A New Jewish Year . . . Same Old Struggles


To Continue Somewhat With The Editorial I Wrote Yesterday (September 5, 2021), I Support Everyone’s Legitimate Vote . . . Even the Legal Votes of the Dummies who Want Something for Nothing and are Too Stupid to Realize there Really are No Free Rides, even the Free Crap the Politicians Promise for them to Get Votes.

However . . . I Also Fully Support the Reasoned Votes of Men & Women who Will Support Maxime Bernier and his PPC Party. And as I Wrote Yesterday; My Yesterday Editorial Clearly Stated . . . That I Am Not Telling Anyone How To Vote.

The Fact That I Am (Was) Probably Going to Vote For O’Toole Makes Me Cringe . . . But He’s Not Trudeau & That Was Yesterday.

Don Bos Of Thorhild Alberta Said It Best In The Comment Section Yesterday (September 5, 2021), that He would Prefer to Vote for Maxime Bernier’s PPC (People’s Party Of Canada), but Wants Trudeau Gone, Who also Believes that O’Toole Could Win a Minority Election, and then be Voted-Out by Non-Confidence Within Months of his Minority Victory, Giving the Conservatives the Opportunity to Seek a New Far More Conservative Leader.

In The Meantime . . . O’Toole Is Flipping & Flopping Like A Beached Fish On Trudeau’s Gun Control Amongst Other Things.

Have You Ever Heard of Susan McArthur? . . . No? Neither Have I, Yet Susan McArthur is the Conservative Candidate Running in my Ontario Riding of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, which Encompasses Southeastern Ontario from the Provincial line of Quebec to the Outskirts of the City of Ottawa.

WORSE . . . Not Only Does Susan McArthur Not Live In My Riding . . . Susan McArthur Doesn’t Even Live In Ontario!

What an Insult to the People of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, that O’Toole Made an Executive Decision to Parachute a Candidate in from Quebec (Hudson), who Knows Nothing About my Riding WITHOUT the Knowledge or the Approval of the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Riding Association or any of the People McArthur will Represent if she Wins her Seat.

Over Morning Coffee, Anne & I Debate who we Will Vote-For in this Coming September 20 Federal Election, which we More or Less Decided was Going to O’Toole’s Conservatives . . . But Now – With the Revelation that O’Toole will Revoke Gun Ownership Rights & Decided for me Who I Will Have To Vote For, Not Even From My Own Riding Or Province . . . Bernier Is Once Again Looking Good In My Riding Of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell . . . With PPC Candidate Brennan Austring.

Let Me Make This Clear . . . I Am All But Certain That the People’s Party Of Canada Brennan Austring Won’t Win. But at Least I Won’t be Voting for Someone to Take Away my Guns (O’Toole), my Freedoms & Foist a Candidate Upon me Without the People’s Consent & Consideration.


But Neither Can A Free Canada Survive The Draconian Party Politics Of O’Toole’s Conservatives.


There Will Be No Editorial Tomorrow As Anne, Tavor & I Will Enjoy & Observe The Holiday Of The Jewish New Year.

Anne & I will be Visiting the Baron de Hirsch Cemetery in Montreal Today, to Pay Our Respects to Those We Love & Loved, and to Whom we Owe so Much.

While It Is So Important For Jews Worldwide To Celebrate A Religion Without Pause For Almost 6-Millennia . . . It’s even More Important for me to Understand Who we (Jews) are as a People, Who’ve Created so Much Good & Have Sacrificed Even More, which I’m Trying to Illustrate in a Book I’m Writing from a Personal Perspective that Encompasses Much More than Just My Personal Experiences.

I Don’t Know If I Will Ever Publish It . . . But It Is A Cathartic Exercise For Me.

In Ten Days From Now . . . Jews Worldwide will Also be Commemorating YOM KIPPUR, The Day Of Atonement, The Holiest Day of the Year for Jews, when Every Jew is Called-Upon to Fess-Up, Ponder & Purge Himself or Herself from all the Transgressions He or She Made in the Last Year, Begging God For Forgiveness.

Even If You Feel – As A Jew . . . That you Haven’t Transgressed Against your Fellow Human Beings, Nature & God – Once A Year . . . It Is Good For Your Psyche & Soul to Reflect & Ponder How we Lived the Last 12-Months Of Our Lives & How We Might Want To Live The Next 12-Months Of Our Lives.

