You Don’t Want To Be On The Receiving End When It Starts . . . ‘Cause It Won’t Be Pretty.
It Is Hard To Believe, That Even With . . . Our Indoctrinating (Socialist) Academia, Marxist Leaning Propagandizing News Media, Corporately Owned & Internationally Controlled Multi-Billion Dollar Social Media, Corrupt Internet Search Engines, the Power of Hollywood, Mostly LEFTIST Leaning Television Series & the Deceitfully LEFT Political Process that Has Controlled the Deep State for Decades, They Could Not Have Steered Our Politics Further To The LEFT Than They Have Already Done . . . BUT NOT BY ENOUGH!
It Is Remarkably Sad, How So Many People Are Going To Vote For The Empress That Has No Clothes. But they Will . . . Because they Don’t Know any Better or are Not Interested in Learning Better. But It Is What The World Of Academia Has Created Over Many Generations.
Yesterday, I was with a Successful Businessman (Canadian) Who is Conservative, Who I Really Like, Who Told Me – That If He Was An American, He Might Sit-Out the Election Because He Couldn’t Vote for Trump, and “Probably” Wouldn’t Vote for Harris. But if it Came Down to Having to Choose One Over the Other – He Would Probably Hold His Nose & Vote For Harris.
I Asked-Him Why Not Trump . . . And He Spewed Forward all the Usual Rhetoric we’ve Come to Associate with the Worst of Trump that Has Been the Focal Point of LEFTIST Negative Propaganda Against Trump.
I Wasn’t Going To Get Into A Pissing Contest With Him. So I Just Asked-Him Two Questions.
Is America & The Rest Of The World Better Off Today Than We All Were Four Years Ago? And Could More than Half the Population of America, And Me As A Canadian Included, be So Stupid and so Ill Informed to be Fearful of a Kamala Harris Presidency, While We Pray For A Return Of Donald Trump . . . Who Gave America & The Entire World Prosperity Along With Global Stability For The Entire Term Of Trump’s Presidency?
I Buy Very Important Products From This Gentleman, which Could be Extremely Damaging (Injurious) to Me if He Wasn’t at the Top of His Game . . . So My Trust In Him Is A Massive Issue.
He Happens To Be A Really Nice Guy . . . But What Do I Know?
We Have Known Each Other for More than a Dozen Years. He & I are Not Social Friends. I Have No Idea What His Private Life is all About.
I Could Guess . . . But Of What Value Would That Be?
As Far as He & I are Concerned, He is 100% Professional, Reliable & Thus-Far Totally Trustworthy – For My Purpose . . . What Else Do I Have To Know?
Years Ago, Anne & I Had an Employee who was Sweeter than Maple Syrup, and Dumber than a Rock. And as Much as we Wanted to Let-Her-Go, we Couldn’t, Because of her Fabulous Character . . . Which was her Saving Grace, Until her Incompetence Cost our Company a Great Deal of Money & Consternation.
We Finally Did What Had To Be Done Long After We Should Have Done-It.
It Bothered Us . . . To As Gently As Possible Say To Her – “You’re Fired”.
But After We Fired Her. It was Much Like Closing the Barn Door After the Horses were Already Running Down the Road. But We Also Learned An Extremely Valuable Life Lesson.
When It Comes To Important (Life Changing) Decisions – Decide With Your Head Not Your Heart.
In The Case Of Comrade Kamala Harris . . . The Decision Should be Easy. She Has A Terrible Attitude. She is Smug, Condescending, Arrogant, Dishonest (Plagiarizing) & Phony with a Proven Failure Record.
And Other than a Plethora of Empty Campaign (Promises) Policies, Many of which are Heavily Leaning Towards Higher Taxes, Big Brother Type Socialism & Racist (Pro-Black) Fiscal Policies . . . What Does She Passionately Stand For, Other Than The Right For Women To Kill Babies?
Trump Has Made No Promises Or Any Special Commitments . . . to Any American Based on Race, Gender & Age, Other than to Promise Full Equal Treatment Under the Law, No Men in Women’s Sports or Bathrooms, No Taxes on Tips, No Taxes on Overtime & No Taxes on Social Security Payments.
Trump Is Also Promising To Bring Back To America & Strengthen The American Industrial Base, Save the Automobile-Industry, Level the International Trade Disparities with China & Mexico Through Tariffs, Make Permanent – Trump’s Tax Reduction Act, Give the Boot to the Green New Deal BS, End EV Mandates . . . And To Restore America’s Unquestionable Dominance On World Defense & World Trade While Keeping The Dollar As The World Currency.
When Trump Says He Will Finish The Wall . . . Deport as Many Illegals as Possible, Declare War on the Importation of Illegal Drugs, Treat the Drug Cartels as Terrorists & Mandate the Death Penalty for Murderers of Cops, which I Assume will Include the Murder of Other Members of the EMS . . . I’ll Take Trump At His Word.
Do I Really Care Who Trump Did What To In His Private Life . . . Or Should I Just Worry About What Trump Will Do Once He Gets Back Into The White House For Another Four-Years?
