enough, I took on the surprise of everyone, a Leader of the Bully group. It was short livid fight as I broke his nose and crushed his privates with intent to send him to the hospital my football coach watched the whole event, stood up for me with the school, no more.
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