March 13, 2020

Don't Panic - The Media Is Doing Enough To Scare The Crap Out Of Us.
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  1. Bang on! Is everyone going into quarantine for the next month? Are we shutting down our economy for a month! Do you still have daily needs that you need to buy using CASH? Guess what! Your CASH may be infected. So use a Credit Card! Guess what? The Terminal you swipe, insert the card or enter a P.I.N may be infected! The Markets have crashed already! What will happen if we all stop working / consuming for a month? Guaranteed Recession with a possibility of a Depression! This is B.S.

  2. I agree with you.The hysterics need to stop. You are more likely to die from the flu than from this virus. The media are whipping this into a frenzy unlike President Trump who has the very best medical and scientific professionals advising him and based on their advise purposely avoided creating panic in his recent address to the nation. Nancy Pelosi, however, should shut her mouth and stop spreading lies by misquoting what the CDC has said in her attempt to create panic.

  3. It is amazing to me what the MSM Media & the Politicians are doing with this whole business of the Corona Virus!!! In my state of Georgia, we can’t get any Toilet Paper???!!! Please, explain why Toilet Paper is vital to fighting the Corona Virus???!!! I don’t even understand why so much of the grocery shelves are empty, either. This is NOT the end of the World, but the Sheeple obviously think it is. Stupid is as stupid does!!!

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