They Can Call Trump Whatever They Want . . . As Long As It Begins With Mr President.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
Speaking of Dumb , did you see what New Brunswick just did. The most fiscally responsible Premier in the last 70 years was defeated. Guess who by??? The parents of children who don’t give a hoot about what our perverted Education system is teaching our future generation.
Howard, It is very apparent that those who would vote for a Marxist like Harris don’t know that they don’t know and until they know that they don’t know…., they won’t know what they should know! Keep on keeping on Howard, leth them have it!
You never finished the ‘story’ of how your business-friend answered the two questions you asked him. As for your analysis of Harris and Trump, you hit the nail on the head. I sincerely hope & pray Trump wins by such a majority votes that all the cheating the Dems will pull off would not have succeeded. I hope the GOP is ready to counter all the methods Dems used last time or any others the Repubs thought of. This is a anxious time w/potential for being pre-civil war.
I think a lot of Kamala votes will be purely “not Trump” votes. Dumb clucks. Where will she lead us if elected? And I can’t envision Tim Walz as VP. I feel if Kamala is elected, the real Communist comes out. They are both hiding their true intentions. / These remaining days before Election Day are going to be rough.
Apparently your friend has more money than brains. He has zero regard for the plight of the poor, most retirees, and the struggling families at the bottom of the food chain. From our interactions, you care. He doesn’t. There r a lot of so called Christians who r just like him. I am voting for the best candidate not on sainthood. I’m voting for every day working America and not 4 the 1 world ruling elitist class.
I have a very close friend who hates Trump, and is hoping for a Harris victory. I have discussed this with him, and he is a conservative thinker. But the bottom line is this. He has been brainwashed by the media, who constantly paint Trump negatively. He watches CNN regularly, and all of our Canadian Media is anti Trump. I feel sorry for him, but I feel there are many who have succumbed to the Media BS. Trump needs to win, to bring sanity back to our countries.
I saw on Facebook a diagram showing the similarity between the Democratic Party and the Nazi Party: No Guns; Censorship; Media Mind Control; Abortion; Hate Jews, (Whites); Worship the Government.
Agree. May not like his personal life. Have seen four years of what Trump did and what the present administration has not done. No comparison, Trump wins hands down. I like a man who calls a spade a spade, not one talks out of both sides of his mouth. GO TRUMP !!!
EXCELLENT Howard! I totally agree with you TRUMP 2024! The Americans that can’t decide whom to vote for NOT understand what Trump did for THEM when he was President!! I really don’t understand the person you mentioned NOT voting or voting for Kamala…she is as stupid as they come, a cackling you know what…(I wanted to swear in the worst way but rules are rules)…Communist taking USA down the road to Totalitarianism. There seems to be MANY BLIND Americans, people open your eyes to Kamala!!
Yes, vote for Harris vrs Trump and his alleged bad acts. Harris is the grand daughter (or great grand daughter?) of a slave owner of 86 Jamaican slaves. Pay reparations? Contrition? She slept with Mayor Brown of S.F. – 31 years her senior and married – to become the DA. Yep, perfect. And is she a great chef! Just try her famous word salad. So good your mind goes blank. Or vote Trump, rough talking but with a proven record of competence.
Well put, Howard. Let’s hope and pray that he’s elected.
Right on, Howard! It was 1985 or 1986, I met with a Jewish man, a successful businessman, who was a die hard democrat. Nice fella though. The only thing I said: I don’t know what business you are in, but I bet your business was never better that it’s now. He was an honest man – he responded – you are correct.
As a huge fan of folk-singer Pete Seeger (The Weavers) I became a big fan of “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen after he recorded his album entitled “The Seeger Sessions”. I also loved Springsteen’s song “Jack Of All Trades”. Talented guy! So what happens? I turn on CNN and see Bruce singing at a Kamala Harris rally in Clarkson Georgia. What’s with all these big name celebrities infatuated with Kamala Harris? Has the world gone mad? Don’t answer that !!!
It amazes me that folks dislike DJT for reasons that hear about that are not exactly true. He has been made up by media with no proof. He fought with his own Party for 4 years RINOs and still accomplished more than most presidents. I like him for what he has done, don’t know him personally. True stories of what he has done for folks in a positive manner get buried, and Lies get spread made up by jealous folks. The Left Media needs to be destroyed for their lies along with the Biden’s DOJ.
Another Republic that is rapidly approaching its “ best before date “. It’s happened before in world history. Republics only last so long. Kamala is like a modern day nero / zero. The fact that this race is even close, is just more evidence of history repeating itself. People who aren’t going to vote ( and there will be alot of them ) , have no right to complain. Political apathy IS a killer.
I have always referred to President Trump as our President. I call biden other things and find myself doing the same for harris. I cannot and will not show the people who are members of our country’s present regime ANY respect or support. To do so would align myself with the devil. We have already stood in line (Oct. 21, 2024) to vote for the only man who will make our country great again—President Donald J. Trump.
I pray you are correct and President Trump wins —– again. If President Trump does win, look for a major “Constitutional crisis” in Congress in Nov when they are to validate the election —– armed forces may be called in. It could get bloody. I hope & pray that I am wrong.
I WISH just one person could EXPLAIN to (ME) WHY our Country seems to be “required” to PAY all these Benefits to the Border Invaders?
New Brunswick is on a brink of destruction of their own doing!
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