It is Also Good that we as a People Come Together to Reflect Upon the Trials & Tribulations Against Us, by all Those who Meant Us Harm for Thousands of years & Still Mean Us Harm Today.

And During These Horrible Socio/Political Trials & Tribulations Throughout The World . . . It is Perhaps the Best Time for all of Mankind (Jew Or Not) to Reflect Upon our Critical Decisions that will Lead us to Either Hope & Prosperity or Down the Road to Perdition.

Am Yisroel Chai (Israel Lives) . . . A Sweet New Year To All – And Shana Tova (Have A Good Year).

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

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  1. And a Shana Tova to you & Anne. May the coming year bring you both health and, God willing, a few good surprises.

  2. Pierre Poilievre would be the perfect leader of the conservatives. Twice he started running and twice he removed himself mid-campaign stating family reason. BS !!!! He is too Conservative for the red tory administration and I would like to know what kind of blackmailing was done to Pierre for removing himself twice from the campaign. The conservatives don’t need just a new leader but also a new administration that is conservative and not red tory or cino, conservative in name only !!!!

  3. May the blessings of God follow you and Annie through out the coming years. I pray that Canada will elect a real conservative for a needed change.

  4. Howard. I share your Canadian voter consternation, There is NO conservative party for me to vote for today. The Canada you and I grew up in is “no more”, and will not be coming back! In Kingston, Ontario, the Conservative candidate, a city councilor, voted to remove the statue of Sir John A. MacDonald; I should vote for this man? NOT! Nor for his feckless leader. Do I just vote for the so-called conservatives I do not want? Perhaps…Could they be as bad as Trudeau? Healthy & Happy New Year. AEN

  5. My riding is a forever liberal riding. The forever incumbent is a political eunuch. My vote won’t count. I’m inclined to spoil my ballot as a protest. But Bernier needs encouragement so I’m voting for him and will shoot my mouth off as I go to the polls. Hey, Maxime had a girlfriend from the motorcycle crowd. You gotta like that. I do I think.

  6. May you be blessed in the coming years, you write with so much insight. If Canada goes for the politics of NO GUNS for you and me, the US will try to follow suite, they are trying to ban so much now. Our Government is slowly but surly making ammo more difficult to obtain, certain weapons are banned. I Believe it was Hirihito who said the reason Japan did not invade main land USA in the 40’s was that there were civilians that were armed up and down the entire West Coast, armed as an Military Unit

  7. Shana Tova Umetukah. Wishing you a sweet, happy and healthy New Year. May your home be filled with joy and happiness. Happy Rosh Hashanah.

  8. Wishing you, Anne, & Tavor a Happy New Year that is filled with happiness for all of you in your beautiful Canada. May all wonderful things happen to your country. Many prayers for all.

  9. Happy New Year! I will vote for the “stud” of Irish heritage (O’Toole). He promised to move the Canadian Embassy to Jerusalem. Justin would never do this, ever. Let’s see if he has the cojones!

  10. Wishing you, Anne and yours, the best and sweetest New Year Wishes and May your Yom Kippur Fast be painless. YOU’RE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!!

  11. WE are living in evil times. Yes, there have been great wars, nation against nation in the past, but somehow this seems darker. Like a world wide civil war of internal strife afflicting every nation with even a smattering of Western Judaeo/Christian culture, a curse of the earth, . It’s like an upheaval of the ocean of humanity being tossed to and fro. Which will prevail, like Esau and Jacob fighting for the birth-right in the womb? I hope Jacob.

  12. Howard happy New Year to you and Ann and may you have many more of them from Debbie and me. Am Yisroel Chai

  13. Dear Annie and Howard, Shana Tovah 5782! Best year ever….Kol Y’israel havarem! Hope our northern neighbors make a sensible choice…Look who we chose! Lot’s of buyers Regrets! For all Mankind! A year of Peace and Prosperity! Harrie & Neil Gold, Upstate New York, USA

  14. Shana Tova, Howard. May you and your loved ones be blessed for a sweet, prosperous and heathy year.

  15. Wishing you, Anne & Tavor a very Healthy, Happy & Wealthy New Year. It doesn’t cost any more to WISH for all three. Also, Good Luck in your Canadian Election! You need a NEW LEADER just like we do. God and Prayers are our only HOPE! By the way, when you have a chance, could/would you put a new online photo of Tavor so that we can see how much he’s grown! AMEN!

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