I Generally Do Not Respond Publicly To Comments & Private Emails – But In This Case . . .
All the People who Agreed & Disagreed with my Monday Editorial (December 10, 2024) Were Right & Wrong. I Never Said that Canadian Healthcare was Ideal, What I Wrote was . . . To Be Absolutely Clear . . . “There Are Many Problems With Canada’s Healthcare System That Needs Fixing, But Not The Principle Of It”.
It Is True That Many People In Canada Are Deprived Of Having A Family Doctor. But that is Because Our Universities are Not Turning-Out Enough Doctors and we in Canada are Not Licensing Enough Foreign Doctors Fast Enough, Who Are More Than Qualified To Practice.
One Commentator Mentioned That American Healthcare Is Far More Advanced Than Canadian Healthcare, which is Patently False – Major Canadian City Hospitals are Just as Modern, Well Equipped and Capable as any Major Hospital Worldwide. And Our Doctors Are Just As Good.
The Canadian System Needs To Have a Blend Between Private & Public Care, but Not to the Point that Private Care should Shove Public Care to the Side, Like The American For-Profit System Does.
By The Way . . . Canada Does Have Pseudo Private Healthcare, since Canadian Family Doctors are Responsible for their Own Operations . . . Rent, Light, Heat Electricity, Insurance, Equipment, Staff – Etc.
The Major Difference . . . is that Canadian Doctors Invoice the Government for Services Rendered Instead of Charging the Patient . . . and are Paid a Published Fee by the Government for Each Procedure. And In Case You’re Wondering – Our Canadian Doctors Are Paid Very Well.
Our Canadian Doctors are Not Necessarily Millionaires (Some Are) like America Doctors, but I Assure you . . . They Do Not Go Cap-In-Hand.
I Am An Unabashed Supporter Of A Capitalist Society . . . But Oligarchy Is Not Capitalism.
In 1890, President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt Spearheaded the Passage of The Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Breaking Apart the Wealthiest Industrialists the World at that Time Had Ever Known, because Oligarchs Destroyed Competition, Which Effectively Destroyed Capitalism, and Suffocated the Growth of Progress and the Opportunity to Fairly & Freely Compete.
After Doing Some Research On The Issue, Which Wasn’t Complicated To Do . . . It Seems to Me, that the Entire Healthcare Industry in America, from the Universities Beyond, Has Become a System where the Healthcare Industry, which Includes Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors, Nurses & Pharmaceuticals are Managed & Controlled by a Very Limited Number of Corporations (People), Camouflaged under an Extremely Interconnected Number of Special Interests Including, Risk Capital Firms, Wall Street & Big Banks.
In The Canadian System . . . Our Problem Is Much Simpler – Amongst Other Lesser Issues – The Governments that Manage the System are Simply Top-Heavy & Incompetent, which is Why I Wrote that the Canadian System is Reparable . . . Where I Think The American System Is Far More Challenging.
Whether The Canadian System Can Or Will Be Fixed Is A Different Issue.
I Have A Large Number Of Friends & Relatives In The United States Of America, some with Plenty of Money, and Some who are Just Getting-By, all of Whom Have Plenty of Stories to Tell About the Cost of Healthcare in America – Which Is Partly Why I Wrote Yesterday’s Editorial.
There are of Course Other Reasons for the Cost of Runaway American Healthcare, which Includes Insane Litigation, Ridiculously Priced Pharma & Private Individuals who Game the System.
Either Way, a System like the American System that is Run Helter-Skelter by a Cabal of Mega Billion Dollar Corporations, Many of which are Controlled by Global Interests, Makes Canada’s “Dinky” Healthcare System Look Pretty-Good By Comparison.
PS – I’m Not Asking You To Agree With Me . . . It’s Just My Opinion.
Imagine Going To Your Spouse (Husband Or Wife) Asking To Be Pardoned For Sleeping Around Before You Ever Do? No Question Whatsoever in my Mind What Anne would Say to Me, And It Wouldn’t Be . . . Have A Good Time & Let Me Know How It Turns-Out.
I Am Not A Lawyer – Nor Am I A Constitutionalist – But I Can’t See How That Could Be Legal.
Is It For A Pre-Admission Of Guilt? If-So . . . They Should Be Compelled To Say-So.
And if they were to Admit to Having Done the Things Trump & Others Have Accused them of Doing – Namely Through Fascist Lawfare . . . that was Waged Against Political Opponents of Democrats . . . Wouldn’t That Open The Sluice Gates For Trump To Go Carte Blanche Into Gutting America’s Judiciary?
Just The Thought Of Handing-Out Pre-Pardons . . . Is in itself a Massive Admission of the Presumption of Guilt. And if these Bad Actors who are Presumed to be Guilty of Violating the Constitution, such as the Higher-Ups in the Justice Department, Senate, House Committees, Especially The January 6 Committee – Then Own-Up To-It & Make Your Case.
I Would Imagine that People like Fauci, should be Chomping at the Bit to Prove his Case, Same as Liz Cheney, Alejandro Mayorkas, Christopher Wray and an Army of Others, who also Have Been Accused of Violating their Oath of Office Leading to the Abuse of American Citizens for Political & Other Egregious Purposes.
You Know The Old Story – If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix-It – So What Is Biden Trying To Fix?
Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov
According to some statistics, I saw several years ago, 52% of doctors, graduating in Canada, leave the country. You may see them in Thailand and Malaysia, and some others countries. I have a lot of friends in Canada and they told me that many small towns in Canada have monthly lotteries with main prize an access to a family doctor. I am professing this to be true, never researched it independently.
I Don’t Know If That Is True – But I Do Know That A Great Many Young Doctors Do Leave Canada With Most Of Them Heading To The USA – HG:
My opinion? Enough about / insurance. It’s an expansive convoluted subject. Deal with it as you each wish. / I can’t fathom what caused this 26-yr-old to snap. SO angry, SO taut, he snapped – and murdered.His life in front of him is gone. / And in my home state of NJ, we have SUV-sized drones flying at will. I don’r believe authorities don’t know whose they are. They aren’t hobbyist drones. /
Our government is like the Mafia, they take care of their own and be damned with the rest of us. Our prisons are full of Hunter Biden types that have did much less crime. It is plan BS that a President is able to pardon anyone, especially family. Giving preemptive pardons to folks that have lied to us, cheated us, and committed acts that caused others to go to prison with evidence not shared should not receive pardons.
I suspect more Biden pardons are on the horizon before Jan 20th. We shall see. But the pardon for Hunter is all about emotion & deeply personal, not to mention self-preservation assuming Biden’s part in the Ukraine dealings. Is it due to that connection that Biden has sent $$$$Billions to Ukraine for their so-called war effort (all without accountability). How much has gone in Zelensky’s or other individual’s pockets? I dare say plenty. Glad Congress stopped his last attempt to send more.
USA doesn’t have health care we should call it sick care.The first thing they tell you to do is go to a specialist who doesn’t care how you got sick he has a drug to treat the symtoms.We spend more on “healthcare” than any country but we are 45th in life expectancy and dropping.There is a reason you see wall to wall pharma adds,thats how they have captured the networks and pretty much the whole congress.Then you have big ag you can farm as much land as you want just plant spray and harvest.
The medical comparison in US and Canada is best considered by outcomes. In which country do patients receive the best and timely results? The USA. You and I are of the same age Howard. I have lost several friends because they have not been disgnosed and surgically treated in a timely manner. It’s the wait times for each that makes the difference for a good or bad outcome.A Canadian born MD friend in a small Alabama town told me his town has as many MRI and CAT units as Toronto + prompt surgery
Blame Rene Levesque (1976-85) for the shortage of MDs in Que. While I was in medical school at McGill (1976-80), he started redirecting funds away from McGill to the French side. The McGill teaching hospitals compensated by bringing in Saudi Arabian residents whose gov’t funded them, thus diminishing the number of training slots for well-deserving medical school graduates in McGill’s Montreal teaching hospitals. The administrators also welcomed the separate “research grants” for training the
Howard we in Canada pay more for anything we buy then Americans do Why because of over paying for a health care system that does not work. I am sure that a private system with Insurance ( although expensive ) would be better than our broken down system. That is why people with money or in high Government jobs go to the U.S.A. for their health care and not to Canada. Bring the U.S. system to Canada.
Well let’s talk some more about Canada Healthcare. The only things covered have to do with Doctors, Nurses, & Hospital Care. A very slow, death causing system. Compare it to the rest of care not paid by government. Dentist, Eye, Chiropractor, Physio, all Private. Fast, efficient, and competitive! Let’s be honest. In Canada our pets get timely, efficient, , excellent health care. If we didn’t treat our pets we would be charged with neglect. But many waiting list people are just left to
If you think that just the health care system is bad, try being in constant pain in the USA where you are continually treated like a drug seeker, or if you have broken bones, major surgery, or a chronic pain syndrome and/or are in pain! Of course, medical professionals will get their relief, but the much-needed pain sufferers are treated worse than criminals and left to suffer excruciating pain daily! Like Canada, animals are treated more humanely! My only hope is that Karma is true!
The healthcare system in the U.S. is broken. There is too much pushing of drugs (“Here, take a pill for that.”) instead of encouraging healthy lifestyles by good nutrition and exercise. I think 90% of TV ads are for pharmaceuticals. As far as Biden pre-emptively pardoning people. Did you see where Bill Clinton today suggested that Biden should pardon Hillary, and he then commented immediately afterward that she didn’t do anything wrong. Too funny. Most of us would love to see Hillary in pris
Of course our healthcare system is “broken” for want of a better word. When a respected person writes the truth, we feel vindicated. “Either Way, a System like the American System that is Run Helter-Skelter by a Cabal of Mega Billion Dollar Corporations, Many of which are Controlled by Global Interests, Makes Canada’s “Dinky” Healthcare System Look Pretty-Good By Comparison.” Bingo! Nail hit on its head. Pre-pardons? Really? Can biden be any worse a leader? Apparently, yes.
I would hope all established Canadian doctors become millionaires. Perhaps in Canada a million goes farther in retirement than it does in the USA. As a retired person in the USA and on Medicare and supplements I never see what medical bills are. I never see an accounting. All i ever get is a statement of what i owe. That is not good!
USA Health care is a total disaster….Canadian Health care is over inflated Administration Federally & Provincially needs to be CUT…more money should be spent on diagnostic equipment in hospitals. You need Tech’s to run the equipment another stumbling block. Better Grants for students coming into Teaching Hospitals & Universities would be needed. If you pay a decent wage the Nurses & Techs tend to stay. Tests for Dr’s & nurses from other countries done immediately…get them in the sytem.
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