I Don’t Want To Write About This Anymore Because It’s Only Going To Get Worse.
Like Most Canadians Today . . . We Want Trudeau Gone. We Conservative Canadians also Want Canada to be Done with the One World Government, the United Nations, the WEF, the Paris Accord and all the Other Communist Crap the Liberals in Canada Have Been Feeding to Ignorant Canadians.
We Want Responsible Media Representation. We Want Schools that will Teach Accurate History, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic & Civics.
We Want This DEI Crap To Vanish. We Want Boys to be Boys, Girls to be Girls & Never the Twain Shall Meet.
We Want A Meritocracy That Rewards Excellence, and we Want a Return to Moral Values . . . But We Can’t get any of that as Long as the Liberals are in Power in Canada . . . Which Will Change Soon-Enough.
And We Want Canada To Stand On Its Own Two Feet.
Our Own Canadian Politicians Couldn’t Unify Us . . . But Trump Certainly Is – But Not In A Good Way.
Yesterday, At A Toronto Raptors Game (Basketball) In Toronto, Thousands of Canadian Fans Loudly & Vociferously Booed the American Anthem, Just as they Did the Night Before in Ottawa and in Calgary at NHL Games – This Is Not Good & Has To Stop.
But Instead Of Stopping, I Fear It Is Only Going To Get Worse, Until we Reach a Point Where Best Friends (Canada & America) for Two Hundred Years, Might Develop An Antipathy For Each Other That Won’t Be So Easy To Reconcile.
I Watched Congresswoman Nancy Mace Interviewed Yesterday On Fox News, as she Said with Strong Conviction How Canada has Got to Stop Ripping-Off America & Control Canada’s Border from the Illegal Smuggling of Immigrants & Fentanyl Into America.
I Wondered . . . How Ignorant & Ill Informed Do You Have To Be, To Be A Member Of Congress?
Before Shooting Your Mouth-Off, the Least a Person in Authority Can Do is Know the Facts. According To Forbes & Others, About 1% of the Total Amount of Fentanyl being Smuggled into the United States of America comes Through Canada.
But Almost An Equal Amount Of Fentanyl Is Smuggled Into Canada From America.
In the Same Forbes Article . . . The Number of Illegal Immigrants Crossing into the United States from Canada is at About 1.5%. But No-One is Speaking About the Hundreds of Thousands of Illegals that Have Entered Canada through the United States of America.
As I Am Writing This Editorial . . . We Checked the Monetary Conversion Rate as it Currently Stands. For Canadians like Anne & Myself to Convert One Canadian Dollar into a US Dollar, Including Transaction Fees Etc, We Have To Pay The Equivalent Of $1.51 Canadian For Every US Dollar.
Most Canadians Cannot Afford To Travel To America. Canadians who Own Condos in America are Selling, Specifically in Markets like Florida & Arizona. When Anne & I Go Grocery Shopping in Myrtle Beach (America), We Pay One & A Half Times More For The Same Products As Americans.
It Won’t Be Long Before America Becomes Totally Unaffordable To Canadians.
Isn’t that What the American Media and the Conservative People of America were all Railing Against for the Last 10-Years . . . FAKE NEWS.
Have we Just Moved from the Lunacy of the Democrats & the Propagandized LEFTIST Media to the Madness of an Ill-Informed Jingoistic Conservative Media?
Tell Me – Even If I Don’t Want To Hear-It . . . As Long As It Is The Truth.
On The Fox Sunday Evening Big Weekend Show (6pm) . . . Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Who I Used To Like, Said (And I Paraphrase) – If Canada Doesn’t Stop the Smuggling of Fentanyl & Immigrants into America – It‘s Because Canada Wants To Have Fentanyl & Illegal Immigrants Smuggled Into America From Canada.
What An Incredibly Moronic & Insulting Thing For Chaffetz To Accuse Canada-Of.
As One of the Panelists Also Said, which also Could Have been Chaffetz . . . Canada Has To Control Its Borders.
What The Hell Was He Talking About?
It is No More the Job of Canada to Control the American Border, than it is for You or Me to Control the Front Door to our Neighbor’s House. It Is America’s Job To Control America’s Border.
Do these People Really Think that Canada Wants to Smother America with Deadly Drugs & Illegal Immigrants? . . . If So – What Does That Say In General About What The Government & Conservative Americans Think Of Canadians?
It Is As If I Went To Sleep Normally & Woke The Following Morning In The Twilight Zone.
Yesterday . . . Anne & I Took The Dogs To The Dog Park For A Run, Play & Exercise, Where We Met with People We’ve Become Friendly-With over the Winter, who Knew that we are Canadians. And as the Dogs Ran & Played, the Only Thing these New-Found American Friends Wanted to Talk About was Canada and the Tariffs.
