I’m Amongst The Last People To Be Blasé About The Horrors Of War, Not Because I Know War, But Because War Is Horrible.
That Written . . . As A Human Being who Happens to be Jewish, No One Came to the Defense of Millions of European Jews who were Slaughtered by the Nazis and the Nazi Cohorts . . . Which Believe It Or Not Inevitably Lead To World War Two When Tyrants Weren’t Stopped.
When the Nazis Weren’t Confronted by the Rest of the World Before the Nazis Invaded Poland, the European Powers of France & England Surrendered the Sovereign Country of Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) To The Nazis In September 1938 To Appease The Nazis.
And What Did The World Get For Its Act Of International Appeasement & Cowardice?
In September Of 1939 . . . The Nazis Invaded Poland & World War II was Declared. On November 29, 1947 the United Nations Recognized Israel through Partition as a Sovereign State. On May 15, 1948, One Day After Israel Declared Sovereignty . . . the Armies of 5-Arab Nations Attacked the One-Day-Old State of Israel, with No One Coming to Israel’s Aid, because Israel had Nothing to Offer the World, While In The Context Of Oil & Strategic Positioning . . . The Arabs Did.
By 1949, to the Tremendous Surprise of the World at Large, the Arabs Couldn’t Drive the Jews out of Israel . . . And A Very Uneasy Cease-Fire Took Hold.
As Brave & Patriotic as the Ukrainians are Displaying, the Enemy they are Facing is Incrementally Larger & Far More Powerful than were The 5-Arab Armies Of 1948, which the Israelis were Forced to Face.
And Just Like The Nazis & Czechoslovakia . . . If the West Surrenders the Sovereign State of Ukraine and the Lives of the Brave Ukrainian People for the Pretense of Global Security, it Won’t Stop the Avarice of the Russian Beast, Nor Feed Putin’s Hunger for More than a Delay, Until Putin Sets his Sites on Another Sovereign State to Ravage.
I Realize That This Fight Is Primarily A War That Must Be Fought By The Ukrainians. But It’s Not Just Ukraine’s War.
The More I Think About This . . . The More I Have Come to the Conclusion that While Russia Keeps Turning-Up the Threat Level, It’s More Than Time For The West To Fully Respond To The Russians & Level The Fighting-Field.
If The World Doesn’t Fully Come To The Aid Of Ukraine – We’ve Learned Nothing From History . . . The Holocaust & WWII Be Damned.
It’s Critical To Sanction Russia, Close Airports & Harbors to Russian Traffic. Close Russian Tech Communications, Make International Currencies Totally Unavailable to Russia, Seize all International Russian Assets, Kick Russia off International Forums such as the United Nations Security Council . . . And To Supply The Ukrainian Military & Citizen Patriots With As Much & As Many Deadly Weapons As Possible.
It’s Time For Much More . . . It’s Time For The Entire Free World To Create A Ukrainian No-Fly-Zone.
I Have No Idea what the Russians will do When the West Ratches-Up its Own Redline. But What’s the Difference what the Russians will do . . . Since Putin and the Russians have Already Crossed the Line of No Return?
They Are All War Criminals & Defilers Of Humanity.
Ramping-Up What the Western Free Societies will Actually do Against Russia, Sends a Message to the Russian People Above the Heads of the Russian Government and the Russian Military Commanders . . . It Literally Says – If You Want To Be Free From Putin’s Thumb & The Scourge Of Communism (Fascism) – You’re Not Alone.
Rallying the Entire Free World to Face the Russian Tyrant for the Protection of the Sovereign State of Ukraine Against Putin’s Many Threats & Military Might . . . Has To Make Communist China’s Xi Jinping & His Party Rethink China’s Threat To Attack The Sovereign Nation Of Taiwan.
But I Also Don’t Want The World To Allow Several Sharks To Eat The Guppies – Because Like-It Or Not . . . We’ll Be Next.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
I do agree with you. This cannot be allowed…..we are seeing nazi germany and Hitler all over again!
Sadly…nukes will mean one thing…bend over and kiss your arse goodbye. War is therefore unwinable for any side. The only thing that can prevent it is the Russian people. They and they alone can stop the madness. My humble opinion.
I agree! Ukraine, and the whole free world, particularly NATO, must win at whatever cost, against bully Russia. The win should not only preserve the whole free nation Ukraine, but also get the Crimean peninsula back to it’s rightful owner.
