Part Three – If Not Me? Who?

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  1. Great Podcast. My wife is a Franco-Ontarian and we both agree that Quebec is racist with regard to the French language etc., and what is more they look down upon French folks who are not from Quebec.

  2. Great story. Kudos to you for your bravery and persistence. Since I wholly suport your cause, you can expect a cheque in the mail.

  3. HG, Loved the trilogy of your podcasts!! They were better than a good movie because they weren’t scripted. Being born and raised in MTL, I was able to relate. I moved to Toronto in ’69, so I missed your presence. I moved because I concluded Quebec was becoming a fascist society and as a newlywed, I did not want to bring children into that world. I am so happy I made the move!

  4. Great revelation, Howard. In the early 70’s I and my family pulled into a motel near Quebec City and asked, in English, for a room. The woman at the desk told me they were full, (understood through my high school French, since I was born and educated in Ontario), In the background from her quarters, was a news broadcast in English! I told her in the universal language of graphics, how I felt about her deception, and proceeded through her empty parking lot to more friendly accommodation!

  5. I loved hearing your story, the people who came to hear you was marvelous. The truck you were loaned to jump up and talk to the crowd of folks then you and Anne got to ride in town on beautiful horses. Yes I am for hearing your stories. Thank you and as always you both take care of each other, God be with you and puppy along with your horses. My best to you both :))

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