It’s Remarkable How Little Most Americans Know About Canada – It’s Actually Sad.
They Asked Questions & Couldn’t Believe The Answers About Canada.
As We Spoke . . . To a Person, these Casual American Friends Couldn’t Believe that Trump Did this to Canada, and Actually Apologized to us for the Pain & Anguish Caused, Which Made Anne & Myself Feel Somewhat Less Disappointed.
Trump Claims That America Subsidizes Canada To The Tune Of $200-Billion Dollars Per Year. When the Trump Subsidy Rhetoric Began, it was $100-Billion Dollars Per Year, and Now it’s $200-Billion . . . Before Long It Might Be $1-Trillion.
I Have Searched The Internet To Find American Subsidies To Canada & Found Nothing.
Canada is a Wonderful Country and the Best Friend & Neighbor America Could Have. We are a Thoughtful, Compassionate, Loyal People who Need a Rudder-Change back to More Conservatism . . . But That’s On Canada & Is In The Works Through Our Coming Federal Election.
What Canada Does Not Need, is to be Bullied & Beaten-Up by our Best Friend, Because Donald Trump Thinks Canada Should Be America’s 51st State.
Like Most Canadians . . . I’m Hurt & Disappointed – But Undeterred In What I Write, Say & Do.
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
I am a Trump fan. I think he is just pushing Canada to act as we should have been acting for the last 9 years. He wants us to be a great country and if we can’t do that – even with his pushing, then we deserve to be his 51st state. Hopefully we will have enough sense to elect Poilievre. If not, then being Trump’s 31st state is a good option.
I am very happy the way Trump is handling all the foreign countries and with tariffs. However, I do not agree with his policies toward Canada. Canada has been a good friend to us and will even be better when Trudeau and his ilk are out of the picture. Sometimes I think Trump says things just to get a dialog going with leaders in other countries. Sometimes that’s what it takes. I truly hope that is what is happening here. God Bless Canada!
Howard: First of all I love you, and what you write. You are truly a blessing to Canada and the United States. Trump negotiates from the top down. He does not think there is ANY possibility of making Canada the 51st state. He respects the Canadians that made Canada great, unfortunately Canada’s immigration policies have put the true Canadians in the minority. His tariffs are an attention getter to resolve other issues. Be patient and let’s see what he really wants. God Bless all Canadians!!!
Listen to several business channels this a.m. which included business and economic people. All said the same thing about the tariffs – a dumb move.
Canadians and Americans have been, and always will be, close friends….and, our President Trump knows this !!
Howard, I totally agree with William Peterson, Goodland, Kansas. I couldn’t have said it better. I hope that Pres. Trump will reconsider his stand on Canada. I have been able to understand Canada because of what you have written. Thank you.
Most Americans love Canadians. I would not be here if that was not the case. However, here is some information you might look into. It is paltry, but money paid to Canada for some reason, probably liberal BS. I did hear that Canadian troopers near Vermont complained about their inability to patrol the border due to a lack of tires for their ATVs. True? Easy fix, they are available and cost very little. 911 terrorists came here via Canada. Not good.
Hi Howard–as usual, good piece of writing: Contrary to media and Trudeau publicity–Canada is home to some “super” fentanyl labs– and this drug is smuggled into the USA–i will let you use your imagination as to how it is smuggled into the USA—it takes very little of this drug to kill thousands of people–it is the #1 killer of young men in North America- Curiously–Trudeau has not said what he intends to do with the money taken from our pockets on the tariffs he will impose on US goods-
Great write up Howard. I am hopeful that Trump is pushing us to the brink to get the best deal for the U.S. that he can. Only Trump knows for certain what deal is good enough for him to accept. Dave Gallo Ancaster Ontario.
You mention Canadians booing the US Anthem at sports events. At pro games IN Canada – I doubt Americans care. It’s peaceful. / Mexico may be stepping up – and tariffs have been paused 30 days. / I heard ages ago illegals are fleeing to Canada to avoid capture here. Canada has always been the “flee-to” locale for people in America. / Yes, we do expect Canada to stop illegals & drugs from crossing into the US. / Can you do a Recall on Trudeau? It’s being done here in Calif.
Howard, as you know, I’ve always supported Donald Trump. Right now, as a Canadian, I feel betrayed by him… but I could never “boo” the American National Anthem. I still love the United States. Yes, and the American people are like Family to me. VP James Vance threw Canadians a monkey wrench when he said: “Spare me the sob story about how Canada is our best friend.” / What the hell is going on?