Agreed. The west must take a stand against Russia – for China is watching. I have no confidence in Biden at all but our military leaders must press to stop Russia because as you say, they will go after the next sovereign nation nearby. Putin’s warmongering must be ended. The US needs to get European nations on board, then go after Russian military in Ukraine. A gigantic message is being sent; will we return our own even larger message or succumb to communist dictatorships via Biden?
Maybe we are seeing Nazi germany all over again but with Hitler having the bomb. Maybe not. A no fly zone is an escalation that gives a sicko the excuse to bring everyone else with him. Who knows what putins thinking ? Maybe he does feel threatened. Kind of like the USA did by cuba ? Unfortunately Ukrainians were just given blankets in 2014. Now its to little western aid to late. A very sad consequence . I believe the red line is if he touches an article 5 nation. Then its WW3. No choice.
Minsk accords, water in Crimea stopped for over 2 years. Two eastern provinces in Ukraine are 90% Russian and want to leave. Lame stream news is all propaganda. West want digital I’d so do not look at covid and loss of freedoms. Oops just another distraction. I know conspiracy realist nobody likes to talk about. WEF
Fantastic editorial Howard! EXACTLY when will All Countries Stand Together and fight this EVIL Putin/XI Jinping. No fly zones…close their countries down Buy NO products from Russian/China. “STOP” ALL FREE WORLD COUNTRIES…DO NOT do any business with Russia and China. Alert!! Biden is still buying OIL from Russia. TRUMP MAKE AMERCIA GREAT AGAIN…2022 OR 2024!
All true. Problem everyone waits for the good old USA to respond. Major problem is the USA has no leadership in charge not even a ounce of leadership. Europe can’t seem to make a decision. The powers here in the US is doing all it can to make our own people suffer so they can bring the country to its knees. Just look at the last year with Biden sleeping in Washington. Russia needs to be hit hard by the US , Europe and all the other countries with war as a last resort.
At the end of WWII our Allied Leaders prostituted the Eastern Block countries because they wanted the war over with and were scared of Stalin. Putin lives in the past and the Eastern block people do not want him. They want to be Westernized.
People fail to recognize that evil exists in this world and that it is acted out by fools like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Putin. all disciples of Satan. Israel was GIVEN TO THE JEWS by God to Abram and Issac Abram’s son and at the same time, God changed Abrams name to Abraham and Isac’s to ISRAEL tHIS was done on Mnt. Moriah (the temple mount) while showing them the boundaries of their land. Putin is evil and no less than Stalin or Hitler.
Howard, appreciate the article, but, I have to kindly disagree with you on the no-fly zone. There are other ways that we can bring Russia to its knees without the use of force. Putin is a madman and with the use of nuclear weapons everybody will lose. Russia is a pariah country and I feel for the citizens, but, a no-fly zone will make things worse with nuclear fallout no only for Ukraine, but, world over.
Paul has touched on a much bigger event that means a great change needed to be happening in the entire world. The Jewish people will be playing a major part in that transition. We all need to realize that Satan and his minions are alive and causing great havoc in this world. Much prayer will be needed! Many hearts and minds need to change!
It is all madness. Something wrong with my computer I know that is not almost a hundred words. God Help us . Amen
What I find horrific is the virus of hate and slanted opinion rushing blindly into war. I see no wisdom and knowledge of the history of the peoples involved and a tempered approach relative to the Wests true involvement – I do see much irelavent emotion driving ignorance of facts and the feelings of others – I suggest many of you put away your drums of war and learn the chimes of peace – there are more than even two sides to this conflict and not one if you is able to see beyond your own bias
At the end of WWII, Patton requested that he and the Unit under his command be allowed to keep on going right on in to Moscow. He said we would be fighting them sooner or later. Only after hitting Japan with the nastiest bombs made at that time bring the war to an end did the world really take notice. Now, the difference is Putin has as many Nasty Rockets as we do and I believe he will use them, the whole world losses. No country can afford what can happen in WWIII, and we have FOOLS running US
How many Liberal MPs swore allegiance to wicked Klaus Schwab as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his deputy PM Chrystia Freeland did? Would either Trudeau or Freeland ever have been elected had voters known that plans were afoot to turn Canada over to the two-headed cow known as The Great Reset? These elitists are all in bed together. Putin, Biden, Johnson, Morrison, Obama, Clinton, Bush, I can go on and on with names. Get rid of them.
Do you think Ukraine could use all that military equipment Biden left in Afghanistan?
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