If Mr. Trump can pause the tariffs long enough and end up dealing with Pierre Pollievre , North America will become a super continent. No joke. He is for things like reconstructing our military. What kind of equipment will we get ? Hopefully the best , that’s American made. Imagine the combined fuel reserves of Canada and the USA ? There would be so many advantages of combining our strengths. Yes a true superpower continent. As for fox ,alot of them are still auditioning for a cabinet post !
I would rather join the USA then have Kebec, the metis – french bigots – greedy commie fascists’ continue to control, $$$, destroy the country’s any day of the week. Lower taxes, cheaper homes, more freedom, more guns…..win win….. Canada is done, and PP will do nothing to change that. We are toast….decades of brainwashing, lies, propaganda….they, Kebec, the metis – french bigots run it all….$$$$. 51st state, please Trump, take us, take us…..the sooner the better.
I look at Canada like a brother. Good people like in America. He does not like the BS Tradeau is pushing and I am hopeful he will negotiate and work out a deal that will work for both of our countries. He has made a deal with Mexico already to stop the flow of illegals and drugs across the border. It is a 30 day trial and negotiating ongoing.
To Anthony S…. Be careful what you wish for..
I understand your dismay. I agree with DZ & WP. It seems, as w/a great number of Americans re USA, that some Canadians refuse to acknowledge that the liberal admin of CN is the source of their pain. There is enough wild in CN that there r probably super labs producing dangerous fentanyl. It is the responsibility of BOTH countries to control the border. As long as owg controls CN, CN will not be America’s best friend. Sadly, CN owg wants to destroy both countries. A lack of knowledge destroys.
Greetings: I hear what you’re saying Howard, BUT you make like Canadians have to pay with Canadian dollars and thereby can’t afford to travel or visit USA. REMEMBER THIS: VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING YOU PURCHASE IN AMERICA WHILE VISITING IS CHEAPER THAN IN CANADA, including all foods, restaurants, SALES TAX, GAS, utilities, cars, car rental, air fare, etc. Last time I visited Canada, I paid a SMALL FORTUNE to eat at restaurants, grocery shop or fill up! WHOSE FAULT IS THE WEAK CDN DOLLAR? NOT AMERI
I think it does no service for anyone and is an egotistical move by Cdn leaders to implement the same tariffs as in the US. Fighting tit for tat against the world’s largest economy and our largest trading partner is stupid. This will only create 4 yrs of misery and tensions. In business I’ve learned it could all be avoided or reduced with negotiations and certain appeasements. It is the nature of politics, economies and business that these things happen. How we deal with it is what makes us
Pres Trump says illegal immigration, drug trafficking and the fentanyl crisis are the reasons for the tariffs. Trudeau legalized fentanyl and heroin in Dec plus all of ingredients needed to manufacture fentanyl in Canada are legal to import. (cbc news fentanyl produced). And it is being sent into the USA. President Trump agreed to pause the tariffs with Mexico for a one month period for more negotiations. He is supposed to talk with Trudeau re the tariffs later today. I hope Trudeau smartens up
If my neighbour’s dog is digging under our common fence to mess in my yard, and my cat is climbing the fence to antagonize his dog, the answer is not for me to get more cats and him to get more dogs. Sensible people would negotiate a fair solution. Our Idiot King has no such capability. Trump knows “The Art of the Deal” — our leaders would benefit from reading his book before making childish reactions that will escalate the situation and hurt us all. Work with the man to fix it together.
Trump is just inaugurated and Mexico get another month and may be more than that. DJT can change his mind. Canada should let it settle down before to retaliate and if nothing works we can become again a complete independent country as we were before 1984 when we had a good economy.It will be a major adjustment now but will do very well.
Thanks to: Sherry Phipps—-Texas Illegal immigration, drug trafficking and the fentanyl crisis are the reasons for the tariffs. CBC – Criminal networks are shifting from fentanyl imports to … Aug 6, 2024 — Organized crime groups have shifted their efforts away from importing the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl and are now producing it primarily on Canadian soil.
Trudeau and his Liberal pals & that includes Doug Ford, are using this as a tool to supposedly shore up their political standing. Trudeau thinks this makes him look tough. If he truly loves Canada, he would be negotiating with Trump. Mexico made a deal yesterday, because their President wants what’s best for Mexico. If Poilievre was PM, this wouldn’t be happening. Trump can’t stand Trudeau & his globalist cabal.
“Be patient and know that I am your GOD”–and HE has a plan! GOD is the ultimate dealmaker, just watch and don’t fret the details.
And who is DOUG FORD speaking about and to whom? And who is the Brit, MARK CARNEY, who plans to be the next Canadian PM? The protege of Klaus Schwab. And where is Poilievre? Patricia McCoy Carpin Palm Beach Gardens FL
As a dual citizen who knows the Quebec/NY/VT borders well, I am wondering as all this talk is going on if the constant flow of immigrants walking into Canada not far from Plattsburgh has been halted. Rebel Media did a good job of covering this. Canadians should insist that this stop ASAP. We are running out of free iphone 14 Pro models to give them in their welcome goody bags as we help them carry their luggage across the little stream in the summer. As for tariffs, I predict a last min pause.
Get rid of true ASAP….. elect a conservative government that will sit down and discuss all this an get it done…. Verbal exists because of liberals…
William Petersen’s remarks, above, are 100% spot-on. Trump is a negotiator. I do NOT understand why he picking on Canada —- it is not logical!!!
Trade imbalance? Stop buying CDN oil at $15 below world markets. Illegals crossing into the US? Your border: fix it. How about illegals entering Canada from US? Our job to fix. Fentanyl and drugs? Moves both ways, but more from US. How about stopping illegal guns shipped into Canada? US can’t be bothered. Love our minerals, eyes on our water, want our cheap energy? Now on the table. I thought Trump was smarter; now power going to his head.
I TRUST TRUMP. His style of leadership is to make sure the “leadership” of countries who have not done a good job—like the present weenie, Trudeau- agree to reasonable and fair demands being met. Until Canadians are able to vote out this socialist, communist loving Trudeau, Trump has to be a strong leader for American. I just read that Trudeau is promising to put 1.2 billion toward border problems. Don’t give up on Trump. It will be better soon.
Trudeau and his corrupt prep school buddies were dumb enough to take in 5000 Hamas unvetted radicalized folks, when no country wants them so it follows that they are turning a blind eye to security. Our borders are porous. TD bank was fined 3 Billion for money laundering. China has the fentanyl traffic going through Vancouver, and our politicians are in denial and behaving like infants. You do this to me, so I will do it back to you, very ingenious. Meanwhile it is not safe for Jews in Canada
Trudeau is toast!! Trump is looking for a Federal Gov’t to take charge of the Foreign Interference that is in our three levels of gov’t! To Change the classification of our (once illegal drugs) that are handed out free to anyone to kill our CND population! To STOP Terrorist coming to Canada! Canada is infested with Terrorist that want to harm America! Until Canada decides to grow up & take Charge of it Gov’t an Mandate A NATIONAL SECURITY to rid our Canada of terrorism! TAKE BACK OUR CANADA!
Howard, I’m sad to say that I agree with you. I wish I wasn’t in that position as a proud American so also loves Canada. I think Pierre Polievre, Canada’s next PM should take a position that Trump took , facing a “non existing Chief of State. He should step in and meet with Trump and let him know that he is prepared to take over, not to sell out Canada, and firmly let him know that he shares many of the same policies that Trump has.These two patriots can strengthen their ties. DO IT NOW.
Agree with all your thoughts 👍🏻 Tarrifs will divide Canadians and Americans, Families and friends just like the covid hoax did and that is still ongoing. Doesn’t Trump know he gets Canadian Hydro at a lower price than Canadians and that’s Canada subsidising America. Likewise he gets our oil at lower price than on international market, another subsidy. Problem is he isn’t very good at math and understanding who has the real deficit.
When Trump first started in 17 all positions were dem and he tried to fix things but sabatoghed by all around him. Guess who is in positions of power and are unelected and trying to get rid of him. When all around are appointed by democrats and all info to the top are lies and top is overwhelmed with fake news from foreign corrupt countries bad things can and will happen. Canada and USA need some honest government but hard to find honesty in corrupt system. Let’s hope for the best in future.
I am of a different mind set, as long as there is a demand for Illegal Drugs in the US there will always be folks making money on it. If we cut off the USERS , as both countries seem to feel sorry for, execute the Dealers/Makers quickly we could possibly get control of this mess. I worked with many Canadians over the years, mostly good folks. I think having even money system would be great, but Rich Libs control that. The Gun Controls in CN is crazy, the criminal element still has them
The US has been the protector of Canada since I was a kid and believe me that is years and years! As long as we have a Communist running Canada, we will remain the under-dog. Get him out – NOW!!! He still can do alot of damage if left in power until the next planned election. Look @ all the illegals he’s welcomed into Canada @ the northern border. Shut that Border and stop financing the illegals w/ taxpayer $$$$$$!!! The exchange rate on our Canadian $$ is atrocious! It’s killing me.
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